Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 335 The official backer has friendship with the envoy!

Chapter 335 The official backer has friendship with the envoy!

Intensive explosions!The terrifying flames fell on Sun Taimei's body, and they exploded violently, turning into a huge ball of flames in an instant!

"Hmph, why don't you catch him now?"

Zhang Daochang smiled lightly.

However, as soon as the words were finished, Sun Taimei's figure loomed in the gradually weakening flames.

"Scum, that's all you can do?"

A disdainful voice sounded.

Sun Taimei walked out of the flames leisurely.

"What! Fire!? Damn it! Try this old man!!"

Zhang Daochang's complexion changed slightly, and he took out more than a dozen talismans, this time they were thunder talismans!He didn't believe it, but he couldn't help but feel the witch in front of him!

Sun Taimei snorted softly, and her figure flashed out instantly!Extremely fast, he disappeared directly in front of Zhang Daochang!


Daoist Zhang was shocked immediately, but he had no time to react, Taimei Sun had already appeared in front of him!Before he could use the Thunder Talisman in his hand, Sun Taimei's jade hand had already firmly grasped his face!
Immediately, there was a bang!
In an instant, Sun Taimei pushed Zhang Daochang into the ground with strength, smashed a big hole, and the ground cracked!

At the same time, Zhang Daochang spurted out a mouthful of blood, and was directly injured!
The prefect on the side suddenly screamed in fright, and quickly backed away.

"Demon girl! Ben will meet you in the future!!"

A low growl.

It was the 600-year-old general who made the move. His body was filled with true energy like a green leaf, and he came to Sun Taimei's side very quickly, and the sword quickly fell!

Sun Taimei smiled contemptuously, and her pretty figure quickly turned back, easily avoiding the general's sword, and then her jade feet swept back and fell!

"How come!?"

The general was shocked immediately, but before he could respond, Sun Taimei's beautiful feet had already landed on his shoulders!A huge force came instantly!

The sound of bones breaking resounded!
Boom! !
A loud bang!
The general groaned miserably, spewed blood, and his whole body fell to the ground directly!In an instant, a big hole was smashed out, and the ground was cracked!
"Crossing... the strong man who crosses the tribulation..."

The general then made a hoarse and trembling voice. At this moment, he was sure that Taimei Sun had passed the tribulation!Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to have such strength!
"What!? The Tribulation-Crossing Powerhouse!!"

The magistrate's complexion suddenly changed, with a look of panic.

The soldiers around were also afraid, and couldn't help but retreat.

"Well... it's your turn, you bastard with no eyes."

Taimei Sun looked at the prefect with playful eyes.

"You...you dare to touch me!?"

The magistrate couldn't help but be stern.

"Oh? Why don't I dare?"

Sun Taimei lightly squeezed her pink fist, made a cracking sound, and walked towards the magistrate with a smile.

"You... you... I have someone in Kowloon City! That's someone you can't afford! If you dare to touch me, you will definitely die!"

The magistrate's face immediately became fierce.

"Joke, I can't afford to mess with this girl?"

Sun Taimei even sneered and disdainful, unless she is really Mrs. Hua Snake, who else can't afford to provoke her?The junior brother and the fairy are right behind her, these two are there, which one in Kowloon City can she not mess with?Even if Her Majesty the Queen wants to give her three points of face, let alone other people?It's impossible for this guy's backer to be her master, the good and evil Taoist, right?

"The backing of this official is Lord Tiger King! Your Majesty's worship! I have a lot of friendship with Lord Angel! Are you sure you dare to touch this official!? Can you offend Lord Tiger! Can you offend Lord Angel? !"

The prefect spoke in a deep voice.

"Tiger...Tiger King?"

Sun Taimei was taken aback, and couldn't help but look at Fang Ce. Naturally, she would not be afraid of Tiger King's bullshit.When Tiger King saw her, he had to be humble. How could she be afraid?It's just that Tiger King does have some friendship with Fang Ce, so it's natural to see what Fang Ce means.

"Tiger King? Your backer is the Tiger King?"

Fang Ce couldn't help asking with a strange expression.

"Hmph. Do I need to lie to you?"

The magistrate suddenly sneered triumphantly, who would dare to oppose him when his backer moved out?

"Well...do you have any proof?"

Fang Ce pondered and asked, but he didn't expect it to be Tiger King, and it seemed that his name was also involved...

"Who are you?"

The prefect frowned.

"Oh, Zai is a feng shui apprentice who learned from the fairy."

Fang Ce cupped his fists: "You said your backer is Tiger King, I don't know you..."

"Fengshui apprentice? What is a mere Fengshui apprentice! Are you qualified to ask me?"

The magistrate didn't wait for Fang Ce to finish, and shouted angrily with a gloomy face. He also asked what kind of person he was, but he was just a feng shui apprentice!Dare to show up in front of him with this thing?


Fang Strategy was slightly taken aback, this guy really takes himself seriously?

On the side, Taimei Sun couldn't help laughing out loud, what kind of scolding in front of her backer's backer is it, is it okay?
"So it's Lord Tiger King's subordinate, right? But, you know, just because of your low crime, I can execute you on the spot, even Lord Tiger King can't save you in time."

Xin Yu spoke softly.

"You... you dare?"

The magistrate's expression changed immediately, revealing a trace of panic.

"Do you think I dare to do it? Huh?"

Xin Yu looked at the prefect calmly.


The magistrate couldn't help but change his expression. He also knew that Xin Yu was holding Her Majesty's handbook. In other words, Her Majesty was Xin Yu's backer. If he really wanted to confront him head-on, he might not be afraid!
"Wait, my lord, if you have something to say, talk about it. In the final analysis, we are all on our own. Lord Tiger has a good relationship with Her Majesty the Queen, and even more so with Lord Angel. You and I are both serving the Master, There is really no need for such tit-for-tat. After thinking about it carefully, the official was indeed impulsive and lost his mind for a while, so I apologize to the lord. I hope that the lord will be more generous, and I will spare the official once."

The magistrate saluted in a low voice.

"Bah! Who is with you? What is the identity of Sister Fairy? What are you? Sister Fairy is something you can climb up to?"

Sun Taimei immediately disdains, in front of Xin Yu, even she has to be respectful, how can she allow this dog to be so high-ranking, wouldn't this be an insult to her identity?
"Yes, yes, yes! This lord taught me a lesson! A low official is not a thing, but a low official has been promoted!"

The magistrate hurriedly lowered his head to agree, but there was a stern look in his eyes, as long as he endured the moment, there would be plenty of opportunities for revenge!

"Okay, I will report to Her Majesty the Queen about what you are doing here. I am here this time mainly to arrange Feng Shui. I hope you will cooperate well, understand?"

Xin Yu said flatly that her job here is to arrange Feng Shui formations, not to supervise the officials.What the magistrate has committed can just be dealt with, and she doesn't have to overstep her authority.Moreover, it can be seen that the magistrate's relationship network must be very complicated, and there are many people involved. I am afraid that the entire management of Heliang City is from the magistrate.

If she really wants to pursue it now, she will definitely not be able to thoroughly investigate it in a short while.Not to mention, she also needs people to arrange the feng shui formation.If we deal with the prefect's matter directly, Heliang City will definitely be in chaos for a while.It's better to let the magistrate assist in handling the matter at hand first, and then deal with it.This can be regarded as the best use of everything.

"Understand! Understood! Thank you, my lord, for your kindness!!"

The magistrate hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Okay, let these people disperse."

Xin Yu glanced at the surrounding soldiers.

All the soldiers looked at the magistrate, as if waiting for orders.

"It's gone, it's gone, it's all gone."

The prefect waved his hand quickly.

"Yes! Your lord!"

A group of soldiers responded one after another, and then quickly retreated with the injured general, Zhang Daochang, and the rest of the wounded.

Seeing this, Xin Yu couldn't help frowning slightly, it seemed that it was indeed as she expected.

Fang Ce is plain, and he naturally doesn't care about these things now.

"My lord, please come with me, I will host a banquet."

The magistrate came to Xin Yu with a flattering expression on his face.

"No need, I still have to walk around to see the Feng Shui situation here."

Xin Yu waved his hand, motioning for the magistrate to leave.

"Yes! The subordinate retire!"

The magistrate bowed respectfully and retreated, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This... Sister Fairy, just let that dog go like this?"

Sun Taimei looked stunned, she was going to kill the prefect on the spot just waiting for Xin Yu's word!

"Okay, the fairy has her own intentions, so you don't need to worry about it here, little girl."

Fang Ce tapped Sun Taimei's head lightly with a smile, and naturally saw Xin Yu's plan.It is not difficult for them to deal with the prefect, but there is no need to do it themselves, and there are still places where the prefect needs to be used.

At this moment, Xin Yu looked at Miss Wan'er who was bullied before.

I saw the girl Wan'er was stunned, as if she hadn't recovered yet.

Xin Yu stepped forward lightly and walked towards the girl Wan'er.

"My lord, the daughter of the people!"

Miss Wan'er came back to her senses, and quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

"Girl, you're welcome. You can cover up this dress."

Xin Yu took out a Taoist robe casually and put it on Miss Wan'er, covering up her tattered dress.

"Menwomen dare not! Minnies dare not!"

Miss Wan'er panicked and wanted to take off her Taoist robe. This was an official bigger than the magistrate, so she was naturally terrified.

"Girl, don't be nervous, I still need your help with something, just wear what you wear."

Xin Yu gently held Miss Wan'er down.

"This... is... yes... thank you, my lord! If you have any orders, just say it!"

Miss Wan'er couldn't help but relax a lot, and quickly responded again.

"Get up first, let's talk while walking."

Xin Yu smiled and helped Miss Wan'er up.

"Many...thank you, sir..."

Miss Wan'er murmured back.

Afterwards, Miss Wan'er followed Fang Ce, Xin Yu, and Taimei Sun, and started walking on the street together.

"What's the girl's name?"

Xin Yu asked.

"Minister Ye Xiaowan, you can just call me Wan'er."

Ye Xiaowan responded.

"Okay, Miss Wan'er. I'm looking for you, mainly to ask about the prefect of Heliang City, so that I can report to Her Majesty the Queen."

Xin Yu nodded.

"Okay...Okay! Minnv must know everything!"

Ye Xiaowan immediately responded excitedly. For this magistrate, the people of Heliang City hated him deeply. If she could get rid of it, she would do her best, and there was a huge opportunity in front of her!

"Well, please tell me in detail. Don't worry about any revenge, I will guarantee that you will be safe."

Xin Yu smiled and nodded.

"Yes! Thank you, my lord!"

Ye Xiaowan was so excited that the corners of her eyes became moist: "My lord, this magistrate is named Zhao Wuji. Since he took office seven years ago, he has cleverly set up various taxes to collect people's fat. Road tax, customs duty, land tax... as long as you can When he thought of it, he dared to stand.

In addition to this, he also took over the large and small gambling houses and flower houses in the city, raking in money wantonly.Many people who could not pay taxes were forced into slavery and prostitution.A sister-in-law of Minnv was sent by a large group of officials because she failed to pay taxes..."

Following Ye Xiaowan's narration one by one, Xin Yu's complexion became very bad.

"These dogs, don't cut them into pieces?!"

Sun Taimei was even more angry.

"Hmm... Miss Wan'er, the magistrate said that the backer behind him is the Tiger King of Kowloon City, is it true?"

Fang Ce couldn't help asking, this Tiger King is an old acquaintance, and he has made a lot of contributions, whether it was dealing with the ancient gods of the wilderness at the beginning, or the nine disasters later, he has made a lot of efforts, and the contributions are not small.Now that he is actually tossing about such things, he feels a little delicate.

"This girl doesn't know much about it. I only know that this dog official has a very strong backer in Kowloon City. Because over the years, no matter whether it is the official who came to Heliang City to inspect, or the famous person who went to Kowloon City to report Sergeant, there is nothing that can do nothing to this dog official.

Even the martyrs who go to Kowloon City to expose the crime, once they are discovered, without exception, they will all be wiped out and die tragically.Gradually, no one dared to be an enemy of that dog official anymore... By the way... My lord, you better be careful.That dog official is ruthless, the previous compromise in front of you may have been just a disguise, and he turned around and asked his backer to come forward. "

Speaking of the latter, Ye Xiaowan couldn't help feeling worried.

"Oh! Looking for a backer? Let his so-called backer come and see who dies."

Taimei Sun immediately looked contemptuous and disdainful. If the prefect's backer is really Tiger King, they would be so frightened that they would kneel down and beg for mercy when they saw her!Not to mention the souls of Xin Yu and Fang Ce who were on the side could be scared away by the Tiger King!With just her junior brother Fang Ce standing here, who in Kowloon City is not afraid of death and dares to come here?
"Hmm... This dog is not Ling Chi, it's not enough to anger the common people..."

Fang Ce shook his head lightly, this magistrate is simply full of evil, and it would not be a pity to die ten thousand times.

"Don't worry, this villain will be punished as he should, and I won't let him get away with any possibility."

Xin Yu said softly.

After a while, a few people came to the central square, and saw a tall tiger sculpture standing about twenty feet high and forty feet long!It can be said to be majestic, majestic and majestic...

Xin Yu, Fang Ce, and Taimei Sun looked up at the tiger sculpture, all of them were silent...

At this time, in the city mansion.

"Daozhang Zhang, how is Tian'er..."

The prefect Zhao Wuji looked at his son who was still unconscious with a worried face.

"Life is safe, but...it's already useless..."

The pale Zhang Daochang shook his head lightly, obviously he was seriously injured by Sun Taimei just now.


Zhao Wuxiang's expression froze, and then his expression gradually became gloomy: "Those bastards! I must let them survive or die!"

"My lord, I'm afraid these people's identities are not simple..."

Zhang Daochang showed a worried look. After all, the first-grade Fengshui Cheng holding the handbook of Her Majesty the Queen, and there is also a robber who crosses the robbery as a guard, no matter how you look at it, it is not easy to mess with!

"Hmph! Isn't it just a first-grade Feng Shui Cheng? Can it be better than Lord Tiger King? So what if Her Majesty the Queen is behind him? As long as Lord Tiger King wants to clean her up, it's not easy? Isn't it just a matter of finding some people to take the blame for the dead ghost? That’s all. Get ready, I’ll write a letter later, Daoist Zhang, and you will personally deliver it to Lord Tiger King!”

Zhao Wuxiang had a sullen look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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