Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 342 Fang Ce got 9 artifacts, the concept of the sky city!

Chapter 342 Fang Ce gets nine artifacts, the idea of ​​a city in the sky!
Go to Jiulongshan Temple Road.

"My lord envoy, is there any difficulty in this matter of Feng Shui formation that cannot be explained to us? Otherwise, it wouldn't be a little bit of a hint, right?"

Master Tianji couldn't help asking.

"It's not a matter of difficulty. The trade between Mr. Hua Snake and Taigan's century-old ore wood was secretly carried out when I went out with the fairy to set up a Fengshui formation. I didn't expect Mr. Hua Snake to come to this suddenly. .”

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly.

"This...well, that's how it is...Then I don't know what will happen to the next matter that I want to negotiate with Mr. Hua Snake?"

"There is still something to talk about, but it just depends on how the conditions of the two parties are compromised."

Fang Ce knew that Hua Snake wanted the Nine Artifacts, so the negotiation was naturally possible.

"Well, thank you very much."

Master Tianji nodded.

After a while, came to the temple.

"Meet the supreme Lord Hua Snake."

Master Tianji respectfully saluted.

"There's no need to say more polite words, Taigan wants to arrange a feng shui formation, doesn't he?"

The Snake spoke softly.

"Yes, I hope Master Hua Snake will agree."

Master Tianji responded.

"Yes, it is possible, but the conditions required by this deity are the two artifacts in Taiqian."

"Master Hua Snake wants the Nine Artifacts? Why?"

Mr. Tianji was stunned. He originally thought it was just a gimmick to cover up the main purpose of the century-old mining rights, but he didn't expect that it was really the main purpose, or was it one of the main purposes?

"You don't need to ask too much. As long as you hand over the two artifacts you have, I will send someone to Taigan to help you set up a feng shui formation."

"This... the Nine Divine Artifacts are of great importance, I'm afraid I can't make a decision..."

"Then wait until you can make a decision, and come again."

"This... I wonder if it is possible for the envoy to come to Tianji Pavilion and negotiate with my seniors?"

Master Tianji asked hesitantly.

"Oh? Want this guy to go over?"

Hua Snake glanced at Fang Ce.

Fang Ce spread his hands helplessly.

"Hmph, yes. My loyal servant, I believe I will not disappoint you."

The snake made a soft sound.

"Ha, thank you Lord Hua Snake for your trust. Although I have no intention of going there, Master Hua Snake asked for it, so I can only reluctantly do so."

Fang Ce sighed lightly.

"Shut up! I didn't tell you to talk!"

Hua Snake's beautiful eyes stared at him immediately. If this guy doesn't get angry with her for a day, he will feel uncomfortable all over, right?

"Yes, yes, let's go back when we go down. Mr. Tianji, please."

Fang Ce reached out his hand to Master Tianji as a signal.

"Respected Lord Hua Snake, I will take my leave."

Master Tianji gave a salute and left with Fang Ce.


Hua Snake snorted softly, waiting for Fang Ce's good news.

After leaving the temple, Fang Ce and Mr. Tianji headed directly towards Taigan capital.

On the road.

"Fang Venerable, with your current strength, can you easily restrain the snake?"

Young Master Tianji couldn't help asking, he was naturally aware of Fang Ce's strength, and there was really no need to be subject to the snake like this.

"Ha, I know what Master Tianji wants to ask. The so-called people can't stand without trust, isn't this the reason why you and Tianji Pavilion can trust me so much? Isn't Tianji Pavilion able to stand up to now because it has always followed this rule? ?”

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled.

"Okay, I understand. Then I would like to ask, what exactly is Master Transformation Snake wanting to do with these Nine Divine Artifacts?"

"Well...it's inconvenient to tell me about this level, but what is certain is that it will not harm the world. It will even be beneficial to the world, but relatively speaking, Mr. Hua Snake will take advantage of it."

Fang Ce pondered and responded.

"Oh? If that's the case, then I can rest assured."

Master Tianji nodded.

After a while, I came to Tianji Pavilion.

"I've seen Lord God Envoy!!"

Old man Tianji respectfully saluted Fang Ce directly. Originally, he was still in seclusion, but when he heard of Fang Ce's arrival, he went out of the seclusion to greet him.

Lin Yuhun also saluted at the side. He is the holder of the Nine Divine Artifact Xunfengqin, so he was naturally called.

"Don't dare, the old man is too polite. The junior can't afford such a big gift."

Fang Ce quickly responded.

"Is it because of the feng shui formation?"

The old man Tianji asked.

"That's right, Master Hua Snake said that if you want this feng shui formation, you need to exchange two pieces of the Nine Artifacts from the Tianji Pavilion."

"Master Hua Snake wants the Nine Artifacts? Why?"

"You don't need to ask any more questions about seniors at this level. I have an agreement with Mr. Hua Snake first, so I can't reveal more. I can only say that I will not harm the common people, and even benefit rather than harm."

"Oh? Are you sure?"

"Of course, in the name of my guarantee."

Fang Ce cupped his fists.


Old Man Tianji pondered for a while: "Since you want those two Nine Artifacts, Master Hua Snake must also want the other seven?"

"This...it is true...but I heard that the other seven pieces have been damaged? Why did the old man ask this question?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Master Hua Snake will also want the seven damaged artifacts, right?"

Old Man Tianji asked again.

"Uh... indeed, could it be that you, old man..."

Fang Ce couldn't help being surprised, could it be that all the nine artifacts are actually in the Tianji Pavilion?

"My lord envoy guessed right. In fact, the nine artifacts are all in the Tianji Pavilion. It's just that they couldn't find the key materials to restore them, so only two of them are shown for others to use."

Old Man Tianji responded.

"I don't know what the old man means..."

Fang Ce couldn't help hesitating.

"Tianji Pavilion wants to hand over all nine artifacts to Lord Angel, and I hope you can fight for our best interests. I believe that it will be much easier for Lord Angel to negotiate with the snake."

Old Man Tianji cupped his fists.

"Old man, are you sure it's appropriate for this?"

Fang Ce couldn't help asking again.

"With the guarantee of the envoy, there is nothing to worry about. In fact, the main problem is that the Tianji Pavilion can't find materials to repair the seven damaged artifacts. Since the Snake Lord is coming, I will try to repair them. As long as it is not for Disaster for the common people, if we can use this to restore the Nine Divine Artifacts, it may not be a good thing."

Old Man Tianji responded.

"I see……"

Fang Ce nodded, this old man is really thoughtful.

"Then there will be an envoy."

"You're being polite, I don't know where the benefits you want to exchange for, seniors? This junior also has a plan in mind."

"Get as much as possible to arrange the Feng Shui formation, and try to gain some benefits for Taigan."

"Okay, this junior understands."

Fang Ce nodded.

"By the way, Venerable Fang, there is actually another question."

Master Tianji couldn't help but speak.

"Huh? What's the problem, Mr. Tianji, please tell me."

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"These nine artifacts are recognized by the owner. If they are not recognized, they cannot be controlled at all. Not to mention the seven damaged ones. The Qinglong Sword and Xunfengqin that have been repaired are currently only recognized by me and my friend Lin Yuhun..."

Master Tianji frowned slightly.

"Oh? Is that so? Can you show me?"

Fang Ce also frowned slightly, this is a problem.

"Well, this is the Azure Dragon Sword."

Master Tianji flipped his hand, and a green long sword wrapped with a green dragon appeared in his hand, exuding bursts of sacred pressure.


Fang thought about his strategy, and then he stretched out his hand to take the Azure Dragon Sword. Fang started to feel a strong resistance in an instant!

He frowned, and immediately clenched the hilt of the sword with all his strength. At the same time, the holy energy in his body was mobilized, and the resistance of the Qinglong Sword became weaker, but he still resisted.

Fang Ce's eyes froze, and a vast sword intent surged out!The transcendent momentum filled the entire Tianji Pavilion!

Suddenly caused a commotion!
At this moment, Qinglongjian became quiet, obviously approving him.

"This...well...as expected of Venerable Fang..."

Master Tianji couldn't help but look astonished.

"Damn! This is subdued!?"

Lin Yuhun on the side couldn't help but burst out. He had been coveting the Qinglong Sword for a long time, but he couldn't get recognition at all!I just feel that the scene in front of me is too fake!
"My friend, take out your Xunfengqin and let Venerable Fang take a look."

Master Tianji spoke.


Lin Yuhun flipped his hand, and Xun Fengqin appeared in front of him.

Fang Ce also reached out to touch it, but this time before he touched it, the Xun Fengqin sent out a strong wind to resist him!

He frowned, and tried with holy energy, but it didn't work at all, not even the sword intent.

In the end no matter how hard he struggled, he still couldn't get Xun Fengqin's approval. Although he could forcibly hold down Xun Fengqin, it was useless to the crazy struggle.If you persist, even if you break this artifact, it won't work.


Fang Ce couldn't help frowning and shaking his head, it seems that he just happened to be able to get Qinglongjian's approval...

"Actually, in God's country, there is one person who should be able to make all nine artifacts recognized. Even if they cannot be used, they will not be rejected. So there is no need to worry about this issue."

The old man Tianji spoke.

"Huh? Who?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

Master Tianji and Lin Yuhun were also puzzled.

"The one who should be robbed."

"Fairy? Yes..."

Fang Ce was taken aback, Xin Yu was the one who should be robbed, but he was recognized by the Dao of Heaven.The beasts of the Nine Palaces maintain the order of heaven, so it is not surprising that they would recognize Xin Yu.

"Okay, now I will take the envoy to fetch the other seven damaged artifacts."

The old man Tianji turned around and left.

"Oh, okay, thank you, old man."

Fang Ce replied, and hurriedly followed.

After going through a few bends and passing through the secret stairs, we came to the fourth floor of Tianji Pavilion.

I saw a dazzling array of treasures in the pavilion, including rare gems, top-grade magic tools, rare minerals and so on.

The most conspicuous ones are the seven utensils in the innermost.

Conspicuous and unique appearance, you can tell what these seven utensils are at a glance, they are Emperor Dragon Cauldron, White Tiger War Saber, Sky Dragon Spear, Towering Turtle Shield, Earth Scale Hammer, Xuanwu Pillar, Suzaku Duohuan...

The Emperor Dragon Cauldron is as tall as a person, and it is a huge square tripod entwined with orange and dark dragons.

White Tiger War Saber, with a silvery long blade, with the head of a white tiger protruding from the blade from the hilt.

The Heavenly Dragon Spear is a silver spear wrapped around a golden dragon.

The towering tortoise shield is a giant shield as tall as a mountain peak and a tortoise shell.

Earth Lin Hammer, a huge hammer that looks like a unicorn.

The basalt column is half a person taller, and the top of the column is carved with a thick and huge basalt column.

Suzaku paired rings are a pair of paired rings that look like Suzakus.

There are large and small cracks on these artifacts. Compared with the repaired Qinglong Sword and Xunfengqin, they all look bleak and dull.

"These are the seven damaged artifacts... How do you use this thing? Are you just using it to hit people?"

Fang Ce was a little stunned and came to the giant Fang Ding Emperor Long Ding placed in the middle, rubbed it lightly, the other artifacts were fine, and it was quite convenient to use.An outrageous basalt column can at least be swung up to knock people down.But this Emperor Dragon Cauldron, is it carrying it to hit people?
He tried the weight of the Emperor Dragon Cauldron, and estimated that it weighed [-] jin! !And this shape, can it be used as a weapon?It is not convenient to carry...

"Oh, God envoys, you don't know something. This Emperor Dragon Cauldron is capable of carrying things with virtue. If it is repaired, it can directly carry [-] hectares of land and soar into the sky. If the shadow of the Emperor Dragon is summoned, it can It can be said to be very versatile.”

The old man Tianji spoke.

"What!? Carrying millions of hectares of land soaring into the sky!?"

Fang Ce couldn't help shrinking his pupils, this ability is simply against the sky!
"Well, but that's what the Emperor Dragon's Shadow can do. Generally, the Emperor Dragon's Shadow can only last for an hour, and then it takes a day to recover enough spiritual energy for summoning. It can also be maintained with a spirit stone, a piece of spiritual energy The stone can last for an hour.

There is a limit to using spirit stones to maintain the summoning of the shadow of the beast.Once the summoning continues for a month, it will cause the artifact itself to be overloaded and damaged.In order to resist the ancient gods of the Great Desolation, the nine artifacts were destroyed in this way. "

The old man Tianji spoke.

"In other words, as long as the shadow of the divine beast is not summoned, under normal circumstances, can the Emperor Dragon Cauldron be able to carry an area of ​​[-] hectares all the time?"

Fang Ce's eyes flickered.

"Uh...you can put it this way..."

Old Man Tianji nodded.

"Hiss... isn't this able to build a city in the sky?"

Fang Ce was surprised, even if it is [-] hectares, it is not a small land, the capital of Taigan only occupies a little over [-] hectares!These [-] hectares are enough to cover an entire mountain range and a capital city!There is more than enough to build a sky city!
"City in the sky? This old man knows the meaning of the envoy. Use this Emperor Dragon Cauldron to build a place to live in the sky? It is not only the envoy who has this idea. There have been many times in the records." Tried. None of them ended in failure, the fundamental reason is that the living environment cannot be formed, that is, the basic feng shui problem cannot be solved.

Because once you leave the land with a piece of land, a series of problems will follow in terms of climate, water source, and supply.For ordinary people, it is simply impossible to live.A strong cultivator cannot live in such an incomplete environment all the time. "

Old Man Tianji shook his head.

"So that's the case, thank you, senior, for telling me..."

Fang Ce nodded, but he was very excited. These problems, people in the past couldn't solve them, but now he can completely solve them!Because of the feng shui formation taught to him by the fairy!As long as all nine artifacts are repaired, the strongest second-class terrain can be created directly!And it still has a strong shelter!
No matter how bad it is, if he can't get all the nine artifacts, he only needs to repair the Emperor Dragon Cauldron, and he can also downgrade and arrange a fifth or sixth-class terrain. This is not a problem at all!

Originally, he thought that he would not be too concerned about the matter of the Nine Divine Artifacts, and it would be difficult for him to be very interested.At this moment, this Emperor Dragon Cauldron can be said to have aroused his long-lost excitement and interest!It's been a long time since I had such a desire!
(End of this chapter)

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