Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 353 Fang Ce comes forward, and the origin and soil transaction is settled!

Chapter 353 Fang Ce comes forward, and the origin and soil transaction is settled!
Jiuying Liangxue's body exploded with turbulent power, with nine heads and one mouth, and huge water vapor spewed out towards herself, but she directly displayed the ability of water and fire possession!
How is this going! ?
Ban Du took out the Zilei Broadsword with a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face, only to feel that the power of the terrifying existence in front of him was rapidly soaring!
In an instant.

Jiuying Liangxue moved her mammoth body and launched an offensive towards Ban Du, her sharp claws came down, and nine heads smashed out one after another!

Ban Du was shocked, his body surged with Leimang's true essence, and Zi Lei's broadsword blocked it again and again!

Horror is raging!
Ban Du was beaten back again and again and was completely suppressed!
"What a terrifying strength!"

Everyone in the divination was shocked.

Just for a moment.

Ban Du couldn't take it any longer, his eyes fixed, and a terrifying saber intent erupted from his body!The terrifying power instantly reversed the situation and overwhelmed Jiuying Liangxue!

However, Ban Du didn't have much joy in his heart, because Jiuying Liangxue still had terrifying defensive abilities, and the powerful power he erupted with his sword intent could only compete with Jiuying Liangxue.And his saber intent explosion is limited, it can only last for a period of time, once the time is up, he will definitely lose!

"Can you compete!?"

Everyone in the divination became calmer, as long as they were not completely crushed, it meant that the opponent was not completely impossible to defeat!

At this time, Ban Du was also thinking in his heart, as long as he joined hands with another second-level Heavenly Tribulation in their Lishen country, they would definitely be able to defeat the god Jiuying!In other words, the strength of these three gods is extremely limited!
After fighting for a while, Ban Du Dao Yi had consumed more than half of it, and he couldn't help retreating. He really couldn't defeat this god Jiuying alone!

At this moment, I saw that Jiuying's movements became stiff, and he was pushed back by Ban Du's saber intent, and at the same time began to spit flames on himself!But the body has reached the load and needs to convert the energy of water and fire.

Seeing this situation, Ban Du couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and instantly recognized that this must be Jiuying Liang Xue's weakness!
It seems that the so-called Three Gods are not invincible!

Ban Du was suddenly excited, and continued to display his saber intent crazily, winning or losing depends on one action!
At this moment of power conversion, Jiuying Liangxue was already in a weak state, and was soon wounded by the terrifying saber intent, blood spattering out!

Ban Du was even more excited, but only in a flash!

Roar! ! !
The roar of terror sounded!
An even more terrifying power erupted from Jiuying Liang Xue!

"what happened!?"

Ban Du was startled.

"Will nothing happen?"

Fang Ce's face was weird, knowing that Jiuying Liang Xue had gone crazy at the sight of blood, bloodthirsty ability!

"This idiot... is dead..."

The snake made a soft sound, already foreseeing the next result.

Boom boom boom!
The terrifying flames spread violently!
Jiuying Liangxue's body was quickly covered with a layer of blazing flames, and Jiu's eyes were blood red and ferocious!
"What!? Bloodlust!? Regeneration!?"

Ban Du's pupils shrank suddenly, feeling bad, and he didn't have time to react.

The huge body of Jiuying Liangxue has already flashed out at an extremely fast speed!In an instant, Ban Du was in front of him at a terrifying speed!
"not good!!!"

Ban Du was shocked, and hurriedly cast out a saber intent!

The saber intent was instantly bitten by Jiuying Liangxue, and then, Jiuying Liangxue slapped Bandu with a paw at an extremely fast speed!The terrifying speed of the attack was so fast that Ban Du had no time to use the second saber intent!

A grunt!
Ban Du was directly shot to the ground, smashed a huge hole, and sprayed blood!It is already a serious injury!

Jiuying's eyes were ferocious, she opened her mouth and continued to bite Ban Du fiercely. She, who had lost her mind, wanted to tear Ban Du apart!

Ban Du was so frightened that he was able to cover his head with his hands, thinking that he must die!

"War God!?"

Everyone in the divination was also terrified.

Suddenly, the atmosphere instantly became quiet.

The moment Jiuying Liangxue was about to bite Ban Du with her big mouth, she stopped, her scarlet nine eyes fixed on Ban Du.

"Huh? What's going on?"

The snake was stunned for a moment, but she knew that the bloodthirsty Jiuying would definitely tear apart the prey in front of her eyes, and there was basically no possibility of keeping her hand!What's going on now?

Ban Du, who hadn't felt the approach of death for a long time, couldn't help but move his hands away, and immediately met those nine pairs of scarlet terrifying eyes. At this moment, he couldn't help trembling and wondering: "Master Jiu...Master Jiuying?"

Jiuying Liangxue's majestic figure moved, but she retreated suddenly, and quickly returned to the Tianhu Lake, sank to the bottom of the lake with a crash, and disappeared without a trace.

"What... what's going on!?"

Ban Du was stunned, under such circumstances, the monster would let him go! ?This is simply unreasonable!Unless the monster is still sane, but that's obviously impossible!After all, it was a bloodthirsty state!

"how is this possible!?"

Snake Transformation also showed an inconceivable look, and he couldn't understand Jiuying's move at all!

"Guest, are you alright? I've said that Lord Jiuying has a bad temper. You are really lucky to be able to save your life."

Fang Ce strode forward and helped Ban Du up with a worried look on his face.In fact, Liang Xue was able to stop in time because he gave an order to help Liang Xue forcefully suppress the side effect of the bloodthirsty state.Because Liang Xue herself is his fairy puppet!

"Many...Thank you...I'm fine..."

Ban Du's face was full of shock, regeneration and bloodthirsty abilities, coupled with that terrifying strength and defense, it was impossible to defeat at all!Moreover, this god Jiuying seems to be able to suppress the side effects of bloodthirsty, which is even more terrifying!Because although bloodthirsty is powerful, losing one's mind is undoubtedly a weakness that can be targeted. If this weakness can be overcome, it will be a very terrifying thing!

what happened?Has this guy's strength become so terrifying?

At this time, Hua Snake was also looking at Tianhu with suspicion in his heart, never expecting that this would be Fang Ce's masterpiece.

"How is it? Honored guest? Can you feel something now?"

Fang Ce asked with a smile.

"Yes... I have some insights..."

Ban Du slowly calmed down.

After a while, everyone went to Luocheng to rest.

In a hotel room.

"War God, what's the matter? This god Jiuying..."

Chao Bu looked hesitant.

"It can't be defeated, it is simply not an existence that can be defeated by ordinary power! No wonder it is enshrined as a god..."

Ban Du had a look of fear on his face.

It is said that everyone in the divination is silent, even the Valkyrie said so, which is enough to prove the terrifying strength of the god Jiuying, and this is only one of the three gods...

"Then what are we going to do next?"

Han Guang frowned.

"Well... I will meet Her Majesty the Queen in Kowloon City later, and ask for Fengshui formation..."

Ban Du has no bottom now.

After resting in Luocheng for a day, everyone went back to Kowloon City.

Go back to Kowloon City and come to the palace.

"Oh? Your honored guest wants the Fengshui formation? It's really a pity, Mr. Hua Snake has a will, and the Fengshui formation should not be easily spread. Unless there are some rare treasures to exchange, you can consider passing on part of it. Although it is only a part, it is enough."

Diao Wang looked at Ban Du calmly.

Fang Ce laughed secretly in his heart, finally couldn't help it?
The snake turned into a playful look.

"Rare treasures? Supreme treasures, or precious resources such as spiritual stones and thousand-year-old ice? We, the Kingdom of Lishen, are willing to exchange them at a high price."

Ban Du replied.

"Heh, what are these? Are we lacking in the Kingdom of God? If you can't produce decent treasures, you don't need to waste your time."

Diao Wang shook his head disdainfully.


Ban Du frowned suddenly. Before, he was worried that the Middle-earth Continent was too powerful and would spy on the resources of the Eastern Continent. He didn't expect to dismiss it at all?
"By the way, Venerable Ban, Xiaosheng remembers that you said before that you have source soil. Your Majesty, I wonder if this is possible?"

Fang Ce spoke suddenly.

"Master Wushuang, you?"

Ban Du couldn't help being taken aback, the source soil is indeed a rare treasure, but there is only one piece in Lishen Kingdom, and it is very important, he has no intention of using it as a bargaining chip at all.

"Original soil? It's still a little bit worse, but if this is the condition, the Kingdom of God can help you arrange the Fengshui formation. But if you want to get the method of arranging the Fengshui formation, forget it, this is not enough chips."

Diao Wang said lightly.

"This... help us arrange the Feng Shui formation? How can we help?"

Ban Du couldn't help being suspicious, and became a little on guard.

"Send someone to follow you to the Eastern Continent to set up a feng shui formation directly."

"Send people? How many people do you need? Our ships are not very big and cannot accommodate too many people and things."

"It doesn't take many people to set up a feng shui formation, two or three people are enough. As for the materials, you, of course, will come up with the Eastern Continent yourself."

"Two or three? Just two or three?"

Ban Du was surprised, a little disbelieving.

"Well, but you have to get the source soil first."

Diao Wang responded.


Ban Du hesitated for a moment.

"Why? Are you afraid that I will deceive you?"

Diao Wang spoke softly.

"No...not...the main reason is that the source soil is too precious, and I can't bring it easily..."

"Hmph, I'm still worried that you will detain my people. If you can't agree, then there's no need to talk about it, so be it."

Diao Wang waved his hand impatiently.

"Her Majesty!?"

Ban Du was stunned, he didn't expect the opponent to be so strong and relentless!

"Your Majesty, if Venerable Ban really intends to exchange the source land, Xiaosheng thinks it can be considered. Xiaosheng and Venerable Ban have been in contact for a while, and they are still trustworthy. If Her Majesty allows, Xiaosheng dares to go to the Eastern Continent One trip, to complete the transaction, and bring back the source land. Coincidentally, Xiaosheng also wants to visit the Eastern Continent, to see the customs and customs there, and to open his eyes."

Fang Ce spoke again.

Ban Du couldn't help looking at Fang Ce, feeling weird. In fact, he already had a plan. If he failed to negotiate with the Queen of God, he would secretly tie Fang Ce to the Eastern Continent. Didn't expect this guy to automatically send him to the door?
"You? With you alone, can you arrange a feng shui formation?"

Diao Wang sneered.

When Ban Du heard the words, he couldn't help frowning. Could it be that this ignorant young man can't do it?Bragging all the way?
"This... Back to Your Majesty, although Xiaosheng is not very sure about the powerful Feng Shui formation, but the basic eighth, ninth, and tenth grades are still no problem. This is basically enough, right?"

Fang Ce clasped his fists in response, he is naturally acting now, so as to confuse everyone in Ban Du.


Diao Wang frowned and thought about it, she naturally cooperated with Fang Ce in acting.

Ban Du kept thinking about it.

"Are you sure... are you okay?"

Diao Wang asked hesitantly afterwards, and cast a glance at Ban Dui, obviously to confirm whether these guys are trustworthy, but it was difficult to speak out, and he expressed it a little more reservedly.

"I'm sure, please rest assured, Your Majesty! Xiaosheng is always accurate in seeing people!"

Fang Ce cupped his fists respectfully.

"Okay... I will send a Feng Shui Cheng and a guard to the Eastern Continent, and you can go with me. Honorable guest, what do you think?"

Diao Wang looked at Ban Du again.

"Hmm... If our king can see the Feng Shui formation with his own eyes, the transaction will definitely not be a problem."

Ban Du nodded, feeling excited and pleasantly surprised: I didn't expect this idiot to be of great help!
"Okay, remember, don't break your promise. Otherwise, the Kingdom of God will make your Eastern Continent regret it."

Diao Wang spoke softly.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured! We will absolutely keep our promise!"

Ban Du solemnly clasped his fists.

"Okay, you guys retreat for now. I will arrange candidates later, and go with you to the Eastern Continent to set up a Fengshui formation."

The Diao Wang waved his hand.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Queen!"

Ban Du cupped his fists and saluted, and then left the palace with Fang Ce.

Come outside the palace.

"Young Master Wushuang, thank you so much for your help this time, I am very grateful!"

Ban Du cupped his fists and saluted Fang Ce, but he sneered in his heart: What an idiot!It seems that this time it really came without any effort!

"Where is it? During this period of time, we have had a very happy conversation. This friendship alone is worthy of Xiaosheng's help. What's more, Xiaosheng didn't help much, but just facilitated the transaction smoothly."

Fang Ce smiled and cupped his fists in response.

"It's no small task to make this deal go through smoothly. Don't worry, I will thank you very much!"

"You're welcome."

Fang Ce waved his hand, and then he and Ban Du and others toured Kowloon City for a while, then said goodbye and left.

Go back to the post house.

"I didn't expect that idiot to help us so much? It seems that it is not useless at all. It is not in vain for the good looks we have given him during this time."

Chao Bu had a mocking look on his face.

"Hmph, in this way, it is basically guaranteed to get the Feng Shui formation."

Ban Du spoke softly.

"Indeed, as long as people arrive in the Eastern Continent, everything is up to them?"

Chao Bu sneered, the reason why he was so sure was because of the fog in the sea as a barrier, as long as people reached the Eastern Continent, no matter how powerful the Middle-Earth Continent was, there was nothing they could do.

"As long as they cooperate obediently, don't embarrass them too much. No matter how you say it, it's also a great help."

Ban Du smiled lightly.


Chao Bu nodded happily.

"Valkyrie, even though that's the case, we still have to be careful. After all, we have to be wary of the candidates they send."

Han Guang couldn't help but speak.

"Don't worry, as long as the three gods don't come over, we won't be afraid at all. Even if one of the gods comes, we may not be unable to deal with those guys from the Shenhu Kingdom in the Eastern Continent."

Ben Du waved his hand.

"Yes, don't worry. Looking at what Her Majesty the Queen means today, it seems that she only intends to send three people to accompany us back to the Eastern Continent. One is the ignorant son, the other is in charge of arranging the Feng Shui formation, and the other is a guard. It can't be a god, right? I don't think it's a big problem. Now I can be sure that as long as the ignorant son is there, the situation can be completely controlled by us."

Zhao Bu smiled.

"Well...that's right..."

Han Guang nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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