Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 351 Arriving at Nine Dragon City, Fang Ce sets out news of the source land!

Chapter 351 Returning to Kowloon City, Fang Ce sets out the news of the origin!

"Well...it should be possible. When we return to the Kingdom of God, Xiaosheng will give it a try."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Okay! I'm tired!"

Ban Du cupped his fists in response.

Go back to the inn.

"I didn't expect that little girl to be so powerful and related to the three gods of the Kingdom of God? No wonder she doesn't take us seriously."

Han Guangdao.

Ban Du frowned slightly, and didn't comment much. He still didn't know the strength of the three gods of the Kingdom of God.But at the same time, with the support of the three gods, there is indeed enough capital to despise everyone.

"Hmph, I really don't understand. With such a background, why did he fall in love with a useless piece of trash?"

Chao Bu snorted coldly, feeling very upset in his heart, after all, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't think that Fang Ce could be even a little bit worthy of being a snake.

"That little girl has a very strong personality. It's not surprising to find a partner who can be completely controlled by her. Anyway, to her, the rest are no different. Besides, as long as she gets tired of playing, that ignorant boy can be thrown away by her at any time Drop it, it's that simple."

Ban Du said lightly.

Chao Bu was startled, and nodded involuntarily: "That's right..."

"Valkyrie, next, we will follow these two guys and continue to be their guards?"

Han Guang spoke again.

"Of course, it doesn't hurt us to have a good relationship with these two guys. Moreover, exploring all parts of Middle-earth with them is also a collection of intelligence. In the future... if the Middle-earth is really touched When possible..."

Ban Du's eyes flickered.


Everyone in Han Guang nodded their heads.

At this moment, in Fang Ce's room.

"When are you going to inquire about the news of the Eastern Continent?"

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Hua Snake frowned and said, now she is a little impatient.

"My lord, why is there such a rush? These guys haven't really let go of their guard. When they take the initiative to mention the Eastern Continent, it's not too late to spy. Don't rush. We have what they want As long as they continue to hang them, sooner or later they will be unbearable."

Fang Ce casually lay on his side, closing his eyes lightly to rest his mind.

"You mean Feng Shui formation?"

The snake is thoughtful.

the following days.

Fang Ce and Hua Snake traveled all the way to the mountains and rivers, and walked the whole Taigan all over the place.

Ban Du and others naturally followed along the way.

With continuous communication and getting along with each other, everyone in Ban Du became less wary of Fang Ce and Hua Snake, and they would mention some things about the Eastern Continent more or less, but they seemed a little ashamed to mention more.

Fang Ce just learned from it that there are two kingdoms in the Eastern Continent, the Kingdom of Lishen and the Kingdom of Shenhu.Ban Du and others are citizens of Lishen Kingdom, and they have the bloodline of Lishen.And the Shenhu Kingdom is inherited by the blood of the Shenhu. Talented people can transform into two-winged tigers, greatly increasing their strength.

In addition, during this period of time, Fang Ce can also clearly see that Ban Du's desire for Feng Shui formation is increasing day by day.

Several months later, Fang Ce finally returned to Kowloon City with Lai Bandu and others.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Kowloon City. The fifth-class feng shui terrain, the fifth-class feng shui formation. This is a feng shui terrain that transcends the normal occurrence in the world, and only our kingdom of God has it."

Fang Ce looked proud.

"Fifth-class Fengshui terrain? How did this appear?"

Ban Du looked shocked. Given his cultivation, he could clearly sense that the feng shui aura of Kowloon City obviously surpassed all the places he had been to.

Chao Bu and Han Guang also looked surprised.

"Well... this involves a deeper level of magical effect of Fengshui array. Regarding this, it is quite complicated, and it is difficult for Xiaosheng to explain clearly."

Fang Ce shook his head with a complacent look.

"It's also a Feng Shui formation!?"

Ban Du's gaze changed, and the suppression of his strength in Nine Dragon City was obviously higher than that in Taiqian Capital.

"It's useless to say more about these things. It's more practical for all distinguished guests to experience the prosperity of Kowloon City for themselves."

Fang Ce waved his hand, and led Ban Du and others to wander around Kowloon City at will.

Gradually, several people came to a huge and magnificent sculpture.

I saw a huge verdant wooden platform tens of feet high. At the top is a soaring cyan bird with a body length of six feet and a wingspan of fifteen feet. The phoenix looks like a crane.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a sculpture of Qingluan, one of the five auspicious beasts. It is carved from 40 jins of precious wood cloud silk wood. It is worth even a city. It must be difficult to find this sculpture in the Eastern Continent." Waiting for the treasure?"

Fang Ce smiled.

Everyone in Ban Du stared at the huge sculpture in astonishment. With their eyes, they could deeply feel the luxury of this sculpture.And they can also sense that this sculpture is obviously related to the feng shui topography of the entire Kowloon City!

Fang Ce took Ban Du and others to tour the rest of Kowloon City.

In the southeast area, I saw another huge Qingluan sculpture.

Fang Ce boasted again.

Then came to the Zhengnan area, and came under the huge red dragon sculpture.

Look at the majestic red dragon sculpture sculpted entirely from ruby.

Everyone in Ban Du was even more shocked. After all, such a huge piece of precious jade sculpture is obviously more eye-catching.

"The red dragon sculpture is made of 40-jin ruby."

Fang Ce spoke softly, and looked at Ban Du and the others with a proud expression on his face.

"As expected of the Kingdom of God...it really is rich and luxurious..."

Ben nodded.

Fang Ce took Ban Du and others to walk around the nine areas of Kowloon City, and introduced the nine rare treasure-level sculptures.

Finally, under the Sapphire Black Turtle Sculpture in the Zhengbei area.

"How? In the Eastern Continent, is there anything that can compare with our Divine Kingdom?"

Fang Ce looked at Ban Du and the others indifferently, looking like a master.

All of a sudden, Ban Du and the others felt ashamed like bumpkins. After all, Kowloon City was too extravagant, and with the power of the fifth-class feng shui formation, it was really a strong feeling.

In fact, before turning into a snake, the whole Taigan was cheated, and all the ore and wood resources were searched wantonly. It is difficult for this Kowloon City to want to be extravagant...

"Hmph, the Kingdom of God is indeed rich and powerful, but our Eastern Continent is not bad. Our Power God Kingdom has the original land, the original land, and the treasure of heaven and earth. Have you ever heard of it? In front of this treasure of heaven and earth, even a hundred such No Baoyu sculpture can compare!"

Chao Bu couldn't help but said, he really can't stand Fang Ce's appearance of being a villain, and it's not his own thing, so where is he so proud of himself?

Hearing this, Fang Ce and Hua Snake were both taken aback.

But Ban Du couldn't help but glared at Chao Bu.

Chao Bu suddenly realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and was startled, and quickly lowered his head as if he kept his mouth shut and didn't want to talk more.

"Hiss... source soil? Xiaosheng has also heard about it. He heard that it is the rarest soil, and it is very difficult to find. Can't imagine that there is such a thing in the Eastern Continent? I can't see it..."

Fang Ce nodded in surprise, and was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect to get the news of the source soil right away. This is the material for repairing the Emperor Dragon Cauldron!In other words, his idea of ​​building a city in the sky has finally come to fruition!

Chaobu heard the words, although he knew that he had said the wrong thing, but he still couldn't help but feel complacent: Hmph, ignorant idiots, do you really think your kingdom of God is so great?

"No no."

Ban Du immediately waved his hand: "Mr. Wushuang, don't listen to the nonsense of this ignorant guy. There is indeed a very strange treasure in Lishen's country that seems to be the source soil, but we are not sure whether it is the source soil, because it is different from the description in the records. There are still some discrepancies."

"Oh... that's it... That's really a pity. However, even such a rare treasure as the Eastern Continent's source soil is still not worth mentioning in front of the real treasures of our kingdom of God."

Fang Ce sighed and shook his head.

"The real treasure of the Kingdom of God?"

Ban Du was suddenly surprised.

Chao Bu couldn't help but look up at Fang Ce, with doubts and disbelief in his brows. He didn't believe that there is any treasure in the world that is more precious than the rare things like Yuantu!

"Nine Artifacts, have you ever heard of them?"

Fang Ce smiled mysteriously.

"What!? Nine Artifacts!?"

Everyone in Ban Du was shocked.

"Oh? It seems that you know it too?"

Fang Shiji was surprised. In this way, he was even more sure that there was a relationship between the Eastern Continent and the Middle-Earth Continent!
"The rumored nine artifacts that can summon the beasts of the Nine Palaces?"

Ban Du couldn't help asking in surprise, he had seen it in the records of ancient books, and he didn't expect to be in the land of God in the Middle-earth Continent! ?

"Since we know it, there is no need for Xiaosheng to say anything, right? All distinguished guests should be able to understand the value of these nine artifacts."

Fang Ce nodded calmly.

"real or fake?"

Chao Bu couldn't help but speak again, he didn't believe at all and was unwilling to accept that God would possess such treasures.

"Your honorable guest, do you think it is necessary for Xiaosheng to lie to you?"

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly.

"The so-called seeing is believing, but Mr. Wushuang has seen the Nine Artifacts with his own eyes?"

Chao Bu wondered if Fang Ce was bragging about it because of his good face.

"The Nine Artifacts are in the hands of the supreme Master Hua Snake, and my wife has witnessed it with her own eyes. Does Xiaosheng need to lie to you?"

Fang Ce suddenly looked unhappy.


Zhao Bu was stunned, and couldn't help but look at Hua Snake.

"I did, any questions?"

Hua Snake said coldly, at this moment, she was thinking about the origin of the Eastern Continent, so it was worth spending so much time entertaining these guys!

"Don't be angry, you two. There is no other meaning in divination. Don't take it to heart. I must believe that the Nine Divine Artifacts are in the Kingdom of God."

Ban Du hurriedly said "Smooth the field" with an apologetic smile on his face, but he was very excited in his heart, and couldn't help but wonder if it was possible to get the Nine Artifacts!
"Okay, okay, it's all small things. Xiaosheng will take you all to pay homage to Her Majesty the Queen of our kingdom of God. All distinguished guests have come from afar, and Her Majesty the Queen should meet and meet."

Fang Ce waved his hand with a very magnanimous look.

Seeing this appearance made his teeth itch again, wishing to clean up Fang Ce immediately, and "should meet and see"?What kind of talk is this?This means that they may not be qualified to meet the Queen of the Kingdom of God, right?How can I put it this way, they are also the top powerhouses with heads and faces, not to mention the Martial Gods of the second floor Heavenly Tribulation beside them!Just this treatment in front of Her Majesty the Queen?
"Okay... okay... Mr. Lao Wushuang."

Ban Du clasped his fists in response with a stiff smile on his face, even if he was as forbearing as him, he couldn't stand an ignorant and confident guy like Fang Ce...

"Let's go."

Fang Ce immediately led the crowd to the palace.

Soon after, they came to the gate of the palace.

The guards bowed their heads and bowed their fists to the snake.

Hua Snake has been in and out of the palace all year round as Shui Ling'er, these guards are naturally familiar with it.

As for Fang Ce, these guards are also familiar, but they all only know that they are followers of the snake.Because although Fang Ce is the envoy of the snake, he seldom shows up in person, and it is impossible to use the identity of the adult envoy when accompanying the snake as Shui Ling'er.Therefore, there are naturally not many people who really know Fang Ce's identity.

In addition, before Fang Ce and Hua Snake returned to Kowloon City, they sent a letter back, telling Diao Wang and the people in Kowloon City about him and Hua Snake.Let the entire Kowloon City cooperate to keep it secret, so that there is no need to worry about showing your feet.

At this moment, seeing the appearance of the guards, everyone in Ban Du confirmed their thoughts even more. Fang Ce is purely a bastard who eats soft food.Otherwise, how could these guards only have snakes in their eyes, but no strategies?

The mood of the divination is also much better, and I am even more convinced that Fang Ce, who doesn't know the so-called guy, is just a plaything for the snake, and will be thrown aside sooner or later...

"Who among you would like to ask Her Majesty the Queen for instructions? There are distinguished guests from the Eastern Continent visiting. Will Her Majesty see you?"

Fang Ce spoke quietly.

A guard glanced at the snake's expression, then nodded and said: "Yes!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's wait here."

Fang Ce looked at Ban Du and the others.

"OK, all right."

Ban Du nodded, but there was a sense of depression in his heart. In the Eastern Continent, how had he ever suffered such aggrieved?Don't let him compare the strength of the three gods of the Kingdom of God, otherwise, he will definitely try to bring troops to level this place!
Everyone in the court divination was also in a very bad mood, but the Martial God Bandu didn't say anything, so what could they do?

After a while.

"My lord, Your Majesty the Queen has invited all of you to have an audience."

The guard came back and responded with clasped fists.

"Look, sure enough, Her Majesty the Queen is still willing to see her."

Fang Ce looked happily at Ban Du and the others.

"That's great..."

Ban Du had a stiff smile on his face again.

"Let's go, go to meet Her Majesty the Queen. When you see Her Majesty, all distinguished guests, don't talk nonsense. Although Her Majesty is also approachable, she is a noble person after all, and you must not offend her."

Fang Ce signaled to Ban Du and the others, and walked into the palace with Hua Snake first.


Ban Du replied unnaturally, and then walked into the palace with a group of subordinates.

And under Fang Ce's exhortation and attitude, everyone in Ban Du couldn't help but feel a little cautious...

A moment later, Fang Ce and the others arrived in the palace hall.

"Xiaosheng Cefang, pay my respects to Her Majesty the Queen!"

Fang Ce was the first to salute respectfully.

"East Continent Bandu, pay homage to Her Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of God!"

Everyone in Bandu also saluted one after another.

And Hua Snake went straight to the chair prepared by the side, and sat down calmly.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone in Ban Du, and they couldn't help but be surprised in their hearts. They completely believed what Fang Ce said before, that the snake's status in the Kingdom of God is extraordinary!

"There is no need to be too polite, all the honored guests are from the Eastern Continent?"

Diao Wang waved his hand and looked at Ban Du and the others calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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