Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 348 How can this be called cheating?Xiaosheng is sincere

Chapter 348 How can this be called cheating?Xiaosheng is sincere
"Tsk... how do you say this? Generally speaking, it is mainly because the supreme, beautiful and kind Lord Hua Snake is merciful. He does not see war, does not see suffering, and does not allow the kingdom of God to conflict with Taigan. In order to build this peace The situation can be described as painstaking and well-intentioned.

Ah... to be able to have such a beautiful and kind god is indeed the luck of thousands of people, the luck of the world. "

Fang Ce revealed a look of admiration.


Ban Du was suddenly surprised, did not expect this to be the case?

The corners of Hua Snake's lips twitched, feeling inexplicable irony, her ears turned red when she heard it, she couldn't help pinching Fang Ce's waist with her jade hand: What nonsense are you talking about!
"Aw! Mistress! What are you doing!?"

Fang Ce suddenly screamed.

Everyone in Ban Du was taken aback in fright, and looked at the snake.

Hua Snake's face turned red immediately, and he couldn't help snorting angrily: "Hmph, you're talking nonsense all day long, what can you know! Are you still misleading people here!?"

"Then lady, you are talking about it. It's not that Mr. Hua Snake is merciful and can't bear the flames of war. What reason can there be for Taigan and the Kingdom of God to coexist so harmoniously?"

"I...I...you get out!"

Hua Snake couldn't help glaring with her beautiful eyes. If she was cheated by Fang Ce, she definitely couldn't tell, but she couldn't find any other reason to refute it for a while, so she was even more annoyed.

"Haha, ma'am, Mr. Wushuang's guess is not unreasonable, there is no need to get angry over a trivial matter."

Ban Du came forward to smooth things over.

"Hmph, just listen to his nonsense."

The snake snorted softly, as if it didn't care.

Fang Ce shrugged: "Let me tell you, Xiaosheng is not talking nonsense. At least [-]% of what Xiaosheng said is true. As for my wife, she has a strong personality, and she has to compete with Xiaosheng for everything. Just listen to me."

Ban Du looked at Hua Snake's face, as if he didn't want to respond to Fang Ce.

Turning his lips towards Bu, he even sneered at Fang Ce's words, and his heart was more inclined to what the snake said.

"Young Master Wushuang, has this Middle-earth Continent been so harmonious and peaceful? Has there been any war?"

Ban Du was curious.

"It can only be said that the relationship between the Kingdom of God and Taigan is very harmonious and peaceful, but in remote areas, there are still some barbarians who will come to commit crimes from time to time. They have been cleaned up again and again, and they still don't want to repent. If it weren't for the wise and beautiful Master Hua Snake Those who love peace have wiped out these barbarians long ago."


"They're all tiny savages, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

Fang Ce waved his hand.

"So, Lord Transformation Snake is really kind and friendly..."

Ban Du had a look of exclamation on his face.

The corners of the snake's lips twitched slightly, feeling uncomfortable all over.It's not that she doesn't like to be praised, the problem is that this praise is completely inconsistent with the facts, which really makes her at a loss, a little embarrassed, and a little embarrassed.And Fang Ce, this nonsense, is more like burying her...

"That's for sure. As long as you don't offend Master Hua Snake, Master Hua Snake is very kind to everyone. Our Kingdom of God is adhering to the spirit of Master Hua Snake."

Fang Ce responded proudly.

"Hmm... As expected of a god..."

Ban Du nodded: "Young Master Wushuang, with your contacts and face, you may see this strongest person who is too dry?"

"The most powerful one? It's no problem... why do you ask this?"

Fang Tactics responded with some hesitation.

"It's nothing, I just want to pay a visit, if possible, see if I can ask a question or two, so that I can get an epiphany."

"Oh... so I encountered a bottleneck and wanted to find an expert to guide me to break through... Although Xiaosheng can try to help you, but with you like... I'm afraid I will be turned away..."

Fang Ce showed a look of embarrassment.

Hearing the words of the court divination, he couldn't help thinking that the strategy was terribly ignorant. Their Martial Gods are the top powerhouses in the second floor of the Heavenly Tribulation. Who is qualified to give advice?

"Why don't you do this, Master Wushuang, can I let you and a group of crew members, as citizens of the Kingdom of God, come here to make friends with martial arts? In this way, you will attract experts to compete, and you will not embarrass Master Wushuang."

Ban Du spoke again.

"Huh? Make friends with martial arts? This is good, and there is still fun to watch. My lady, what do you think?"

Fang Ce immediately looked at Hua Snake with a happy expression.

"Well... this is quite interesting, yes."

The snake also showed interest, but sneered in his heart: Are you finally going to show your fangs?
She can be sure that the real purpose of Ban Du and the others is definitely to find out the actual strength of Taiqian and the kingdom of God, and the next step is to decide how to deal with the kingdom of God and Taigan!
"That's really grateful to Mr. Wushuang and his wife!"

Ban Du clasped his fists gratefully, if that was the case, he wouldn't have to worry about something going wrong and had no way out.With the help of the name of the Kingdom of God, he can spy with complete confidence, but the next strength of the Kingdom of God...

"It's a trivial matter, you don't need to be polite. Besides, Xiaosheng and the lady are also interested. It must be the best to go out for a tour of the mountains and rivers. It must be the best thing to watch."

Fang Ce waved his hand casually.

"Well, then I'll play here for ten and a half months in Taigan first, so as to integrate into the Feng Shui formation. Otherwise, I won't be able to display my strength well even if I get out of the ring."

Ban Du smiled and cupped his fists.

"Okay, Xiaosheng will also ask Taigan Shengshang for instructions on this matter later, so that you will not be regarded as troublemakers. By the way, I can also apply for a venue for you when the martial arts will be held."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Okay! You really have to deal with Mr. Wushuang."

Ban Du clasped his fists gratefully again.

At night, in the most luxurious inn in Taigan.

"Hmph, it seems that this ignorant son is still of some use."

Chao Bu had a smug expression on his face, but he was already looking forward to ten days later, when he would show off his skills on the martial arts stage, what would Fang Ce's expression be like after his strength was revealed, especially the snake transformation.

"After finding out the strength of Taiqian, go to the Kingdom of God to spy on the strength of the three gods."

Ban Du spoke softly.

"War God, if we arrive in the kingdom of God, we will definitely not be able to hide our identities, so the ignorant son should not be able to hide it for us, right? And our strength, won't it be too conspicuous in the kingdom of God? After all, the three gods must be The existence of the second level of catastrophe..."

Han Guang frowned.

"When you get to the Kingdom of God, you shouldn't need to worry too much. Didn't you hear what that idiot said today?"

"Huh? What did the ignorant son say? Oh, yes, he said that the so-called supreme existence turns into a snake, is merciful and friendly, and doesn't like war?"

"Do you have a feeling of deja vu about the state of the kingdom of God that that idiot said?"

Ben Du smiled.

"Déjà vu?"

Han Guang was puzzled.

"There is a strong existence to rely on, and the whole country still adheres to the idea that no one will offend me, and I will not offend others, a posture of not thinking about danger in peace."

Ban Du said lightly.

"A powerful existence depends on... People don't offend me, I don't offend people... Could it be that...War God refers to the former Yiren Kingdom?"

Chaobu was surprised.

"That's right, if my guess is correct. The state of the Kingdom of God should be extremely similar to that of the Winged Kingdom."

Ban Du's eyes flickered.

"Once the three gods fall, will they be quickly disintegrated?"

Zhao Bu narrowed his eyes.


In another wing.

"Hmph, you bastard, that's a good trick. You can fool those idiots around so quickly and trust them in every possible way."

Hua Snake was sitting on the edge of the bed, her graceful jade legs were slightly tilted up, and she was squinting at Fang Ce who was lying on the bed with her arms around her.

"Your Majesty, you are wronged. How can this be called cheating? Xiaosheng treats you sincerely."

Fang Ce was immediately unhappy.

"Hmph, you are so sincere. I don't believe you can't see that these guys are uneasy and kind!"

The snake immediately dismissed it.

"That's their business. If they can embrace Yicheng, Xiaosheng will treat him with sincerity. On the contrary... um... ask yourself..."

Fang Ce shrugged and rested his hands comfortably.

Hua Snake pouted, turned around and climbed onto the bed, stepped on Fang Ce's crotch, and went into the bed.

"Oh!? My lady! What are you doing!? Really want to murder your husband!?"

Fang Ce suddenly cried out in pain.

"Oh, accidentally."

The snake responded lightly.

"Accidentally? Xiaosheng saw that you did it on purpose!"

"If you say you are not careful, you are not careful. Go to sleep."


In the next few days, Fang Ce and Hua Snake led Ban Du and others to wander around the capital of Taigan.

At this moment, in the palace.

"Meet Your Majesty! There is a guy who claims to be the unparalleled son of the Kingdom of God, Ce Fang, and sent you a letter. This person and his wife, Shui Linger, have a customs clearance document signed by His Majesty and His Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of God."

A guard quickly came to King Fu Zun.

"Huh? Divine Kingdom Warriors son Ce Fang... his wife Shui Ling'er... Fang Ce?"

King Fu Zun was startled, and took the letter directly. When he signed the customs clearance document for Shui Ling'er before, he already knew that the girl who appeared suddenly was Fang Ce's fiancée.So he recognized Fang Ce's identity instantly.

He opened the letter and looked at it quickly, and couldn't help being stunned again: "Eastern Continent? Came through the fog?"

King Fu Zun's eyes flickered immediately. The content of the letter was that Fang Ce asked him to help cover up his identity and provide a venue for the martial arts meeting to cooperate with Fang Ce's plan.

And what he is most curious about now is how those guys came through the fog!What kind of place is the Eastern Continent?
ten days later.

In the largest martial arts arena in Taigan capital, there was a lot of bustle and bustle.

It is heard that today there are masters from the Kingdom of God coming here to compete in martial arts, and have a friendly exchange of ideas with Taiqian cultivators!

The Martial Arts Arena, which covers an area of ​​hundreds of hectares, soon attracted a large crowd of spectators, almost full of seats!

At this moment, on the host stage.

"As expected of Mr. Wushuang, he managed to get such a venue."

Ban Du smiled and cupped his fists.

"Ha, it's just a trivial matter. The reputation of Xiaosheng, my unparalleled son is still useful, and Taigan Shengshang is still willing to sell some thin noodles."

Fang Ce responded calmly.

But Chaobu was disdainful, and looked at Hua Snake, he was sure that Taiqian Sheng was definitely looking at this little beauty for the sake of face, not that ignorant young man who didn't know the so-called.

"Indeed, indeed."

Ban Du nodded repeatedly.

"It's you guys, you have to perform well. You have a lot of people, and you should be able to have fun for a long time. Even if you meet an opponent you can't beat at all, you should fight as many games as possible. Don't end it early, let everyone It’s not beautiful to return home disappointed. Besides, you’re here to compete in the name of the Kingdom of God, and it’s too ugly, and Xiaosheng feels sorry for himself.”

Fang policy responded.

"Affirmatively, please rest assured, Mr. Wushuang, we will never let you down, and we will not embarrass the Kingdom of God."

Ban Du quickly responded.

"That's good."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Haha, I don't know that Mr. Wushuang is going to show off his skills. From my humble opinion, Mr. Wushuang must also have great skills."

Chao Bu smiled, but he was disdainful in his heart: This stupid and ignorant bastard, even worried that we would embarrass you?You better not be shocked later!

"This... let's avoid it, Xiaosheng, I don't like to fight bravely and fiercely, you just have to enjoy yourself, just enjoy yourself."

Fang Ce waved his hand.

"Well, that would be a pity."

Chao Bu showed a look of regret, and he was even more disdainful in his heart: Humph, what a wimp, incompetent and courageous, so just say it, why pretend to be a wolf with a big tail?
"Okay, it's almost time to start. It's not good to keep the audience waiting too long."

Fang Ce looked around enthusiastically, waiting for the lively audience.

"Well, Lao Yang, you go up and show your face first."

Ban Du's big finger pointed to a big man behind him.

"Yes! Captain!"

As soon as the big man clasped his fists, he strode to the martial arts stage.

"Laoyang, the Kingdom of God, I am waiting here for the masters of Taigan, can someone come up to discuss and learn from each other?"

Lao Yang clasped his fists and looked around the crowd.

"Friends of the Kingdom of God, let me learn from you."

A voice sounded.

I saw a swordsman jump directly onto the martial arts platform.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The audience cheered.


Lao Yang asked for it.

"I heard that there are so many masters in the Kingdom of God, I will learn from you today!"

The swordsman let out a low cry, and his breath exploded. With more than 600 years of cultivation, the breath of flames lingered all over his body, and he quickly attacked Laoyang with a sharp knife.

"Is the fire spirit true energy? Unfortunately, so is my humble fellow!"

Lao Yang's eyes were fixed, and his breath exploded, but he had 900 years of cultivation!The same flame breath lingered, and the violent and domineering punch went straight out!

"900 years of cultivation!? And this breath!?"

The swordsman was shocked immediately, but it was too late to change his tactics.

Keng Ka!

The sword breaks!

A groan!
The swordsman was blown away after meeting him, and fell to the ground with serious injuries!

Everyone couldn't help being silent, they didn't expect the battle to end so soon!

Lao Yang clasped his fists indifferently, if it wasn't for the order of the Valkyrie, he would have killed the guy in front of him immediately!
"Your Excellency is so powerful! I am convinced!"

The swordsman wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, got up and left.

"How? Master Wushuang?"

Ban Du smiled and looked at Fang Ce, only to see that Fang Ce looked a little 'stunned' at the moment.

"Huh? Master Wushuang?"

Ban Du smiled again.

Chao divination is also a playful way to look at directions.

"Oh... oh... not bad, 900 years of cultivation, this strength is not bad... not bad... not bad, don't embarrass us for the Kingdom of God."

Fang Ce nodded "recovering his senses", and Ban Du's subordinates, almost all of them have 900 years of cultivation, he naturally knew it a long time ago, but this Laoyang's strength is indeed quite strong, it is purely physical strength , at least a step above ordinary cultivators.It seems that the Lishen bloodline is indeed real.

"It's fine."

Ben Du smiled and nodded.


Chao Bu was full of disdain in his heart, and then looked at Hua Snake, ready to see what kind of expression this little girl had, but after looking at it, he frowned slightly, because Hua Snake still had a cold expression on his face, not at all Unmoved.

He couldn't help thinking to himself: Hmph, it's pretty good at pretending, isn't it?See my strength later, and see if you can still be so calm!

(End of this chapter)

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