Chapter 346 Is the lady going to bed?

After successfully entering Jiuyou City, Fang Ce and Ban Du came to an inn to settle down, and ordered good wine and food first.

"As expected of Mr. Wushuang, otherwise we might not even be able to enter the city gate. I must let you treat Mr. Wushuang well."

Ban Du toasted and said, in fact, after figuring out the strange power that affects their cultivation, he no longer takes this small town seriously at all. With their abilities, what is this?He is just trying to get more information and compliment Fang Ce now.

"Hey, why don't you just go to a city? What kind of thing is this? You want to entertain? You come from afar, but Xiaosheng should do his best as a landlord and entertain you all."

Fang Ce waved his hand disapprovingly.

"It can't be said like this. For people like Mr. Wushuang, it is indeed a small matter that is not worth mentioning. But for us foreign visitors who are not familiar with the place, this is indeed a big favor."

"Okay, okay, I won't mention these details."

Fang Ce waved his hand again.

"Okay, okay. I just heard that Mr. Wushuang said that you came out to visit the mountains and rivers?"


"In that case, I have a merciless request, I don't know..."

"If it's too troublesome, then don't talk about it. Xiaosheng is good at everything, but he is afraid of trouble."

Fang Ce immediately waved his hand.


Ban Du was stunned for a moment, he just felt that this guy in front of him was not following the routine at all. According to the way of the world, he should listen to what he said no matter what?How can there be such a thing?
The Hua Snake beside her couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly, she felt that Fang Ce's words were probably the truth...

In fact, Fang Ce is really telling the truth... because he has already decided to play badly and enjoy the journey.If it's not something you're interested in, then of course it's a rejection, so what's the point of being polite?
"This matter is not troublesome. In fact, I want to go with Mr. Wushuang, gain knowledge along the way, and better appreciate the scenery of Middle-earth, especially the Kingdom of God that Mr. Wushuang talked about. I really hope that I can I have a chance to meet you.”

Ban Duwu opened his mouth, he couldn't really keep his mouth shut.After all, this guy in front of him can obviously provide them with a lot of convenience. If it's a waste of time and energy to make a fuss, if there is someone they can't afford to provoke here, it would be a bad idea to get into trouble.

"Coming together? Hiss..."

Fang Ce looked at the little lady who turned into a snake with a look of embarrassment on his face. He also had this plan when he was with him for a while. After all, he also needed to obtain information from the other party, whether there were materials to repair the artifact in the Eastern Continent, and who were these guys? How come through the fog.After all, even the little lady Hua Snake and all the great monsters couldn't figure out what was going on with the fog.

And his expression is naturally for Ban Du to see, and the snake will definitely understand it.

"Mr. Wushuang, I understand your concerns. Don't worry, I will never disturb the... elegant mood of Mr. Wushuang and Mrs. Madam on this journey. In addition, although all of you are rough people, They are both small and powerful. They can also serve as the guards of the two along the way, so as to protect them well."

Ban Du suddenly looked very understanding and cooperative...

"Strength? Xiaosheng can see that everyone is indeed a little capable. It's just that my wife's strength is also..."

Fang Ce still looked a little embarrassed.

At this moment, the man in Tsing Yi at the table next to him couldn't sit still: Is this dog really giving face?How dare you look down on our strength! ?

However, it has not waited for the man in Tsing Yi to show his strength and use the strategy of "slapping the face".

"Hmph, if you come to act as a guard, this girl will agree."

The soft voice of the snake sounded.

"This... thank you so much, Ma'am!"

Ban Du quickly thanked him.

The man in Tsing Yi frowned slightly, but seeing Hua Snake's stunning beauty and unique temperament, he didn't intend to care too much about a little girl, after all, he had plenty of opportunities to shock this little beauty.

"Since the lady said so, then Xiaosheng has nothing to say."

Fang Ce put on a casual look.

"Mr. Wushuang, and this lady. Since we are already on the same road, I will introduce you to the two. The two guys next to me are my right-hand assistants, Chaobu and Hanguang. These two guys are very powerful. Pretty good. If you need any help, you can go to them directly."

Ban Du pointed to the man in Tsing Yi and the big man at the table next to him.

Even if Chao Budang, the man in Tsing Yi, clasped his fists at Fang Ce and Hua Snake, he especially looked at Hua Snake one more time. If it wasn't for the God of Valor's permission, he would really like to show off his cultivation right now to see if this little beauty can still do it. So cold and calm, don't take him seriously.

"Well, I have a heart. In the Kingdom of God, there are so many masters, and Xiaosheng is no stranger to it."

Fang Ce waved his hand indifferently, expressing his response to Chao Bu and Na Han Guang.

When Zhao Bu heard the words, he immediately felt a little angry and bloody, and looked at Fang Ce with a man-eating gaze: This bastard really takes himself seriously! ?Don't look at your own strength, what virtue?A mere ants still make themselves look like a well-informed peerless master?
"Uh, haha, you are indeed Mr. Wushuang. I will take care of you along the way."

Ban Du smiled and cupped his fists again.

Seeing this, Chaobu didn't dare to say anything, so he could only forcefully suppress his anger.

"Master Wushuang, I am still very interested in the Fengshui formation of this city, can you tell me more?"

"Of course it's possible. But this feng shui formation involves a lot, and Xiaosheng didn't know where to start..."

Fang Tactic frowned.

"I'm a little curious, how foreigners like us can integrate into this feng shui formation without being affected."

"Oh, this is not easy? You only need to stay in this city for half a month to a month..."

Fang Ce and Ban Du chatted casually.

Time gradually passed, and it was already nightfall.

In a hotel room.

I saw Ban Du, Chao Bu, Han Guang, and several other members.

"Valkyrie, next, do we really want to act as the guards of that guy who is not the so-called one? Anyway, their strength is not very good, how about taking them down directly..."

Zhao Bu's eyes flickered, he was very eager to show his strength now, he taught and humiliated Fang Ce severely, and then grabbed the cold beauty in his hands, to see what kind of expression she will have when the time comes...

"Give me peace of mind. That guy, as long as he can provide information to this seat, it is enough. Although that young man is very inconspicuous and ridiculous, their identities do have a lot of background. Especially that woman, now This Middle-earth continent, we don’t know yet, it’s obviously of great use to us.”

Ban Du glanced at Chao Bu indifferently.

"Yes! Valkyrie! Don't worry! We will never make trouble!"

Chao Bu's heart shuddered, and he quickly responded that they did not dare to disobey the order of the Valkyrie.

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, we must find out the strength of this Middle-earth Continent. Who are the masters and how strong are they? Besides the Fengshui formation, what other powerful forces are there. If possible, we must make this Fengshui formation Got it. By the way, there is also what happened to the three gods that guy said. The supreme god turns into a snake..."

Ban Du frowned in thought.

At this moment, in another room.

"When are you going to inquire about the material?"

Hua Snake sat on the chair, frowning displeasedly at Fang Ce, who was already slouching on the bed.

"Well... don't be in a hurry, these guys... are very vigilant, and you can see it, my lady. If you show your feet a little, I'm afraid you will be discovered."

"Hmph, as long as you find a way to pass through the fog, that's enough."

The snake snorted coldly.

"Indeed, take your time, they've already been hooked anyway, and it will be a matter of time before they catch them."

Fang policy responded.

At this moment, the snake got up and came to the bedside, looking down at Fang Ce.

"Huh? Mistress, what's the matter?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"What? Go inside."

The beautiful eyes of the snake stared.

"Uh? Is your lady going to bed? You go inside, Xiaosheng is here to protect you from the wind, and it will also prevent your lady from accidentally falling out of bed in the middle of the night, isn't it?"

Fang Ce quickly came back to his senses.


Hua Snake snorted softly, got on the bed, stepped over Fang Ce, covered her with a quilt, and fell asleep.

Fang Ce shrugged and closed his eyes.

The next day, breakfast time.

"Master Wushuang, did you rest well last night?"

Ban Du smiled.


Fang Ce nodded, drinking the porridge by himself.

"I don't know what Master Wushuang is going to do later?"

Ban Du spoke again.

"Accompany my lady, walk around the city and see the customs and customs here."

"Young Master Wu Shuang is really elegant and leisurely, which is really enviable."

"Ha, it's because you don't know how busy Xiaosheng used to be."

Fang Ce waved his hand.

"Oh? I really don't see it. I feel that your Excellency is a son of an aristocratic family, and he looks quite leisurely. By the way, I remember that Mr. Wushuang said before that he was a Fengshui apprentice with the fairy of the Kingdom of God? Could it be that toil is referring to this ?”

Ban Du's eyes flickered slightly.

"Well... I think back then, Xiaosheng followed Mr. Fairy, traveled north and south, and had to go through all the messy things himself. Sigh, don't mention it, don't mention it..."

Fang Ce shook his head.

Chao Bu pouted at the side, he didn't believe Fang Ce's words at all, only that Fang Ce was bragging again...

"So, is it possible that Mr. Wushuang also participated in the layout of the Feng Shui formation?"

Ban Du scrutinized Fang Ce's expression without any trace.

"That's for sure, I'm not afraid to tell you, this is too much involved with the Kingdom of God, at least half of the Feng Shui formation, Xiaosheng has experienced it, what do you think?"

Fang Ce looked at Ban Du very proudly.

"This... no wonder Mr. Wushuang has such a view on this feng shui formation! Then... I wonder if Mr. Wushuang knows how this feng shui formation is arranged?"

Ban Du looked curious and inquiring.

Chaobu couldn't help showing surprise and suspicion.

"This... um..."

Fang Ce shook his head thoughtfully: "I can't say this, I can't say..."

"Why? Is it because it's too difficult, and Mr. Wushuang can't tell?"

Ban Du was puzzled.

"Are you kidding? How could Xiaosheng not be able to explain clearly, but Xiaosheng can't talk nonsense about this. What do you know?"

Fang Ce suddenly looked at Ban Du with some displeasure, but he was amused in his heart. How could he not see that this guy was using the aggressive method for him?

" can't talk nonsense? That is, that fairy won't let you talk about it?"

"It can't be said that it is Lord Fairy. The main thing is that Lord Hua Snake has ordered. Any arrangement related to this Fengshui formation cannot be disclosed. If it is known..."

Fang Ce nodded to Ban Du with an intriguing expression.

"Hiss...Understood, that's right, this feng shui formation is such a miraculous method, it must not be revealed easily."

Ban Du nodded knowingly.

But Chaobu showed doubts, wondering if Fang Ce didn't know, and made excuses to cover up...

"Okay, let's stop this topic. We're full. Go outside."

Fang Ce stood up slowly.

After a while, came to the street.

"So, Xiaosheng said, it's not good if there are too many guards here. Look, how can you understand the local customs?"

Fang Ce frowned slightly and shook his head lightly.

Surrounded by dozens of people from Bandu, pedestrians on the street couldn't help avoiding him.

Chao Bu Wenyan also frowned, but it was because of Fang Ce's dissatisfaction. They, a large group of strong men, would be disgusted by such a guy as a guard?If it wasn't for the order of the Valkyrie, he would have defeated Fang Ce long ago!
"Young Master Wu Shuang is right. Chao Bu and Han Guang are the two of you, and the rest should stay far away. Don't crowd together, and don't get too close to us."

Ban Du gave orders to everyone.

"Yes... Captain..."

Those people responded and dispersed.

Chao Bu frowned again, feeling very unhappy in his heart, secretly thinking about what to do and how to make the Martial God Squad do what he said.Of course, he also knew why Ban Du was like this in his heart, but it was really hard to accept.

"Master Wushuang, you see how good this is."

Ban Du asked with a smile.

"It's almost there."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Young Master Wu Shuang is well-informed, do you know any powerful people or things today? I also travel all the year round, and I like to listen to anecdotes when I have nothing to do."

Ban Du asked again with a smile.

"The powerful people worth mentioning today must be the Three Gods. As for the rest... they are all eclipsed in front of the Three Gods. Xiaosheng can't think of it for a while."

Fang Tactic frowned.

"Three gods... I heard Mr. Wushuang mention it many times before, and what... the supreme snake? What's going on? Is it a mythical figure, or is it a powerful existence?"

Ban Du was puzzled.

"The three gods are gods, so they must be powerful existences. What's the point?"

"No, what I mean is... Could it be that the three gods you mentioned, Mr. Wushuang, really exist in this world? In my hometown, there are also gods I believe in. It's just that they all exist in legends .”

"Existence in the legend? Has it never appeared?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.


Ban Du shook his head.

"It hasn't appeared...then it might be a fabrication. And the three gods of our Kingdom of God are the supreme beings that really exist."

Fang Ce looked quite proud.

"Real existence? I would like to hear about it."

Ban Du and the others couldn't help showing expressions of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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