Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 356 Get out of the fog and reach the Eastern Continent!

Chapter 356 Get out of the fog and reach the Eastern Continent!

"Not malfunctioning!?"

Fang Ce was surprised, how could this be possible?Could it be that the previous rumors were wrong?Or is it just because you can't distinguish objects in the fog and can't see the feng shui compass clearly, so you simply say that the feng shui compass is out of order?

He immediately came to Xin Yu's side, looked around, and saw that Xin Yu turned the feng shui compass at will, and the pointer inside was still pointing steadily to a fixed direction, which was not affected at all!
"It really works. So, those rumors are false?"

Shang Wu couldn't help becoming curious.

"It shouldn't be fake, just watch this."

Xin Yu turned around slightly, and the jade hand opened the window again, causing the mist to diffuse in.


Fang strategy doubts.

Xin Yu didn't say anything, just signaled Fang Ce to look at the Feng Shui Compass again.At this moment, I saw that the pointer inside moved with Xin Yuyu's hand, obviously becoming less sensitive, and it took a while to react.

"This...that is to say, if you touch the mist, you will be disturbed...it seems true..."

Fang Ce nodded. After all, if there is no malfunction, even if you can't see it, you can still feel the reaction of the pointer with your hand.

"In other words, as long as there is light, it's fine? Then it's not a problem."

Shang Wu was puzzled.

"Not necessarily, look at it again."

Xin Yu whispered, flipped her jade hand, and a ball of raging flames arose in her hand, but the strange thing is, the light of this raging flame did not dispel the influx of mist!

Fang Ce was surprised again, vaguely guessing something.

At this time, Xin Yu had stretched out the flames out of the window, only to be invisible in the mist!It wasn't extinguished, but invisible, because she retracted her hand, and she could still see Lie Yan swaying in her palm.

"What's going on? Why is this flame..."

Shang Wu looked up at the Lingshi light sources on the roof of the room in astonishment, apparently also found a problem.

"These fogs should be some kind of special pure power. The Eastern Continent has figured out the law of this power, and made these special lamps with spirit stones, which can emit light energy that neutralizes these powers."

Xin Yu gently closed the window again.

"So that's how it is... these guys are really capable... Then, fairy, do you also master the making of this lamp?"

Fang Ce nodded thoughtfully. If he guessed correctly, the lamp was probably made by the genius Ban Du mentioned earlier.Is this really the technology of cultivating immortals?
"Well, I should have mastered it. It's just that the process is quite complicated and it's not easy to manufacture."

Xin Yu responded.

"It's okay, as long as you master it."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded. It seems that bringing the fairy here is really a very wise choice. Now not only do you not need to worry about the return trip, but you can also move all these basic technologies back!And for this aspect, although he doesn't know much about it, he knows the direction of development!Even if he can't make trouble in the future, with Fairy, the real knower, is he still afraid that he won't be able to handle it?

"It's good to figure out what's going on. The Eastern Continent really has a few tricks."

Shang Wu also felt a lot easier in an instant. Although there was a plan, she was not worried about safety issues, but she still had some concerns about the return journey, and now these worries were naturally swept away.

In the days that followed, Fang Ce spent almost all his time in Xin Yu's room, watching Xin Yu write the battleship information obtained through the ability of true knowledge.

Such a behemoth ahead of the times, for them with almost zero foundation, the knowledge involved is naturally very huge.Even though Xin Yu possessed the ability of real knowledge, it would take a lot of time to fully transcribe it into transcripts.The design blueprints, pattern, and materials alone are not small numbers.

Gradually, a month passed.

The horn sounded.

This is a sign of the fog.

"Out of the foggy area?"

Fang Ce's mood relaxed in an instant, and he held his head here for a whole month. Even if he was accompanied by two beauties, it would affect his mood quite a bit.

Everyone came outside, on the deck.

I saw the starry sky, but it was night.

"Hahahahaha! It finally came out!"

The crew laughed loudly.

Stuck in the mist for a month, it doesn't matter if it's day or night, I feel comfortable anyway.

the next day.

On the deck, under a big umbrella, Fang Ce was lazily lying on a bench basking in the sun.

"Young Master Wushuang, you are really free."

Ban Du came to the side and smiled.

"I can't help it. I don't have anything to do. I can't lie down and enjoy it. What else can I do?"

Fang Ce responded casually.

"Not cultivating well? With such good conditions, being so decadent is a waste."

Ban Du couldn't help persuading him, even though he planned to do it at the beginning, but after getting along for such a long time, there is still a little bit of friendship, and now that everything is under control, a word or two of friendship is not impossible.

"Cultivating this thing...it's really too boring. What else can you practice if you have the conditions, just lie down and finish. Otherwise, you are working hard and working hard, why are you doing it?"

"This... also makes sense. My pleasure is to cultivate and become stronger. Mr. Wushuang pursues enjoyment more, so there is nothing wrong with it..."

Ben nodded.

At this moment, the situation changed, and dark clouds covered it!A depressive atmosphere quickly enveloped!
"Huh!? There is a situation!"

Ban Du frowned, sensing a crisis.

"What's wrong? Was it attacked?"

Fang Shiji was surprised, and already sensed a wave of breath approaching the battleship!

"Monsters! Monsters! There are so many monsters! It's not easy to cultivate! Get ready to fight!!"

An alarm sounded from the cockpit on the top of the ship.

"Young Master Wushuang! Be careful! I go up to see the situation!"

Ban Du solemnly exhorted, then quickly flew into the void, looking around the situation.

I saw a huge sea serpent approaching the Lishen battleship!There is also a huge figure lurking on the bottom of the sea and approaching quickly!

"Huh? There are seven Transcending Tribulations, and one is the second-level Heavenly Tribulation?"

Fang Ce sat up in surprise, it seems that the sea is really dangerous?
"Damn it! It's the sea serpent group!! It's the beast from before who brought people here for revenge!! Everyone is ready to fight!!! The spirit-guide cannon is ready!!"

Ban Du's heavy shout sounded.


Chaobu and all the people responded one after another.

From the meaning of these words, Fang Ce vaguely guessed that people like Ban Du should have confronted the sensed second-level catastrophe before and formed a grudge.

At this moment, the entire Lishen battleship suddenly lit up with a golden light.Fang Ce knew that this should be the opening of the Lishen battleship's defensive circle.

"Fang Ce, what's wrong?"

Xin Yu and Shang Wu walked out of the cabin and came to Fang Ce's side.

Those crew members have also come out one after another, looking like they are ready for battle.

There was a loud bang!The battleship trembles!
Obviously suffered a huge attack!

Immediately there was a roar!Huge water snakes surfaced out of the water!All have a body size of tens of feet, hundreds of thousands of heads, all of which have been repaired for more than 900 years, and the surroundings of the battleship are solid!

Under the siege of so many monsters, the Lishen battleship had to stop.

"You bastards, are you looking for death!"

Ban Du said with a gloomy expression.

A roar!
A terrifying water dragon blasted towards Ban Du!


Ban Du let out a low growl, Zi Lei's sword came out, and Pi Lian's thunder blasted out, blocking the water dragon directly!

Then there was a bang!

A gigantic monster sprang out from the sea. It was a sea serpent with three heads and a body of tens of feet, staring at Ban Du coldly!

In addition to these three sea serpents, there are also seven powerful sea serpents with not weak auras that have survived the catastrophe, also surfaced!
"Hiss...it seems a little dangerous."

Fang Ce touched his chin, he was worried whether he would reveal some strength here.After all, with this posture, it seems a bit difficult to deal with these guys alone.

"Hmph! You bastard, haven't you learned enough from the last time! I advise you to retreat quickly! You and I have no grievances, and this seat is just passing through here!"

Ban Du said in a deep voice, this sea area is the territory of the three sea serpents. When they passed by last time, they alarmed this guy.

Another roar!
The three sea serpent demons obviously had no intention of negotiating with Ban Du, and with one mouthful, the terrifying water dragon blasted towards Ban Du!

Ban Du cursed secretly, and had no choice but to deal with it.

At this moment, the seven sea snake demons and the rest of the sea snake demons also launched an offensive one after another. There were ice, water dragons, and thunder, and they bombarded everyone on the Lishen battleship!Because these sea serpents had attacked the Lishen battleship before, and found it difficult to shake, they could only attack the people on board.

Some sea serpents even directly climbed onto the Lishen battleship!

"Resist with all your strength! Guiding Thunder Cannon assists Valkyrie!!"

Taihe's voice sounded, directing everyone to fight.



The fierce battle broke out instantly!
Three terrifying lightning beams blasted towards the three sea serpents very quickly, causing them to cry out in pain!That powerful power, Fang Ce can be sure, is indeed enough to severely damage the 3000-year-old Du Jie with one blow!It is estimated that two or three shots can kill a 3000-year-old man!
However, the strength of the three sea serpents is obviously not simple. The second-floor catastrophe is close to ten thousand years of Taoism. Although the Guiling Thunder Cannon can cause injuries to them, they quickly recovered and have the ability to regenerate!

It can be said that Ban Du only has the upper hand with the three Guiding Thunder Cannons!

But in the current situation, what everyone is facing is not only the three sea snake monsters, but also a large group of sea snake monsters, seven of them have passed the catastrophe!
On Bandu's side, there are only three Dujies, Taihe, Hanguang, and Chaobu, and their numbers are far less than that of the sea serpent group.Soon it fell into a disadvantage!

"Damn it! Is something going to happen!?"

Ban Du's complexion turned extremely ugly in an instant. He was fine alone, and he might still be able to escape, but the Lishen Battleship, in its current situation, might be ruined directly!

"Fang Ce, I'm fighting with Shang Wu girl. I'll see if I need to use the magic weapon or not."

Xin Yu said, and the figure flew out quickly, holding it up with one hand, and the extremely cold energy quickly condensed in the void!Immediately there was a shout, and a bang!The torrent of terrifying ice poured down!

Boom boom boom!
The sea serpent demon who had crossed the catastrophe first was severely injured, and was blasted into the sea to be frozen in ice!
"What! Dao realm spell! Extreme ice torrent!?"

Ban Du was shocked.

Everyone in Taihe also looked at Xin Yu in amazement, never expecting that Xin Yu had already mastered the Taoist technique!After all, this means that there is only one step away from the second-floor catastrophe!

At this moment, Shang Wu also made a move, using Frozen Baili to deal with the sea snake monsters. Although her strength is not as good as Xin Yu's, she has an ice physique, and her strength is not weak!
"Well... it seems that there should be no problem..."

Fang Ce lay down comfortably again, and both Xin Yu and Shang Wu were able to use ice spells, which obviously had a great restraint effect on the sea serpents.And the three sea serpents were suppressed by Ban Du and the three guiding spirit thunder cannons, so it was not a big problem to win.

The two sides fought again for a while, and as expected by Fang Ce, the three sea snake monsters roared and quickly retreated with all their subordinates.

Everyone in Ban Du breathed a sigh of relief.

"This time, there are really two more distinguished guests! Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be buried here! I really didn't expect Master Wei to be so secretive. In the future, I'm afraid it will be the existence of the second-floor catastrophe!"

Ban Du cupped his fists respectfully to Xin Yu and Shang Wu.

Taihe and the others stared at Xin Yu in a daze, and there was something strange in their eyes.

"No, Venerable Ban is being polite. They are all on the same boat, and they should have contributed. There is no one to thank the other."

Xin Yu quickly responded with cupped fists.

"That's right. They are all grasshoppers on the same rope. Isn't it right to help each other? Why are you so polite? It's really too alien."

Fang Ce, who was lying on the chair, waved his hand smartly.

"Young Master Wushuang, you are a bit unreasonable. Just now, in the battle, I see you lying here all the time, don't you want to help?"

Zhao Bu smiled and said, but he was happy in his heart: You are the one who still has the face to show off?
"Hey, look at my strength, what can I do to help? Going up may cause trouble for you. If I don't help, it will be the greatest help to you."

Fang Ce waved his hand.

"You... you... admire... admire..."

Chao Bu was immediately annoyed. He had never seen such a brazen person. He originally planned to find an opportunity to ridicule Fang Ce, but it seemed that he was thinking too much. This guy has no shame at all!
"Okay, alright, although we have repelled the enemy, don't take it lightly. Be sure to strengthen your guard and go to work."

Ban Du waved his hand to signal the chaobu crowd to retreat.

"It has to be Venerable Ban who is cautious."

Fang Ce praised.

"Be careful sailing for ten thousand years. The sea area is vast, and there are too many unknowns and dangers. My strength is limited. If I am not cautious, I am afraid that I will not survive the present. It was just a battle. Although the enemy was repelled, the loss Not too small. Dozens of casualties and thousands of spiritual stones were consumed."

Ban Du sighed lightly.

"This... this loss is really not small."

Fang Ce nodded.

Ban Du and Fang Ce chatted for a while, then left.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a danger in the sea. Fortunately, it is not the strength of the three gods. Otherwise, this battleship is afraid that something will go wrong..."

Shang Wu frowned lightly, she was sure that if she met someone of the level of a big monster, the ship might sink!

"Well... it's really dangerous..."

Fang Ce nodded, but they don't need to worry too much, because they have already passed the tribulation, the ship sank, and they can still fly away.For them, it's just a matter of fog.

What he is thinking now is whether he can successfully obtain the source soil in the Eastern Continent, and then he can build the city of the sky!

Afterwards, everyone sailed for another month, and gradually a continent appeared in front of them!

"It's here! It's here! I'm going home soon!!"

Ban Du's subordinates made excited voices one after another!Obviously, after leaving for such a long time, I miss my homeland very much.

"Uh... are you here?"

Fang Ce sat up from the bench and looked at the strange continent in the distance...

(End of this chapter)

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