Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 343 The deal is settled, the angry little lady

Chapter 343 The deal is settled, the angry little lady

"Senior, do you know what materials are needed to restore these seven artifacts?"

Policy inquiry.

"According to the attributes of the seven artifacts, four rare materials are required: gold essence, source water, source fire, and source soil. The white tiger sword is gold essence, the Xuanwu pillar is source water, the Suzaku ring is source fire, the emperor dragon cauldron, The Dilin Hammer and the Towering Turtle Shield are the source soil."

Old Man Tianji responded.

"Gold Essence, Origin Water, Origin Fire, Origin Soil... These are said to be legendary materials, almost non-existent..."

Fang Ce frowned slightly. These materials were mentioned in the feng shui formation knowledge taught to him by Xin Yu. They are all needed to arrange the first-class terrain, and they are all materials that exist in legends.Unexpectedly, it is also needed to repair the Nine Artifacts...

"Well, indeed. I heard that these materials come from the world of Nine Heavens."

"From Nine Heavens? How did you restore the Azure Dragon Sword and Xunfeng Qin? Are the materials needed not so rare?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Of course they are rare materials of the same level. The wood essence used to restore the Qinglong Sword and Xunfengqin is said to be the essence of the World Tree of Life from a certain world in Nine Heavens."

"This...then this Wood Essence, how did you get it, seniors?"

"It is said that a long time ago, there was a copy of each of the nine artifacts left in the world, and these two copies of wood essence are the second. As for the rest, we haven't found them. Logically speaking, they should exist, but we don't know Where is it lost?"

"So that's the case, thank you, old man."

Fang Ce nodded. In this way, there is still hope. Anyway, he has plenty of time. If he can't find it in a year, he can find it in ten years, a hundred years, or a thousand years!I don't believe I can't get the castle in the sky!
"Then, for the transaction with Lord Transformation Snake, I will have to trouble God Envoy."

Old Man Tianji cupped his fists.

"Yes, this junior will try his best to achieve a satisfactory result for you, senior."

Fang Ce clasped his fists in response, and then took Master Tianji and Lin Yuhun to leave.

On the way back to the Kingdom of God.

"Both of you, I'll meet Master Hua Snake when I get back. You can cooperate as much as possible to negotiate with Master Hua Snake."

Fang Ce opened his mouth.


Master Tianji and Lin Yuhun nodded each.

After a period of time, I returned to the Kingdom of God and came to the Nine Dragon Mountain Temple.

I saw Hua Snake sitting on the jade bed, leisurely flipping through the classics.There are fourteen booklets on the side.

Fang Ce only glanced at it, and knew that there were fifteen books on Fengshui formations written by Xin Yu, five of which were natural Fengshui formation arrangements.The other ten are feng shui formations created by special methods!

"Meet Lord Hua Snake."

The three of Fang Ce saluted one after another.

"How? How did the talk go?"

Hua Snake took a flat look at Fang Ce and the others.

"Master Huihua Snake, the Tianji Pavilion said that they wanted to arrange the Fengshui array, so they agreed to hand over two artifacts."

Fang policy responded.

"Oh? Want to arrange the Feng Shui array?"

Hua Snake raised his eyebrows and looked at Master Tianji and Lin Yuhun.

"Yes, Master Snake."

Master Tianji nodded.

"Do you really think that those two artifacts are worth exchanging for Feng Shui formation? Are you overestimating the bargaining chips in your hands?"

The snake sneered.

Master Tianji couldn't help looking at Fang Ce.

"Master Hua Snake, this Feng Shui formation is not easy to practice, even if you get it, you may not be able to master it. Moreover, the key raw materials are already under your control. In fact, it is not impossible to use it for trading."

Fang Ce cupped his fists and said.

"Shut up! Who are you speaking for!"

The snake immediately stared beautifully.

"Uh... no, I'm actually thinking of you, the beauty of the snake. What Tianji Pavilion wants is the method of arranging the feng shui formation..."

"Hmph! There's nothing to talk about. The feng shui formation, the Kingdom of God can help Taigan and help Tianji Pavilion to arrange, there is no need to do anything extra."

"Well, even though that's the case, it's better to teach people to fish than to give them fish. Master Hua Snake understands this truth? The feng shui formation arranged by the Kingdom of God's help Taigan is a thing of the Kingdom of God after all. Taigan himself can't do anything. Control, how can this be used with peace of mind?"

Fang Ce sighed helplessly.

"Is this how you work for the deity?"

Hua Snake's beautiful eyes stared at Fang Ce.

"No, Mr. Hua Snake, please don't misunderstand. I'm just here to let the two parties go through the transaction smoothly and achieve the wishes of both parties. Mr. Hua Snake should be able to understand what I mean."

Fang Ce reluctantly responded.

Hua Snake stared at Fang Ce for a moment, then said softly, "Hmph, do you want to arrange the Feng Shui formation? Yes, I will give it to you."

She casually took the three classics beside her and threw them directly into the hands of Mr. Tianji.

She naturally knew what Fang Ce meant. Tianji Pavilion was not a fool, and it was impossible to exchange the Nine Divine Artifacts for something beyond her control. If she didn't give enough bargaining chips, it was impossible for Tianji Pavilion to give in.


Master Tianji took the three classics and opened them for a look, then looked at Fang Ce with a questioning look.He can see that these three classics are indeed the content of Feng Shui formation, but he doesn't know whether the content is complete.In particular, there are thirteen ancient books that seem to be related to Hua Snake...

"Hmph, don't worry. These three feng shui classics are enough for Taiqian to arrange most of the feng shui formations of the city. The remaining few are relatively advanced feng shui formations. These divine kingdoms can do it for you. You two artifacts can There is only so much in exchange, if you don’t agree, then forget it. Anyway, there are only two artifacts, and they are hardly of great use, so I don’t care.”

Hua Snake spoke in a low voice, and what she gave were eight, nine, and ten natural feng shui formations.

Fang Ce took a look at the three classics in Master Tianji's hands, then nodded: "Master Tianji, in terms of practicality, these three classics are indeed enough..."

In the entire Taigan and the Kingdom of God, there are not many cities above the seventh-class terrain!Take the Kingdom of God as an example, there are only three cities in the seventh-class terrain!The sixth-class terrain is Kowloon City!

The territory of the Taigan Kingdom is several times that of the Kingdom of God, and there are only a dozen or so cities in the seventh-level and above terrain.

Therefore, the arrangement method of the eighth, ninth, and tenth natural Fengshui formations mentioned by Huashe is indeed enough for Taigan.

As for using special methods to improve Feng Shui, not to mention the harsh conditions, and the raw materials have already been mastered by Hua Snake, so what can Taigan use to improve it?

"Okay, thank you, Master Hua Snake."

Master Tianji immediately cupped his fists to salute Hua Snake.


Hua Snake snorted, and glanced at Fang Ce again. He couldn't tell that this was purely Tianji Pavilion's trust in Fang Ce!

"What about the two artifacts? When will they be brought?"

Snake turned his gaze to Master Tianji.

"Oh, it has already been brought, Mr. Hua Snake."

Fang Ce smiled, and casually summoned the Azure Dragon Sword.

Lin Yuhun also summoned Xun Fengqin.

Seeing Fang Ce's actions, Hua Snake was even more unhappy, this artifact has already been obtained! ?

With a wave of her jade hand, she wanted to take two artifacts to observe, but she was instantly resisted by the power of the two artifacts.


The Snake Raised His Eyebrows, and the strength in his body surged, and he could use his strength directly.

However, the two artifacts were struggling fiercely, showing no intention of submitting!
"Uh... Snake beauty, a twisted melon is not sweet, and if it is twisted, it will be a big loss."

Fang Ce suddenly felt a dull pain in his temple, this little girl is very strong...

"Hmph! This damned bastard! What's going on!? How did you control it!?"

The snake was furious.

"Uh, Master Hua Snake, this needs to be approved by the artifact. Spiritual things recognize the master, Master Hua Snake should know about it?"

"It means that you have been approved by this broken sword?"

Hua Snake complexion is very bad.

"Yeah, after all, what I'm cultivating is the sword intent."

Fang Ce spread his hands helplessly.

"What about this shit? How to deal with it?"

Hua Snake's eyes looked at Xun Fengqin.

"Oh, let the fairy take this."

Fang Ce looked at Xin Yu.

Xin Yu couldn't help being taken aback.

"Huh? Can Xiaoyu accept it? Why?"

The snake raised its eyebrows.

"Uh... It's hard for me to explain this. The general idea is that fairies are more easy-going, and everyone agrees with this."

Fang policy responded.

"Fuck your shit! Xiao Yu, take this crap and have a look."

Snake eyes looked at Xin Yu.

"Yes, Lord Transformation Snake, try humbly..."

Xin Yu hesitantly came to Xun Fengqin, and gently touched it with her jade hand.

Fang Ce, Hua Snake, Young Master Tianji, and Lin Yuhun all watched intently.

I saw Xinyu's jade hand falling on the Xunfengqin, and there was really no reaction, that is to say, I did not reject it!

"How come? Is this playing the deity?"

Hua Snake is even more angry, both Fang Ce and Xin Yu can subdue the Nine Artifacts, but she can't?Isn't this a slap in the face for her? ?

"Master Hua Snake calm down, it will be fine if this deal is concluded."

Fang Ce opened his mouth helplessly.

"Hmph! If you don't need these two broken things in the future, I have to dismantle them!"

The snake angrily snorted.

"Master Hua Snake, calm down. Let's talk about the next deal."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Huh? Next deal? What deal?"

The snake was taken aback.

"The whereabouts of the other seven artifacts, and how to repair them."

"You mean, Tianji Pavilion knows?"

Snake's eyes turned to Master Tianji again.

Master Tianji was stunned, and lightly cupped his fists: "Yes, Tianji Pavilion does know."

"What does Tianji Pavilion want? Is it also the content of Fengshui array? If it's just pure information, then don't even think about it."

The snake said in a low voice.

"No, Master Hua Snake, what Tianji Pavilion wants is to exempt Taigan from enshrining the remaining spirit fruits, so that Taigan can recuperate properly."

Fang Ce cupped his fists.

"Huh? Taiqian enshrines the remaining spiritual fruit? Hmph, it's not impossible. The question is, can the information from the Tianji Pavilion ensure that the remaining seven artifacts can be accurately found?"

The snake's eyes glanced sideways.

"Master Hua Snake, please rest assured, this is completely possible with God's ability to make adults."

Young Master Tianji clasped his fists in response, but his face was a little weird. The remaining seven artifacts have been handed over to Fang Ce. How can they not be found?
"Okay, I agree. When will your information be handed over?"

The snake nodded.

"Master Hua Snake, this information has been handed over to my subordinates. As long as Mr. Hua Snake agrees, I can use this information logically."

Fang Ce opened his mouth.

"You... good! You can really do things for this deity!"

The snake immediately gritted its teeth.

"Master Hua Snake is awsome, this is just what I should do."

Fang Ce respectfully saluted.

"You...huh, but is there anything else?"


Fang Ce shook his head, and at the same time made a look at the two masters of Tianji.

"The Supreme Master Hua Snake, the transaction has been completed, can we resign?"

Master Tianji saluted.

"get out."

Hua Snake responded with displeasure, and felt that Fang Ce had colluded with outsiders to fool her, so how could he be in a good mood?
"Yes, I will take my leave..."

Master Tianji gave another salute and left with Lin Yuhun, secretly thinking in his heart: "It seems that Venerable Fang has to come to cure the snake..."

After Master Tianji and Lin Yuhun left.

"What about the whereabouts of the other seven artifacts?"

Hua Snake glanced at Fang Ce coldly.

"Oh, here it is."

Fang Ce took out the seven artifacts casually and placed them in front of the snake.

Hua Snake was stunned for a moment, unable to recover.

The three girls, Xin Yu, Shang Wu, and Shang Le, were also stunned. They also lost their minds for the sudden appearance of the seven artifacts, not knowing how to think.

a while.

"Fang Ce!!! This deity strangles you to death!"

A sharp roar!
The snake flew up and jumped on Fang Ce's body, a pair of jade hands grabbed his neck and shook violently.

"Cough cough cough! Snake beauty... I have made such great achievements, why are you doing this?"

"You bastard! Stop pretending to be crazy for this deity!"

Hua Snake was even more annoyed, because Fang Ce had already obtained the Nine Divine Artifacts, so these so-called transactions later were unnecessary at all!This guy actually gave her a treat! ?
Shang Wu and Shang Le looked at each other in blank dismay. They had long been familiar with the intimate behavior of Hua Snake and Fang Ce. Anyway, they were sure that the relationship between the two was very close, and they were not superficial masters and slaves at all. relation……

"Cough cough, the beauty of the snake, do you really want to be strangled to death?"

Fang Ce quickly pressed Hua Snake's jade hand: "The so-called being entrusted by others is a matter of loyalty. If it weren't for this, how would I be able to find the Nine Artifacts for you, Master Hua Snake, right?"

"Hmph, how to repair these seven artifacts?"

Hua Snake snorted softly, and finally let go of Fang Ce.

"Oh, this requires seven rare materials, one part of gold essence, one part of source water, one part of source fire, and three parts of source soil."

Fang policy responded.

"Gold essence? Source water? Xiaoyu, do you know where it is?"

Hua Snake looked at Xin Yu, she also saw these materials in the classics written by Xin Yu.

"This...Master Huihua Snake, Xiaoyu just knows that there are these materials, but she doesn't know where to find them..."

Xin Yu shook her head lightly.

"I don't know? Forget it, send people to search for it!"

Hua Snake frowned.

Soon after, Fang Ce followed Xin Yu to Taigan to set up Fengshui formations, and taught him how to master the natural Fengshui formations of eighth, ninth, and tenth.

In order to master these feng shui formations as soon as possible, King Fu Zun directly dispatched Master Mingguang, Master Darkness, Master Lingyan, and Master Juebing, these top experts to learn from Xin Yu.

It took more than two years to determine the Feng Shui formation of all towns in Taigan.

Taigan has a total of 420 three cities, two sixth-class cities, ten seventh-class cities, nineteen eighth-class cities, 120 three ninth-class cities, and 290 nine tenth-class cities.

When Fang Ce and Xin Yu returned to the Kingdom of God, they had gathered the second set of materials for the layout of the fifth-class Fengshui formation.

Fang Ce directly set up the fifth-class feng shui formation at Hukou Pass.

Go back to Jiulong Mountain, inside the temple.

"You have been traveling for more than two years, and you haven't found any materials to repair the Nine Artifacts?"

Hua Snake frowned and looked at Xin Yu and Fang Ce.

"This...Master Hua Snake, we are out on errands, how can we just travel around? Besides, how can it be so easy to find the repair materials for the Nine Artifacts? I don’t know how many years I have been looking for them in the Tianji Pavilion before. And it’s too dry. I have been helping to find it.”

Fang Ce is funny.

"Hmph! I don't care about it. This time I went out to look for it myself. You will accompany me!"

Hua Snake snorted softly, staring at Fang Ce with her beautiful eyes.


Fang Ce froze for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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