Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 338 Take advantage of Fang Ce's outing and turn into a snake

Chapter 338 Take advantage of Fang Ce's outing and turn into a snake

Soon after, inside the Imperial Palace in Kowloon City.

"It's against you!"

There was a roar of anger.

Then there was a bang!Ow!Shout out!
I saw such a huge jade seal smashed hard on the Tiger King's face!

The jade seal fell, and Tiger King hurriedly caught it.

Immediately, another stack of letter papers hit Tiger King's face and scattered in all directions.All I saw above were the crimes committed by Zhao Wuxiang.

"This is what you did!? You are so talented! Under my nose, there is no law! Do you not pay attention to me, the queen! Or do you not pay attention to Lord Transformation Snake!"

Diao Wang was furious and slammed the table again, making a bang.

The Tiger King was frightened immediately, and quickly knelt down and kowtowed: "Your Majesty, I didn't know that bastard did so many evil things! Over the years... he has given me a lot of benefits, so I accidentally If you help him...otherwise, if you reap the benefits, you will feel sorry if you don't help..."

"I don't know? You have been living on a dog for so many years! Don't you know where the benefits he gave you come from? You don't know whether it is his own or the Kingdom of God's. Really! Hmph! I think it's not that you don't know, but that you don't want to know!"

Diao Wang was furious.

"Your Majesty! I know I was wrong! I know I was wrong! Please forgive me once! I won't dare again!"

The Tiger King carefully handed Yuxi to the table while crying.

"Do you still know that you are wrong? If this matter reaches the ears of Master Hua Snake, do you want this dog head of yours?"

Diao Wang took the jade seal and smashed it hard at Tiger King.

"Don't, don't, don't! Your Majesty! This can't be done!"

The Tiger King was even more frightened and caught Yuxi in a panic.

"Tell me how I should deal with you now!"

"This... as long as it's not decapitation, Her Majesty the Queen can do whatever she wants!"

Tiger King responded quickly, knowing that Diao Wang meant to let go, he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Okay, that's what you said! Then confiscate all your current property, and in the next ten years, your salary will be halved!"

Diao Wang said coldly, it's good that Xin Yu kept her face and didn't intend to pursue the Tiger King to the end, otherwise, she wouldn't dare to keep the Tiger King!
"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Tiger King quickly thanked him.

"Hmph, that Zhao Wuxiang has his followers, but I will find out everyone who is in the same rank as him! How to deal with it, you should know better than me."

Diao Wang spoke in a deep voice.

"Okay! I understand! Your Majesty, please rest assured! I will definitely not let one go!"

Tiger King responded quickly again, he now naturally knows that these guys will only become his tricks if they stay!

Diao Wang snorted displeased again, apparently still angry.

Seeing this, Tiger King couldn't help but plan to say something to please him, but he didn't wait for him to speak.

Only one person came, and it was Shang Wu, the moon maiden!
Tiger King quickly shut his mouth, quickly picked up the letter paper on the ground, and covered it tightly.Shang Wu is the servant of Hua Snake, so he naturally didn't dare to let her see the contents of these letters.

Shang Wu glanced at Tiger King suspiciously, then cupped his fist at Diao Wang: "Your Majesty, Lord Hua Snake has something to call for."

"Huh? Master Hua Snake is looking for me? Okay, I'll go there now."

Diao Wang stood up in astonishment. Over the years, she had hardly seen the snake a few times, and she basically conveyed her will directly.

"Her Majesty the Queen..."

The Tiger King couldn't help calling softly, with a look of eagerness on his face.

"Get out and do your business!"

Diao Wang glared angrily, he knew that Tiger King was worried that she would talk about him in front of the snake.

"Yes Yes!"

When the Tiger King heard the words, he quickly got up and left as if he had received an amnesty.

Diao Wang curled his lips and left with Shang Wu to meet Hua Snake.

Come to the temple.

I saw the snake lying lazily on its side on the jade bed, showing its fairy beauty.

"Meet the supreme Lord Hua Snake!"

Diao Wang immediately saluted respectfully.

"Hmm... you're here, little mink."

"Yes, I don't know what orders Master Hua Snake has?"

"This deity wants you to do one thing... that is to use Taigan's 30-year spiritual fruit offerings in exchange for the mining rights of all the ore wood in Taigan's [-]-year period. The reason is that the kingdom of God will be built in a big way, and a lot of materials will be used. And Ask for the two artifacts Qinglongjian and Xunfengqin that are currently in Taigan."

Hua Snake said in a low voice, before Taigan asked her to help, but agreed to the condition of enshrining the 30-year spirit fruit income, and now she will use the [-]-year spirit fruit enshrinement in exchange for greater benefits, because Xin Yu's Fengshui formation Appearance, destined to soar in the value of these ore woods in the future!

And the right to use it for a hundred years is enough for the Kingdom of God to ingest as much as the mineral wood that is too dry!Anyway, those materials that are suitable for arranging feng shui formations are all in the bag!

At that time, Taigan also discovered the Feng Shui formation, and it was too late to react.Even if she asks Xin Yu to go to Taigan to help arrange the Fengshui formation, and Taigan wants to arrange a higher Fengshui formation, the materials are already in her hands, and she can use this to make Taigan spit out the 30-year spiritual fruit offering again , even in exchange for more benefits!
"This? 30 years of spiritual fruit in exchange for [-] years of mining rights? This seems to be a bit of a loss, right? As for the artifacts Qinglongjian and Xunfengqin, they are too valuable to measure. I'm afraid they are too dry to agree..."

Diao Wang was stunned. The spiritual fruit is a real boost to the national strength. Although these minerals are also very useful, but for now, the Kingdom of God does not need them. After all, there are a lot of mineral resources in the Kingdom of God, and they are enough anyway. No shortage.Spirit fruit is a rare thing, especially the cultivation of the ancient battle formation.

"Whether you agree or not is the same thing. You can just talk to the deity. Anyway, it is to use the smallest price in exchange for the greatest benefit."

The Snake spoke softly.

"This...Master Hua Snake, since it involves a divine weapon, the matter is of great importance, why don't you discuss it with the envoy? Besides, if the envoy came to discuss it, wouldn't it be easier to facilitate it?"

Diao Wang hesitated to respond.

"Huh? Xiao Diao, what do you mean to say, how the deity wants to make a decision requires the consent of Fang Ce?"

Hua Snake couldn't help squinting her eyes. The reason why she asked Diao Wang to explain this matter now was because she didn't want Fang Ce to know, so that he wouldn't tell her the news to Taigan, so that Taigan would have a chance to raise the price!
"No! No! Xiao Diao dare not! Xiao Diao will do it now!"

Diao Wang hurriedly responded, she didn't want to offend the snake.

"Hmph, let's do it. Don't mention it to Fang Ce before the matter is completed, understand?"

"Yes! Understood! Xiao Diao resigns!"

Diao Wang responded, and retreated cautiously.


The snake closed its eyes lazily and with satisfaction, its beautiful tail swaying leisurely...


On Fang Ce's side, several people have already arrived outside Feiyang County, west of Heliang City.

At this moment, on the top of the mountain in the north.

"Iron mountain, shrub forest, lake east water, warm sun climate, red soil, this is the ninth-grade terrain, isn't it right, fairy?"

Fang Ce asked carefully.

"Well, it's a ninth-class terrain. Next, it's okay to set up a Fengshui formation in the city, right?"

Xin Yu lightly tapped her head, and started to go back down the mountain.

"should be no problem."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded: "By the way, Fairy, I see that you mentioned in the article that in addition to the fifth-level terrain and above can use special methods to create Fengshui terrain, the sixth-level terrain can also use special methods to create Fengshui terrain. Like sixth-level terrain, you need to correspond The ten-thousand-year spirits, essence and blood, royal soil, red crystal, golden silk wood... etc. How to find the ten-thousand-year spirits mentioned here, I mean those of us who do not have the ability of true knowledge. To distinguish and correspond to the five elements is like Is it a bit troublesome?"

"Oh, it's not difficult. If you memorize the Sifang formulas, you can easily identify which spiritual creatures are suitable. In the east, there are wooden dragons, golden dragons, earth raccoons, fire tigers, and water leopards. In the west, wooden wolves and golden dogs , earth pheasant, fire monkey, and water ape. In the south, wood ant, golden sheep, earth deer, fire snake, and water worm. In the north, wood scorpion, golden ox, earth bat, fire pig, and water yu. These are the regular five-element spirits .”

Xin Yu responded.

"Oh well……"

Fang Ce nodded.

"East, wooden dragon, golden dragon, earth raccoon dog, fire tiger, water leopard..."

On the side, Taimei Sun murmured silently.


Fang Ce was taken aback, as if he had discovered something, he couldn't help but squat down and picked up something, which was a piece of transparent spar the size of an egg and filled with aura.

"Lingshi? You're lucky..."

He couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, this spirit stone was a regular size, weighing half a catty, but it was worth a thousand taels of gold, so he was lucky.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the spiritual energy is sufficient, spiritual stones may be condensed in the mountains, underwater, and underground.But the number is very rare, and in most towns, only one or two pieces can be found a year.Picking it up is equivalent to making a fortune...

Otherwise, you can only search in some extreme environments, such as lava fields and deep sea areas. There will be more spirit stones in those places, but the risk is not small.

"Tch, isn't it just a broken spirit stone? It seems like I haven't picked it up before."

Sun Taimei immediately dismissed it. The most important thing is, with her and Fang Ce's current status, what is this Lingshi?Especially for Fang Ce, he couldn't catch the eye at all.

"Haha, the spirit stone is second, it mainly represents luck."

Fang Ce smiled. Although this spirit stone is nothing to him now, if he wants it, he can get it casually.But if you want to pick up a piece in the wild in the mountains, it will be different.That's a very small probability.A place with only one or two yuan a year has a population of more than a dozen or hundreds of thousands. If you can come across it, isn't that a lucky person?This mood is also good.

"Hmph, fart."

Taimei Sun couldn't help snorting softly.

"By the way, Fairy, I have another question. You mentioned in the Fengshui article that the construction of the tenth-class Fengshui terrain requires only the blood of a hundred-year-old spirit. Doesn't it mean that as long as there are materials to master the Fengshui formation, any place Can they be directly used to build towns?"

Fang Ce put away the Lingshi casually and asked curiously.

"Well... that can be said. However, if it is not necessary, don't rely on the feng shui places created purely by feng shui formations. Because these low-level feng shui terrains are relatively easy to damage. If you are in a A place that is not suitable for living in the first place has created a feng shui terrain, and there are many people living there for a long time. Once an accident occurs, the follow-up problems may be very troublesome.

Therefore, in an environment that is already suitable for living, it will be more secure to create a higher Feng Shui terrain.Once the created geomantic terrain is damaged, it will not affect the problem of survival.

To create geomantic terrain in an environment that is not suitable for living can only be said to be in some special cases, such as strategic needs. "

Xin Yu responded.

"Yeah, I got it."

Fang Ce nodded.

Not long after, the three of them arrived in Feiyang County.

On the street, the people here are also quite depressed.

Seeing this situation, Fang Ce and the others suddenly thought of the matter of Zhao Wuxiang, the magistrate of Heliang City.

However, the three of them didn't care too much, and came to the yamen first.

"Xiaguan Guangyang, magistrate of Feiyang County, pay my respects to your lord!!"

I saw a tall, fat, slick middle-aged man saluting Xin Yu respectfully.

"Well, you're welcome."

Xin Yu waved his hand.

"It's really fat."

But Taimei Sun couldn't help muttering.

The county magistrate was startled, but he didn't pay much attention, and replied to Xin Yu: "Master Xie, is your lord here to arrange Fengshui? Here in Feiyang County, Fengshui is still quite good, and the officials are conscientious in managing matters big and small, and have never been out. what is the problem."

"Well, it's really good, but I'm here to better improve Feng Shui."

"Oh, so that's the case, it's really hard for you, sir. By the way, you came from Kowloon City, you should have passed through Heliang City, and you have met Master Zhao, the magistrate, right?"

"Huh? I've seen it, what's the matter?"

Xin Yu was puzzled.

"Uh...that, it's nothing, Mr. Zhao, is he alright?"

The county magistrate hesitated to ask, he mainly wanted to test whether Xin Yu was from the same camp.

"Oh, that's alright."

Xin Yu nodded: "Okay, let's get down to business. To arrange the Fengshui of Feiyang County, you need a stone weighing more than [-] catties, a piece of red and sapphire each weighing two catties, and some skilled craftsmen."

"Oh... this... okay, I'll take care of it later."

The county magistrate responded in astonishment. It seemed that the other party was indeed just here to handle business, but it seemed that there was no conflict with them.

"Well, as soon as possible. When you're ready, come find me at the post."

Xin Yu responded, and took Fang Ce to leave with Taimei Sun.

Come to the Yamen.

"Hmph, it seems that the magistrate of Feiyang County is in the same group as that dog in Heliang City, and his hand is quite long."

Sun Taimei curled her lips.

Xin Yu and Fang Ce didn't say anything, and wandered around Feiyang County casually.

The next day, in the post house.

"Meet the fairy, little one! Meet the apprentice... Mr. Apprentice... meet my aunt!"

The Tiger King saluted the three of them respectfully.

"Tiger King? What are you doing here?"

Sun Taimei was stunned.

Xin Yu was also slightly surprised.

Fang Ce looked strange.

"Uh... this... is the magistrate of Heliang City who formed a clique for personal gain and caused harm to all directions. The younger one is now in charge of apprehending and dealing with them. The officials of Feiyang County are also part of the prefect of Heliang City, so the younger one came over. Knowing that You fairies are here too, why don't you come over immediately and wait..."

Tiger King hesitated to respond.

"Heh...heh? The magistrate of Heliang City is forming a party for personal gain. Shouldn't you arrest yourself first and deal with it?"

Sun Taimei couldn't help but look bright.

"Grandma, you can just spare the little one... The little one has already been punished... Now it's time to make amends..."

Tiger King smiled wryly.

"Okay, Lord Tiger King, since the county magistrate of Feiyang County has been brought to justice, who will take over Feiyang County now?"

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

"A fellow named He, fairy, please rest assured, your matter must be dealt with first, and there will be no delay!"

Tiger King responded immediately, he naturally knew what Xin Yu was concerned about.

"Well, that's good, thank you."

Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"Your Fairy, you are being polite! If you have nothing to do, I will leave now and continue to deal with that bastard of the prefect of Heliang City."

The Tiger King hurriedly clasped his fists in response.


Xin Yu nodded.

The Tiger King immediately took his leave and left respectfully.

In the following two days, Fang Ce had already started the layout of the Feng Shui formation, and Xin Yu was watching over it carefully.

At this moment, in Taigan capital.

"What? Mr. Hua Snake wants to enshrine the spiritual fruit of Taigan for 30 years, in exchange for the mining rights of all the ore and wood, the nine artifacts, the Qinglong Sword, and the Xunfengqin within a hundred years of Taigan?"

King Fu Zun looked at the envoy of the Kingdom of God, Yueren Tantaili, in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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