Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 349 Don't be discouraged, work hard

Chapter 349 Don't be discouraged, work hard

"Next, who will fight?"

Lao Yang spoke softly and looked around.

"I come!"

A swordsman with 800 years of cultivation came to the martial arts stage.

After exchanging pleasantries, the two quickly exchanged their moves.

This swordsman only took a few tricks, and was directly defeated by Lao Yang!
After that, several people competed on the stage one after another, and they were all defeated by Lao Yang, and then there was no movement.

"Hmm... this guy is really good."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Fortunately, among the brothers, this Laoyang is no more than an average level. There are so many strong people who are too dry, and there must be many people who can defeat him."

Chao Bu looked at Fang Ce with a smile.

"That's true. After all, I haven't even survived the catastrophe. If I meet a strong man who has overcome the catastrophe, I definitely don't have to fight."

Fang Ce looked in deep agreement.

"Hehe, not bad not bad."

Zhao Bulue smiled boredly. He naturally knew that the existence of Dujie would surely defeat Lao Yang. The problem is that unless he is too dry and there is no one left, otherwise, the too dry Dujie will definitely not lose his face and take action himself. Deal with Laoyang.However, the ignorant idiot in front of him didn't seem to understand the meaning of his words.

"Can someone come up to give advice to my humble one or two?"

Lao Yang's loud voice sounded again, and he didn't dare to be too arrogant, after all, he hadn't passed the tribulation yet, his goal was to compare with those who were too dry and hadn't crossed the calamity, that was enough!

At this time, there was no one around to take up the challenge.

After all, there are not many cultivators with a cultivation base of 900 years. Most of those who can reach a cultivation base of 900 years can get a good status and treatment in the court, while those who are idle and wild cranes basically avoid the hustle and bustle. How many.

Fang Ce is also basically sure that guys like Ban Du should be at the elite level of the Eastern Continent.

"The Holy One is here!"

A magnificent voice sounded.

I saw King Fu Zun arriving on the high platform of the auditorium, where the royal family was specially seated!

Accompanying King Fu Zun was a general in black armor and a beauty in red.

Fang Ce recognized this beauty in red, but she was Huofeng, the head of the top ten assassins in Nether Mountain, and her cultivation and aura had passed the catastrophe for nearly 3000 years.

The general in black armor also has the breath of nearly 3000 years of crossing the catastrophe. Fang Ce also has some impressions of this person. He is Bingyan Wuzun, a disciple of Tianyan Wusheng, but he has less contact with him.

"Meet Your Majesty."

Everyone saluted one after another.

Fang Ce is clasping fists and saluting.

Hua Snake looked at it with a flat face, naturally it was impossible for her to salute King Fu Zun, unless King Fu Zun didn't want to live anymore.

Seeing this, all the people in Ban Du clasped their fists to salute King Fu Zun, without any intention of bowing down.

As for the behavior of turning into a snake, Ban Du noticed that he couldn't help being surprised, and he was a little more suspicious about the guess about the identity of turning into a snake.After all, facing the king of a country, he doesn't pay attention to him. This status must be extraordinary!
"Flat body."

King Fu Zun waved his hand to get everyone up, and then he looked down at Hua Snake and Fang Ce, mainly looking at Hua Snake and said: "The two distinguished guests have come from a long way, and I am alone to welcome you."

The reason why he did this was that Fang Ce asked him to cooperate. In fact, he himself had doubts about the identity of the snake, but he was not sure yet.He was not at all surprised that Hua Snake would become Fang Ce's wife.Because there were rumors in Jiulong Mountain that Fang Ce was obsessed with snakes...

"Too dry, Your Majesty is too polite."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"It seems that your kingdom of God has come to show off with us too much."

King Fu Zun laughed.

"No, no, it's just a friendly fight to enhance friendship. Your Majesty, don't misunderstand."

Fang Ce waved his hands.

"Is this the warrior who represents the Kingdom of God? Well, the momentum is good."

King Fu Zun looked down at Lao Yang.

"Thank you, Taigan, for your praise!"

Lao Yang responded immediately with cupped fists.

Ban Du looked at King Fu Zun, slightly surprised in his heart, but at the first glance, he noticed that King Fu Zun was extraordinary, his imposing manner was definitely not a simple person!Compared with the ignorant young man beside him, it's like a world, a world.

The Chaobu members were also surprised.

"Is this fight still going on? I'm so lonely, no one will take down this warrior of the Kingdom of God?"

King Fu Zun looked down at the large group of cultivators sweeping around the Huiwu Stage again.

For a moment, almost all the cultivators avoided King Fu Zun's gaze, and no one dared to respond.

"Hmph, let me come and meet this guy for a while."

A cold hum sounded.

I saw a delicate and pretty figure leaping onto the martial arts stage, it was a beautiful person in black and tight.

Fang Ce also recognized this person, but she was one of the top ten assassins of Nether Mountain, Ghost Shadow Girl.


Lao Yang looked at Ghost Girl with a smile: "This little beauty, you want to challenge me? You are so beautiful, I am afraid that if you are not careful..."

However, he was not finished yet.

As soon as the Ghost Shadow Girl's figure moved, the extremely fast figure approached Laoyang in an instant!


Lao Yang's complexion changed, and he immediately put away his contempt, and immediately blasted out a fierce and domineering fist of flame!
However, Ghost Shadow Girl's extremely fast figure dodged in an instant, and came directly behind Lao Yang!

"not good!!"

Lao Yang's pupils shrank, sensing that danger was approaching, but it was too late to react!

Chao Bu couldn't help frowning slightly.


Lao Yang was instantly blasted out and landed seriously injured!

"Bah! What a bad luck! I lost!"

Lao Yang stood up angrily. If he hadn't consumed a lot in the previous battles, he might not have been defeated so easily.


The ghost girl responded quietly.

"Oh, this little beauty is not bad."

Fang Ce had a look of admiration.

"Whoever of you go up, take that little girl down, don't embarrass us Mr. Wushuang."

Ban Du looked at the group of subordinates.

"Captain, let me try!"

A big man immediately jumped onto the Huiwu platform.

After the big man exchanged pleasantries with the ghost girl, they began to compete directly.

Knowing that Ghost Shadow Girl is extremely fast, the prepared man focused on defense, constantly searching for Ghost Shadow Girl's flaws.

At this moment, Lao Yang has returned to Fang Ce's side.

"Master Wushuang, this crew member has shamed you, don't worry, next time, I will definitely save face for you, Mr. Wushuang."

Ban Du had a look of shame on his face.

"Where there is, in this arena, there are winners and losers, so they are worth seeing. This warrior has performed well, so it is not shameful."

Fang Ce waved his hand.

"Young Master Wushuang, just don't blame him."

Ban Du nodded: "By the way, Mr. Wushuang, I don't know if I should say something or not?"

"Huh? What?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"It's too dry about it."

Ban Du lowered his voice.

"Huh? About Taiqian Shengshang? What happened to Taiqian Shengshang?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"I have seen countless people, so it can be concluded that this Taiqian sage is definitely an ambitious person, you kingdom of God, be careful."

Ban Du had a cautious look on his face.

"This... can't it? This is too dry and easy to get along with, and the kingdom of God is guarded by three gods. Your honor, you are overthinking."

Fang Ce shook his head amusedly, and he was also amused in his heart. This guy is really not simple, and he is quite accurate in judging people.

"It is precisely because of the guarding of the three gods that you, Mr. Wushuang, feel that this Taigan Shengshang is easy to get along with. If one day there is no protection of the three gods, this Taigan Shengshang will definitely expose his ambition and stretch out his fangs to the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God should be careful A little better."

Ban Du replied, but his gaze imperceptibly glanced at Hua Snake. He didn't say this to Fang Ce, but to Hua Snake!Because he now concluded that the status of the snake in the Kingdom of God is extraordinary, and Fang Ce is completely a waste who climbed to the top...

At this moment, Hua Snake's expression was normal, how could she not notice Ban Du's little move, it was nothing more than trying to use this to drive a wedge between Shenguo and Taigan.As for an ambitious man like King Fu Zun, doesn't she know better than Ban Du?However, it is impossible for her to put King Fu Zun in her eyes.

If it wasn't for a strategy to check and balance in the middle, Taigan would have been wiped out by her long ago, and dare to play tricks on the Kingdom of God?
"Hey, honored guest, you are really overwhelmed. Why do you need to worry about this kind of thing? You should watch the competition carefully."

Fang Ce waved his hand indifferently.

"All right……"

Ban Du nodded helplessly, but sneered in his heart: Hmph, how ignorant and ignorant!

At this moment, on the martial arts stage, the big man had already fought the Ghost Shadow Girl more than ten times, suddenly he groaned in pain, and saw the big man spurting blood from his mouth, and was directly blown to the ground, severely injured!

Ghost Shadow Girl said indifferently.

Seeing this, Chao Bu couldn't help frowning: "This little girl is too fast!"

"I'll meet her!"

Another big man jumped to the Huiwu platform.

However, after fighting for a few moments, he was also defeated by Ghost Shadow Girl.

Afterwards, the two of them played again, and they defeated Ghost Shadow Girl, and the reason for Ghost Shadow Girl's defeat was due to excessive consumption due to repeated contests.

At this moment, Fang Ce also faintly saw the weaknesses of Ban Du and his subordinates. They seemed to focus on the cultivation of strength, and they were not good at speed.

After the ghost girl was defeated, the person who came to challenge Ban Du's subordinates on the stage was also recognized by Fang Ce, and he was still one of the top ten assassins of Nether Mountain!Flame Swordsman!
It can be seen that this must have been specially arranged by King Fu Zun.

The top ten assassins of Youming Mountain can be said to be the elite among the elites under the command of King Fu Zun, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Even though Ban Du's subordinates are not weak, they are still one level behind compared to the top ten assassins of Nether Mountain.

I saw that Ban Du was defeated by three subordinates in a row before defeating the flame swordsman.

Next came the Old Man Pobei, one of the top ten assassins of Nether Mountain, who also defeated three of them in a row!

After each competition, except for Huofeng who was beside King Fu Zun, almost all of the top ten assassins of Youming Mountain came out, and they competed with dozens of Bandu's subordinates again and again.

This back-and-forth battle was too dry to watch, and the people in the capital applauded again and again. After all, their own masters were obviously much stronger, and they all fought more than one.

Everyone in Ban Du's complexion became uneasy.

In the end, all of Ban Du's subordinates had been defeated, and Lin Xian, one of the top ten assassins of Nether Mountain, was left on the Wuwu stage.

"Wonderful, wonderful, it's a worthwhile trip."

Fang Ce clapped his hands approvingly.

"Young Master Wushuang, there are more exciting things to come. Don't worry, we will never let you lose face!"

Ban Du spoke in a low voice, and looked at Chao Bu.There is no way, the ordinary men have already been defeated, he can only let Chao Bu take action.

And what he said would not embarrass Fang Ce. Of course, he didn't really care about Fang Ce's face, but the face of their Lishen Kingdom!

"Master Wushuang, I'm going to make a fool of myself."

Chao Bu indifferently clasped his fists together, and at the same time glanced at Hua Snake. Although he had a bad complexion for the defeat of all his subordinates, he felt better when he thought that he would be able to show his strength in the future.


Fang Ce looked curious.

Zhao Bu mysteriously clasped his fists again, and as soon as he turned around, he flew towards the martial arts platform, and his body's nearly 3000-year-old aura burst out directly!The powerful coercion is approaching Lin Xian!

Lin Xian's complexion suddenly changed.

"Oh? This Chaobu brother actually exists through the catastrophe?"

Fang Ce was very cooperative and showed surprise.

"Haha, Mr. Wushuang, these guys have little strength, so they are making a fool of themselves."

Ban Du's mood also improved a little.

Chao Bu even looked at Fang Ce with a look of contentment and enjoyment, but when he saw the snake at the side, he couldn't help frowning slightly, because the snake's face was still so indifferent!
"Since he is a tribulation passer, then the old man will not show his ugliness."

At this moment, Lin Xian cupped his fists and retreated directly.

Zhao Bu came back to his senses, and looked at King Fu Zun: "I wonder if someone is coming to fight?"

"The Kingdom of God is really full of talents, and yet another robber has appeared."

King Fu Zun stretched out his hand to signal.

The fire phoenix flew out and landed on the Wuwu stage, and the breath of nearly 3000 years of cultivation burst out!
Zhao Di's eyes were slightly dignified, and he took out a big knife, and the flames quickly lingered on his body: "Please."


The fire phoenix responded, and suddenly flames surged from his body, turning into a phoenix possessed by a flame, and the terrifying power directly rushed to Chaobu!
"This is!?"

Zhao Bu's heart shuddered, and the true energy in his body was fully activated, and he responded with a knife!

Boom boom boom!
There were continuous explosions in an instant!

Flames splashed and enveloped the entire martial arts platform!

The audience applauded.

"Well...it's not easy to do too much..."

Ban Du frowned slightly.

"Ha, it's okay, there are more masters in our country. Don't make too much fuss."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Oh... also..."

Ban Du was startled, and nodded involuntarily, feeling a little more dignified in his heart.

On the martial arts stage, after a few quarters of competition.

A groan!
I saw that Chaobu was directly blasted to the ground, and then he stood up with a face of unwillingness, and clasped his fists: "Be willing to bow down!"


Huofeng panted and clasped her fists in response. She only narrowly defeated Chaobu. Although her miraculous skill Jueyanfengwu is powerful, the opponent's strength is very strong, and the fight is quite tricky!

"Hahahaha! Miss Shui Ling'er, Mr. Wushuang, it seems that we're a little bit better this time."

King Fu Zun laughed out loud.

Chao Bu returned to Fang Ce's side with an embarrassed expression on his face, bowed his head and cupped his fists, looking ashamed to say more.

Seeing this, Fang Ce couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "Sigh... victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. This divination brother, you have performed well, don't be discouraged, just work hard."

Chao Bu's face turned livid, and he cursed inwardly: It's not your turn to comfort me like an ant!

Originally, he wanted to show off his power, but he didn't expect to lose in the first round, and he was really aggrieved.

"Han Guang! You go up! Don't embarrass us anymore!"

Ban Du said with a bad face.


Han Guang responded and came to the martial arts platform.

However, Huofeng clasped her fists and retreated directly, because after defeating Chaobu, she had already exhausted herself, and it was impossible to compete with Han Guang, who was also a tribulation passer.

After Huo Feng retreated, King Fu Zun sent Bing Yan Wu Zun to play.

Han Guang and Martial Lord Bing Yan said to each other, and they quickly fought.

Just when Fang fought, Ban Du's complexion instantly turned livid!because……

"This person is actually cultivating ice true energy!! I'm afraid Han Guang will be defeated!"

Chao Bu said in a deep voice, Han Guang was cultivating water spirit true energy, which could be said to be restrained to death by Bingyan Wuzun!

What they didn't know was that Fang Ce had basically seen through their strength before.Fang Ce told King Fu Zun of the cultivation bases and attributes of Chaobu and Han Guang through letters...

In less than a moment, as expected by everyone, Han Guang was also defeated...


King Fu Zun even laughed heartily.

Ban Du's complexion became very bad.

Chao Bu and Han Guang both looked extremely embarrassed, and they didn't dare to raise their heads to make a sound.

"Hmm... my friends, I think Xiaosheng is almost done with this martial arts competition, so let's stop here today. Everyone has performed well, although the defeat is glorious, it is worthy of praise."

Fang Ce said in a comforting tone.

"No, Mr. Wushuang, I haven't made a move yet. This time I will definitely not let you down!"

Ban Du clasped his fists in a deep voice, his figure flashed, and he came to the martial arts stage in an instant, with a terrifying aura erupting from his body!The second level of catastrophe, almost ten thousand years of cultivation! !

"Oh! This! This! This!"

Fang Ce immediately looked 'shocked'.

At this moment, the dejected Chaobu and Hanguang people couldn't help but raise their heads one after another, their faces regained their arrogance and confidence. For them, the real drama has only officially begun now!
(End of this chapter)

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