Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 337 Feng Shui is set, and the court case is dragon and tiger!

Chapter 337 Feng Shui is set, and the court case is dragon and tiger!

"Okay, Lord Tiger King, get up."

Xin Yu spoke helplessly.

"Thank you Fairy!"

Tiger King quickly stood up in response.

"I don't know why Lord Tiger King is here?"

Xin Yu asked.

"No, it's just that I heard that some people who don't have eyes have offended you, fairy, so I hurried over to teach these ignorant people a lesson."

The Tiger King quickly waved his hand, then glared at Zhao Wuji and Zhang Daochang viciously: "You dog, come here and apologize!"

Zhao Wuji and Zhang Daochang trembled all over, and immediately crawled up to Xin Yu, knelt down and kowtowed: "The little one has eyes but no eyes! The little one has eyes but no eyes! Please forgive me, my lord!"

After all, Zhao Wuxiang slapped himself again and again.

"Okay, I still have business to do, please don't bother me."

Xin Yu spoke softly.

"Yes Yes!"

Zhao Wuxiang and Zhang Daochang hurriedly retreated respectfully.

Xin Yu turned around and continued to watch the work of the craftsmen.

Tiger King also stayed quietly by the side, feeling very uneasy, and didn't dare to leave for a while, because now Xin Yu didn't seem to express his position clearly!So he wanted to find an opportunity to ask, what is Xin Yu's plan now, and how to deal with his affairs.In fact, the most important thing is Fang Ce's attitude!It just seemed that Fang Ce didn't intend to pay attention to his affairs?
Then Zhao Wuxiang and Zhang Daochang also stayed at the side tremblingly, Tiger King didn't dare to leave, how dare they move?

"Lord Tiger King, look, your sculpture is going to be chiseled off, what do you think?"

Taimei Sun looked at Tiger King and Zhao Wuxiang with a narrow expression.

"Grandma is joking! This is not a small sculpture! Small ones are not qualified to make sculptures! Well done! Well done!"

Tiger King quickly waved his hand.

"Oh? Really? Not your sculpture?"

"no no!"

"really not?"

"Really not! It's absolutely true!"

"But... the magistrate, you just said it was your sculpture, Lord Tiger King. What's going on here?"

Taimei Sun looked at Zhao Wuxiang with a smile.

"This... this... must be this bastard trying to frame me! Auntie, don't listen to his nonsense!"

Tiger King glared at Zhao Wuxiang viciously.

"Yes, yes! It's petty nonsense! It's petty nonsense! My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life!"

Zhao Wuxiang shuddered, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

Sun Taimei shrugged and didn't pay much attention to it. It's not up to her to decide how to deal with it. She just joked and joked.

At this moment, the sound of rattling and chiseling continued to sound.

The Tiger King felt uncomfortable all over his body as he listened, as if every blow had been chiseled into him...

Gradually, the lunch break came.

Xin Yu asked the craftsmen to eat and rest first, so that they could continue working in the afternoon.

The craftsmen were immediately grateful and apprehensive. After all, Xin Yu's background was far beyond their imagination, and he was flattered to be so polite to them.If it were the magistrate, how could they have a lunch break, just let them work until dark.And there is no need for any supervisors, anyway, if you do not do well, you will be punished at the slightest, imprisoned at worst, or even beheaded directly...

Xin Yu and Fang Ce also returned to the inn to rest.

The Tiger King followed directly to the entrance of the inn and waited, followed by Zhao Wuji and Zhang Daochang.

"Tiger...Master Tiger King...What is the origin of those two girls..."

Zhao Wuxiang asked with a look of horror and hesitation.

"Is that what you should ask!?"

Tiger King stared at him immediately. Fang Ce and the others didn't reveal their identities, so naturally they didn't want to reveal their identities. How could he say so casually?
"This... this... is... is... a little reckless!"

Zhao Wuxiang responded in panic.

"Hmph, I'm going to be killed by your dog this time!"

The Tiger King said another vicious sentence.

Zhao Wuxiang even lowered his head and swallowed, not daring to make a sound.

"Cough cough."

There was a light cough.

It was Fang Ce walking to the door of the inn.

"Yes... yes... god... god... my lord..."

The Tiger King was startled, and suddenly panicked and trembled, he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Hey, what's the big deal, the little one is just a feng shui apprentice next to the fairy, and the little one can't stand being so polite as Lord Tiger King."

Fang Ce coughed lightly again.

"Oh...that's right...this apprentice...apprentice...doesn't know what orders you have?"

Tiger King quickly nodded in response.

At this moment, both Zhao Wuji and Zhang Daochang, who had pointed ears, couldn't help but feel a jump in their hearts!God... my lord! ?This moment reminded them of something!After all, what Kowloon City has to do with the word "God" is nothing more than the gods, Lord Transformation Snake and Lord Envoy!And Master Hua Snake is a goddess, so who is the "God... Lord" here, it is not ready to be revealed! ?

And being able to be followed by this fairy who frightened the Tiger King, wouldn't it be...

Zhao Wuxiang and Daoist Zhang couldn't help squinting at each other, their eyes were full of fear, because they both had an answer in their hearts, Lord Transformation Snake! !
They actually ran into the hands of the supreme god, Master Hua Snake!

The cold sweat fell instantly!This time, they almost scared them to death on the spot...

"What order, Mr. Tiger King is really too polite. The main thing is Mr. Tiger King, you are standing here, how dare you enter the inn? Isn't this adding trouble to the fairy?"

Fang Ce pointed his eyes at the people who were hesitant not far from the door and did not dare to enter.

"Oh...this...that's the little one's recklessness! The little one will go now! You two bastards, why don't you get out of here with me!"

The Tiger King responded, and gave Zhao Wuxiang and Zhang Daochang a vicious look.

Zhao Wuji and Zhang Daochang were immediately excited, and hurriedly followed the Tiger King and left.

"Several adults walk slowly."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

The three Tiger Kings didn't dare to respond too much, and left in a hurry.

Fang Ce shook his head amusedly, then turned back to the inn.

Then, come to the street.

"Tiger...Master Tiger King...Just then...that Feng Shui apprentice..."

Zhao Wuxiang couldn't help but speak tremblingly.

"What feng shui apprentice!! This king warns you! Don't provoke that one! Don't mention it to anyone! Do you hear me!"

The Tiger King suddenly stared angrily.

"This... this... is..."

Zhao Wuxiang shuddered all over, remembering that he had scolded Fang Ce face to face...

"Then... that... Lord Tiger King, what are we doing now..."

Zhao Wuxiang couldn't help swallowing again.

"How? How does this king know what to do!"

Tiger King looked furious.

"Then...what should the little one do now? Ma...destroy all the evidence immediately?"

"Destroy evidence? This king doesn't know what evidence you have to destroy. But, don't say that this king didn't tell you clearly, it's best not to make any big noise. Unless you want to seek death in advance! The matter fell into the hands of those few , you don’t think those few need any conclusive evidence to clean you up, do you? Huh?”

Tiger King had a gloomy expression on his face.

"This... this... Mr. Tiger King, what should you do now?"

Zhao Wuxiang was on the verge of crying.

"You ask this king, what should you do? You should ask those people this question, what they ask you to do, you do it! Don't torment this king with those who have nothing!"

Tiger King responded in a deep voice.


Zhao Wuxiang replied with a stiff face.

In the afternoon, the craftsmen continued to work again.

Xin Yu was still watching from the sidelines.

And Fang Ce was flipping through the Feng Shui formation knowledge written by Xin Yu.

Sun Taimei also squeezed beside Fang Ce, comprehending carefully.

Ten grades of feng shui formations, formation patterns, materials, requirements, methods of setting, etc., are listed in detail one by one.

"Hmm... Yin-Yang Separation and Combination... Yin-Yang Separation and Combination Art..."

Taimei Sun frowned, she felt that the content was very profound and difficult to digest for a while, but it was not a problem to master it.

However, before she could fully comprehend, Fang Ce had already turned the page.

"Hey!? Junior brother, what are you doing so fast!"

Sun Taimei's eyes widened immediately.

Fang Ce ignored it, and continued to concentrate on reading.

Soon, dusk will come.

The sculpture has changed its appearance, and it can be clearly seen that it is in the state of a unicorn.

"Okay, it's getting late. I'm sorry, masters, go back and have a good rest, and continue tomorrow morning."

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

"Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord!"

The craftsmen responded one after another.

"Fairy...Master Fairy... I wonder if there is anything I need to use the small one for?"

Zhao Wuxiang couldn't help but tremblingly asked, he couldn't see any obvious statement from Xin Yu, and he was always uneasy.

"No, there is nothing here to bother the magistrate. There is no need for the magistrate to wait here. Go back and deal with government affairs when you have time."

Xin Yu said softly.

"This...is...is...the little one, let's do it!"

Zhao Wuxiang quickly responded and left.

The next day, the craftsmen continued to be busy.

At the end of the day, a lifelike unicorn sculpture has been completed.

But that's not all, because there are more tedious and complicated runes to carve.

Two days later, the sculpture was officially completed, and the entire upper body of the unicorn was covered with mysterious runes in an orderly manner.

And those two red sapphires were also inlaid into the eyes of Qilin as pupils.

"Thank you, masters."

Xin Yu hugged the craftsmen.

"Don't dare, this is what the little ones should do."

The craftsmen responded quickly.

"Well, if you clean up properly, please step aside. I'm going to arrange Feng Shui."

"Yes, my lord!"

The craftsmen stepped aside one after another.

"Is the fairy going to make a decision?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"Well, let's go to the next place after laying out the feng shui formation of this city."

Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"Okay, I'll study hard on the sidelines."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, everyone retreated around the Qilin sculpture.

Xin Yu came to the front of the unicorn sculpture by herself, and she was slightly concentrating, with a mysterious aura gradually lingering around her body.She pinched the magic formula with both hands, and then she made a decision, and two mysterious rays of light shot into Qilin's eyes!
Immediately, the eyes of the unicorn sculpture flickered!The runes all over his body also lit up!There are light patterns on the ground where yin and yang open, the five elements appear, and the eight trigrams float and hide!A vast aura suddenly spread out!

"Well... the eighth rank, the dragon and the tiger in the court case, it's done."

Fang Ce snorted softly.

In an instant, everyone in the entire city felt full of strength and refreshed!Can't help but commotion!

"This...this is!?"

Daoist Zhang couldn't help but look shocked, he felt that his own strength had been improved for 300 years!He himself has only 300 years of Taoism, this promotion is simply incomparable to him!How can you not be shocked?
Zhao Wuxiang also had an expression of shock and disbelief. The blessing of this power was naturally even more terrifying to him!
"God God……"

Daoist Zhang couldn't help but knelt down to Xin Yu. At this moment, he completely believed that Xin Yu was the god who turned into a snake. After all, this ability was too incredible. Besides gods, who else could do it?

Zhao Wuxiang and the others also bowed down one after another.

"You don't need to be too polite, this is just a feng shui formation, so don't be too surprised."

Xin Yu couldn't help but speak.

Fang Ce couldn't help laughing, who wouldn't be surprised if this happened?Rao was shocked at the beginning.What about these guys?
"Get up."

Xin Yu said again.

"Thank you sir!"

Zhao Wuxiang and the others responded, and everyone stood up.

"Okay, Fang Ce, it's time for us to move on to the next one. I'll let you practice in the next city."

Xin Yu looked at Fang Ce and Sun Taimei. She knew that Fang Ce had already mastered a few relatively simple Feng Shui formations, and it would be good for Fang Ce to practice his hands next.

"Okay, fairy."

Fang Ce nodded with a smile. The impact of this geomantic formation is really not trivial. It can be said that as long as he masters these geomantic formations, he can easily build a stable country.

"Master Tiger King, since you have nothing to do, then follow us."

Xin Yu looked at Tiger King who was at the side again.

"Eh? Okay!"

Tiger King nodded quickly.

Immediately, several people left towards the west of the city.

"Congratulations to the adults!"

Zhao Wuji and Zhang Daochang quickly saluted respectfully, and while they were relieved, they were also a little apprehensive.Xin Yu didn't seem to intend to deal with them, but she wasn't sure.But thinking that the Tiger King is still around, he must plead for mercy for them.

Not long after, outside the west gate of Heliang City.

"Lord Tiger King, I asked you to come here because I have one thing to ask you."

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

"Don't dare! What is the fairy's order, just say it! The little one will do it with all his strength!"

Tiger King hurriedly cupped his fists.

"It's serious. It's not a big deal, just deliver this letter to Her Majesty the Queen for me."

Xin Yu took out an envelope.

"This... oh... ok! Little one, let's do it now! Farewell, my lord envoy! Fairy! And... my aunt..."

Tiger King responded, took the envelope and quickly left.

"Fairy, is this a letter to deal with the magistrate of Heliang City?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.


Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"Who dealt with that dog thing? Did Tiger King send it? What if he read the content?"

Sun Taimei was surprised.

"So what? Does he dare not give it away?"

Fang Ce is funny.

"Oh...that's right, I don't know what expression that guy will have when he delivers the letter to Her Majesty the Queen..."

Sun Taimei couldn't help showing curiosity.

"I didn't mention much about the Tiger King in the letter, let Her Majesty the Queen handle it herself."

Xin Yu glanced at Fang Ce lightly.

"Uh...Fairy, you don't have to be polite to me about this matter. I don't have much friendship with Tiger King."

Fang Ce understood instantly, Xin Yu was looking at him for his sake, and didn't plan to hold Tiger King too much.

"It's not considered polite to you. After all, Tiger King himself has made great achievements, and I don't want to embarrass too many people..."

Xin Yu made another soft sound.

(End of this chapter)

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