Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 336 Is This Your Backer?That's it?

Chapter 336 Is This Your Backer?That's it?
Soon after, in the city hall.

"Ah! Your Excellency, you are here. The lower official has ordered someone to set up a banquet, and I will wait for you, Your Excellency."

Zhao Wuji saluted Xin Yu with a complimenting expression on his face.

"No need, I'm here because I need the assistance of the prefect."

Xin Yu waved her hand lightly.

"This... I don't know what it is? My lord, please tell me!"

"Find me a dozen skilled craftsmen in carving, and a red sapphire or a black and white gemstone weighing two catties. Gather in the center of the city square tomorrow morning. I will arrange to adjust Feng Shui."

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

"Oh, okay. The next official will arrange it right away. This banquet..."

"Well, that's it."

Xin Yu didn't pay much attention to the magistrate, so she gave Fang Ce, Xin Yu, and Ye Xiaowan a look, then turned and left.

"Hmph! Pretentious little bitch!"

Zhao Wuxiang couldn't help but give a cold voice.

Zhang Daochang also frowned slightly.

"Zhang Daochang, I will write a letter later, and you will send it to Lord Tiger King immediately!"

Zhao Wuxiang spoke again.


Daoist Zhang nodded immediately.

"Wait... Let's send it off tomorrow morning. It's getting late, and it's not good to disturb Lord Tiger King. If it makes Lord Tiger King unhappy, it won't be beautiful."



After a while.

Fang Ce and Xin Yu's three daughters came to an inn.

"Let's rest here for the night, Miss Wan'er, if you have any questions, just feel free to find me."

Xin Yu looked at Ye Xiaowan.

For Ye Xiaowan's safety, she let him follow her for a period of time, so as not to be secretly retaliated by the magistrate.

"Yeah! Thank you, my lord!"

Ye Xiaowan nodded gratefully.

"Fang Ce, let me see if I can write as much as possible about Feng Shui formation for you tonight."

Xin Yu looked at Fang Ce again.

"Haha, Fairy doesn't have to be too tired, just write slowly, and I'm not in a hurry."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

The night passed.

Kowloon City, inside the Military Aircraft Pavilion.

"Master Tiger King, did I disturb you?"

Zhang Daochang carefully stood in front of the Tiger King and saluted respectfully.

"Tell me, what's the trivial thing this time."

The Tiger King was full of majesty, and looked at Zhang Daochang in front of him with a flat face.

"Back to Mr. Tiger King, it's like this. Yesterday, an adult came to Heliang City. He is a first-grade Fengshui Cheng, and he brought Her Majesty's letter, saying that he came to arrange Fengshui. Then, something happened. There was a conflict with the prefect. He threatened to report the prefect and let His Majesty the Queen deal with the prefect."

Taoist Zhang replied.

"Yipin Fengshui Cheng? And Her Majesty's order? How dare you provoke this king? Are you really getting bolder?"

Tiger King couldn't help raising his eyebrows. This directly involved Her Majesty the Queen, and he was a little unhappy. After all, he didn't want to conflict with Diao Wang.

"This... this... By the way, Mr. Tiger King, this is the tribute that Mr. Zhifu is going to give you this year, and there is also a letter from Mr. Prefect. Please read it, Mr. Tiger King, and you will know."

Daoist Zhang quickly handed out an envelope.


Tiger King took the envelope unhappily and opened it, and took out a list first, which was filled with various treasures, including precious jade, treasure vessels, spiritual fruits, spiritual stones, etc., as well as a large amount of silver.

"It's interesting."

Seeing these treasures, Tiger King nodded in satisfaction, then took out another letter from the envelope, and opened it for a look.

It's okay if you don't look at it, his eyes are wide open when he sees it!Immediately, there was a scream, and the letter in his hand was thrown to the ground in fright!
This scare scared Tiger King so much that Hun'er almost flew away.

"This!? Lord Tiger King!?"

Daoist Zhang couldn't help being taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, several footsteps came quickly.

"Lord Tiger King! What's wrong!?"

I saw several guards rushing over.

"No...nothing...you guys go out!"

The Tiger King gave a trembling drink, looking undecided.


Several guards hurriedly retreated.

"Tiger... Lord Tiger King..."

Daoist Zhang couldn't help trembling when he saw this, as if something had happened vaguely!

At this moment, the sound of swallowing sounded.

But Tiger King slowly picked up the letter trembling like sifting chaff, then swallowed another mouthful, and read it carefully: "Rat...rat demon...sun...Sister Sun...who is called a fairy...first-grade Fengshui Cheng Xinyu ...Feng...Feng Shui apprentice...something...something happened...something happened..."

He naturally knew that there were Fengshui apprentices around Xin Yu, and there was only one, and that was...Fang Ce! ! !
"Master Tiger King? What's the matter... These few..."

Zhang Daochang couldn't help turning pale, and asked with a look of surprise, what is the origin of being able to scare Lord Tiger King like this! ?It seems that they really messed up something they shouldn't have!
The Tiger King could no longer hear what Daoist Zhang was saying, and his whole body was agitated again. With a flash of his figure, he left the house in a hurry and rushed to Heliang City!If this matter is not handled properly, his little life may be involved in it!
"Master Tiger King..."

Zhang Daochang swallowed, and hurriedly followed, the fear of the unknown made his hands tremble...


Heliang City, the central square.

Under the majestic tiger sculpture.

Fang Ce, Xin Yu, Sun Taimei and Ye Xiaowan were all there.

At the same time, the magistrate and a dozen craftsmen stood in front of them.And around, there is still a circle of officials guarding around.

"My lord, this man and the gems are all prepared for you. I wonder how your lord will arrange them?"

The prefect Zhao Wuji looked at Xin Yu with a complimenting smile.

"Well... the work efficiency is okay."

Xin Yu glanced at the red and sapphire held by a craftsman next to him, and nodded.

"Thank you for your compliment, my lord."

Zhao selflessly replied.

"This is a work I need all masters to complete. Take a look, what's the problem?"

Xin Yu casually put away the pair of red and sapphires, took out a stack of blueprints and handed them to the leading craftsman.

"My lord, you're welcome! My lord, you're welcome! Please take a look!"

The craftsman responded quickly and took the blueprint carefully.He naturally dared not neglect a person who even the lawless prefect should respect.


Xin Yu nodded.

The craftsman glanced at the drawing, frowned, and then observed and discussed with the other craftsmen.

Xin Yu waited calmly.

Zhao Wuji was also waiting respectfully at the side, but at this moment he was sneering in his heart, thinking that when the Tiger King came, he would definitely make Xin Yu look good...

After a while.

"My lord, although this carving is quite complicated and delicate, but the younger ones can still do it after discussing it. I don't know if the raw materials are ready?"

The craftsman asked Xin Yu.

"That's it, it can be shaped directly by carving."

Xin Yu's jade finger pointed to the tiger sculpture behind her.


The craftsman was taken aback for a moment.

Zhao Wuxiang was also taken aback.

"Well, this sculpture is useless, and it's a waste to keep it. It's just right to make raw materials directly. This model can match what I drew."

Xin Yu responded.

"This... this..."

The craftsman couldn't help looking at Zhao Wuxiang.

"My... my lord? What do you mean? You want to move the statue of Lord Tiger King?"

Zhao Wuxiang suddenly spoke with a bad expression.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

Xin Yu asked.

"My lord! This is the sculpture of Lord Tiger King! Do you know what the consequences will be if you move it!!"

Zhao Wuxiang couldn't help glaring.

"Master Tiger King?"

Sun Taimei at the side immediately put her hands on her hips: "That's a fool..."

However, don't wait for her to finish.

"Master Zhifu, don't say it is the sculpture of Lord Tiger King. Even if it is the sculpture of Lord Hua Snake, you have to move what should be moved. I am doing things impartially, so please don't interfere."

Xin Yu responded.

"You! You are so courageous! You dare to blaspheme, even the supreme snake!? Believe it or not, I will send you a copy of the book to Her Majesty the Queen!"

Zhao Wuxiang immediately reprimanded him angrily.

"I have already said that I am acting impartially, and I have no intention of disrespecting Mr. Hua Snake. Mr. Hua Snake and even the supreme gods, who have insight into everything, will definitely not blame me."

"It seems that my lord, you intend to provoke Lord Tiger King on purpose?"

Zhao Wuxiang's expression was extremely embarrassing, and Xin Yu secretly thought that this was deliberately trying to give him power!
"I've already said that I didn't mean to provoke anyone. It's meaningless to put the sculpture of Lord Tiger King here, it's just a waste of resources. I believe that if I make the best use of this sculpture, Lord Tiger King can also Forgive me."

Xin Yu responded lightly.

On the side, Taimei Sun showed a look of disdain, provoking Mr. Tiger King?If Tiger King was in front of Xin Yu, wouldn't he behave like a kitten?Don't talk about being provocative, if you kick the Tiger King twice, the Tiger King has to say it's a good kick!If it wasn't for her not being good at interfering with Xin Yu, she would have severely damaged the magistrate...

"You... you... good! Very good! My lord, you said this! If this matter gets to Lord Tiger King's ears, if something happens, don't blame the subordinate for not reminding me!"

Zhao Wuxiang spoke harshly.

"Well, thank you Lord Prefect for your kind reminder."

Xin Yu clasped her fists together, and then looked at the craftsmen: "Masters, if there is no problem, you can start the work now. I have important tasks, and I hope to finish the work as soon as possible."

She wants to arrange Fengshui formations for all the cities and towns in the Kingdom of God. The amount of work is not small, so it is natural that it can be done as quickly as possible.

"Yes... yes... my lord, let's discuss the measurement and measurement, and then we can start work..."

The craftsman glanced at Zhao Wuxiang hesitantly, and nodded in agreement.

"Well, it's work."

"My lord, you are welcome!"

The craftsman quickly responded again.

Zhao Wuji watched with a gloomy face, only hoping that the Tiger King would come as soon as possible so that he could take care of Xin Yu...

After a while.

There was a clicking sound.

I saw craftsmen building long ladders, holding tools, and hammering on the huge tiger sculpture.

Xin Yu was carefully observing to avoid any negligence of these craftsmen.

Fang Ce was holding unused blueprints and studied them carefully. These blueprints contained various complex runes.

Seeing the craftsmen busy, Zhao Wuji felt that every blow was piercing his heart, bleeding from the pain...

After a while.

I only felt a powerful aura coming towards the central square of Heliang City quickly.

"Huh? Is that guy here?"

Fang Ce noticed it first, and couldn't help but look weird.

Xin Yu couldn't help raising her head slightly.

"The bullshit is here? So fast? So well-informed?"

Sun Taimei even looked at Zhao Wuxiang with teasing eyes.

Soon, the Tiger King's figure approached quickly, his face stiff and tense.

"Master Tiger King!? You are finally here!"

Zhao Wuji was overjoyed immediately, and excitedly came to the Tiger King: "Lord Tiger King! That little bitch is so arrogant that even the statue made for you by the lower officials..."

"Dog! Shut up!!!"

A shout sounded!
Before Zhao Wuji could finish speaking, Tiger King immediately slapped out his ears!
There was a crisp snap!
Seeing blood flying out along with several teeth, Zhao Wuxiang was slapped around ten times and fell to the ground hard...

"Tiger... Lord Tiger King...why..."

Zhao Wuxiang got up with stares in his eyes, with a dazed and puzzled expression on his face.

At this moment, Tiger King didn't pay attention to Zhao Wuxiang at all, but walked towards Fang Ce tremblingly, cupped his fist tremblingly, and wanted to salute.

Sun Taimei immediately looked like she was watching the show.

"Ha, it turns out that Lord Tiger King is here, so I'm sorry."

Fang Ce winked at Tiger King, and smiled and saluted first.He still likes to be quiet and relaxed, and doesn't want to be too showy.Anyway, things can be handled by fairies.

"This... this... no... you don't have to be polite..."

Tiger King still responded tremblingly.

"Tiger King!"

There was a loud shout!

Tiger King was taken aback immediately, but it was Sun Taimei who spoke, but she didn't wait for him to ask more questions.

"When you see Sister Fairy, why don't you kneel down and kowtow to salute? You're tired of work! Huh?"

Sun Taimei scolded again.

"Yes Yes!"

The Tiger King panicked, and quickly knelt down and kowtowed: "My little one pays my respects to the fairy! I pay my respects to the fairy! Please forgive me for being rude!"

"Uh... Lord Tiger King, please be polite, please hurry up. You don't need to do such a grand ceremony."

Xin Yu was startled, and opened her mouth quickly.

On the side, Fang Ce shook his head and smiled angrily, this little girl is really capable of trouble.

And that Zhao Wuji looked at this scene with his eyes wide open, his complexion stiff and pale, and he felt his heart go cold in an instant!At this moment, he still doesn't know what kind of terrifying existence he has provoked! ?What could make Tiger King kneel and kowtow in such fear and trepidation! ?

At this time, that Taoist priest had also rushed back, seeing the scene in front of him, he was as frightened as he was sifting chaff.Although he had already expected that Xin Yu and the others had a lot of background, he never expected that they would be so big that the Tiger King would kneel and kowtow like this!Even Her Majesty the Queen is nothing more than that, right?
"Hmph, what else? Don't you kowtow three times to this girl, call me aunt, and you'll remember?"

Taimei Sun spoke proudly again, her eyes lightly glanced at Zhao Wuxiang and the Daoist Zhang, is this your backer?That's it?

"Yes!! I have met my aunt!"

The Tiger King hurriedly kowtowed his head three times and called out to his aunt.Sun Taimei's status as Senior Sister Fang Ce alone is enough to make people shudder, who dares to provoke her?Jiaolong and those guys have to be respectful when they see Taimei Sun, let alone a little tiger?

Seeing this, Zhao Wuxiang and Daoist Zhang couldn't help but kneel down in a daze. It seemed that except for the feng shui apprentice, the two women were all ruthless characters, and a thought came to their minds, it's over...

(End of this chapter)

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