Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 334 The Emperor of Heliang City Earth, the flood rushed to the Dragon King Temple?

Chapter 334 The Emperor of Heliang City Earth, the flood rushed to the Dragon King Temple?
"It can't reach the seventh-class terrain yet. There is only water from mountains and streams here, and the soil of purple soil. The water accumulation and soil accumulation are a little bit worse. It can only be the eighth-class terrain."

Xin Yu shook her head lightly.

"Huh? Kowloon City seems to only have water from mountains and streams, right? As for the soil, it's black soil, which is indeed much more fertile."

"No, besides the water from the mountains and streams, Kowloon City also has quite a lot of underground rivers, which are much more filled with aura. Let's go, we're entering the city."

Xin Yu started to go back down the mountain.

"Oh...the underground river, I didn't notice..."

Fang Ce nodded, he knew that Xin Yu possessed the ability of true knowledge, and it was much easier to detect these environmental problems than ordinary cultivators.

"Hey, Junior Brother, is Sister Fairy going to teach us the knowledge of Feng Shui formation?"

Sun Taimei gently poked Fang Ce with her elbow. She had also learned the art of Fengshui, and she had fooled the Fengshui master there in Qingping Town.

"It is taught to me, not to you."

Fang Ce tapped Sun Taimei's forehead lightly, and then followed Xin Yu's pace. He naturally knew that the teacher, the good and evil Taoist, let this girl learn, and he was not worried that the little lady who turned into a snake would be angry, after all, he was his own. I won't spread it indiscriminately, and I will still give it face.

"You! Humph!"

Taimei Sun snorted softly, and hurriedly followed.

Afterwards, the three came to Heliang City.

On the street, people are busy, shouting and selling.

"Hmm...why do you feel like there's nothing angry here?"

Sun Taimei couldn't help being puzzled, she keenly noticed that the people here seemed a little depressed.

Xin Yu calmly headed towards the city, because some materials were needed to arrange the Feng Shui formation, which naturally required preparations by the local authority.

Fang Ce waited and watched casually, and didn't pay much attention to it.After all, as a newcomer, I don't understand anything, and I can't understand it.

Gradually come to the central area.

"No! Mr. Zhao! Please! Please spare me! Please!"

"Hahahaha! Little beauty, let my brother love you well!"

Horrified and urgent begging sounded, accompanied by maniacal laughter.

Following the sound, I saw that it was a young man who was shirtless, pinned a girl on the pavement in the street, tore off her dress, and wanted to do something stupid!
Moreover, the pedestrians around were far away, and no one dared to step forward to stop him.He didn't even dare to take a second look, as if he was afraid of getting into trouble!

"What kind of person is this! How dare he be so rampant in broad daylight! It's simply lawless!"

Seeing this, Sun Taimei immediately became furious, her figure flashed, and she came to the back of Young Master Brother in an instant and pulled him away!

Brother Young Master was shocked for a moment, his face turned angry, but he didn't wait for him to react.

Sun Taimei has already kicked into the air, and kicked the young master fiercely!


A strange scream!

Brother Young Master was kicked flying, collapsed to the ground, unconscious!At the same time, the trousers were quickly wetted in a large area, obviously kicked by Sun Taimei and ruined his life...

"Master Zhao!"

"Who is it! What a guts! How dare you assassinate Mr. Zhao!"

Two frightened roars sounded!
I saw two warriors approaching quickly, one hurried to check on the young master's life, and the other stared at Sun Taimei with a gloomy expression.

The auras of these two warriors are around a hundred years old, one is dressed in white and the other is dressed in black.

"Rat demon!? Who are you! How dare you hurt Mr. Zhao!"

The warrior in black shouted!
Sun Taimei's furry mouse ear features cannot be overstated.The warrior in black naturally easily knew that Sun Taimei was a monster, but this was not uncommon in the kingdom of God.

"Whether you want to change your name or not change your surname when you sit down, so is Sun Taimei, what's wrong? Do you have any opinions?"

At this moment, Sun Taimei embraced her hands with a provocative look on her face.She is not afraid of these ants in front of her.

"Girl! You go away! You can't mess with Mr. Zhao! Wan'er, thank you for your help! Great kindness, I will never forget it! But you should leave now! Otherwise, you will die!"

The girl who was bullied before was clutching her messy skirt, with a look of gratitude and panic.

"I can't be offended? Hmph, in this world, there are not many girls I can't offend."

Sun Taimei immediately looked disdainful.With her master, the good and evil Taoist, and her younger brother Fang Ce as her two great backers, there are really not many people in this world she dare not provoke!What's more, what Mr. Zhao is in this broken place?What is it?

"Not good! Mr. Zhao is seriously injured! Take down that little bitch! Don't let her escape!"

The white-clothed martial artist who was investigating Young Master's situation suddenly spoke out in anger, and said that Young Master Zhao was injured so badly that they would be negligent in their duties!Naturally, the culprit Sun Taimei must not be allowed to go away!
"Little bitch! Get it for me!"

The black-clothed warrior let out an angry roar, his body was surrounded by flames, and he quickly rushed towards Sun Taimei, grabbing it out with his big hand.

"What are you, dare to shout in front of this girl?"

Taimei Sun easily pinched the lifeblood of the black-clothed warrior with ease, and another pinch lightly made it so painful that he couldn't exert his strength!
"Ah You!?"

The black-clothed warrior's complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect Taimei Sun to be so powerful!


The warrior in white was also surprised.

The two of them never imagined that the little girl in front of them was actually a powerful existence with nearly 3000 years of cultivation!Even now, I haven't exerted any force at all!
"Hmph, get down on the ground too."

Sun Taimei let out a disdain, and kicked up again, directly kicking the black-clothed warrior's crotch!
"not good!!?"

The martial artist in black suddenly tightened his ass, but he didn't have time to react, because Sun Taimei's speed was too fast!



There was another strange howl.

The body of the black-clothed warrior flew up in an instant, but because his wrist was firmly held by Sun Taimei, he couldn't fly out at all.

"Get down!"

Sun Taimei pulled with luck again.

With a bang, the black-clothed martial artist was directly smashed to the ground, he groaned and clutched his crotch, and soon he also wet a lot of urine...

"Who the hell are you! How dare you commit murder here!?"

The warrior in white was even more shocked.

"What? Listen, it seems that you are reasonable?"

Sun Taimei raised her eyebrows, and strode towards the white-clothed warrior. She had never seen such a rampant person. Thinking of her Sun Taimei, who is not the top existence in the world behind her, and she still has to behave. Where are these guys coming from? confidence?

"You... you... come! Come! Someone murdered Mr. Zhao! Come here quickly!!!"

The white-clothed warrior was shocked, and quickly called out loudly, his strong voice spread far away!

"Oh? You still dare to call someone? Well, I want to see who you can call."

Taimei Sun hugged her arms, her little feet raised up and down, waiting.

Fang Ce on the side also looked weird, after all, these guys are really too rampant, and the Tu Emperor is no more than that.

Xin Yu frowned lightly, how could it be better to encounter this kind of thing just now?

"Girl! Really, hurry up! These are people from the government! Mr. Zhao is the son of the magistrate! They still have a strong backer in Kowloon City! No one in this world can do anything to them!"

That Wan'er girl was even more anxious, obviously she was really grateful for Sun Taimei's generous action, and she was afraid that something would happen to Sun Taimei.

"What? The magistrate's son? There is still a powerful backer in Kowloon City? No one can do anything? Could it be their backer or Master Hua Snake?"

Taimei Sun was stunned, and looked at Fang Ce with puzzled eyes. Could it be that the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple this time?
At this moment, Fang Ce and Xin Yu were also stunned.

"Even if it's not, it's almost the same! So, let's go!"

Miss Wan'er responded hastily again.

Fang Ce couldn't help frowning slightly, he believed that the backer Wan'er mentioned was absolutely impossible to be a snake, after all it was unreasonable and unnecessary, the temper of the girl who turned into a snake was something ordinary people could touch?Back then when Jiulong Mountain had not yet been sealed off, there were very few people who could really come into contact with the snakes, and almost all of them were at the king level, let alone now?
If it weren't for the snake, then there are not many backers who can make these guys so lawless. First of all, he, the client and Xin Yu, must be ruled out, and then Diao Wang?Or Jiaolong?
Before Fang Ce could make any guesses, footsteps sounded.

Soon, dozens of hundreds of officials came quickly, and at the same time, there was an old Taoist priest with 300 years of Taoism.

"Zhang Daochang!! This ignorant witch dared to hurt Mr. Zhao! Please take action and take her down! Her strength is not simple, so be careful!"

The warrior in white hurriedly spoke.

The old Taoist frowned and looked at Mr. Zhao, his complexion also became bad.

Fang Ce's expression was strange, this really belonged to the government, in Heliang City, which is so close to Kowloon City, he dared to be so lawless, I'm afraid he really had a backer in Kowloon City, otherwise how could this matter be suppressed?

"Little demon girl, is it Mr. Zhao that you hurt?"

Zhang Daochang looked at Sun Taimei coldly.

"Yeah, so what!"

Sun Taimei immediately put her hands on her hips, as if you could do anything to me.

"You! Very good!"

Zhang Daochang's face darkened, he took out the dust whisk, and started to do it.

"Hold on."

A peaceful voice sounded.

Xin Yu walked out and came to Sun Taimei's side: "Are you from the government?"

Fang Ce followed and came to the side.

Sun Taimei also obediently stepped aside.

"Not bad, you guys?"

Zhang Daochang spoke in a cold voice.

"Well... I am Xinyu, the Fengshui Chancellor from Kowloon City, and I was ordered to come here to reorganize the Fengshui of Heliang City. This young man bullied the people in broad daylight, and he committed a heinous crime. How dare you, as members of the government, do anything for tigers?"

Xin Yu frowned slightly in response.

"What? Feng Shui Cheng from Kowloon City? Do you have a certificate?"

Zhang Daochang's complexion changed, Feng Shui Cheng is a first-rank official position!Not to mention this official position, he has to treat officials from Kowloon City with caution.However, looking at Xin Yu's young appearance, he couldn't help being a little suspicious.

The Wan'er girl showed surprise, she didn't expect a big shot to come!
"This is a pass issued to me by Her Majesty the Queen."

Xin Yu took out a letter casually.

Daozhang Zhang called out his hand, sucked the letter into his hand, opened it, and couldn't help frowning slightly: "It's really..."

"How? Now Mr. Zhao, what are you going to do with it?"

Xin Yu asked calmly.

"Isn't this going to be divided into five horses?"

Sun Taimei immediately interfaced.

"Master Feng Shui, this old man has to ask the magistrate about this matter. Please wait here for a while."

Daoist Zhang clasped his fists together, and told the officer next to him to leave with the letter.If it was any other official, he would dare to kill him directly!But the first-grade Feng Shui Cheng from Kowloon City, and with the order from Her Majesty the Queen, he didn't dare to make his own claims.

"it is good."

Xin Yu frowned and nodded.

"What the hell? I also need to ask for a clue..."

Taimei Sun immediately raised her eyebrows, what is the identity of Sister Fairy?Would a mere prefect dare to put on airs?
However, before she could finish speaking, Xin Yu waved her hand to stop her.

Fang Ce watched leisurely, curious as to what the prefect's background was.

After a while.

There was a slight tremor on the ground!
Then I saw an army of thousands of people coming!The leader is a middle-aged man wearing the magistrate's official robe, and a general with 600 years of cultivation!
The army of thousands of people arrived quickly, directly surrounded the place, and it was impossible to get through!It's cold!

Xin Yu immediately frowned.

Sun Taimei Liu raised her eyebrows slightly.

Fang Ce's face was even more weird, how could he not see that these guys came from bad intentions, and they were really lawless!Even the first-grade Feng Shui Cheng sent by Her Majesty the Queen dared to move!
Daoist Zhang showed a sneer, already knowing the intention of the magistrate, he will kill without mercy!
Miss Wan'er at the side couldn't help but shuddered, her face turned pale with fear.

"God! What's wrong with you!?"

When the magistrate arrived, he rushed towards the comatose young master first.

"Master Zhifu! Young master is seriously injured and unconscious..."


Before the white-clothed warrior finished speaking, Zhifu kicked the white-clothed warrior away angrily, and quickly checked the situation of the young master.

The three of Fang Ce looked at each other with different expressions.

a while.

"Who! Who did it!!"

The magistrate immediately stood up, glaring at Fang Ce and the other three with murderous eyes!

"Master Zhifu! It's that witch! That rat demon!!!"

The warrior in white hurriedly pointed at Taimei Sun.


Sun Taimei immediately puffed up her chest, as if she could do nothing to me.

"Kill! Kill them all for me!!!"

The prefect's face turned cold, and he actually issued a killing order directly!

The general waved his hand and gave an order. Dozens of soldiers quickly rushed towards Fang Ce and the other three with cold soldiers in their hands!
"Sister Fairy, let me clean up these guys!"

At this moment, Taimei Sun showed a playful look, because she finally had a chance to make a big fuss...

"Don't kill the killer yet."

Xin Yu said softly.


Sun Taimei responded, and a figure flashed out very quickly, with a palm sweeping, bang bang bang!Randomly, one of the approaching soldiers was knocked into the air and fell to the ground with serious injuries, making howls of misery.

Immediately, more soldiers came, and naturally they were easily dealt with by Sun Taimei.

In just a short time, hundreds of soldiers were beaten by Sun Taimei and lost their ability to move.

Seeing this, the magistrate couldn't help showing surprise.

"This witch is a master! I'm afraid she has hundreds of years of practice! Lord Zhifu, let the poor come and meet her!"

With a sound of Zhang Daochang's fall, he took out a dozen or so talismans, which instantly turned into balls of terrifying flames and blasted at Sun Taimei!But it's the Flame Talisman!

(End of this chapter)

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