Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 350 Is Zunjia the strongest human being right now?

Chapter 350 Is Zunjia the strongest human being right now?
"The second level of catastrophe exists!? When did the kingdom of God have such a venerable!?"

King Fu Zun also had a 'shocked' look on his face.

"Going back to Taiqian Sheng, I am alone in the lower class. It is only in recent years that I have made a breakthrough in the Kingdom of God."

Ban Du clasped his fists indifferently.

"Ban Du? Please forgive me for being ignorant and ignorant. I have never heard of the name of the Venerable."

King Fu Zun looked curiously at Fang Ce again.


Fang Ce laughed loudly: "Sir Taigan, Venerable Bandu has been cultivating with great concentration in the kingdom of God, and hardly shows up. He will leave the mountain only after he successfully reaches the second level of heavenly tribulation."

"I see."

King Fu Zun nodded.

"This venerable, with your strength, you have come to this martial arts stage, how can I be your opponent?"

Martial Master Bingyan clasped his fists to admit defeat. Naturally, he couldn't imagine a contest with a second-level Heavenly Tribulation with a cultivation base of nearly ten thousand years.

"Didn't I hear that there is a second-level Heavenly Tribulation in Taigan? By the way, it is said that the five auspicious beasts are also in Taigan. Ban has the courage to learn a thing or two, and confirm each other. I wonder if it is possible?"

Ban Du still looked at King Fu Zun indifferently.

"The five auspicious beast masters generally don't easily participate in mundane affairs. As for the second-tier heavenly tribulation powerhouse we are too dry, there is indeed one, Tianyan Martial Saint. He is also the master of Bingyan Martial Lord."

King Fu Zun responded.

"Oh? I don't know if this venerable is willing to come forward and give advice to class one or two?"


King Fu Zun suddenly looked hesitant.


At this moment a loud laugh sounded.

"It's been a long time since I've been able to exercise my muscles and bones. Since today is so lively, I'll make a fool of myself."

Wearing a gourd yellow brocade robe, the gentle and approachable old man descended from the sky and landed directly on the martial arts stage. He was none other than the Martial Sage Tianyan.

All the people and cultivators in Taigan cheered excitedly.

"I have seen the old martial saint."

King Fu Zun saluted immediately.

"This person is the Martial Saint?"

Zhao Bu frowned slightly.

"Your Majesty is the strongest human right now? Taigan Martial Saint?"

Ban Du gently clasped his fist at Tianyan Martial Saint.

"Huh? The strongest human being at the moment? Old man, I am indeed the Taigan Martial Saint that your Excellency said, but I am not the strongest human being at the moment."

Martial Saint Tianyan shook his head. King Fu Zun had already told him about Fang Ce and Ban Du. He only knew to pretend that he didn't know Fang Ce who was present. cap.He didn't want to be humiliated if he was slapped, so he just denied it.

"Isn't your lord the strongest human being? If your lord is not, then who is? It can't be my humble one, right?"

Ban Du smiled, he said that Martial Sage Tianyan was being humble.

"Oh, then it will definitely not be your Excellency. Because the strongest human being is the grandson of this old man, hahahahaha!"

Martial Saint Tianyan laughed triumphantly.

"Honorable grandson? Who? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Ban Du suddenly looked back at Fang Ce in surprise.

Fang Ce couldn't help spreading his hands with a dazed face, expressing that he didn't know, but he was amused in his heart. The old Tianyan Martial Sage really liked to take advantage of him, but he couldn't refute, after all, Tianshi Wuzun was Tianyan Martial Sage's apprentice , and it can be said that he entered the way of swordsmanship from Tianshi Wuzun.At least the Dawuliang Sword Art that he has been using now comes from the inheritance of Martial Saint Tianyan.

Hua Snake glanced sideways at Fang Ce, curled his lips.

Ban Du frowned slightly, and didn't think much about it. He knew that Fang Ce's level was limited, so it's not surprising that he didn't know.

"It's strange, isn't your Excellency from the Kingdom of God? Why doesn't even the old man and my grandson know about it?"

Martial Saint Tianyan was puzzled.

"The kingdom of God? Is the grandson of your esteemed disciple a member of the kingdom of God?"

Ban Du was stunned again.

"My lord envoy of the Kingdom of God, haven't you heard of it?"

"My God Envoy of the Kingdom of God?"

Ban Du looked at Fang Ce again.

"Oh... so it's the envoy of God? Xiaosheng knows about it, but he doesn't hear much about the envoy of God. After all, the three gods of our kingdom of God are too famous."

Fang Ce couldn't help but look dazed.

"Haha, it seems that your Excellency has lived in seclusion for too long, and you don't even know these things."

Martial Saint Tianyan shook his head and smiled.

"Indeed, I have been retreating and cultivating in seclusion, rarely touching worldly things."

Ban Du nodded, but secretly said in his heart: Lord God Envoy?The real strongest human being in Middle-earth?That's all, at that time, I will experience it together with the three gods, now let's see how strong this Taigan Martial Saint is!

He looked at Martial Sage Tianyan, raised his hand, and said with a smile: "Let's not be too polite, let's communicate in the way of us cultivators."

"it is good!"

Martial Saint Tianyan responded, and a long spear appeared in his hand.

Ban Du casually pulled out a lightning-like purple sword, obviously a rare weapon.

The momentum of the two of them gradually rose.

I saw Lei Yuan phantom and Shui Yuan phantom emerging from their bodies respectively!

This is a sign that all the true energy has turned into true energy!
The two stared at each other, and then quickly confronted each other!
In an instant, boom boom boom!

Lightning and water vapor collided fiercely!Cracks quickly appeared on the fastened ground of the Huiwu platform!

"What a powerful force!"

Martial Sage Tianyan couldn't help showing surprise, Ban Du's strength is very powerful, and with his powerful physique, it is difficult to compete!

Just fight for a moment.

A low drink sounded!
The terrifying aura erupted from Tianyan Martial Saint's body, and the huge water vapor formed a basalt phantom to protect his body!Tiangang Xuanwu Jue!

In an instant, his defensive ability was terribly improved, and his body strength also increased a lot.

His magical skill is somewhat similar to Jiuying's ability of water and fire possession, but compared to water and fire possession, its power is much weaker, and at the same time it has no negative effects.

Tiangang Xuanwu Jue was unleashed, Tianyan Martial Sage instantly gained the upper hand, countering and suppressing Ban Du.

"Heh, not bad strength. But your honor seems to have been restrained by me!"

Ban Du also let out a low shout, and the terrifying aura erupted from his body, and then a thunderous giant knife came straight down!Thunder God Sword Art!

"This is!?"

Tianyan Martial Saint's complexion changed slightly.

Boom! !
A hum!
Martial Saint Tianyan was blown back again and again!


Fang Ce nodded lightly, already seeing the outcome, Ban Du's strength was obviously higher than that of Tianyan Martial Sage.In addition to possessing terrifying physical strength, this group of dukes also has a Lei Yuan physique, so their thunder and lightning abilities are also very powerful. With the blessing of the two phases, the power is naturally extremely terrifying.

Ban Du's thunderbolt divine sword art was used again and again, and within a few moves, he had already broken the Tiangang Xuanwu art of Martial Saint Tianyan!

At this time, the breath of Martial Saint Tianyan has been greatly weakened, and his momentum is much worse than that of Ban Du.

In fact, Tianyan Wusheng's Tiangang Xuanwu Jue is a more advanced magical skill than Bandu's Thunder Sword Jue, but Bandu's own strength is too powerful.

"Your Honor's strength should be more than that."

Ban Du looked at Tianyan Martial Saint indifferently.

Martial Sage Tianyan didn't say much, staring at Ban Du, his aura changed again, and a domineering force burst out!With a wave of the spear, a terrifying spear force rushed towards Ban Du in an instant!
"Oh? The gun is fired inside!? Very good!"

Ban Du's eyes were fixed, he let out a low growl, and a fierce aura surged out of his body!As soon as the knife came out, the terrifying knife energy slashed straight down!

"Sword intent..."

Fang Ce instantly recognized that this was an artistic conception similar to his sword intent.However, unlike the sword intent, the sword intent is aimed at absolute power, breaking all spells with one force!

When the sword energy collided with the strength of the spear, the strength of the spear of Wusheng Tianyan was directly collapsed!In terms of strength, it is completely incomparable!Immediately afterwards, the powerful remaining power of saber energy continued to fall on Tianyan Martial Saint!
A groan!
Blood overflowed from the corner of Tianyan Martial Saint's mouth, he was blown away, and finally landed staggeringly!If it wasn't for the fact that the internal attack of the gun is a combination of offense and defense, and his own physical fitness has reached a certain level, I'm afraid this blow could kill him!

At this moment, Ban Duping looked at Tianyan Martial Saint calmly, did not continue to attack, and gradually restrained his aura, because he knew that the victory and defeat had already been divided.

"Hahahaha! Talented people come out from generation to generation, they are old and old."

Martial Saint Tianyan smiled heartily and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.


Ban Du closed his sword and cupped his fists.

"Let's go, let's say goodbye."

Martial Saint Tianyan waved his hand, and was about to leave directly.

"Hold on."

"Huh? Is there anything else you want?"

Martial Saint Tianyan was puzzled.

"How does my humble servant compare with the respected disciple, the divine envoy?"

Ban Du asked.

"Compared to that kid...that's too far away, there's no comparison. Your Excellency can't be that kid's opponent."

Martial Saint Tianyan shook his head. He was telling the truth without any exaggeration. In his opinion, Fang Ce was a monster among monsters, and he was not a target for comparison at all.

"Why? What is his strength?"

Ban Du frowned, he didn't believe it at all, after all, there was a second-level catastrophe, and apart from being restrained, he didn't believe that his strength could be too far off.

"Well... Regarding this level, what I say to the old man should be useless. If you haven't experienced it yourself, I'm afraid it's impossible to recognize it, so why bother to ask? Let's go, I won't play with you young and strong .”

With a wave of his hand, Martial Saint Tianyan left freely, but he didn't feel any burden of failure at all...

Ban Du couldn't help being silent.

"As expected, you are from the Kingdom of God. I have to say that Your Excellency is indeed very powerful. This is the end of today's martial arts competition. I will set up a banquet alone. I hope all the friends of the Kingdom of God will appreciate you."

King Fu Zun stood up calmly.

"The Majesty Taigan invited me, and I will definitely go there."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.


King Fu Zun responded and took the people away.

The crowd gradually dispersed.

Ban Du also returned to Fang Ce's side.

"Congratulations to the captain for winning."

Chao Bu and Han Guang congratulated each other with pride on their faces.

"I didn't expect that the distinguished guest was the top existence of the second-floor catastrophe. I'm so disrespectful and disrespectful."

Fang Ce also cupped his fists respectfully.

"Ha, Mr. Wushuang is polite, so he has a little strength."

Ban Du smiled and waved his hands.

"Hey, how can this be a little powerful? You are so humble."

"By the way, Mr. Wushuang, what is going on with the disciple and grandson of the Kingdom of God, whom Taigan Martial Saint mentioned just now?"

Ban Du was puzzled.

"Hiss... This Xiaosheng didn't understand much, because Xiaosheng didn't pay much attention to the matter of the envoy. After all, there are three lords, so who cares about the envoy..."

Fang Ce shook his head.

Hua Snake glanced sideways at Fang Ce again: This bastard is really deceitful, isn't he?

"Is that so..."

Ban Du frowned slightly and looked at Hua Snake. He was used to Fang Ce's 'ignorance', but felt that Hua Snake might know something deeper.

"That guy is really strong, but also very annoying. I don't know much about it."

The snake responded calmly.

When Fang Ce heard this, he immediately looked at Hua Snake with a strange expression.


Ben nodded.

Afterwards, everyone went to the palace together to attend the banquet of King Fu Zun.

It wasn't a big deal at the banquet, it was just a symbolic greeting to each other.

The banquet is over, on the way back to the inn.

"Master Wushuang, when are you going to return to the Kingdom of God?"

Ban Du asked with a smile.

"Well... this... I'm still going to play for a few months."

Fang Ce replied in a deep voice, he knew that Ban Du was planning to go to the Kingdom of God to find out the situation, but he didn't plan to go back so soon, so naturally it was impossible to do what Ban Du wanted, not because he deliberately made things difficult.

"Is that so..."

Ban Du frowned slightly, originally thinking that he had revealed his identity as a second-tier Heavenly Tribulation powerhouse, and the wimp next to him would immediately become obedient, but he didn't expect that there would be no big contrast except for being respectful to him. It can show that this guy may be really well-informed, or he may only have the three gods of the Kingdom of God in his eyes, and the rest are not in his eyes. Nothing to understand?
Chao Bu and Han Guang on the side also looked a little unhappy. What they wanted to see was not this kind of scene. They had been waiting to see Fang Ce's ugly face revealed, but now this situation is really unacceptable to them.

"It seems that the status of Mrs. Zun is really extraordinary. I didn't expect that even the Taigan Sage would respect her so much."

Ban Du looked at the snake again with surprised eyes.

"That's for sure. Didn't I say it before, afraid that if I said it, it would scare you to death?"

Fang Ce said proudly.

"Haha, that's not the case. After all, I am also a second-tier Heavenly Tribulation, so I am not so timid."

Ban Du smiled tactfully, feeling a little displeased.

Chao Bu looked displeased, and even said that he was afraid of scaring their warriors to death?It's really ridiculous, could this little girl still be one of the three gods?

"That's right, since the honored guest is the existence of the second-level catastrophe, Xiaosheng might as well talk about it. In fact, my lady's family has some relationship with the three gods. In the Kingdom of God, even Her Majesty the Queen has to give my lady some points." Thin."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Hiss...does it have something to do with the three gods? No wonder... no wonder..."

Ben nodded.

When Chao Bu heard the words, he frowned slightly.

"Young Master Wushuang, if you return to the Kingdom of God in the future, I would like to ask the envoy for a lesson or two. I wonder if you can recommend him?"

Ban Du spoke again.

"Huh? Your honored guest wants to challenge the envoy?"

Fang Ce was surprised.

"It can't be regarded as a challenge. The main reason is that I have encountered a bottleneck now, and I have been unable to understand it for a long time. Therefore, I want to use strong external stimulation to see if I can find an opportunity."

Ban Du replied with a humble face, and at the same time looked at the face of the snake. Now, in his opinion, Fang Ce is easy to fool, but the beauty of the iceberg who is basically silent to them along the way is a bit unpredictable through.

(End of this chapter)

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