Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 347 The Strongest Human Being Full of Nonsense

Chapter 347 The strongest human being full of nonsense

"The three gods of our Divine Kingdom are the water demon deified, Lord Snake, the demon god, Xie Ape, and the dragon god, Jiuying.

Master Jiuying is a nine-headed dragon, controlling the powerful power of water and fire.The evil ape-sama is a thousand-foot giant ape with infinite strength and an invincible golden body that no one can break.

Master Hua Snake is the supreme existence that combines wisdom, beauty, and strength, and has insight into all things.

It is rumored that the three gods are the supreme beings of the second-level catastrophe, and what they can do is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people like us. "

Fang Ce spoke quietly.

Hua Snake glanced at Fang Ce, and couldn't help curling his lips.

"Huh? You three gods are only at the level of the second-level catastrophe?"

Ban Du was taken aback, his expression puzzled.

Chao Bu and Han Guang also glanced at each other, their expressions were a little weird.

"What is the level of only the second level of catastrophe? What do you mean by this, Your Excellency?"

Fang Ce suddenly looked a little 'unhappy'.

"Oh, no, I don't mean to be disrespectful. The main reason is that we also have the existence of the second level of heavenly tribulation, but they can't be called gods. So when I heard Mr. Wushuang talk about gods, I thought it was a higher level. The presence.

And these three gods seem to have nothing to do with humans?The second level of catastrophe can be called a god. Could it be that there are no human beings who have reached the second level of catastrophe in Middle-earth?Oh, I don't mean anything else, I'm just a little confused. "

Ban Du asked cautiously, but he was very calm in his heart. The so-called gods only have a second level of catastrophe?Unfortunately, he is also the existence of the second-floor catastrophe!

Chao Bu and Han Guang each showed an intriguing smile.

"Oh...that's it... Xiaosheng doesn't know much about the existence of the second-level catastrophe. I just know that there are many second-level catastrophes in Shenguo and Taigan, such as the five auspicious beasts, and Taigan's Martial Saints. But they can't be called gods, obviously they are not as good as the three gods. Maybe the three gods exist in the third level of heavenly calamity, and Xiaosheng doesn't know much about it."

Fang Ce squeezed his chin, and he had a general understanding of the strength of the Eastern Continent. The Eastern Continent has a second level of catastrophe, but the strength of each other should not be great. There is a high probability that there is no such level as a big monster. .After all, the existence of the second-level catastrophe at the level of the big demon is obviously much higher than the existence of the general second-level catastrophe.

"Is...so that's the case... If there is a chance, I would like to pay my respects to the three gods with my own eyes, so as to witness the power of the gods."

Ban Du couldn't help frowning, feeling a little uncertain in his heart. After all, there is a second-tier Heavenly Tribulation here, so the ability to be honored as a god must not be simple.

Chao Bu and Han Guang also frowned.

"I want to pay my respects to the three gods...it's difficult. The three gods are not something ordinary people can see. Not to mention the three gods, even the five auspicious beasts are hard for ordinary people to see."

Fang Ce shook his head.

"Five auspicious beasts... what kind of existence is this?"

Ban Du was puzzled.

"The five auspicious beasts are Pixiu, Qingluan, Xuangui, Chilong, and Qilin. They are respectively auspicious beasts who are good at gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. They are all second-level existences with holy energy, and they have protected countless lands here. years."

"Hmm... Are these five gods similar to the gods of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth recorded in ancient times?"

"more or less……"

Fang Ce nodded in surprise. There are also related records of the Five Elements Gods here, but they never actually appeared.

"By the way, the Taigan Martial Saint you mentioned earlier is a human being, right?"

Ban Du asked again.

"Yes, it's human, what's wrong?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Is it the strongest human being here?"

"That must be the case. The existence of the second-floor catastrophe is not the strongest. Who else can be the strongest?"

Fang Ce looked deeply convinced.


Ban Du nodded thoughtfully.

Hua Snake curled his lips, cursing secretly in his heart: He is obviously the strongest human being, but he is still talking nonsense here, it is really owed!

"By the way, what kind of place is your Eastern Continent? How is it different from ours? There are no gods or auspicious beasts, and there doesn't seem to be any Fengshui formations. It feels like... um... tsk..."

Fang Ce's tone of voice hesitated, showing disgust and embarrassment.

The corner of Chao Bu's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but want to hit someone.

"Haha, it's true that there are no gods or auspicious beasts on the second floor of the Eastern Continent. If we want to say something different, the people in our Eastern Continent are different from those in Middle Earth."

Ban Du responded with a smile.

"Huh? People are different? Don't they all have one mouth and two eyes? What do you mean by being different?"

"No, it's not the same. Don't be afraid to say it bluntly. In fact, we people in the Eastern Continent are all descendants of gods and have the blood of gods. Like us, we belong to the Kingdom of Power God in the Eastern Continent. We all have the blood of God God. Powerful. Therefore, we don’t need to rely on gods and the like.”

Ban Du responded.

Both Chaobu and Han Guang showed a hint of pride.

"Oh? Descendants of the gods? Interesting..."

Fang Ce nodded, but he didn't care about it.

Seeing this, Ban Du couldn't help but frown slightly, forbearance like him. At this moment, he couldn't bear Fang Ce's "weakness and ignorance and self-confidence"...

Needless to say, Chao Bu and Han Guang were extremely unhappy.After all, it’s just boring to play the piano with a cow, but when the cow can talk, if he doesn’t know the piano but still talks about your piano skills, isn’t it maddening?

After wandering around Jiuyou City, Hua Snake felt that it was not interesting, so everyone left Jiuyou City and headed north to the next city.

Soon after, everyone came to Guanglan City.

At this moment, everyone in Ban Du frowned slightly, because the suppressive force here was stronger.

"This Guanglan City has a ninth-class feng shui terrain. Even if you come here with 200 years of cultivation, you will be similar to ordinary people. And if any ordinary person here walks out, it is equivalent to 200 years of cultivation. In other words It is said that you have to have 400 years of cultivation to be at the level of an ordinary citizen in Guanglan City.

Of course, ordinary people are ordinary people after all, even with the blessing of feng shui formations and no magic skills, they are still far from being able to compare with real practitioners who have cultivated for 400 years.However, ordinary people win in large numbers. No matter how strong you are with 400 years of cultivation, you can't beat such a group of common people, right? "

Fang Ce casually took Ban Du and the others for a stroll.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing..."

Ban Du nodded. Although this feng shui formation can't do anything to him, it has already had a great impact on his subordinates...

After Guanglan City, Fang Ce and the others came to Yefei again.

Ban Duyi's expressions have become dignified, because this Ye Fei is an eighth-class city, and the difference in cultivation has reached 600 years!There were only three of them who survived the robbery.Those who have not crossed the catastrophe will only have 900 years of cultivation at most, and the gap of 600 years of cultivation will be opened all of a sudden, and the consequences can be imagined!

At night, in an inn.

"This feng shui formation must be obtained in a way! This impact is much greater than the spirit guide thunder cannon of our Lishen Kingdom!"

Ban Du's face was heavy.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that the Middle-earth Continent would have such an array technique. According to ancient records, the humans here are just the most ordinary humans. How could they have such abilities?"

Chao Bu was quite unconvinced.

"Gods... the three gods that bastard said, this feng shui formation is obviously from the hands of gods."

Ban Du frowned.

"By the way, the deity turns into a snake... what kind of existence is this?"

Zhao Bu also frowned.

"It should be a powerful demon, but I don't know how strong it is."

"If they are all the existence of the second-tier Heavenly Tribulation, as long as they are not restrained, with your strength as a Valkyrie, you should have no problem dealing with them, right?"


"That's right, if they are all the existence of the second-level catastrophe, you have divine power. As long as you are not restrained, you will not be afraid! Moreover, you have also said that the laws of our world limit the appearance of the third-level catastrophe. The so-called three gods are nine out of ten are the existence of the second level of heavenly calamity.

And that ignorant young man knows nothing, and he has no ability, so his vision is naturally narrow.There must be a lot of bragging about the power of the so-called three gods. "

Han Guang also opened his mouth.

"Yes, that ignorant young man is simply ridiculous."

Chao Bu immediately looked disdainful.

"Well, it's not in a hurry now. The more ignorant this guy is, the better. Otherwise, how could he be so easy to control?"

Ban Du sneered and snorted coldly.

At this moment, in another wing room.

"Sigou, do you want to test the captain's strength? If I'm not mistaken, it should be the existence of the second-level catastrophe."

Hua Snake sat at the table, cocked her curvaceous jade legs, and looked at Fang Ce who was lazily lying on the bed expressionlessly.

"Hmm... There shouldn't be much to explore... With your strength, my lord, it's not a problem for a single existence to fight ten second-floor catastrophes."

Fang Ce responded casually. He knew from the beginning that Ban Du was a second-tier Heavenly Tribulation, and he had an aura similar to sword intent hidden in his body, so his strength should not be too weak.However, it is still quite difficult to deal with the little lady who transforms into a snake based on sword intent alone.

"Hmph, can this deity beat ten dead dogs like you?"

Hua Snake snorted rather displeased, it's okay to be complimented by others, but to be complimented by this dog whose strength is far above her, she feels uncomfortable no matter what she hears.

"Ah! Lady's murderous intent erupted, Xiaosheng was directly shocked and seriously injured!"

Fang Ce let out a strange cry, and looked like he was lying on the bed with his head tilted.

Hua Snake couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then reacted, his eyes widened and he was very annoyed: "You! You are looking for death!!"

As soon as she moved her body, she threw herself on Fang Ce without saying a word, and when she raised her jade fist, she immediately gave a fat beating.

"Aww! My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life!"

Fang Ce's painful cries instantly resounded throughout the inn...

In the class's single room, everyone's complexions became a little unhappy.

"This trash who eats soft food, flirts with that blind bitch all day long, and doesn't stop at night, it's really annoying!"

Chao Bu spoke displeasedly.

"Be patient for a while longer, and when they have no use value, you can deal with them as you want."

Ban Du spoke softly.

The next day, Fang Ce took Ban Du and the others to wander around Yefei City, and then left for the next city.

After passing through several cities, the terrain is basically nine or ten, and everyone in Bandu has become more used to it.

Afterwards, everyone came to Flying Dragon City.

The divination crowd couldn't help but feel heavy, because Feilong City is a seventh-class terrain!Under the influence of Feng Shui, everyone has been suppressed for 400 years!And the strength of the people in the city is blessed with 400 years of cultivation!In other words, a person with 800 years of cultivation is no more than an ordinary person in this city!
For a while, except for Ban Du, Chao Bu, and Han Guang, everyone else became a little cautious, because their strength was pulled too much all of a sudden, and they almost lost their advantage, so they couldn't help feeling uneasy.

"This Feilong City is one of the most important cities in Taiqian. It has a seventh-class terrain, a prosperous economy, and everything you need. It is a good place to live."

Fang Ce said.

"Indeed, at least the security is very guaranteed."

Ban Du nodded, not to mention not being afraid of foreign enemies with 800 years of cultivation here, at least facing foreign enemies with 700 or [-] years of cultivation is not a big threat.For ordinary people, it really couldn't be safer.

After several days of playing in Feilong City, everyone continued to set off again.

Gradually came to the capital.

Ban Du couldn't help frowning.

The faces of the Chaobu crowd became extremely serious, because they had all been suppressed for 500 years!
"Taigan capital, sixth-class terrain. Anyone who has not crossed the catastrophe will be an ant here."

Fang Ce said casually.

Chao Bu curled his lips, and said with disdain in his heart: Aren't you also an ant?Where's the shame?
"Yeah, I really know a lot."

Ban Du sighed, at this moment he really sighed, because coming here, even the existence of the second-level Heavenly Tribulation would be greatly affected!Unless there is no second-tier Heavenly Tribulation opponent here!As long as there is a second-level catastrophe here, then there will be a gap of 1000 years between him and this second-level catastrophe!If you don't have an absolute advantage, you will definitely fall into a disadvantage!
How could he not be amazed by such a terrifying ability, and at the same time, he was even more determined to get the Feng Shui formation and bring it back to the Kingdom of Lishen!
"This Taiqian capital is a prosperous place second only to the Kowloon City of the Kingdom of God. Everyone, please have fun."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Well, of course! By the way, I don't know what is the relationship between this too dry and the Kingdom of God?"

Ban Du was puzzled.

"Well... it should be regarded as a friendly state."

Fang Ce pondered and responded.

"Youbang... How does Taigan's strength compare with the Kingdom of God? According to Mr. Wushuang, the Fengshui formation came from the Kingdom of God. Then what strength does Taigan itself have that can compete with the Kingdom of God?"

Ban Du looked curious. In his opinion, since they can become friendly nations, the two countries must have a small difference in strength, and they have nothing to do with each other, so they have to live together in a friendly way.After all, if you don't have enough strength, who will be friendly with you?Direct annexation!No matter how bad it is, it will be accepted as a vassal country.

"How is that possible? The Kingdom of God is a subsidiary country of Master Hua Snake. What kind of existence does Master Hua Snake have? That is the supreme existence! Based on this alone, it is impossible for Taiqian to compete with the Kingdom of God. Not to mention the kingdom of God There are two gods, Lord Xieyuan and Lord Jiuying guarding? There is no comparison between Taiqian and the Kingdom of God at all."

Fang Ce immediately looked like you are so ignorant.

"This...how is it possible? If Taiqian has no power to counter the Kingdom of God, how can the Kingdom of God tolerate the equal coexistence of Taiqian? Could it be that there are other forces holding back the Kingdom of God?"

Ban Du was even more surprised, and was very suspicious of Fang Ce's words.

(End of this chapter)

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