Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 345 Someone from the Eastern Continent!Xiaosheng Wushuang Gongzi Policy Fang!

Chapter 345 Someone from the Eastern Continent!Xiaosheng Wushuang Gongzi Policy Fang!

"This... this... Heroes, we are just passing by! Don't be embarrassed!"

The coachman suddenly panicked.

"Hmph, don't be nervous, we're just asking for directions."

The man in Tsing Yi spoke softly.

"Ask...Ask for directions? So that's the case, this good man, please tell me..."

The coachman breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still cautious about the people in front of him.

At this moment, in the compartment.

Hua Snake Jade Foot kicked Fang Ce lightly, and winked, because she faintly noticed that those guys outside had a strange aura!

Fang Ce stretched his waist comfortably, as if he didn't bother to care about it at all. With the little lady who turned into a snake, what did he care about so much?
When Hua Snake saw this, he stared angrily again, and kicked Fang Ce hard, causing Fang Ce to scream strangely.

"What noise!? Who is in this car!?"

The vigilant voice of the man in Tsing Yi suddenly sounded.

The youths in white clothes of the Martial God also became secretly on guard.

"This... this... back to the hero, there is no one here... oh no, no... there is a young couple here, and there is always that... that... arguing or something, from time to time along the way There is some movement, you understand. Don't expect to be offended..."

The coachman responded in a panic.

"Little couple? Where are you from? Are they all from the neighborhood?"

The man in Tsing Yi looked suspicious.

"This... this... the small one is from the next city... the young couple inside... seems to be from another city to play here..."

The coachman hesitated to respond.

"Hmph, it seems that you are very suspicious? People inside, come out for me!"

The man in Tsing Yi snorted coldly, with an air of stealth.

"This this……"

The coachman suddenly became panicked and nervous again.

"What cats and dogs dare to block this girl's way?"

Disdain hummed softly.

Hua Snake lifted the curtain of the car and looked outside at the men in Tsing Yi.

At this moment, all the men in Tsing Yi were stunned, all of them were amazed by the appearance of the snake.

"Only a hundred years of cultivation?"

The white-clothed young man of the Martial God had a flat gaze, and he and everyone's vigilance had dropped a lot.

On the way of turning into a snake, he always concealed his cultivation, showing off the aura of a century-old cultivation, but Fang Ce...

The men in Tsing Yi glanced into the carriage again, only to see a lazy guy lying on his side, probably an ant who had been cultivated for more than ten years...

"Little girl, who are you in there?"

The young man in white asked with some doubts.

"Hmph, that's a dead dog, what did you ask him to do?"

The snake snorted coldly.


The young people in white were stunned again, they already believed in the relationship between Fang Ce and Hua Snake's husband and wife, after all, it is not a husband and wife relationship, how could they say such words?
"Hello? My lady, are you going too far? How dare you say that about me in front of so many outsiders? Do I want to lose face?"

Fang Ce couldn't help but made a voice of protest.

"Hmph, you bastard, do you still want face?"

Hua Snake was even more disdainful, and he just kicked Fang Ce, causing Fang Ce to groan in pain.

The youths in white were speechless for a moment.

"Little girl, who are you? Why are you here!"

The deep voice of the man in Tsing Yi sounded.

"Who are you? How dare you provoke people from our Kingdom of God?"

Snake's eyebrows raised slightly, she could vaguely see that these guys don't seem to be too involved with the Kingdom of God! ?

"The Kingdom of God?"

The men in Tsing Yi were taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but glance at each other.

"Girl, may I ask if this is the Kingdom of God?"

The young man in white stepped forward and clasped his fists. He is not worried at all now, because the opponent's strength is in front of him, and he is not even qualified for an ant, so he can rest assured to inquire about information!

"Huh? You don't even know the Kingdom of God? Are you country bumpkins? This place is too dry. The Kingdom of God is to the west, and we came from the Kingdom of God. Where did you come from?"

Hua Snake had a disdainful look on his face, but his heart was filled with suspicion. Did these guys come from overseas?Otherwise, how could you not know about the Kingdom of God, or Taiqian?And she had just discussed overseas affairs with Fang Ce, so she was naturally concerned about it.Of course, it is not ruled out that these guys escaped from seclusion on some small islands in the sea.It just doesn't look like...

"Too dry? Kingdom of God?"

The young man in white frowned slightly.

"Huh? There are people who don't even know about our kingdom of God? Isn't this too ignorant?"

Fang Ce couldn't help getting up, poking his head out to look at the young people in white clothes, and he also had the same guess as the snake in his heart!

"Hmph, why do we need to know about the Kingdom of God? Is it amazing?"

The man in Tsing Yi was immediately displeased. He is also a strong man who can cross the catastrophe. How could he bear such contempt from a guy who seems to have no brains and no strength?
"Ha, our kingdom of God is guarded by three gods, especially the supreme god, Mr. Hua Snake, who is the strongest existence in the world. Don't you think it's amazing?"

Fang Ce looked proud and triumphant.

Hua Snake looked at Fang Ce's serious nonsense, and wanted to give Fang Ce two kicks. After all, Fang Ce's strength clearly crushed her, the so-called three gods. She listened like this, but felt inexplicable. Harsh irony...

"Three gods? The gods turn into snakes?"

Hearing the words, all the men in Tsing Yi couldn't help showing expressions of surprise.

"Little brother, please forgive us for being ignorant. In fact, we are from the Eastern Continent. We are new to your land, so I hope you can mention a few things."

The young man in white smiled and clasped his fists. From his point of view, Fang Ce is obviously a simple-minded braggart who likes to flaunt himself with the reputation of others. His strength is weak, and he is an ideal spying target.Anyway, everything is currently under his control, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Eastern Continent? Where is that? I've never heard of it."

Fang Ce immediately curled his lips in disdain, but his heart became excited, did he really come from overseas?This may mean that there will be news of those rare materials used to repair the artifact!


The man in Tsing Yi couldn't help showing a hint of anger, because Fang Ce's face of a villain who was arrogant and arrogant, really deserved a beating!

"Oh, that's a continent beyond the sea fog to the east of here."

The young man in white spoke softly, and waved his hand to signal the man in green to be calm.

"The continent beyond the fog outside the sea? Oh...it sounds quite mysterious."

Fang Ce nodded with little interest, still quite disdainful.

The man in Tsing Yi was even more angry, wanting Fang Ce to learn more.

Seeing Fang Ce's appearance, Hua Snake at the side couldn't help but want to give him two punches...

"Haha, this little brother seems to have a lot of background, I don't know how to call him?"

The young man in white smiled lightly.

"Hmph, that must be me, Xiaosheng, I am also well-known in the Kingdom of God, and Master Wushuang, Ce Fang, is Xiaosheng me."

Fang Ce pointed at himself with his thumb, and then said, "However, Xiaosheng, I usually keep a low profile. I know that Xiaosheng doesn't have too much of me."

The man in Tsing Yi couldn't help curling his lips, and felt even more disdainful in his heart: Why is he so low-key?Isn't he just a boastful guy?No twin sons yet?Just by you?I bother!
"Oh...it turns out to be the famous Master Wushuang Ce Fang, who has known his name for a long time. I am alone in class, these are my crew."

The young man in white smiled and cupped his fists.

"Oh, is there anything else? If there's nothing else, Xiaosheng will continue on his way with his wife."

Fang Ce responded lightly.

"Wait, Mr. Wushuang, I'm new to your land and I'm not familiar with the place, so I wonder if you can give me some pointers? With the name and knowledge of Mr. Wushuang, I'm sure you won't be stingy with talking to guests from afar. Say it?"

Ban Du spoke again.

"Well... that's right, I don't know what you are confused about?"

Fang's strategy is embarrassing.

"Right now, I have a puzzle. It's just that when I approached the city behind, I felt an inexplicable pressure. What's the reason?"

Ban Du asked.

"Ha! When it comes to this, you are asking the right person!"

Fang Ce looked energetic.

"Oh? Master Wushuang knows!? I hope to let you know!"

Ban Du was surprised.

"Hmph, isn't this..."

Fang Ce looked smug, and he looked like he was about to talk, but he hadn't finished yet...

"Dog! What are you talking about here all day? Don't you need to hurry?"

The displeased voice of the snake sounded.

Ban Du was taken aback for a moment, frowning slightly.

"Uh... my lady...it's all right, all the honored guests who came from afar, Xiaosheng said to you while driving. Just let the driver slow down a bit."

Fang Ce responded, naturally knowing that the snake was acting with him.


Hua Snake snorted softly, as if he didn't want to look at Fang Ce more.

"Thank you so much."

Ban Du clasped his fists again.

Then the carriage continued to drive slowly, while Ban Du and the others followed by the window, listening to Fang Ce's talk.

"Let me tell you, the inexplicable pressure you are talking about is actually the power of Feng Shui formation."

"Feng Shui formation?"

Ban Du was surprised.

"Well, this feng shui formation was created by a fairy from the Kingdom of God, and who is this fairy? That's the servant of the Supreme Lord Hua Snake. This is such a remarkable character, as you might imagine? And this feng shui formation was realized by the fairy under the guidance of Mr. Hua Snake, but it is very extraordinary.

It is rumored that there are [-] volumes of Feng Shui formation, and the first three volumes alone will be able to stabilize the country and unify the world.Tsk tsk, think back then, the Taigan monarch sold almost half of Taigan just to get the first three volumes of Fengshui formation. So, you should understand the weight of it, right?

Let's talk about the feng shui formation itself, Xiaosheng also has a little research, and its essence is to regularize the power of feng shui terrain.People who are integrated into the geomantic formation can easily mobilize the power of the geomantic terrain.And outsiders, because they can't integrate into the feng shui formation, will be repelled by this power, which will cause the aura to not run smoothly, and even their own power will be affected.

It can be said that it is obtained from the sky and benefited from the people. What a wise and ingenious thought. "

Fang Ce shook his head and said.

All the men in Tsing Yi had expressions of astonishment and astonishment.

"Regularly adjust the power of feng shui and terrain? I have some understanding of feng shui, but I still don't understand the so-called feng shui formation..."

Ban Du frowned. In his opinion, Fang Ce's previous words were most likely nonsense, playing tricks to show his own knowledge, but it was the last part that had some meaning.

"Well, to put it simply, it's like pushing a big copper ball. If several people push around the big copper ball, will the forces cancel each other out and the big copper ball won't move? But, if these people are adjusted For a moment, let them concentrate their strength and push the big copper ball in the same direction, isn't it very easy and simple? The principle of this Feng Shui formation is probably like this."

Fang policy responded.

"Push a big brass ball?"

Ban Du frowned even more. Looking at Jiuyou City, which was getting closer and closer, and thinking of the nonsense words that Hua Snake said to Fang Ce before, he couldn't help asking again: "Mr. Wushuang, how do you know this?"

"Hmph, Xiaosheng is a feng shui apprentice who has studied with Fairy, don't you know this?"

Fang Ce looked complacent again.

"Feng Shui apprentice? It seems that Mr. Wushuang really has a lot of background?"

Ban Du was surprised.

"That's needless to say? The small city in front of you is a tenth-class city. The power of the Fengshui formation is only affected by a hundred years of cultivation. It's not worth mentioning. Those powerful Fengshui formations can reach six or seven hundred. , even the influence of a thousand years of cultivation."

Fang Ce looked like pointing Jiangshan.

"What!? The influence of a thousand years of cultivation!?"

Everyone in Ban Du was even more astonished.

At the same time, the man in Tsing Yi was very contemptuous of Fang Ce: You are a guy who has cultivated for more than ten years, how can you have the face to say that a hundred years of cultivation is not worth mentioning?
"Of course, such a powerful geomantic terrain is basically very difficult to appear. Now the entire Taiqian, the highest terrain is only the sixth-class terrain, and there is only such a city."

Fang Ce shook his head.

"What about the Kingdom of God?"

Ban Du was puzzled, but at this moment his heart was completely relieved, because he already knew what it was, and the previous fear came from the unknown.

"The Kingdom of God? Huh, our Kingdom of God has two fifth-class terrains! How can this mere Taiqian be compared?"

Fang Ce had a smug expression on his face.

"Well, it is indeed the Kingdom of God. I would like to ask, but I don't know what you are here for, Mr. Wushuang. Is there something important? If it is inconvenient to say, I will pretend that I have never asked."

"Oh...it's nothing...the main thing is to accompany the lady to go out for sightseeing..."

Fang Ce quietly pointed at Hua Snake.

"So that's the case, I'm very interested. My wife, Mrs. Guanzun, seems to have a lot of background? I don't know?"

"That's unbelievable. My lady's background is not simple. Telling it is to scare people to death. This guest, you'd better not ask."

Fang Ce waved his hand.

"This... well..."

Ben nodded.

The man in Tsing Yi twitched his lips in disdain. The secret strategy is that his wife is strict, and he dare not speak out because of face, so he is just playing tricks here.

The two chatted and chatted and had already arrived at the gate of the city.

"Who are you?"

The city guards frowned and questioned, Ban Duyi, who was dressed in strange clothes, was too conspicuous, and there were so many people, so naturally he had to be vigilant.

"Oh, my lord. We are boatmen on the sea, and we came here with the Lord Wushuang from the Kingdom of God. We still hope to pass."

Ban Du clasped his fists together.

"The unparalleled son of the kingdom of God?"

The guards were taken aback for a moment, and looked at Fang Ce.

"What? Doubting my identity?"

Fang Ce spoke softly, with a look of contempt on his face.

"This... the little one doesn't question the identity of the young master, it's just that the young one is ignorant, and he has never heard of Mr. Wushuang?"

The defenders of the city clasped their fists together, with an expression of doubting and not wanting to offend.

Everyone in Ban Du looked even weirder.

"Hmph, this is my wife's customs clearance document, open your dog eyes wide and take a good look at it."

Fang Ce took out a document casually, looking casual.

"This!? This son and wife, please forgive me for being disrespectful! Please come in!"

The defenders of the city just glanced at it, and then their complexions changed slightly, because the customs clearance document had the approval and seal of Her Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of God, and the Taigan Sacred Majesty!At first glance, he is a person of great background!

Seeing the appearance of the city guards, Ban Du couldn't help but cast a slight glance at the snake in the carriage.

The man in Tsing Yi glanced at Fang Ce, feeling even more disdainful in his heart: Hmph!It turns out that it's just a soft food, what kind of Master Wushuang?Pooh!What are you so proud of?

(End of this chapter)

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