Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 344 With the lady here, I will open it directly

Chapter 344 With the lady here, I will open it directly

At the west gate of Kowloon City, an old coachman drove out slowly in his carriage.

inside the carriage.

"You guy, what do you mean? Do you have a problem with this girl? Do you deliberately show your face to this girl?"

The snake glanced unhappily at the opposite bench, where there was an unpretentious guy lying lazily on his side.

"Ha... ah... why do you have such thoughts, my lady? It's rare for me to go out to play in the mountains and rivers, so Xiaosheng can't relax? You know how tired Xiaosheng is these years, and you are so busy for your lady. I'm almost exhausted like a dog."

Fang Ce yawned and waved his hands.After being greeted by this little girl to accompany him out to play, he thought about it for a long time, finally figured it out, and decided to put it badly.Because over the years, worrying about this and that has already made him numb and used to it, and he almost doesn't know what enjoyment is.Taking this opportunity, he decided to enjoy it.

As for what the little girl said about looking for artifact restoration materials, he was sure it was just an excuse. She was tired of staying in Kowloon City and wanted to go out for a walk, but she was bored by herself, so she asked him to be her companion.

"You! Traveling in the mountains and waters? I don't know if you came out with this girl to find things this time! You told me to travel in the mountains and rivers?"

Hua Snake's beautiful eyes widened, she asked Fang Ce to accompany her out, that's not how she accompanied her!
"That's not the same, don't they all mean traveling in mountains and rivers? Haha..."

Fang Ce yawned lazily again, and scratched his waist comfortably at the same time.

"You... You came out with Xiao Yu before, and you were so dead?"

Hua Snake's complexion is even worse. She has always said that Fang Ce is traveling with Xin Yu, but now Fang Ce is clearly using this to mock her! !
"That's not it."

Fang Ce replied casually.

"No? Then you mean to have an opinion on this deity... this girl?"

The Snake Raised His Eyebrows.

"How is this possible, my lady?"

"Then what do you mean by that now?"

"Miss, think about it. Before Xiaosheng was with Master Xiaoyu, he had to learn, and he had to worry about her safety. How could he relax? Mistress, you are different. Your strength is unparalleled in the world. One punch can smash the world. Xiaosheng still can't lie down comfortably, let the lady do what she wants, and call the lady mighty at the same time, won't it be enough? What's the fuss?"

Fang Ce responded very simply.

"You!! Get up!"

Hua Snake's beautiful eyes widened, and she suddenly felt out of breath, raised her jade foot, and kicked Fang Ce.

"Aww! My lord! Where should I go? Aren't you afraid of ruining the happy life for the rest of your life?"

"What did you say!?"

"Aww! My lady, be gentle..."

There were bursts of screams and strange screams from inside the carriage.

"Oh, it's nice to be young..."

The old coachman couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the fight inside.

The carriage drove slowly and gradually arrived at Heliang City.

"The two ladies and sons have arrived."

The old coachman said to the carriage.

inside the carriage.

"Dog thing! I've reached the place, why don't you get out of here?"

A snake looks at Fang Ce like a dead fish.


Fang Ce waved his hand lazily: "My lord, what are you in a hurry for? This tour is all about leisure..."

Hua Snake's face darkened, and before Fang Ce could finish speaking, he raised his jade fist and greeted Fang Ce.

"Aww! My lord, have mercy! Get up now! Get up now!"


a while.

Hua Snake walked out of the carriage with a grim expression.


The old coachman looked down, not daring to look directly at the snake, and thought to himself: This is a little tigress...

Then Fang Ce also walked out from the carriage, with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Young man, it's okay."

The old coachman immediately looked concerned, but he seemed to be holding back a faint smile.

"Take it and take it."

Fang Ce stuffed dozens of copper coins into the hands of the old coachman, and waved him to leave.

"Hey! Thank you, young master! Thank you, young master!"

The old coachman quickly responded with great joy, because the journey from Heliang City to Kowloon City cost only ten copper coins at most.

On Heliang City Street.

The snake wandered around at will.

On the side, Fang Ce still followed around like a lazy boy. He had already developed a habit of taking care of everything in the past. Now that he came out to play with the snake, he completely let go of himself and didn't need anything. Nevermind...

Hua Snake glanced sideways at Fang Ce, still a little angry in his heart, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it now.

Wandering all the way, gradually came to a rouge shop.

"Eh? Isn't it right? My lady, do you still need to buy rouge? My lady is unparalleled in beauty, so why do you need these vulgar decorations?"

Fang Ce couldn't help but speak.

"Shut up, don't talk, no one will think you are dumb!"

Hua Snake's displeased voice sounded, and he looked at Rouge himself.

"This... this... Master Apprentice?"

A surprised voice sounded.

Fang Ce was taken aback, only to see that it was the female shopkeeper who spoke, and the female shopkeeper looked familiar...

"Ye...Miss Ye?"

Fang Ce instantly remembered that Ye Xiaowan, who was rescued by Sun Taimei when she came to Heliang City with Xin Yu to set up a feng shui formation, wasn't she the female shopkeeper in front of her?

"Is it really you, Master Apprentice?"

Ye Xiaowan was pleasantly surprised, but then looked at the snake hesitantly: "You...you are..."

"Oh, Xiaosheng is here to accompany the lady on a trip to the mountains and rivers this time."

Fang Ce shrugged.

"It turned out to be Mrs. Zun!! The little girl is polite!"

Ye Xiaowan quickly saluted.

"Is this your acquaintance?"

Hua Snake took a look at Ye Xiaowan, then squinted at Fang Ce.

"Madam, don't get me wrong! The little girl and the apprentice are just acquaintances, and they have nothing to do with each other. Back then, it was the apprentice, the fairy, and Master Sun who saved the little girl's life."

Ye Xiaowan quickly responded again, thinking that Hua Snake had misunderstood and was about to be jealous...

Fang Ce: "Haha, my lord, that's exactly what happened."

Hua Snake curled her lips, said nothing more, and continued to choose rouge.

Ye Xiaowan helped Hua Snake choose with enthusiasm and care.

After a while.

The snake has been selected.

"Master Apprentice, how are Master Fairy and Master Sun?"

"Okay, okay, it's all good. How much does my wife charge for these rouges?"

Fang Ce nodded casually in response.

"No need, no need, how can the little girl accept money from you, the apprentices? If it weren't for the fact that she met a few adults, the little girl might not be able to open this shop."

Ye Xiaowan quickly waved her hand. Since the last incident, she has been inexplicably taken care of by the government. This must have something to do with Fang Ce and the others.

"Eh? Why don't you charge money when you open the door for business? Miss Ye, if you do this, it won't be beautiful if your lady suspects that there is some ulterior relationship between us."

"What are you talking about! You!"

The snake immediately stared beautifully.

"Pfft, well, one tael of silver is enough."

Ye Xiaowan couldn't help laughing.

"One tael of silver, right? Then give me two taels of silver. You can't be stingy with the things you buy, my lady."

Fang Ce casually arranged a few pieces of broken silver on the table.

"This... that's really thank you, Mr. Apprentice. Mr. Apprentice and Mrs. Madam, they really love each other."

Ye Xiaowan smiled.

"Really? Is there such a thing?"

Fang Ce was amazed, he couldn't see any affection between himself and this little lady, Mrs. Madam or something, it was just a joke, so that he could spoil it.

"That's for sure, Mr. Apprentice is very different now, isn't this affection?"

Ye Xiaowan smiled seriously.

"Huh? It was very different before? Why is it different?"

The snake immediately raised its eyebrows, she was very concerned about this.

"Oh...before, the apprentices were very serious, well-mannered, and full of etiquette. As for now..."

Ye Xiaowan looked thoughtful.

"It's not serious at all, it's not human at all, is it?"

The snake's complexion became gloomy and unhappy.

"Uh... madam, don't be angry. Doesn't this represent the apprentice's true love for you? After all, only in front of outsiders or when doing business, people need to pretend to pay attention to appearance and image. But in front of the real people around you, you will completely let go of it." Pretend to show the truest side of your heart. Isn't it?"

Ye Xiaowan spoke hastily.

"Ah, that's right, Miss Ye is absolutely right."

Fang Ce quickly responded, laughing secretly in his heart, he still doesn't know what's going on between himself and this little girl?


Hua Snake snorted softly, didn't say much, but turned around and left.

Ye Xiaowan was taken aback for a moment.

"Let's go. My lady, wait for me."

Fang Ce waved casually at Ye Xiaowan, and then left.

"Oh, um. Walk slowly, both of you."

Ye Xiaowan hurriedly saluted.


After visiting Heliang City for a day, Fang Ce and Hua Snake went to the surrounding mountains the next day, and then went to explore the rest of the Kingdom of God.

The two traveled to the mountains and rivers all the way, and inquired about the materials for repairing the artifact by the way.

After half a year, the two came to the southeast of Taigan.

Inside the carriage.

"Dog, where do you think those materials will be? I have searched the Kingdom of God and traveled all kinds of dangers. Not to mention that I can't find any traces, or even a little bit of news? How is this possible? Could it be that they don't exist? ?"

Hua Snake Liu Mei frowned slightly and looked at the guy lying on his side in front of him.

Regarding Fang Ce's state of being a dead dog who is not afraid of boiling water, she has almost lost her temper. Occasionally, when she really can't see it, she just beats her up...

"Well... that's indeed a problem... For thousands of years, the Tianji Pavilion should have searched every piece of land, but couldn't find the materials for this repair... Tsk... Is it possible... These materials were found in a certain place overseas. one place?"

Fang Ce responded somewhat vaguely, although he is now addicted to playing and enjoys this kind of leisure, but he still cares about the Nine Artifacts, especially the Emperor Dragon Cauldron.After all, if you find the Emperor Dragon Cauldron and build a city in the sky, wouldn't it be more enjoyable to smash it?

Snake Willow frowned.

"By the way! Over the years, I don't seem to have been overseas. Is there any fairyland, Penglai fairy island, etc.? My lady."

Fang Ce sat up suddenly with a curious look on his face.

"What a mess, there are no such things."

The snake pouted.

"Oh... so what? There should be other land countries, right?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"In some records of your human beings, it seems that there are..."

"It seems to have? What do you mean? It's gone now?"

"I'm not sure, the depths of the surrounding sea area is now filled with endless fog, and I don't even know what's inside."

The snake frowned and shook his head.

"Mist? How to say? Is there any danger?"

Fang Ce was surprised, considering the strength of big monsters like snakes, is there anything else to be afraid of?

"I don't know how to say it. I can only say that almost all the creatures that have entered the deep sea area have never come out. Those who are lucky enough to come out dare not enter again. Because in those fogs, nothing Can't see, can't tell the direction. Even your human feng shui compass will fail.

A big demon once entered those fogs, and has not been able to return so far.Therefore, over time, there will be no more creatures to explore. "

The snake responded.

"Hiss... there is such a thing?"

Fang Ce was suddenly surprised. So, is it really possible that those materials are in those fogs?
"Hmm... After we've walked around the Taigan side, let's go back and send people to study how to enter those fogs?"

The snake frowned in thought.

"Alright, that's a good idea."

Fang Ce lay down again, looking comfortable with his hands on his pillow.

"After you go back, don't look like me like a dead man again, hum."

The snake groaned in displeasure.

"This...my lady, isn't this good? Actually, Xiaosheng thinks about it, it's pretty good to accompany you, my lady, to wander the world, isn't it? It doesn't matter if it's inappropriate for you to be an envoy or something."

Fang Ce suddenly revealed a frown.

"Get lost! Who wants to wander the world with you!"

The beautiful eyes of the snake stared.

At this moment, outside the carriage, two kilometers ahead is a city, the Taiqian Jiuyou City.

And on the road to Jiuyou City, there are dozens of people wearing gold and silver ornaments and gorgeous clothes not far ahead. This outfit is quite weird, not like the people here.

"War God, this Middle-Earth Continent doesn't seem to be simple. It's just that a random city has such a strange power?"

A man in green with a silver pendant stood beside a young man in white with a look of surprise on his face.

"Indeed, he was able to directly suppress this seat's cultivation... What's going on here?"

The complexion of the young man in white was changing. His strength had reached its peak, but it was the first time he encountered such a situation. He was able to suppress his cultivation just by being close to a city! ?It's unbelievable and appalling!

"War God, someone is coming, why don't you stop and ask? No matter how bad it is, it's impossible for the Middle-earth Continent to be full of masters, so you can meet them casually, right?"

The man in Tsing Yi looked at a gradually approaching carriage, which was exactly where Fang Ce and Hua Snake were...

"Well... don't call me the Valkyrie for a while, just call me the captain."

The young man in white spoke softly.


The men in Tsing Yi nodded their heads.

Fang Ce is here.

"Two... two young masters, madam... It seems that there is a situation ahead... It seems that there is a catastrophe... Otherwise, let's turn around..."

The coachman's trembling and hesitant voice sounded. He had already seen a group of young men in white clothes with strange clothes in front of him, and he couldn't figure out the situation for a while.

"Huh, go straight there. This girl's way is to see who dares to rob."

Hua Snake spoke in a low voice, and didn't even bother to pay attention to what was going on outside. After all, based on her strength, how many people in this world could be her opponents?Not to mention that Fang Ce is still there?Anyone who provokes them will die!

"It's just... my wife is invincible in the world, who would dare to rob her? Don't you want to live?"

Fang Ce immediately echoed lazily.

The snake immediately rolled its eyes.

"But...but...a lot of them..."

The coachman was still worried.

"Don't worry, don't worry, even if you are on your way, no one can hurt you with your lady around. It doesn't matter how many people you have."

Fang Ce replied lazily again.

"Oh fine……"

The coachman responded and continued to drive the carriage nervously.

a while.


A low cry suddenly sounded!
It was the voice of the man in Tsing Yi!
(End of this chapter)

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