Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 355 Voyage to the sea, the bud of the era of immortal cultivation technology

Chapter 355 Voyage to the sea, the bud of the era of immortal cultivation technology

"There's nothing fancy about this shit, I'll take a few distinguished guests for a walk in the cabin."

Ban Du smiled and said that he no longer intends to talk to Fang Ce about the spirit-guide thunder cannon, because his goal has been achieved, and he let out a sigh of relief.

"OK, all right."

Fang Ce nodded.

Then, under the leadership of Ban Du, they came to the cabin.

I saw that the first floor of the cabin is spacious, and there are various places, such as libraries, restaurants, and taverns, which are obviously used for leisure and entertainment.

"This long voyage will inevitably be boring. If you don't practice, you can relax here."

Ban Dudao.

"Well... yes, this journey must be very pleasant."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

Then came to the second floor, where corridors and cabins alternated, the floor was made of precious and shiny mahogany, and the space was spacious and comfortable.

"The second to seventh floors are the residences of the crew. There are a total of [-] luxurious staterooms. Especially the sixth and seventh floors, the safekeeping satisfies the three distinguished guests."

Ban Du introduced.

"Hiss... this trip is really worthwhile..."

Fang Ce nodded in approval.

"Master Wushuang is satisfied."

Ban Du responded with a smile.

Going up one floor at a time, the last class arranged Fang Ce and the three of them in luxury cabins on the sixth floor. Each room was very spacious and comfortable, and it was completely large enough for six or seven people to move around.

After arranging the accommodation, several people came to the bow deck outside the cabin.

"Ban Zunren, your Lishen warship is truly a masterpiece. It has everything you need for leisure transportation. It is worth remembering if you can come here."

Fang Ce looked at the endless ocean in front of him, and the sea breeze blew, and the sound of rustling waves lingered in his ears.

"Hahaha, Mr. Wushuang is really knowledgeable. Ordinary people can't easily board this Lishen battleship. Even if the nobles in our Lishen country spend money to gain connections, it's useless. As long as they don't meet the standards, they will all be rejected."

Ban Du laughed out loud.

"Hmm... Xiaosheng has a deep feeling for the power of this battleship. But... although this battleship is very shocking, Xiaosheng still has some concerns."

Fang Ce frowned slightly.

"Huh? Concerns? What concerns?"

"Although this Lishen battleship is all made of steel, and there are powerful people like Ban Zunzun guarding it. But if there is a powerful existence from under the sea in this sea, will something happen? Although the steel is enough It is strong, but for some powerful cultivators, it is not difficult to break it, especially the existence of crossing the catastrophe."

Fang Ce showed a worried expression.

"Hahaha! Honorable guests, please rest assured! Since our Eastern Continent has built this steel warship and is able to sail so far, we have naturally considered everything thoroughly. The materials used to build this Lishen warship are all the strongest and best in the Lishen Kingdom. , this steel is undoubtedly top-notch, and the thickness of the steel plate is enough to withstand more than a dozen attacks by Du Jie.

Generally speaking, to break through the steel plate's defense, the fire power must be the most suitable, but under the sea, there is almost no fire power, so there is already one less worry.In addition, we also have a special strengthening circle, which can directly strengthen the entire Lishen battleship in an emergency.That is a powerful defense that is almost enough to avoid all attacks below the first level of catastrophe.

It is not very easy to encounter the existence of the second layer of catastrophe.But it is not easy to directly destroy the Lishen warship on the second floor of the catastrophe.I will also take action to stop it.A small part of the damage caused by then can be repaired in time by these crew members.There are still a lot of spare materials for emergency repairs on the battleship. "

"So that's the case, Xiaosheng is relieved. However, what is the strengthening magic circle that is so powerful? It can make the entire Lishen battleship immune to all attacks below the first level of catastrophe?"

Fang Ce was surprised.

"This is complicated to say, and I don't quite understand it. Anyway, it was made by the guy who fiddled with the spirit guide cannon. It is also a thing for burning spirit stones. 80 yuan of spirit stones can maintain the protection of the entire Lishen battleship for a day."

"Tsk, this man is really a genius."

"Well, he is indeed a genius. I heard that at the beginning, this guy was regarded as a lunatic who ruined the family property. Because he fiddled with these things, he wasted a lot of money on experiments. Everyone didn't understand the use of these things. Treat him When it succeeds, it’s a blockbuster.”

Ban Du laughed.

"Ha, it's really interesting."

Fang Ce smiled and continued chatting with Ban Du.

At dusk, Fang Ce and the others returned to the cabin room.

"How? Fairy, how do you feel about this Lishen battleship today?"

Fang Ce smiled and looked at Xin Yu.

"Very shocking, it's the first time I've seen such... such... vehicles..."

Xin Yu replied.

"Fairy, with your true knowledge ability, it is possible to see the giant cannon that guides the spirit?"

Fang Ce was curious.

"Oh, I should be able to see it. I have a basic understanding of the principle of construction. The method of use seems to be that you only need to stuff the spirit stone into it, and then use a little spiritual force to activate the magic circle to use it."

Xin Yu responded.

"Fairy, you have mastered it!?"

Fang Ce was shocked at once. Fairy's true knowledge ability is really too powerful. He originally wanted to see that there should be no problem, but he didn't expect to directly grasp the construction principle and usage method so quickly?

"Oh... what's the matter? You should also have plans to let me master it?"

Xin Yu responded.

"That's really great! Fairy, during this period of time, I hope you can thoroughly master the construction of this entire Lishen battleship as much as possible, it will be of great use!"

Fang Ce stared at Xin Yu with burning eyes, as if he couldn't help but eat Xin Yu in the next second.

The reason why he was so excited was because he vaguely realized that this might be the starting point of technology in the world of cultivating immortals!Why do you say that?Because the mine cannon warships have come out, can fighter planes, armored vehicles and other things come out in the same way?It is not impossible to be able to resist the existence of crossing catastrophe or even the second layer of heavenly catastrophe!Because the spirit stone here is obviously enough to provide such a powerful force!
And the city in the sky that he conceived before, will these things be able to be built in the future?At least the powerful Lightning Cannon is not a problem at all!I heard from that group before that the sixth-order spirit guide cannon can threaten the existence of the second-level catastrophe!Although he doesn't understand how this level is calculated, as long as he knows that this power is enough!
Although the creatures here can become very powerful through cultivation, the question is how many can survive the catastrophe?Not to mention the existence of the second-level catastrophe, there have been so many in tens of thousands of years, and they can be counted!Counting on cultivating this level of powerhouses, it is better to get these technologies quickly!The only problem is that it consumes a lot of resources.Hmm... Lingshi... After returning, it is necessary for Shenguo and Taigan to stock up on Lingshi...

"Okay, I will record them one by one."

Xin Yu nodded lightly.

One day passed, and the battleship Lishen continued to sail in the boundless ocean, and there was no land in sight, which made people feel a little lonely and hesitant.

However, fortunately, along the way, some huge sea snakes, flying fish, giant eagles and other sea monsters came to look for them from time to time, and they were taken care of by Ban Du's men, which added a bit of fun.

A month has passed.

On the bow of the Lishen warship.

"We are about to enter the foggy area ahead. For the next month, several distinguished guests must stay in the cabin and must not go out, otherwise, if you accidentally lose your way, you may have problems. Although as long as you are still on this battleship It is still safe, but there are still many unknowns in this sea area, if something happens, it will be troublesome."

Ban Du smiled and looked ahead.

In the distance in front of the battleship, the huge white mist is like a curtain of heaven and earth. You can't see the upper limit, and you can't see the ends of the sides. It covers the entire sea area in front of it boundlessly!
"Is this the rumored mysterious sea fog?"

Fang Ce stared blankly at the scene in front of him, with a look of shock on his face, what kind of strange scene is this?How did it form?
"Okay, let's all go to the cabin."

Ban Du said again, and brought Fang Ce and the three back to the cabin.

In the first floor of the cabin, the door has been closed, and the windows have also been closed.

"Ban Zun, after entering the sea fog area, besides not going out, is there anything else that needs to be paid attention to? Must these windows be closed tightly?"

Fang Ce was puzzled, he was a little curious, and even wanted to explore the sea fog.

"Oh, just don't go out, and the windows don't have to be closed. However, I believe you will close them yourself."

Ban Du showed an inexplicable smile.

"Uh... well, thank you for reminding me. Then...after entering the sea fog, can Xiaosheng try to explore it? Xiaosheng is really curious about this sea fog."

Fang Ce asked again in doubt.

"Explore? How do you want to explore? Frankly speaking, there is nothing to explore in this sea fog. Anyway, if you enter it, you can't see your fingers, and you can't find the direction. We don't know how many times we have explored."

Ban Du responded.

"Xiaosheng tied a rope and went into the sea fog to have a look, so that he wouldn't worry about coming back, right?"

Policy inquiry.

"Oh, this is not a problem. Everyone has already tried this most basic method. Since Mr. Wushuang is really curious, it doesn't hurt to try it. In fact, this curiosity is inevitable for most people."

Ban Du nodded.

"Okay, thank you very much."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

As time passed, the Lishen battleship had officially entered the sea fog.

In the cabin, a strange white light lit up, illuminating everything inside.

Fang Ce looked through the window and saw that the outside was already covered in fog, and he couldn't see anything.

"This light..."

Xin Yu looked up at the roof, and saw that the light sources were crystal blocks engraved with patterns, and she was sure that those were all made of spirit stones!Moreover, there was a special power rhythm in the emitted light, which made her a little puzzled.The energy of Lingshi can be used for lighting, but it is too extravagant to use it as a lamp like this.

"Ban Zunren, can Xiaosheng open the door now and go out to have a look?"

Fang Ce looked towards the door.


Ban Du nodded, he strode to the door and opened it directly.

A lot of fog suddenly poured in from outside, making a large area of ​​the door blurred. However, under the light, it is not impossible to see anything completely like outside, and Ban Du's figure and surrounding objects can still be vaguely seen.

"Okay, Mr. Wushuang, please feel free to explore."

Ben walked out of the mist alone, with a casual smile on his face.

"Okay, yes, the rope."

Fang Ce responded and looked towards Xi Zhou.

"My dear guest, here you are."

A crew member quickly handed out a roll of rope to Fang Ce.

"Well, thank you very much."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded, took the rope and tied it around his waist.With his current strength, he is not afraid of any accidents when he goes outside, so he can come back by touching the wall, right?This behavior is mainly in line with his current image...

After tying the rope, he handed it to Xin Yu: "Master Wei, please take it, and don't let Xiaosheng come back later."

Xin Yu shook her head and smiled, didn't say much, with Fang Ce's strength, why should she worry?
"Master Wushuang, be more careful."

Ban spoke alone.


Fang Ce responded, and then, in the eyes of everyone, walked to the outside of the blurred gate step by step.

After walking out of the gate completely.

In front of Fang Ce's eyes was already a vast expanse of whiteness, he really couldn't see his fingers, and couldn't tell the direction at all!It can sense the sea breeze and the sound of undulating waves.

He sensed it slightly, and couldn't help showing surprise. The fog seemed to be not a pure fog, but a special kind of energy, which interfered with the light and the identification of the direction!
what happened?What the hell is this?
Fang Ce was puzzled, this thing is really weird.

He cautiously walked outside for a while, and soon completely lost his bearings. He even became uncertain whether the original cabin door was behind him.

After searching for a while, he really couldn't figure out the situation, so he called out and asked Xin Yu to pull him back.

Xin Yu heard the call, and began to wind up the rope, leading Fang Ce back.

"How? Master Wushuang, did you find anything?"

Back in the cabin, after the door was closed, Ban Du looked at Fang Ce with a smile.

"No, it's a vast expanse of whiteness, and I don't know what the hell it is."

Fang Ce shook his head.

"Hahaha, normal. Everyone is the same."

Ban Du laughed, so many of them haven't been able to explore the fog clearly for so many years, let alone this guy in front of him?

"Oh, it's boring, let's eat something."

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly, and then he and Ban Du ate snacks on the first floor and chatted.

After a while, Ban Du said goodbye and left on the grounds of inspecting the route.

Fang Ce and the others returned to the room.

"Fairy, can you see what's going on with this mist?"

Fang Ce was curious. Although he couldn't figure out what was going on, it was not necessarily a fairy with the ability of true knowledge. Maybe he knew what was going on at a glance.

"This fog is very strange. It seems to be formed purely from the power of heaven and earth with a special fluctuation law. As for the reason, how it is formed, I can't see it."

Xin Yu opened the window and looked outside.

The mist rolled in from the window, making everything in the room somewhat blurred.It seems that this is what Ban Du said, the reason why they will close it tightly.

"Hmm...that's really amazing..."

Fang Ce nodded silently.

At this moment, Xin Yu closed the window, and when the fog gradually dissipated, she took out a feng shui compass to look at it.

"What? The feng shui compass is out of order, isn't it? Fairy."

Fang Ce asked casually. As far as he had learned before, the feng shui compass would also lose its effect in this foggy area.So how do these guys from the Eastern Continent determine their orientation?You know, if you can't tell the direction and drift in this vast and misty sea, it is no different from seeking your own death!
"No...it's not malfunctioning..."

Xin Yu's soft voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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