Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 340 It just so happens that the materials of the 5th grade battle are begging for the essenc

Chapter 340 The materials for the fifth-level battle are coincidental, asking for the blood of the auspicious beast!

"Oh, Brother Soldier, we are old friends of Commander Yang, please let us know."

Fang Ce clenched his fists in response.

"Go, go! What old friends! Commander Yang doesn't have time to see you messes!"

The guard chased people away directly, with a look of disbelief.

"Brother Soldier, we are really old friends of Commander Yang..."

"Go away! Even if you are really an old friend of Commander Yang, Commander Yang will not have time to see you! Here, no social gatherings are accepted, this is the rule set by Commander Yang! Understand?"

Before Fang Ce could finish speaking, the guards got impatient and drove away again.


Fang Ce was stunned.

Xin Yu and Sun Taimei could not help but glance at each other, this place is really strict in military discipline, but it is in stark contrast to the evil ape...

"Okay, since that's the case, please forgive me for disturbing you."

Fang Ce smiled, cupped his fists, and left with Xin Yu and Sun Taimei.Although he wants to see Commander Yang, he must be able to see him.However, seeing this situation, he didn't want Commander Yang to break the rules because of him.After all it's good.

On the road.

"Commander Yang is really good."

Sun Taimei couldn't help but speak, although she was turned away, she didn't feel unhappy at all.

"Well...it's really good..."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

Several days passed.

At the center of the checkpoint, a Taiji platform stands.

Sun Taimei stood in front of the high platform, pinched the formula with both hands, and shot out two rays of light that landed on the Taiji Liangyi.In an instant, there was a burst of yin and yang on the ground, and the image of the five elements loomed.

The feng shui formation, the combination of yin and yang is formed!The mysterious aura spread throughout Hukou Pass, causing a commotion.

"Hahaha! Junior brother! Sister Fairy! Look! I have mastered it too!"

Sun Taimei was suddenly excited.

"Haha, the girl is very talented."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

Xin Yu also nodded with a smile. Although this is only the lowest level of feng shui formation, it is not easy to master it. It is difficult for ordinary feng shui masters to do it within a year or so.As for the ninth and eighth grades, it is naturally more difficult to master them.At the sixth level, it is no longer something that ordinary Feng Shui masters can master, it must be quite talented.

As for the fifth class and above, those who can master it are even rarer.And she who has the ability of true knowledge, although she discovered the use of this feng shui formation, she only mastered the fourth-class feng shui formation!Further up, she only knew the theory, and she couldn't really grasp it herself.Because the advanced Feng Shui formation involves not only Fengshui knowledge, strength, and understanding, but the most critical point is the cultivation of one's own posture.

As far as she has seen so far, Fang Ce is the only person who can meet the highest feng shui layout requirements...

"Is this the Feng Shui formation you mentioned? It does have a little meaning..."

Xie Yuan on the side nodded thoughtfully. He felt that his own strength had been slightly improved in this feng shui formation, but only a little bit, which is not necessary.

"Haha, Master Xie Yuan, this is a tenth-class feng shui formation, which can enhance the power of a century-old practice. For you who have a ten-thousand-year practice, it will not have much impact. In the future, gather the materials and create a fifth-grade feng shui formation here. , then it will be different. At that time, the gap between you and the invaders will be able to widen the gap of more than a thousand years."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Hiss!? A gap of more than a thousand years!?"

Xie Yuan suddenly showed surprise. The changes in his practice for a hundred years did not have much effect on him, but it will be different in a thousand years!Enough to give him an absolute upper hand in the confrontation with the magic dragon! !
"Well, but it will take some time, because the materials for arranging fifth-class Fengshui formations are hard to find."

"That's for sure, such an exaggerated ability!"

Xie Yuan nodded in agreement.

Another moment of small talk.

"What happened!? Master Evil Ape!? And... and..."

"Boy Fang Ce!?"

A surprised voice sounded.

I saw Yang Qixing and Taoist Kuanglei coming with several figures, including Yang Qique and Yang Xuefei brothers and sisters.

"Huh? It's Commander Yang, senior Daoist Kuanglei, the junior has met you all."

Fang Ce immediately smiled and cupped his fists.

"God... Divine Envoy..."

Yang Qixing was stunned. Now Fang Ce's identity is not simple but also quite a lot. The most important thing is that he has to look up to them all. Therefore, it is really difficult to call him...

"Ha, Commander Yang, this junior is now a little apprentice following the fairy to arrange Fengshui everywhere, so you don't need to be so polite."

Fang Ce clasped his fists again with a smile.

"This...well...you...dude...when did you come here? Why didn't you say anything?"

Yang Qixing was helpless.

"Fang... Brother Fang..."

Yang Xuefei couldn't help giving a salute, she originally wanted to call Fang Tianshi.

"Oh, I went to the business to visit Commander Yang before, but I was stopped outside, so I didn't dare to bother more."

"What... what!? Which bastard is so bold! Even you dare to block it!"

Yang Qixing's eyes widened immediately, with a look of shock and anger on his face.

"No, Commander Yang, it's no one's fault. We were just visiting as old friends. We didn't expect Commander Yang to have rules in the barracks. This military discipline is strict, and I don't want to destroy it. After all, it was just a pure visit, not What matters."

Fang Ce cupped his fists again.

"This... this... that's how it is, thank you!"

Yang Qixing couldn't help cupping his fist at Fang Ce respectfully, he knew that Fang Ce's compliance with his rules was a complete recognition of his military discipline!It is even more respect for him!

"Commander Yang, please be polite."

"By the way, what happened just now? Why did all of us have a terrifying increase in strength!? Is this related to Fang... Is it related to you guys, Fang?"

Yang Qixing then looked suspiciously at the shaded balcony beside him, and he was able to confirm that the source of this vision was related to this sculpture!

"Oh, this is the feng shui formation developed by the fairy, which will allow us to better utilize the power of the feng shui force."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"This...it turns out to be a fairy! Please be respected by Yang!"

Yang Qixing saluted Xin Yu in surprise.

"Commander Yang is being polite!"

Xin Yu hurriedly returned the gift.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while, and Fang Ce and the three left to continue arranging Feng Shui formations elsewhere.


A few months later, the southwestern city fell outside the city, on a hill.

"Well... this place is okay, the eighth-rank terrain. Sister Fairy, isn't it?"

Sun Taimei looked up.

"That's right, it's the eighth-class terrain."

Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"That's good! Let's enter the city and start arranging a feng shui formation! This time, I want to see if I can succeed!"

Taimei Sun clenched her fists.

"Wait a moment……"

"Huh? Sister Fairy, is there any question?"

"Let's go visit first... the gods here first."

Xin Yu looked at a huge lake on the other side, where there was an old friend of hers...

Fang Ce also looked at the huge lake.

"The god here? Oh...it's the Great Demon Nine Babies!?"

Taimei Sun came back to her senses immediately, now there are three gods in the Kingdom of God, Transforming Snake, Evil Ape, and Jiuying. The Transforming Snake is in Kowloon City, and the Evil Ape is in Hukou Pass, so the one here can only be Jiuying.


Xin Yu nodded lightly.

Afterwards, the three of them headed towards the giant lake.

When I came to the edge of the huge lake, I saw a statue of a god six to seven feet high. It was a mysterious and beautiful barefoot goddess with eight dragon ribbons on her back.It was the sculpture of Jiuying Liangxue!

At this moment, in front of the statue, some people are worshiping devoutly.

"Wow, it looks like this Jiuying is really worshiped?"

Sun Taimei couldn't help being curious.

Xin Yu and Fang Ce looked up at the statue, each in a daze.

At this moment, there are ripples in the giant lake!A powerful breath spreads!
"Master Jiuying has appeared! Master Jiuying has appeared!"

People could not help worshiping.

Looking at it, a dusty figure slowly emerged from the water in the huge lake, it was Jiuying Liangxue!
Liang Xueyu tapped her foot on the water, and slowly approached Fang Ce and the others.

"Meet Lord Jiuying."

Fang Ce immediately smiled and cupped his fists.

Xin Yu and Sun Taimei also saluted.

"Why are you here?"

Liang Xue glanced at the three of them, and her eyes fell on Xin Yu.

"Back to Master Jiuying, we are ordered by Master Huashe to arrange Fengshui formations everywhere. When we come here, we are here to meet and admire the demeanor of Master Jiuying."

Fang policy responded.

"Oh I got it……"

Liang Xue nodded.

"Master Jiuying, are you still used to being here?"

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

"Well, it's okay, thank you for your concern."

Liang Xue nodded.

"Master Jiuying, do you usually live in this lake?"

Fang Policy could not help asking.

"Well, it's nothing, I'm usually in the lake this day."

"I'm really thankful for you."

Fang Ce clasped his fists and saluted again.

"No, it's pretty good here, quiet and peaceful."

Liang Xue shook her head lightly.

"Master Jiuying, can we go for a walk around the city together?"

Xin Yu smiled.


Liang Xue glanced at the people who were still kneeling devoutly, and pursed her lips lightly: "Let's go for a walk in the surrounding mountains, that's good..."


Xin Yu tapped her head lightly, vaguely seeing something.

After playing around for a while, Liang Xue bid farewell to Fang Ce and the others and returned to Tianhu.

"This Jiuying is pretty easy to get along with, she doesn't put on airs at all."

Sun Taimei spoke.

"Well, it's really easy to get along with. Girl, if you have nothing to do, you can come here to play with Nine Baby Beauty when you have time."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded,

"Ah? Isn't that good? She doesn't know me very well..."

"What's the matter, we'll get acquainted after chatting more. Fairy and I will let you bring some gifts if we have nothing to do, so it will be easy to talk to. Maybe one day the nine-baby beauty will become your big backer, you say yes no."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Oh...it seems to make sense..."

Sun Taimei nodded in a daze. For her, the more backers, the better...

Afterwards, everyone entered the city.I saw that the people in the city believed in Liang Xue very much, and there were mentions of Liang Xue's deeds everywhere, eliminating natural disasters, exterminating bandits, deterring evil spirits, etc., were all related to protecting Luocheng.

Seeing the people in the city's crazy belief in Liang Xue, Fang Ce understood why Liang Xue didn't want to enter the city...

A few days later, the three of Fang Ce set up a feng shui formation in Luocheng, and then continued to go to other places in the Kingdom of God.

Time flies, and when Fang Ce and the other three completed the layout of the Feng Shui formations in all the cities and towns of the Kingdom of God, and returned to Kowloon City, a year had passed...

And this year, because of the feng shui formation, Fang Ce has received many spiritual fruit rewards...

Jiulong Mountain, inside the palace.

"Respected Master Hua Snake, we are back. The Feng Shui formation of the Kingdom of God has been completely arranged, and the mission has finally been fulfilled."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

"Meet Lord Hua Snake."

Xin Yu saluted respectfully.

"Hmph, you've been traveling for a whole year, so you're willing to come back?"

The snake snorted lightly.


Fang Ce was taken aback, this little woman could find a reason to be angry?

"How is your Feng Shui formation?"

The snake spoke again.

"Oh, it should be completely mastered, but I don't have the chance to display the advanced Feng Shui formation, so I'm not sure. I can only say that I have completely mastered it theoretically."

Fang policy responded.

"Okay, it's good if you don't be lazy. The materials for the fifth-class feng shui formation that Xiao Yu mentioned before have been collected. Now the essence and blood of the five auspicious beasts are needed. If you try to get it, you can arrange a fifth-class feng shui formation. This It shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

Hua Snake glanced at Fang Ce lightly.

"This... the materials for the fifth-class Fengshui formation have been collected? So fast? Are there so many resources in the country of God?"

Fang Ce couldn't help but be surprised.

"Of course, it's really rare."

The snake responded calmly.

Xin Yu, who was at the side, was a little puzzled. She had visited the entire Kingdom of God in the past year, and she was very clear about the mineral resources in every part of the Kingdom of God. Logically speaking, the Kingdom of God alone should not be able to If they are all together, then it is more likely that they should beg for some from Taigan?

"Okay, it's rare and strange. Now that the materials are all ready, let's go to Taigan to find Wurui Beast and discuss the blood essence."

Fang Ce responded with a smile, and he was too lazy to argue with this little demon girl about what she had.

"Well, let's go and come back quickly."

Hua Snake waved his hand.

Soon after, came to Taigan Palace.

"Brother Fang! Welcome!"

King Fu Zun respectfully clasped his fists and saluted.

"Ha, it's too polite, Your Majesty."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

"Please take a seat. I wonder if Brother Fang is here for the sake of the Nine Artifacts?"

King Fu Zun asked.

"Huh? The Nine Divine Artifacts? Why did His Majesty Taigan say that? Could it be that... Mr. Hua Snake sent someone to ask for the Nine Divine Artifacts before?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"This...Master Hua Snake didn't mention it to Brother Fang? Then why did Brother Fang come here this time?"

King Fu Zun was stunned, what's going on?Doesn't Hua Snake want the Nine Artifacts?Could it be that Fang Ce just thought of it on his own?

"No, what's going on here? I wonder if Majesty Taigan can tell me one or two?"

Fang Ce was even more puzzled, and his intuition told him that this kind of thing must be weird!After all, since Hua Snake sent someone to ask for the Nine Artifacts, how could he not make any noise, let alone mention it to him at all?This little girl is afraid that while he is out, she will play some tricks behind her back.

"Of course it is possible, the details of this matter are as follows..."

King Fu Zun immediately told the whole story slowly.

After a while, the corner of Fang Ce's mouth twitched, and he stared blankly at King Fu Zun.

"Brother Fang? What's the matter? Is there something wrong with this?"

Seeing Fang Ce's expression, King Fu Zun immediately realized that something was wrong, and felt a little bit of something wrong in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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