Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 352 I want to challenge the envoy and 3 gods!

Chapter 352 I want to challenge the envoy and the three gods!

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen. All of you are from the Eastern Continent."

Ban Du respectfully clasped his fists in response.

"What evidence is there?"

Diao Wang asked quietly again.

"This... Her Majesty the Queen probably doesn't know much about the Eastern Continent. It would be difficult for me to prove it directly here. During this period of time, I met Mr. Wushuang and Mrs. Shui Ling'er, and we communicated a lot along the way. Believe it They should know that I am not lying. And there is no need to tell this lie."

Ban Du looked at Fang Ce and Hua Snake, hoping that they would help to testify.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. During this period of time, Xiaosheng and Venerable Ban have treated each other with sincerity. Xiaosheng is sure that they are indeed from the Eastern Continent. Moreover, this Venerable Ban is a strong man in the second level of heavenly tribulation. It’s not too dry, and it’s not from the Kingdom of God. Apart from coming from the Eastern Continent, there is no other place, right?”

Fang Ce clasped his fists in response.

"Oh? Your honored guest is a second-level existence?"

Diao Wang looked at Ban Du in surprise.

"That's right, it's a shame."

Ban Du clasped his fists again, his back straightened up a bit, as if he remembered that he was a second-tier Heavenly Tribulation powerhouse!How do you make it look like you're suffocated?
"That's really disrespectful. The existence of the second-level catastrophe that suddenly appeared may really come from afar. The reason why I have doubts is mainly because I am worried that those barbarians from far away came to spy on information."

Diao Wang lightly tapped his head.

"Respected Your Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of God, I am indeed from the Eastern Continent."

Ban Du responded again, the queen doesn't believe him very much? 'Maybe from afar', doesn't that mean that he is still not sure that he is from the Eastern Continent?

"Well, let me believe you for now. Then I don't know why and how did you come here? I heard that there is an endless fog in the depths of the sea, and no one can explore the mystery. Or, what the distinguished guests said Is the mainland somewhere beyond the mist? If so, why haven't I heard of it?"

Diao Wang asked a series of questions again.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the Eastern Continent that I speak of is a piece of land separated by the endless fog. The reason why we came here is mainly because of curiosity, and the other reason is that I have reached a bottleneck and are looking for opportunities to break through. And We were able to pass through the endless fog because of the blood of our Eastern Continent.

Because our Eastern Continent is the descendant of Lishen's bloodline, there are very few people who have the ability to distinguish directions in the fog.A few years ago, it happened that our shipbuilding technology had been greatly improved, and on the spur of the moment, we organized this exploration of the fog. "

Ban Du replied.


Diao Wang pondered, as if trying to discern the truth from what Ban Du said.

Fang Ce stood casually at the side, thinking about the truth of Ban Du's words, especially for the statement that very few people had the ability to distinguish directions in the fog of the sea, he was quite skeptical.On the contrary, it is more inclined that the East Continent has figured out a way to penetrate the endless fog, but Ban Du doesn't want to reveal it.

"Hmm... What the distinguished guest said doesn't seem to be a lie. I don't know if I came to see me, but what request do you have?"

Diao Wang then tapped the head of the scorpion.

"The main reason is that I came to your place for the first time, and I came here to pay homage to the majesty of Her Majesty the Queen. Now that I see you, it really is a majestic and majestic king."

"Well, I am interested."

Diao Wang showed joy.

"By the way, Her Majesty the Queen mentioned a request. I suddenly have a request. I wonder if I can say it?"

"Oh? But it doesn't matter."

"Before, I also mentioned that I have encountered a bottleneck and are looking for a breakthrough opportunity. Therefore, I want to find a strong external force to stimulate and see if I can get an epiphany. I have discussed with that Martial Saint in Taigan before, but it is still not enough. I heard that in the Kingdom of God, there is the strongest human god envoy in Middle-earth, is it?"

"Huh? Mystery Envoy? He is indeed the strongest human being today. Could it be that your guest wants to challenge my lord Envoy?"

Diao Wang frowned.

"No, no, it's not a challenge, I just want to learn from each other, prove it, and see if we can find a breakthrough opportunity. I have no other intentions. I hope Her Majesty the Queen will not misunderstand."

Ban Du quickly waved his hand.

"Well, I don't know if the envoy is willing to compete with the distinguished guest. But even if he is willing, the distinguished guest will not come at the right time."

"Huh? Didn't come at the right time? Could it be that the envoy is not in Kowloon City now?"

"Well, Lord Envoy is now traveling with Lord Hua Snake, and I don't know when he will return."

Diao Wang responded that this was naturally Fang Ce's order. After all, it is impossible for Fang Ce to meet with Ban Du as an envoy, so avoiding it is the best choice.

"This...that's really unfortunate..."

Ban Du couldn't help frowning, and then said again: "What about the other two gods? Since the God Envoy and the Snake Lord are not here, it is also possible to find other strong people to learn from. I am mainly looking for a breakthrough opportunity."

In his mind, it doesn't matter if he can't challenge the lord envoy, as long as he can defeat the three gods of the kingdom of God, what is the so-called lord envoy?Can a mere divine envoy be stronger than the three gods?
Fang Ce couldn't help but look weird, this guy really doesn't give up, he insists on showing the strength of the Kingdom of God?

"The other two gods..."

Diao Wang couldn't help frowning, and looked at Fang Ce slightly, Fang Ce didn't tell her about this...

"What? Those two gods aren't there either?"

Ban Du's complexion suddenly became weird. Diao Wang's reaction made him think he was guilty. Could it be that the three gods of the Kingdom of God are just superficial and can't stand proof?Otherwise, why would you be so hesitant?It was said earlier that the snake and the envoy are not there, but now they are challenging the other two gods, are they not there?This is too much of a coincidence, right?The three gods who co-authored the Kingdom of God are not here?What about the three gods who agreed to guard it?
"Guest, do you want to challenge the three gods?"

Fang Ce immediately opened his mouth in surprise.

"Huh? Why? Is this not possible?"

Ban Du was puzzled. Naturally, he didn't care much about the ignorant person in front of him.

"This... It's not a question of whether it's okay or not. Among the three gods, Master Hua Snake is approachable and kind to others. The other two gods have a bit of a temper. Especially Lord Xie Yuan, if you challenge him for no reason, I'm afraid the honorable guests will be directly beaten to death..."

Fang Ce looked worried.

"So dangerous?"

Ban Du had a look of disbelief, and only said that the strategy was to scare him.

"Sure, if the honored guest really wants to challenge the three gods so much. Well...well, Xiaosheng suggests that it would be better to challenge Lord Jiuying. Lord Jiuying's temper is not bad, and the honored guest should not be in danger of his life."

Fang Ce murmured, he could see that if he didn't severely dampen this guy's spirit now, this guy might not give up.

"Master Jiuying?"

"Well, Lord Jiuying, if the distinguished guest really wants to challenge, then challenge this one. Your Majesty, will there be any problems with this?"

Fang Ce looked at Diao Wang.

"Master Jiuying...you can, I can recommend it. I don't know if Master Jiuying will be unhappy."

Diao Wang nodded lightly.

"How about it, honored guest? Are you sure you want to challenge? It's just that your life may be in danger."

Fang Ce smiled and looked at Ban Du.

"Yes, as long as I can find a breakthrough opportunity, I will not hesitate."

Ban Du replied flatly, since he is a majestic martial artist, it is naturally impossible for him to shrink back.What's more, it's not necessarily that the other party is trying to scare him!Taking another [-] steps back, even if he loses with his ability, there are still ways to save his life.

"The honored guest is worthy of being a second-tier Heavenly Tribulation. This spirit is really admirable."

Fang Ce solemnly clasped his fists.

"Indeed, then I will fulfill you."

Diao Wang also nodded.

Hearing this, Ban Du suddenly felt a little guilty, didn't the other party seem to be bluffing?Is it true that it won't work?
But Ban Du quickly calmed down, he is the god of war in the kingdom of strength, what big scene has he never seen, should he be afraid?
"The place where Master Jiuying is located is relatively far away. Guests can visit Kowloon City for a few days before leaving. Ce Fang, treat this distinguished guest from the Eastern Continent well."

Diao Wang spoke softly again.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Fang Ce clasped his fists in response, and then resigned with Ban Du and the others to play in Kowloon City.

At night, in the post house.

"War God, seeing the Queen of the Kingdom of God today, why don't you ask about the Feng Shui formation? Aren't we going to take this back?"

Doubtful about divination.

"Don't worry, you must ask about this Feng Shui formation, but how to ask, you can only decide after challenging the so-called three gods. After all, the negotiation between the strong side and the weak side is different."

Ban Du frowned in response.

"Three gods... Lord Valkyrie is sure? It sounds really strong..."

Chao Bu couldn't help hesitating, although he disdained Fang Ce, but every day he heard Fang Ce brag about the three gods, saying that he would not be affected, it was naturally impossible.

"Huh, it's probably just as strong as the Yiren King back then. I may not be able to fight. You have nothing to do these days, so don't disturb me for now. I will meditate for a while to prepare for the battle against the god Nine. infant."

Ban Dudao.


Everyone in the divination responded one after another.

At this moment, in the palace.

"Is that guy out of his mind? He wants to challenge Fang Ce, you and the three gods?"

Diao Wang has a weird face, and now in her subconscious mind, isn't it just uncomfortable for a human to challenge an existence of the level of Master Hua Snake?Especially challenging Fang Ce, that is really ignorant.

"A group of ignorant people who have never seen the world are worthless."

Beside Hua Snake Shui Ling'er spoke softly.

"It doesn't matter that there are so many of them, just let Master Jiuying take care of that distinguished guest. The focus now is the source soil of the Eastern Continent. Let's see how we can get it, or I plan to follow those guys to the Eastern Continent." Go. But make sure you can figure out a way to get through the fog of the sea first."

Fang Ce responded casually.

"Original soil?"

Diao Wang couldn't help showing surprise.


A few days later, Fang Ce and Hua Snake led the group of Ban Du to the south, admiring the scenery along the way, and headed for Luocheng.

In about half a month, I came to the outside of Luocheng Tianhu.

I saw that under the Nine Infant God Statue by the lake, there were still many people worshiping piously.

"Here we are, this is where Lord Jiuying is. This is the sculpture of Lord Jiuying. She is very popular among the people."

Fang Ce smiled and looked at the sculpture.

"This is the place where the god Jiuying is? Human?"

Looking at the sculpture of Jiuying Liang Xue, Ban Du couldn't help showing surprise and doubt.

"This is the human form of Lord Jiuying."

Fang Ce responded, then looked at Tianhu and clasped his fists and said, "Dear Lord Jiuying, Xiaosheng has brought people here by order of His Majesty the Queen!"

Immediately, a strong breath enveloped him!
Ripples gradually rose across the lake.

The mysterious and beautiful woman slowly came out of the lake like a god descending.

"Look! Master Jiuying has appeared!"

"Master Jiuying has appeared!?"

The people kowtowed excitedly.

"This breath!? This is Jiuying, one of the three gods!?"

Ban Du's face suddenly became solemn, and he felt an unprecedented depression!
Liang Xue tapped the surface of the lake with her bare feet, and slowly came from the center of the lake step by step. Surrounded by eight dragon halos behind her, her transcendent aura was full of mystery and oppression.

"Nine infants of the gods..."

Everyone in the divination couldn't help swallowing, this sense of oppression was never given by their martial gods!At this time, everyone already had a new understanding of the three gods that Fang Ce was talking about!It is really beyond the reach of ordinary creatures!
"Meet Lord Jiuying."

Fang Ce respectfully saluted.

"I pay my respects to Lord Jiuying!"

Ban Du couldn't help clasping his fists and saluting tremblingly, feeling his scalp tingling, at this moment he had to believe that this was really a god!

Everyone in the divination also saluted one after another, and they didn't dare to take a breath!
The Transforming Snake next to Fang Ce curled his lips flatly, which seemed more pompous than her, but I have to admit that Jiuying's destructive power is indeed much more terrifying than her, and it is normal to have such coercion.Her advantage is that she tends to be flexible and difficult.

"Are you the challenger?"

When they came to the lake, Jiuying Liangxue looked at Ban Du lightly. In fact, she was very kind at ordinary times, but now it was only because of Fang Ce's confession that she was required to show enough majesty.

"No, no... no! Lord Jiuying, don't misunderstand me, I just came here to ask for advice, not to challenge."

Ban Du hurriedly waved his hand in response. Although he hadn't formally fought, he was already sure that the one in front of him was definitely not something he could defeat. The aura and momentum alone were far superior to ordinary creatures!

"Is there a difference?"

Jiuying Liang Xue spoke lightly.

"Yes! Yes! Challenges are regarded as provocations, and asking for advice is to come with an open mind..."

"I don't want to waste more time, let's start. Irrelevant people, please stay away from this place, so as not to be affected."

With a sound of falling, Jiuying Liangxue's figure changed, and soon her real body appeared, with a body more than ten feet long, four feet wide, and five feet high, with nine dragon heads and sharp claws, making it even more terrifying The sense of oppression surged out!

"Not good! Someone offended Lord Jiuying! Everyone leave!"

The common people retreated one after another. In their impression, Lord Jiuying was an extremely kind god, and only someone who did evil would offend Lord Jiuying.

"Chaodi! Han Guang! You all back away!!"

Looking up at the terrifying giant in front of him, Ban Du's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted in a low voice. He knew that the next battle would definitely be a fierce battle!
Everyone in the divination was shocked and retreated far away.

Fang Ce and Hua Snake also backed away.

(End of this chapter)

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