Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 357 Tier 56 Guiding Thunder Cannon and Origin Soil!

Chapter 357 The Fifth and Sixth-Order Spirit-Guiding Thunder Cannons and the Origin Earth!

The battleship Lishen gradually approached the shore, and a coastal town appeared in front of him.At a glance, I can see that most of the buildings here are in the style of tall, straight and steep floors. There are no compound courtyards in Middle-earth, but some luxurious single-family houses with large yards.

After a while, Fang Ce's people had already disembarked from the Zili God Battleship in a small wooden boat and leaned against the shore.

Surrounded by a man wearing a strange cloth armor and looking like a soldier, there are probably thousands of people waiting.A little farther away, the people of the Eastern Continent surrounded and watched the excitement.

"Meet the Valkyrie! Welcome the Valkyrie!"

Several generals and men in charge came to Ban Du respectfully and saluted.

"Well, let's all back away. I still want to take a few distinguished guests for a tour, so don't bother me."

Ban Du waved his hand flatly.

The men were taken aback for a moment, glanced at Fang Ce and the other three, and then retreated in response.

"Okay, three distinguished guests, let me show my respect as a landlord."

Ban Du smiled at Fang Ce and the other three.

"Verun Ban is too polite."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

After saying that, Ban Du took Fang Ce and the other three to tour the city.

On the road.

"This is Chiyaoxi City, the seaport city of our Lishen Kingdom. How do you three look?"

Ban Du smiled.

"Well...fortunately, it's quite fresh."

Fang Ce nodded.

"The three are all good at Feng Shui, what do you think of the topography of this city?"

Ban Du looked at Xin Yu.

"Tenth-class terrain, but the development is pretty good."

Xin Yu responded lightly, when she was watching from the battleship, she already had a general understanding of the situation of the city.

"Is it only the tenth-class terrain... That's right, in addition to the special location, the living comfort is a bit worse."

Ban Du nodded, and then hesitantly said: "Then... I wonder if a few distinguished guests can arrange a Fengshui formation in Yaoxi City? I am really curious about how such a strange formation is arranged."

"Well...it's certainly possible. But...please excuse Weiyu's impoliteness, we need to meet the source land and confirm that the deal can be reached. After all, Her Majesty has orders, and it's not easy to disobey even small ones."

Xin Yu cupped her fists slightly.

"That's...that's right...it makes sense. I will bring some of you to the capital to meet His Majesty later, and His Majesty will let you meet Yuantu."

Ban Du smiled and nodded, but he didn't care about it in his heart. Now that he was in the Eastern Continent, not to mention letting Xin Yu see the source soil, even if he handed the source soil to Xin Yu first, he wouldn't worry about it, anyway, it didn't belong to the Kingdom of Power God. ?As long as Xin Yu can arrange the feng shui formation for the Kingdom of Lishen, it will not matter how much trouble you will have to do in the future!
The three of them looked at each other, and they all had inexplicable smiles on their faces.

"Thank you Ban Venerable for your understanding."

Xin Yu clasped her fists again.

"You're welcome, that's how you should be."

Ban Du waved his hand in an easy-going way, still looking very talkative.

After wandering around the city, Ban Du took Fang Ce and the others to live in one of the most luxurious residences in the city.

A large house, excluding the garden, occupies an acre of land for the residence alone, and there are a full twenty rooms on the first floor!The layout is also magnificent and full of extravagance.

Ban Du is going to rest here for the night first, and tomorrow he will take Fang Ce and the others to the capital, so that they can meet the king of Lishen Kingdom as soon as possible and complete the source land transaction.Of course, they said that the deal would be completed, but Fang Ce and the other three didn't know whether it would be completed.

inside the room.

"Hopefully the deal can be done smoothly, it looks like these guys, it seems like they have the heart to do it."

Shang Wu hesitated a little. Along the way, she really couldn't tell any malicious intentions towards Ban Du's politeness.

"As long as we can see the source soil, the transaction will be completed smoothly. I'm afraid they don't have the source soil at hand."

Fang Ce smiled. He was not worried about whether the other party would cheat, but he was afraid that the other party did not have the source soil in his hands, or that it was not the real source soil, so it would be a lot of trouble.But relatively speaking, the harvest of this trip is actually not small.I learned the way to come to the Eastern Continent, and I also got the Immortal Cultivation Technology explored here!

"Looking at the current situation, they should have source soil on hand. Otherwise, there is no need for these actions now."

Xin Yu opened his mouth.


Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

the other side.

"Why do these guys have such confidence that they can leave the Eastern Continent with the source soil? Or are we really so trustworthy and honest? Hahaha."

Chao Bu laughed heartily, a sense of superiority in control of everything emerged spontaneously in his heart.

"I think it's mainly due to that ignorant son, he has made great contributions to our Lishen Kingdom, hahaha!"

Han Guang also laughed.

"Indeed, although this idiot is ignorant and ignorant, but he has made such contributions to our Lishen Kingdom. I really have to thank him very much. Let His Majesty give him a leisurely official position when the time comes, so don't let him feel cold."

Chao Bu smiled and nodded. He was looking forward to what Fang Ce's expression would be when he learned the truth.

"Okay, before they set up a Fengshui formation for the Lishen Kingdom, don't take it lightly and show their feet. Now it's far from the time to turn their faces."

Ban Du calmly waved.


Chaobu and others immediately smiled and nodded.

The next day, under the leadership of Ban Du, everyone set off for the capital of the Lishen Kingdom.

Along the way, except for rest, there was almost no stop. In about ten days, we arrived at the capital of Lishen Kingdom, a very prosperous city, not inferior to Taigan Capital.

"This is the capital of our Lishen Kingdom. What do you think, honored guests?"

On the broad street, Ban Du introduced with a smile.

"Hmm... pretty good, by the way, who are those people? They even have wings? Why do some seem to be enslaved... and some..."

Fang Ce looked curiously at the side of the street, and saw several men and women with white wings, ragged clothes, and haggard faces tied around their necks like slaves with collars.On the other side, there was a man with slightly gray wings who was shopping on the side of the street. He didn't even look at the servants and men who also had wings.

"Oh... those guys are Yi people, rumored to be descendants of Tianfeng's blood, these damned guys used to be very arrogant with their strength, they invaded and oppressed other countries everywhere, and finally led to the backlash being wiped out. Those enslaved Yi people People are basically sinners and descendants who have done evil. For those ordinary Yiren people who have not committed evil, our Lishen Kingdom is still very tolerant and takes them in."

Ben pointed to the Wingmen.

"Wing people? Tianfeng bloodline? There are such races..."

Fang Ce nodded in surprise. He was dubious about Ban Du's words, but he was a little curious about this race. After all, it seemed to be a race that was born with the ability to fly?

"Okay, these guys don't need to pay too much attention to wasting time. Let me go to the palace to meet His Majesty. I have already sent someone to pass the information to His Majesty in advance. I think the transaction will be successfully completed soon."

Ban Du smiled again.

"it is good."

Fang Ce nodded.

Everyone walked all the way to the center of the city, where there was a huge castle with a magnificent white and blue tone!It must be the palace that Ban Du mentioned.

Gradually approaching the castle palace, several giants appeared in front of everyone, they were four giant cannons located in front of the castle palace!The barrel of one of the giant cannons was more than 40 feet long!Right in the middle.The other three gun barrels are more than 30 feet long, located in the front and left and right respectively.Such four huge weapons with dark and cold atmosphere can be described as extremely oppressive and deterrent!

"Ban Zunren, are those all spirit-guiding thunder cannons?"

Fang Ce couldn't help asking curiously.

"Well, not bad. They are all guided lightning cannons, one sixth-level and three fifth-level. With these guiding spirit cannons, no one can threaten the palace unless there is a second-level catastrophe. These sixth-level The Guiding Thunder Cannon can directly annihilate a person with a 3000-year cultivation base in one shot. And the terrifying attack speed, even I can't dodge it."

Ban Du had a proud expression on his face.

"Hiss... this power is really terrifying, but is there only one?"

Fang Ce was puzzled. From this point of view, it seemed that it would not be easy to forge the sixth-order spirit guide cannon.

"What does it mean to have only one? Master Wushuang, do you know what is needed to build this sixth-order spirit-guiding thunder cannon? A full 300 catties of 300-year-old cold iron! Even in Middle-earth, I am afraid it is difficult to make such a scale. [-] years of cold iron bar?
Moreover, it is far more difficult to build a sixth-order spirit-guiding mine cannon than a fifth-order spirit-guiding mine cannon. Even if you gather enough materials, it will not be able to be built in a short while.

The fifth-order spirit-guiding thunder cannon is better, and it can be made of century-old cold iron.There are now a total of 33 Tier [-] Spirit Guiding Thunder Cannons in Lishen Kingdom, [-] of which are currently distributed in the southern border city for guarding purposes. "

Ban Du replied.

"Hiss...300 jin of [-]-year-old cold iron...I see. It seems that such a powerful thing is not so easy to manufacture."

Fang Ce nodded. Although cold iron is called iron, it is not the same substance as iron. It is a rare metal with its own coldness, but it looks similar to iron.According to the quality of cold iron itself, there are ordinary cold iron, century-old cold iron, 300-year cold iron, and thousand-year cold iron.

At the level of millennium cold iron, the cold air can cause frost to appear on the surface in rainy days.Of course, the quantity of thousand-year-old cold iron is also extremely rare, and they are all materials for making top-quality instruments, so the price is naturally difficult to measure.

"Haha, let's go, let me go to the palace to meet His Majesty first."

Ban Du laughed and continued to lead the way.

After a while, everyone had already arrived outside the castle.That tall building covers an area of ​​several hectares, and the highest point is tens of feet high!
"Come on, come in."

Ban Du smiled and said, he knew that the Kingdom of God and Taigan did not have such huge buildings, so he couldn't help feeling proud again.


Fang Ce nodded, and walked into the castle with the stunned Xin Yu and his daughters.

After a while, came to a spacious hall.

There were dozens of people in the hall, and on the throne was a man in luxurious gold clothes.

"I have seen the Valkyrie! Congratulations!"

The king of Lishen stood up first and saluted Ban Du respectfully.

"I have seen the Valkyrie! Congratulations!"

All the ministers also saluted one after another.

After all, Ban Duo exists as a second-tier Heavenly Tribulation, so his status is naturally extraordinary in Lishen's country.

"You don't need to be too polite, these three are honored guests from the Middle-earth Continent, who have mastered the magical and powerful Fengshui formation. Three honored guests, this is the king of our Lishen Kingdom, You Ke."

Ban Du waved his hand and introduced with a smile.

"Greetings to the King of the Power God Kingdom."

The three of Fang Ce saluted immediately.

"Haha, welcome to the three distinguished guests who came from afar."

Yu Ke responded with a smile.

"Your Majesty, the three noble nations are here to represent the Middle-earth Continent to trade with our Godly God Nation. They want to arrange a Fengshui formation in exchange for the source land of our Godly God Kingdom. Your Majesty should have read the letter from me. What do you think?"

Ban Du spoke again.

"Oh, I have indeed read it. If it is as miraculous as the Valkyrie's letter said, this deal is indeed possible."

Yu Ke nodded.

"How is it? Three distinguished guests, can we start to arrange the Feng Shui formation now? This transaction is guaranteed by me, and I will never go back on my word."

Ban Du smiled and looked at Xin Yu.

"Sorry, I still need to see the source soil to confirm."

Xin Yu lightly cupped her fists.

"Well... that's as it should be, three distinguished guests, please wait a moment."

You Ke thought for a while, then whispered a few words to a beautiful female officer beside her, and the female officer left in response.

The three of Fang Ce nodded and waited.

During the period, You Ke greeted the three of them again.

A moment later, the beautiful female officer had returned, holding a square red cloth plate carefully in her hands, on which was emitting golden light.At the same time, several guards accompanied the beautiful female officer.

"This is the rare treasure of our Lishen Kingdom, the source soil. Please take a look at it, three honored guests."

You Ke gestured to the beautiful female officer.

The beautiful female officer tapped her head, and accompanied by the guards, she walked down holding a red cloth square plate, and slowly came to Fang Ce and the other three.

At this moment, the three of Fang Ce also saw the object held on the red cloth square plate. It was a piece of loess the size of two palms, which looked soft and moist, exuded light like gold and precious jade, and contained extremely rich Aura!
"This is the source soil!?"

Fang Ce was amazed, it was similar to what he saw in the book, but seeing it with his own eyes, the feeling was completely different, he raised his hand to observe it.

"Eh? Mr. Wushuang, you can't touch this randomly, be careful to cause damage."

Ban Du immediately reached out to stop Fang Ce.

"Oh... Xiaosheng lost his composure. It's the first time I see such a treasure, and I can't help it."

Fang Ce cupped his fists in embarrassment. He was indeed a little excited at the moment, because this involved the construction of the Sky City!How could he not be moved by such a crucial thing?

"It's okay. Master Wei, what do you think? It should be right?"

Ban Du looked at Xin Yu again.

"Well, it is indeed the source soil."

Xin Yu lightly tapped the head of the scorpion, she has the ability of true knowledge, and she can tell the truth from the fake at a glance.

"Then can we arrange a feng shui formation for our Lishen Kingdom now?"

Ben Du smiled.

"Of course it is possible. However, I have to ask Your Majesty again, are you sure you want to trade this source land?"

Xin Yu looked at You Ke.

"Of course, as long as the three noble countries arrange a good Fengshui formation for our Lishen Kingdom, you will bring this source soil back to the Middle-earth Continent."

Yu Ke nodded with a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Wushuang and the Venerable Martial Arts Class of your country are both present witnesses. You can use them as guarantees for this transaction."

Xin Yu looked at Fang Ce and Ban Du again.


Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

"Of course."

Ban Du also nodded with a smile.

The divination people on the side were joking. In their opinion, what weight could Fang Ce have?Isn't this witness a joke?And now in their Lishen country, what kind of deal is it not up to them?
However, what they don't know is that the reason why Xin Yu is doing this is for the protection of fair trade between the two parties, not just for the protection of the Kingdom of God!
Because Xin Yu knew that as long as Fang Ce agreed to the transaction agreement, no party would really violate it.What the other party has in mind is the other party's business, and she just needs to do what she should do.

(End of this chapter)

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