Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 341: Auspicious Rui Ancient Potential

Chapter 341: Auspicious Rui Ancient Potential
"This... Forget it, it's actually not a big problem. It has no effect on Taigan in essence."

Fang Shijie responded with a wry smile, regardless of the impact of Feng Shui formation, this transaction really has no impact on Taigan.Of course, the reason why he said this was because he was afraid that King Fu Zun would vomit blood...

Exchanging Taigan's 25-year-old spiritual fruit offerings for the mining rights of Taigan's [-]-year-old mining wood is simply a huge profit without capital!That little bitch of Snake is really ruthless!
"This... is this so... well, then I don't know why Brother Fang came here?"

King Fu Zun was puzzled, he was still brooding in his heart, but with Fang Ce's appearance, he obviously didn't want to tell it, so he had no choice but to let it go.

"I came here to find the five seniors of Ruishou. I don't know where the five seniors are now?"

Policy inquiry.

"Oh, look for the five auspicious beast seniors, Gu knows."

King Fu Zun nodded, and told Fang Ce where the five auspicious beasts were now.

Fang Ce thanked him and left.

Soon after, they came to the mountains outside Huogu Pass.

"Boy Fang Ce? Are you here to find the old man?"

Qilin looked at Fang Ce suspiciously.

"Yes, the junior has something to ask."

Fang Ce cupped his fists.

"What's the matter?"

"This junior wants to ask you, senior Qilin, for a few drops of blood essence."

"You want the old man's blood? Why?"

"It's useful against those guys like Li Guo and Molong."

Fang Ce responded that he wasn't lying, and the Feng Shui formation he had set up now was indeed mainly used to defend against Li Guo's side.

"Oh, to deal with those scourges? It's not a question, how much do you want?"

"The more the better."

"The more the better!? Do you think this is Chinese cabbage! You can't kill me!"

Qilin immediately blew his beard and stared.

"Uh... Let's see, six drops, just six drops is enough."

Fang Ce clasped his fists in embarrassment.

"Hmph, six drops, right?"

Qilin frowned slightly, it would take at least half a year to recover.After all, this is not ordinary blood, but blood that contains the spirit of life.

After obtaining the Qilin's blood essence, Fang Ce resigned respectfully and went to look for the other four auspicious beasts.

Soon, the blood essence of the five auspicious beasts was obtained and brought back to the Kingdom of God.

Go back to the Nine Dragon Mountain Temple.

"Come back? But successfully obtained the blood essence of those guys?"

The snake inquired quietly.


Fang policy responded.

"well done."

Hua Snake nodded in satisfaction, and then asked Fang Ce and Xin Yu to prepare for the fifth-class Feng Shui formation.

And Fang Ce didn't ask too much about the mine that was too dry in the Huashe Pit, because he knew that it would be useless to ask, and this little girl might still be complacent and show off to him triumphantly...

a few days later.

Nine auspicious beast sculptures carved from rare objects stand in the direction of the Nine Palaces in Kowloon City.

Northwest is a huge white jade Pixiu sculpture with a body length of twelve feet, a width of six feet, and a height of nine feet.

On the north side is a huge sapphire turtle sculpture with a body length of ten feet, a width of nine feet, and a height of seven feet.

The northeast is twelve feet long, eight feet wide, and six feet high. It is a huge topaz unicorn sculpture in a crouching shape.

The east side is six feet long and has a wingspan of fifteen feet. It is a huge cloud silk wood Qingluan sculpture supported by a high platform in the shape of flying.

The southeast is five feet high, with wings spread seventeen feet, standing on a high platform with a huge cloud silk wood Qingluan sculpture.

In the south, there is a red jade red dragon sculpture wrapped around a [-]-foot-high pillar.

The southwest is ten feet long, seven feet wide, and ten feet tall. It is a huge topaz unicorn sculpture with a curvy body.

On the west side, it is eleven feet long, six feet wide, and ten feet high. It is a huge white jade Pixiu sculpture in the shape of leaping.

The middle palace is twelve feet long, six feet wide, and twelve feet tall. It is a huge topaz unicorn sculpture in a crouching shape.

The lifelike, majestic and oppressive works of treasures are extremely eye-catching and enviable.

Among them, there are three unicorn sculptures, two Qingluan sculptures, and two white tiger sculptures. In fact, the most suitable sculptures in the northwest, northeast, southeast, and southwest are the sculptures of two earth, one gold, and one wood auspicious beasts with the power of the four winds. But currently there are no four wind auspicious beasts, and the five auspicious beasts still have little impact, because the basic power of the five elements is complete.

At this moment, the central square.

Fang Ce, Snake Shui Ling'er, Taoists of Good and Evil, and Diao Wang are all present.

Xin Yu stands in front of the Kylin sculpture.

In the eyes of everyone expecting and curious.

Xin Yu closed her eyes and slowly soared into the sky, a sacred and transcendent momentum slowly climbed up from her body!An ancient atmosphere is gradually lingering!
When she was at the same height as the huge topaz unicorn sculpture, her eyes opened, shining brightly!The vast and ancient momentum spread out, making everyone's hearts tremble a little!
Xin Yu quickly picked up the complex formula with both hands, a wave of power spread out, and finally settled down, two rays of light shot into the red and sapphire pupils of the unicorn sculpture!
moment!On the ground, the sun is shining!The five elements and eight trigrams appear!
The screams and roars sounded immediately!

I saw that there were nine auspicious beast lights and shadows surrounding them!Immediately, they scattered and rushed to the auspicious animal sculpture in the direction of the Nine Palaces!

The entire Kowloon City, including several kilometers away, was quickly enveloped by a vast force!Everyone is refreshed and full of strength!

Feng Shui is the fifth class, and the auspiciousness is ancient!

"nailed it."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

The snake on the side also showed a satisfied smile.

Then Diao Wang even held a celebration banquet to celebrate.

Wait until the celebration banquet is over.

"Fairy, now our Jiulong City has a fifth-class feng shui terrain, which is higher than Taigan Capital?"

Diao Wang looked excited. As the emperor of the kingdom of God, she could sense the subtle changes in her imperial aura!

Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"This feng shui formation is so powerful, wouldn't it be able to comprehensively improve the luck of the entire kingdom of God!?"

"Well... Theoretically speaking, there is no problem. However, I am afraid that the raw materials are not easy to find. After all, these treasure-level raw materials are limited. Although the amount of a city has been obtained now, it will become more and more difficult in the future. Found it. It is unrealistic to upgrade more than 70 towns in the entire kingdom of God. According to my estimation, there may not be more than ten at most."

"That's right, but ten are fine, as long as some key important cities are arranged well."

"Well, indeed, in my opinion, Hukou Pass is the next city to be built. After all, it is an important border town, but it only has the tenth-level basic terrain."

Xin Yu responded.

"Okay, these fairies are your specialty. I only provide you with those cities that are the key positions, and the rest is up to you, fairies."

Diao Wang nodded.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust."

Xin Yu nodded lightly.

a few days later.

Inside the Taigan Palace.

I saw Master Tianji arriving.

"Young Master Tianji, I don't know you're here, but what's the matter?"

King Fu Zun was puzzled.

"Well... some major discoveries, about the Kingdom of God..."

Master Tianji pondered.

"The Kingdom of God? Please tell Master Tianji!"

King Fu Zun's heart skipped a beat.

"Well, in fact, more than half a year ago, the Tianji Pavilion had received this important information. However, at that time, the Tianji Pavilion was still in the process of verification and research, so it did not inform you."

"What information is it?"

"There is a thing called Fengshui formation in the Kingdom of God. According to the investigation of Tianji Pavilion, it seems that the power of Fengshui has been better mobilized to form a special force to protect the city. Whenever outsiders approach the city with Fengshui formation, They will all appear in a state of weakness. It usually lasts for ten to one month, and then they will be integrated into the local Feng Shui trend, and then they will be sheltered and their strength will increase.

According to the data obtained now, the improvement and weakening of this strength range from hundreds of years to hundreds of years of cultivation. "

"What!? There is such a thing!?"

King Fu Zun was shocked immediately, with his vision, how could he not know the importance of this! ?All of a sudden, the gap of more than 200 years of cultivation has been pulled, which can be described as a devastating blow in the battle!

"Actually, many towns in Taigan bordering the Kingdom of God have already discovered it. But most people don't understand the abnormal situation, and they don't know what's going on. Perhaps because of this, they didn't go to Taigan It spread within the country. It was only after many times of probing that the Tianji Pavilion was set up by a fairy and two apprentices in various places in the Kingdom of God within a year.

The local officials in Shenguo basically only know to adjust Fengshui, and they are also confused about the mystery. "

Master Tianji responded again.

"Fairy? Could it be Xin Yu!?"

"It should be her, and if there are no accidents, those two apprentices should be Fang Ce and the mouse demon Sun Taimei."

"It's really Xin Yu...she...she still has such abilities!?"

King Fu Zun was stunned for a moment, he had already expected how much loss the national teacher who was forcibly taken away by the snake had brought him!Blood is already dripping in my heart...

"I came here today to tell the Holy Master about this matter. There is really no other way. Because the Tianji Pavilion originally sent many talents to study the towns in the Kingdom of God that have arranged Fengshui formations, intending to find out the secrets, so that they can also use it in Taiqian. Spread out.

However, after this year, apart from copying back those patterns, they were helpless, and couldn't figure out what was going on at all. "

Master Tianji shook his head helplessly.

"So come here to discuss countermeasures with Gu?"

"That's almost what it means. The most important point is that a few days ago, even weirder things happened in Kowloon City. The Fengshui there suddenly climbed several heights, and it was even higher than Taigan City. It's really It's unbelievable, after all, the feng shui of the capital should already be the highest terrain that can exist..."

"This...how is it possible? The capital city is a place with enough geomantic omen to establish a country! Can there be any higher than this!?"

King Fu Zun was even more shocked.

"Regarding this point, Tianji Pavilion has not yet figured it out, but it has discovered some special changes in Kowloon City. I don't know if I should talk about it..."

Master Tianji hesitated.

"A special change? Please tell me, Mr. Tianji, please tell me..."

King Fu Zun was surprised.

"Well, there are nine more sculptures of auspicious beasts in Kowloon City. These sculptures are all carved from extremely large and rare materials. White jade, cloud silk wood, red jade..."


Before Mr. Tianji finished speaking, King Fu Zun already let out a muffled sound, covered his heart with one hand, and felt that a mouthful of blood was about to spurt out!Without even thinking about it, he can be sure that the improvement of Kowloon City's feng shui terrain must be related to these sculptures made of rare materials!

And then think of the deal Hua Snake made with him a year ago, the [-]-year mining license!And a few days ago when Fang Ce came to look for the five auspicious beasts and talked about the deal, he already knew that he was definitely slaughtered by the snake! !
"My lord!? Are you alright!?"

Master Tianji couldn't help being surprised.

"No...it's okay..."

King Fu Zun breathed heavily, turning into a snake... this damn evildoer...

"For these things, what do you think about these things now?"

Master Tianji asked again hesitantly.

"What do you mean by the Heavenly Secret Pavilion?"

King Fu Zun asked quite a bit out of his wits.

"The meaning of Tianji Pavilion is to see if we can find Fairy Xin for advice on this matter, but..."

"Snake Transformation shouldn't easily let Fairy Xin help us too much, right?"

"Well, after all, Hua Snake is a very cunning evildoer, and there is no benefit, and if there is no benefit, I am afraid that it is impossible to help us easily..."

"Are you going to bleed again..."

King Fu Zun couldn't help pinching his temples, he really didn't want to deal with monsters like snakes, and he couldn't get any benefits at all...

"No matter what, it's always right to send someone to try it out."

"Who do you think is more suitable for Tianji Pavilion?"

"In Taiqian, there are two people who are close to Fairy Xin who are very suitable, but I just don't know if I can invite them..."

"Well... I know..."

King Fu Zun slowly closed his eyes.

Two days later.

Inside Kowloon City.

"Father, mother. Why are you here?"

Xin Yu looked at the Heavenly Master Wu Zun and Xin Lan in surprise.

Today's Celestial Master Wuzun is still in the spirit state, carried by the red crystal sword held by Xinlan.

"Well... the Holy One asked us to come here."

Tianshi Wuzun straightforwardly stated his intention.

"This... my daughter understands, is it because of Feng Shui formation? If you come here for this matter, it is useless to find your daughter. Only Master Hua Snake can decide..."

Xin Yu had no choice but to respond, now that she has an agreement with Hua Snake, how can she break it?

"Okay, I see."

Heavenly Master Wu Zun nodded.

"It's rare to come here, parents, why don't you have fun in Kowloon City. It's too much for the Holy One, so my daughter can send someone to send a message."

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

"Alright, this will save us from going back and facing the embarrassment of the Holy One."

Heavenly Master Wu Zun nodded.


Three days later, in the Imperial Palace of Kowloon City.

"On behalf of Taiqian, you came to see Mr. Huashe and asked about Fengshui formation?"

Diao Wang looked suspiciously at the coming Mr. Tianji.

"Yes, I hope Her Majesty the Queen can convey it to the supreme Lord Hua Snake."

"Okay, I'll send someone to ask Master Hua Snake to take a look."

Diao Wang lightly tapped his head.

"Thank you, Her Majesty the Queen."

Young Master Tianji cupped his fists respectfully.

Shortly after.

"Oh, it turns out that a distinguished guest has arrived, and I'm sorry to welcome you."

A calm voice sounded.

I saw Fang Ce arrive.

"I don't dare, I have met the envoy of God. I wonder if Lord Hua Snake is willing to meet you?"

Master Tianji immediately smiled and cupped his fists.

"Oh, yes, please come down with me."

Fang Ce sighed helplessly, these guys are afraid that they will be played around by that little girl...

(End of this chapter)

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