Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 354 Departing from the Eastern Continent, Steel Battleship!

Chapter 354 Departing from the Eastern Continent, Steel Battleship!

Three days later, outside the post house.

"Ban Zunren, we are ready. Let's set off now, and go back to the Eastern Continent with you?"

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

At this moment, he was accompanied by two great beauties, Xin Yu and Shang Wu.

The reason for taking Xin Yu there was also after some deliberations, because Xin Yu has the ability of true knowledge and should be able to see through the method of the Eastern Continent through the fog.And whether there is anything special in the Eastern Continent, it is also very convenient to have the true knowledge ability of Xin Yu.

And bring Shang Wu, because Shang Wu has a strong invisibility ability, even the sky eye can't see it at night, only Xin Yu's true knowledge ability can distinguish, so in some special situations, Shang Wu's ability is absolutely Useful.

As for the safety of the two women, the two women are not weak in their own strength. Unless there is a second-level catastrophe, basically no one can hurt the two women.In addition, with Fang Ce at the side, it is even more foolproof.

In fact, if Fang Ce hadn't considered the problem of fog, he would have planned to go alone. With his current strength, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is fearless.More than ten years ago, he already had the strength to surpass the big monster.After ten years of epiphany breakthrough, he thought to himself that even if all the great monsters joined forces, they might be enough to suppress it alone.But this is also his estimate, after all, it has not been practiced.

In general, Dong Dalu and his party, he has nothing to worry about.Even if they can't come back, they will definitely be able to sweep the Eastern Continent...

"These two girls are the feng shui masters who followed us back to the Eastern Continent? Arranging a feng shui formation?"

Ban Du and his subordinates looked at Xin Yu and Shang Wu in surprise.

"Yes, this is Lord Yuwei, the Fengshui prime minister, who is in charge of arranging the Fengshui formation. And this is Lord Shang Wu, who is in charge of Lord Wei's safety. Even though the two adults are both women, they are both crossing robbery Strong. That strength is also very strong."

Fang Ce said proudly.

"It turned out to be two adults, disrespectful and disrespectful."

Ban Du immediately clasped his fists respectfully, and his eyes mainly fell on Xin Yu, because he knew that Xin Yu was in charge of arranging the Feng Shui formation, which was an important goal!

"Verun Ban is too polite."

Xin Yu clenched her fists in response.

Chao Bu looked at Fang Ce with disdain in his heart: It's not your own strength, why are you so proud?After staying in the Eastern Continent, are you still proud to come out?snort!

"Where's Mrs. Zun? Don't you want to go to the Eastern Continent together?"

Ban Du looked at Fang Ce again in doubt.

Zhao Bu was taken aback, and also glanced around Fang Ce, showing anticipation. During this period of contact, he had long wanted to surrender to this arrogant and indifferent beauty who had always disdained them.This return to the Eastern Continent is obviously an opportunity!
"Oh, my lady has this idea. But... my lady's status is quite special. Her Majesty the Queen is still worried about letting her go with Xiaosheng. There is no other way."

Fang Ce spread his hands helplessly.

"So that's the case, that's a pity."

Ban Du had a look of regret.

"It's really a pity."

Zhao Bu also had a look of regret.

"Haha, as long as this transaction is successfully completed, there will be more opportunities in the future. Let's go, let's go."

Fang Ce smiled heartily.

"Well, let's go."

Ban Du nodded and sneered in his heart: Opportunity?I'm afraid it's gone!
He is quite clear that after deceiving Fang Ce and others to the Eastern Continent this time, he will basically never set foot in the Middle-earth Continent easily. After all, it is impossible for him to contend with the power of the three gods.It is necessary to increase the strength of the Kingdom of God as soon as possible to deal with the revenge of the Kingdom of God in the future.

Fortunately, across the vast sea area, and with the fog as a barrier, it is not easy for the Kingdom of God to avenge the Kingdom of God.He has the guts to lure Fang Ce and the others to the Eastern Continent...

Afterwards, everyone hired a horse team and gradually headed east. They had a lot of sightseeing along the way, and they were not in a hurry to hurry.

Almost two months later, in the southeast of Taigan, on a remote coast.

"Ban Zun, is your ship here?"

Fang Ce looked at the beach and the vast blue sea in front of him, and the towering reefs and cliffs on the right.


Ban Du nodded, and looked at Chaobu who was at the side.

Knowing the divination, he put his two fingers in his mouth and whistled a few times.

A moment later, behind the rocky cliff on the right, a giant steel giant slowly appeared in front of everyone.

The whole body of this giant ship is made of steel, the length of the hull is several tens of feet, and the width is estimated to be five or six feet.The height of the ship is seven or eight feet above the sea, equivalent to the height of a ten-story building!And the most conspicuous thing is that there are three long pipes on the ship that seem to be made of special metal, more than 20 feet long, with a diameter of four or five feet!

"What kind of ship is this?"

Both Xin Yu and Shang Wu were surprised and puzzled, it was the first time they had seen such a steel monster!It is very different from the ship in the impression!
"Steel Battleship!?"

Fang Ce showed a look of shock, those three long tubes, aren't they obviously giant cannons! ?The East Continent actually came up with such a thing?Could it be that it is not a giant cannon, but something else, just similar?

Artillery has never appeared in this Middle-earth Continent at all, perhaps it should be said that there is no reason for it to appear at all!
Because in this world of cultivating immortals, if a cultivator has reached a cultivation base of three or four hundred years, the power of ordinary artillery can hardly hurt them.With all kinds of powerful spells, magical skills, and magical weapons, who else would toss about any artillery?It can be said that there is no such starting soil.So now that this suspected steel battleship appeared in front of him, Fang Ce was very surprised.

In addition, in the Middle-earth Continent, there is no such giant ship made of pure steel. In this respect, it can be said that it is much behind the Eastern Continent.Perhaps it has something to do with Middle-earth's lack of focus on exploring the outer seas. After all, if you don't explore the outer seas, ordinary wooden boats are enough for ordinary people.

"Oh? It seems that Mr. Wushuang is really well-informed? This Lishen Battleship No. [-] is a ship built by our Eastern Continent in recent years. You seem to have seen it? Could it be that the Middle-earth Continent also has it? But, I seem to have never seen it before. Have you met?"

Ban Du couldn't help but looked at Fang Ce with puzzled and surprised expression. The word "steel battleship" appeared in the Eastern Continent in recent years, and they were also the first military ship to pass through the fog and come to the Middle-Earth Continent. It doesn't make sense. Someone here will know.

"Oh... is it really a steel battleship? Xiaosheng has read something similar in an ancient book, so he was very surprised. Is this something that the Eastern Continent has produced in recent years?"

Fang Ce replied.

"Steel Battleship..."

Xin Yu frowned slightly. She has read a lot of books, and she must have read more classics than Fang Ce. It can be said that she should have read all the classics that Fang Ce has read, but she has never seen any classics that mention this thing...

"An ancient book... hiss... there is still such a thing? What kind of ancient book is it, and what period is it about?"

Ban Du looked curious and puzzled.

"I don't remember. I have read too many messy ancient books. I just had an impression of it. At that time, I thought it was something made up by some legends and stories. I didn't expect to see it in reality... However, it looks pretty good. Like, I don’t know how many discrepancies there will be with what Xiaosheng read in the ancient books..."

Fang Ce looked at the behemoth in front of him in surprise.

"Haha, since that's the case, let's go to the boat and watch it. The boat of our Eastern Continent must be very novel to the three of you."

Ban Du laughed out loud.

Not long after, the Iron Battleship sent over a dozen small wooden boats to the coast, and took Fang Ce and the others to the Iron Battleship.

When I came to the battleship, I saw that the ship was covered with a layer of wood.

Fang Tactic stepped on his feet slightly, and he could sense that the bottom layer was obviously still steel, and the wooden boards should be used for anti-slip, heat preservation and other functions.

"Meet the Valkyrie!"

A neat and loud voice sounded.

Hundreds of cultivators on board saluted Ban Du respectfully, and the auras on these guys were almost all over 900 years of cultivation!The leading young man in purple is a tribulation passer with a cultivation base of nearly 3000 years, and his aura is obviously much stronger than that of Chaobu and Hanguang!
"Don't be too polite, three distinguished guests, these guys are also my crew. This one is Taihe, my right-hand man. I have been guarding the ship during this time, so I didn't accompany you to the Middle-earth Continent to enjoy the scenery here. .”

Ban Du smiled and looked at Fang Ce and Xin Yu. At this moment, he was still so polite because it was not time to tear his face.Although he has been able to completely control the three of Fang Ce now, but in order for the three of Fang Ce to arrange a good feng shui formation for the East Continent, he does not intend to reveal the blade so soon, so as not to scare people.

"Well, it's pretty good."

Fang Ce nodded with a smile. It seems that when these guys came to Middle-earth, they might have planned to invade directly. As long as they are sure that Middle-earth does not have enough strength, these guys are very likely to take the entire Middle-earth. mopping up.After all, there is a second-level catastrophe, three catastrophe survivors, and hundreds of combat powers with 900-year cultivation bases, this strength is already very impressive.

Xin Yu and Shang Wu also saluted everyone.

After greeting each other, Ban Du asked his subordinates to get busy and set sail.

Ban Dudang led Fang Ce to walk around the steel battleship first, and started to introduce and explain. If it was as usual, he would definitely not talk about the steel battleship with outsiders.But during this period of time, in Middle-earth, especially in the Kingdom of God, he was almost flaunted by Fang Ce, which really made him feel uncomfortable. This time, he will definitely show off and take revenge.Moreover, he had already boarded the ship, and he didn't worry that the relevant information about the steel battleship would be known to Middle-earth Continent.

"Hiss... this ship weighs 600 million catties?"

Fang Ce showed surprise.

"Well, it took a lot of resources. The value of building this ship is definitely not inferior to those rare gem sculptures in your kingdom of God."

Ban Du had a proud expression on his face.

"Indeed, the construction of this steel battleship alone must be a terrifying investment. However, this steel battleship is so heavy, it seems that the power of these sails alone is not enough? But what other source of power is there?"

Fang Ce looked at the six huge sails.

"Manpower, crew paddling."

Ban Du looked like he had nothing to ask.

"Manpower? Oh, yes... I forgot that the crew members under Ban Zunzun are all extraordinary people."

Fang Ce was taken aback for a moment, and then he came back to his senses. These paddlers have more than 900 years of cultivation, and this motivation is indeed enough.He originally thought that the Eastern Continent had already researched some kind of power device...

Then several people came to the rear of the battleship.

"Ban Zun... Is this thing... a cannon? Xiaosheng saw such a similar thing in an ancient book, called it a cannon, and said it was a very powerful weapon."

Fang Ce raised his head and pointed at the three giant cold iron pipes. At a close distance, he had already identified that these three barrels, which were the same as the fort, were made of cold iron!On this scale, it may only weigh tens of thousands of catties!Moreover, the base is no different from the gun mount, it can be adjusted for aiming...

"This... Mr. Wushuang, what kind of ancient book are you reading? There is such a record!?"

Ban Du was even more surprised, because what Fang Ce said was basically the same!
On the side, Xin Yu was also surprised and puzzled. It seems that the things that appeared in the ancient books that Fang Ce mentioned were invented by the Eastern Continent recently?

"It's really a cannon? Then how powerful is this? And these are patterns?"

Fang Ce was surprised, he didn't expect to be guessed right by him!The Eastern Continent has already developed technology?It's just that this technology is different from the technology he thought of?Because he found that the giant cannons on the battleship had patterns on them, and according to what he thought about those conventional cannons, they might not be very useful in the world of cultivating immortals.Then these cannons in the Eastern Continent will definitely not be conventional cannons!
"This spirit-guiding thunder cannon was accidentally made by a guy who specializes in making puppet mechanisms in the Eastern Continent. These three are fourth-order spirit-guiding mine cannons, which are completely made of cold iron and weigh 16 catties. This The power of a thunder cannon is enough to directly annihilate a person with a cultivation base of less than a thousand years, severely damage a cultivation base of 3000 years, and have a considerable impact on the second-floor catastrophe.

The bombardment speed of this mine cannon is also very fast. If it is under 3000 years of cultivation, it is almost impossible to dodge as long as it is locked.Even if it is a second-floor catastrophe, it is not of the speed type, and it is basically impossible to avoid it. "

Ban Du responded lightly, with a very casual look on his face.

"Hiss! The power is so terrifying!? What does this thunder cannon consume?"

Fang Ce was amazed. Although this power was nothing to him and those big monsters like Hua Snake, it was already a terrifying weapon to most cultivators in Shenguo and Taigan!
Xin Yu and Shang Wu at the side couldn't help showing shock, even disbelief.

"Although the power of this spirit-guiding thunder cannon is passable, the materials it consumes are expensive. The full power of this fourth-order spirit-guiding mine cannon costs 40 yuan of spirit stones! It's just a waste of money. , it’s not necessary, basically it won’t be used lightly.”

Ban Du replied with a look of disdain and pride.The disdain is because the power of the fourth-order spirit guide cannon is not enough for him.Pride is that there is no such thing in Fang Ce's Kingdom of God.

"40 Yuan Lingshi!? This is really too expensive... No wonder it has such power..."

Fang Ce nodded in surprise. A spirit stone is worth a thousand taels of gold. If the spirit stone is 40 yuan, it is 4 taels of gold!And as far as he knows, the annual production of spirit stones in the Kingdom of God is only about 300 yuan!Not enough for these three spirit guide cannons!As for Taigan, although the country is much larger than the Kingdom of God, the income from spirit stones can't reach thousands of dollars a year!
"This is only a fourth-order spirit-guiding thunder cannon. If the sixth-level spirit-guiding thunder cannon in the capital of our Lishen Kingdom costs 100 yuan of spirit stones, it will be really painful. But fortunately, the power is also Passable, it can really threaten the existence of the second-floor Heaven Tribulation Ten Thousand Years Cultivation Base."

Ban Du replied flatly again, feeling very comfortable in his heart at the moment, which gave him the opportunity to show off fiercely.

"Hiss... is it possible to threaten the second-floor Heavenly Tribulation Ten Thousand Years cultivation base? This...isn't this too terrifying?"

Fang Ce cooperated with showing a shocked expression, and stared at the formation patterns on the giant cannon. He can be sure that the use of this giant cannon is definitely related to those formation patterns.I don't know if the fairy's true knowledge ability can master it, and then the spirit guiding thunder cannon will belong to them.He is very clear that this is a revolutionary invention, and Middle-earth must be mastered!

(End of this chapter)

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