Chapter 339 Continue Playing!Then dance!
"Yes, King Taigan."

Tantaili clasped his fists in response.


King Fu Zun suddenly frowned, and reduced Taigan's 30-year spiritual fruit expenditure in exchange for the mining rights of all ore wood within a hundred years. This will undoubtedly not be a disadvantage.The problem is that the Nine Artifacts Qinglong Sword and Xunfengqin are the most treasured treasures in the world, and there is only one copy, and their value is extraordinary, which cannot be measured by a century-old mining right.Moreover, the Nine Artifacts are not in his hands...

"How? King Taigan, what is your country's plan?"

Tan Taili asked.

"Hmm... Although these nine artifacts are in Taigan, they are not controlled by Taigan, but in the Tianji Pavilion. You need to negotiate with the Tianji Pavilion before you can give an answer."

King Fu Zun responded in a deep voice, he said that the main goal of the snake transformation is the Nine Artifacts, and the 30-year reduction of the spiritual fruit is just a bonus.

"it is good."

Tan Taili nodded.

Soon after, inside the Holy Word Pavilion.

"Meet Your Majesty."

I saw Mr. Tianji coming and saluting respectfully to King Fu Zun.

"No need to be polite."

King Fu Zun waved his hand.

"I don't know why the Holy Majesty summoned me?"

Master Tianji was puzzled.

"Hmm...Master Hua Snake wants the Nine Artifacts, and the Kingdom of God sent an envoy to negotiate with Gu. The details are as follows..."

King Fu Zun thought about it a little.

"This...Master Hua Snake wants the Nine Artifacts? There is no reason, why does she want this?"

Master Tianji was puzzled.

"I don't know, the envoy of the Kingdom of God didn't say it clearly."

King Fu Zun shook his head.

"Only the envoy of the Kingdom of God, Fang Ce is the future?"

Master Tianji asked again.

"Well, it's just an envoy from the Kingdom of God to negotiate."

"Okay, I understand. I will give you an answer after I go back and report to my father and grandfather."

Master Tianji cupped his fists.

"Okay, please."

King Fu Zun nodded in response.


Feiyang County, the central square.

A seven-star platform sculpture stands.

Fang Ce stood on the Tai Chi Seven-Star Platform, pinched the magic formula with his hands, and the mysterious aura spread from his body, and then two rays of light shot at the Tai Chi Liangyi.

In an instant, mysterious rays of light flickered, and a majestic aura spread out. Under the Tai Chi Seven Stars Stage, there was an array of yin and yang, the five elements loomed, and the seven stars coiled around!

This is the formation of Fengshui, and the Mingtang ascends to the stars!

All of a sudden, the whole Feiyang County was in commotion.

"It's done!? This guy really has mastered it?"

Taimei Sun couldn't help pouting.

"Fairy, how are you?"

Fang Ce smiled and looked at Xin Yu.


Xin Yu tapped her head lightly, she was not surprised that Fang Ce had mastered the Feng Shui formation so quickly.

"Then go to the next place and continue to arrange."

Fang Ce smiled.

The three of them left Feiyang County and continued westward.


Jiulong Mountain, inside the temple.

"Master Hua Snake, there is news from Taigan that the mining rights of ore can be agreed, but Taigan can't agree to the matter of the nine artifacts. Because those two artifacts belong to the Tianji Pavilion, it is Taigan's intention to let It will be easier for the gods to make adults go to negotiate."

Shang Wu spoke respectfully to Hua Snake.

"Hmph! Do you want to ask Fang Ce for help? This deity has already expected it."

The snake immediately dismissed it.

"Shang Wu, you go to negotiate in person on behalf of the deity, the range of changes in the negotiation conditions is as follows..."

The snake then slowly began to narrate.

Soon after, in Taigan Palace.

"Welcome to the Lord Servant!"

King Fu Zun saluted the coming Shang Wu respectfully.

"Your Majesty Taigan, you don't need to be too polite."

Shang Wu let out a soft sound. At this moment, her mood was rather complicated. Although she is now a servant of the snake, in the eyes of the world, she has become an incomparably noble servant of the gods, representing the god who transforms into a snake. There is always a difference between gains and losses. as subtle...

"Thank you, my lord."

King Fu Zun responded again.

"King Taigan, this time I am here on behalf of Master Huasnake to discuss the matter of Taigan's mining rights."

"Well, please tell me, my lord servant."

"Master Hua Snake said that since he is too dry to decide on the Nine Divine Artifacts, he will exchange 20 years of spiritual fruit offerings for a hundred-year mining rights. As for the matter of the Nine Divine Artifacts, Master Hua Snake will send an envoy to negotiate later. I hope you don't know good from bad. These are what Master Hua Snake means..."

Shang Wu spoke.


King Fu Zun suddenly became pale, don't be ignorant... Isn't this just buying and selling by force?However, he is not too worried about the matter of the Nine Artifacts now, as long as Fang Ce comes, he can be sure to talk about it no matter what.

"If King Taigan has any objections, it's okay to say so."

"No, and there is no objection. It's just 20 years of spiritual fruit offerings in exchange for 25 years of mining rights? This is too little, at least [-] years, right? After all, the situation is not too good now. Moreover, Master Hua Snake wants After the [-]-year mining right, how should we develop in the [-]-year period? After all, there are times when we need to use these resources.”

King Fu Zun smiled bitterly.

"Well...25 years, right...Master Hua Snake should agree. As for the resource demand for Taigan's development, it's not a problem. At that time, Taigan can buy it from the Kingdom of God at a normal price. However, some ore wood The scale is limited. Like jade and spiritual wood, those with a scale of more than [-] tons and a diameter of more than ten feet may not be sold. If Taigan really needs to be used, we can discuss it separately."

Shang Wu responded.


King Fu Zun was surprised, if the snake transformation was not to monopolize resources, then it would be fine.However, those scale restrictions puzzled him, and it was a bit abnormal.

"Because Master Hua Snake wants to use these materials to build statues of gods, which are spread all over the place to show the power of the gods."

Shang Wu said, these are naturally the explanations given to her by Hua Snake.

"God... god sculpture..."

King Fu Zun suddenly felt speechless. Is this snake really addicted to God?
"How is it, King Taigan?"

Shang Wu asked.

"Oh... oh, yes, if that's the case, it's not a big problem."

King Fu Zun nodded. He didn't pay much attention to the century-old mining rights, because it seemed that the main goal of the snake transformation was the Nine Gods Artifact.

Although the power of the Nine Artifacts is very powerful, it also has many limitations.The biggest weakness is the artifact holder itself.The holder's own strength is not enough, and if he cleans up by himself, the Nine Artifacts will not be able to play a role.Therefore, the threat of the Nine Artifacts to the demons is not particularly great.

"Okay, let's discuss and finalize the detailed agreement first, so I can go back and report to Master Hua Snake."

Shang Wu responded.


King Fu Zun nodded.

Two days later, the transaction agreement was finalized, and Taigan's 25-year spirit fruit offering was exchanged for Taigan's [-]-year mining rights!

Hua Snake was immediately overjoyed, and directly ordered Diao Wang to start mining Taigan ore wood!For those large-scale raw materials, it is an important reminder that they cannot be damaged!

Half a month passed.

Hukou Pass.

Fang Ce arrives with Xin Yu and Sun Taimei.

During this period of time, the three of them arranged Fengshui formations for several cities in a row, basically all of them were ninth-class or tenth-class terrains.

"I didn't expect such an important border town to have the lowest geomantic omen of the tenth class..."

Sun Taimei shook her head.

Before the three of them entered the checkpoint, they had already explored the terrain outside.

"This is a remote place on the border, and Feng Shui is generally normal. It is almost enough to have a solid mountain to defend against the enemy and guarantee basic survival. How can there be so many requirements."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Well... yes, but this is an important place in the city. Is it necessary to use Sister Fairy's feng shui formation to improve the feng shui terrain here? Anyway, as long as you have the right materials, you can achieve it. It is better to upgrade to the seventh or eighth rank than the tenth rank. ?”

Sun Taimei spoke.

"Naturally, this has to be considered. After all, the west is the Li Kingdom, and there are guys like the Demon Dragon and the Great Desolation Ancient God. The improved terrain is also good for defense. After the feng shui formation of all the cities in the Kingdom of God is settled, I will return to Kowloon City and let the Queen Your Majesty's preparation materials should focus on improving key cities."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Okay, let's go to the city to inform Xie Yuan first, so that he can set up a Fengshui formation. I don't know how that guy Xie Yuan is doing here."

Fang Ce took Xin Yu and Taimei Sun to the city.

Come to the gate of the city mansion.

I saw two guards were drinking, talking and laughing.

Seeing this, the three of Fang Ce were a little stunned.

"Two big brothers, may I ask..."

Fang Ce couldn't help but stepped forward to ask, but didn't wait for him to finish speaking.

"Got it, got it, don't talk too much, just come with me."

One of the guards glanced at Xin Yu and Sun Taimei, and waved directly.

"Huh? This?"

Fang Ce and Xin Yu were even more stunned, but the guard had already gone inside, so they followed suit.

"Brother, is this what Master Xie Yuan meant?"

Fang Ce asked, could it be that the evil ape already knew they were coming?
"you still need to ask?"

The guard responded casually.

"Oh fine……"

Fang Ce couldn't help looking at the two daughters, Xin Yu, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

After walking for a while, the guard brought Fang Ce and the three to a hall.

Only bursts of laughter and the sound of music came from the palace.


Fang Ce's face suddenly became strange, because he had already sensed the breath of the evil ape inside, and there were many messy breaths in it...

"Go in by yourselves."

The guard looked at Fang Ce and the other three.


Fang Ce couldn't help but exchanged glances with the two girls, Xin Yu, and felt that this was really weird...

Then the three entered the palace.

The aroma of wine and powder is tangy.He heard it first and burst out laughing: "Ah ha ha ha ha! Go on playing! Go on dancing!"

The scene inside the house left Fang Ce and the others even more stunned.

I saw dozens of beauties in the house, and they were all kinds of women, human women, rabbit demon women, fox demon women, monkey demon women, all kinds of women, Yingying Yanyan.

These women were either playing the whirling dance, or they were serving a strong, tough, white-haired young man on the main seat.

That young man looked drunk and enjoying himself, it was Evil Ape!

"This... this guy... the big demon evil ape?"

Sun Taimei had a look of disbelief.

"Huh? Did you send two little beauties again? This time it's a human...rat demon?"

Xie Yuanzui narrowed his eyes and looked over, his eyes fell on Xin Yu and Sun Taimei.

Fang Ce's face was strange, and then a killing intent surged out of him!


Those women couldn't help panicking, and moved closer to the evil ape.

"Who assassinated!?"

Xie Yuan was also a spirit, shaking his head quickly to dissipate the smell of alcohol. With his cultivation level, unless he wanted to be intoxicated, how could ordinary drinks easily make him truly intoxicated?
"Master Xie Yuan, long time no see, it's really enjoyable."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists in salute. He really didn't expect that this evil ape would "degenerate" to this point...

"I've seen Mr. Evil Ape."

Xin Yu also clasped her fists in salute.

Taimei Sun curled her lips with a look of disdain.

"Fang... Fang... Venerable Fang!?"

The evil ape saw the person coming, and immediately opened his eyes wide.

"Go, go! Get out one by one!"

Immediately, the evil ape directly expelled the group of Yingying and Yanyan around him.

A group of rouge fans immediately retreated carefully and quickly.

"Fang Venerable! Unexpectedly, it was you who came here! Just now... that is... that is, the deity was bored for a while... usually he is basically practicing... cultivation..."

Xie Yuan couldn't hide his embarrassment and cupped his fists at Fang Ce, trying his best to hide it.

"Well, the next time I came here, I was mainly ordered by Her Majesty the Queen to accompany the fairy to set up a Fengshui formation. Excuse me."

Fang Ce smiled and cupped his fists, this guy was actually embarrassed.

On the side, Sun Taimei still curled her lips.

"Oh, so that's the case, is it a Fengshui formation? Is there something that requires the deity to come forward?"

"It's nothing, just some materials need to be prepared. The main thing is to report to Master Xie Yuan, so as not to cause trouble."

"Okay! If you have any needs, Venerable Fang just say it!"

Evil Ape nodded repeatedly.

"I'm not in a hurry, it's rare to come here, can't I catch up with Master Xie Yuan?"

Fang Ce came to the seat with a smile and sat down, took the wine glass and poured wine.


Xie Yuan laughed loudly and sat down readily.

Xin Yu pulled Sun Taimei to watch, she knew that this evil ape was different from the others, he only had strong eyes in his eyes, and it was impossible to compliment Fang Ce's attitude towards her.Don't say it's her, even if it's a snake, if you don't give face, you won't give face.It's just that Fang Ce can restrain the evil ape.

Although Sun Taimei was a little unhappy, she could sense the powerful blood pressure of the evil ape, no matter how much she disdained the evil ape, she would not dare to provoke the evil ape face to face.

"Master Xie Yuan, how are these people doing here?"

Fang Ce smiled and toasted.

"Hey, it's not the same, it's boring and plain."

The evil ape waved his hand.

"Li Guo and Molong, there's nothing going on, right?"

"No, those sons of bitches, dare to make any noise? With the deity and Venerable Fang here with you, how dare they make mistakes?"

"Well... it's safe, Commander Yang and the others are still guarding here, right?"

"Oh, those guys are here. They are quite competent and worthy of appreciation..."

Xie Yuan blushed slightly, as if he was suddenly a little embarrassed when he thought of his luxury.


Fang Ce nodded, planning to visit later.

"This is really guarded by Mr. Lao Xie Yuan and you."

Fang Ce poured another cup for Xie Yuan.

"No, Venerable Fang is being polite."

Evil Ape waved his hand.

The two chatted for a long time, Fang Cefang explained the Fengshui formation, took Xin Yu and Taimei Sun to leave.

Afterwards, Fang Ce and the others came to the barracks.

"Stop! Who are you! Why are you here!?"

The guard immediately stopped Fang Ce and the other three outside.

(End of this chapter)

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