Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 358 Colosseum, crazy and cruel entertainment

Chapter 358 Colosseum, crazy and cruel entertainment

After the transaction was finalized, You Ke hosted a banquet and invited the famous nobles in the royal city to welcome the arrival of Fang Ce and the other three.

While drinking and drinking, the nobles were all curious about the origins of Fang Ce and the three, and they often inquired about the Middle-Earth Continent.

By the time the banquet was over, it was dusk.

You Ke arranged accommodation for the three of Fang Ce directly in the palace castle.

In a spacious room with a red carpet.

"This palace is quite unique."

Shang Wu said.

"How about we go back and get one?"

Fang Ce sat on the big red upholstered stool, looking comfortable.

"Novelty is novelty, but the structure is too complicated, and it is somewhat inconvenient to live in."

Xin Yu shook her head lightly.

"That's true... By the way, Miss Shangwu, you can take a look tonight? See if you can find out where the treasure is hidden, just in case."

Fang Ce smiled and looked at Shang Wu. He knew Shang Wu's invisibility ability. At night, even he couldn't see through it. It couldn't be more convenient to do this kind of spying.

"Okay, my lord."

Shang Wu clasped her fists in response.

At this moment, there were footsteps outside, and the three of them chatted casually immediately, praising the uniqueness and magnificence of Lishen King City.

Knock, knock, knock on the door.

"Are the three distinguished guests here?"

Ban Du's voice came.

"Huh? It's Venerable Ban."

Fang Ce immediately led the two girls to open the door, and smiled at Ban Du outside the door, "Verun Ban, what's the matter?"

"Haha, I'm just going to show the three of you a look at the night view of our royal city. I don't know if I will disturb the three of you?"

Ban Du smiled and said, Fang Ce was often in the same room with the two women, and Fang Ce's status was obviously much higher than the two women, so he didn't have to think about what would happen to the three of them in the same room.

"No, no, it just so happens that Xiaosheng is very curious about the Lishen Kingdom, and it's better to obey than to be respectful."

Fang Ce waved his hand.

"Haha, okay, let me go outside with you."

Ban Du immediately left the palace castle with the three of them.

When we came to Wangcheng Street, although it was already late, the lights were brightly lit everywhere, and there were constant shouts and children's play.

Ban Du took Fang Ce and the others to play, and gradually came to a location far away from the west of the palace.

"Huh? Venerable Ban, what is that?"

Not far away from Fang Ce, there was a huge circular building, which was also brightly lit, and there were faint shouts and shouts.And there are many people around the round building, and I don't know what is happening.

"Oh, there's the Colosseum."

Ban Du responded casually.

"The Colosseum? Catch some beasts to fight for fun?"

Fang Ce was suddenly surprised.

"Well, that's what it means. It's mainly about bloody fights between monsters and slaves. Ordinary wild beasts fight. It's still not interesting. What? Is the honorable guest also interested? Are you going to see it?"

Ban Du replied with a smile.

"It must be seen."

Fang Ce immediately looked interested.

"Okay, three distinguished guests are welcome."

Ban Du stretched out his hand to signal.


Fang Ce nodded and headed towards the Colosseum.

Ban Du followed suit.

Xin Yu and Shang Wu glanced at each other and kept up. The two girls were also a little curious. In Middle-earth, they saw a lot of martial arts, but this is the first time they have heard of the Colosseum. What a difference.

When they came near the Colosseum, there was a sound of shouting.

"I'll offer [-] gold coins!"

"I offer four thousand gold coins!"

"Five thousand gold coins, this tauren, I want it!"

Under the light, there are high platforms around, each surrounded by a large group of people. On the platforms, humans, winged men, horse-headed men, tauren and various monsters are bound with collars, and they seem to be slaves.

"Ban Zun, are these slave trades?"

Fang Ce asked curiously. Judging from the current signs, it is already certain that the Kingdom of God of Power is indeed a very aggressive country.

"Well, they are all slaves. Except for those monsters, those people basically committed crimes and were reduced to slaves as punishment. And this Colosseum is a place where slave owners make fun of slaves, so slaves and monsters are sold nearby. It also increased."

Ban Du responded.

"I see……"

Fang Ce nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, several people had arrived in the Colosseum.

At first, there were bursts of deafening shouts overwhelming.

"Hit it! Hit it!"

"Damn fool! Get up!"

"Lone wolf! Kill him! Quickly kill him!"

I saw a large crowd of spectators yelling and shouting frantically on the ground and surrounding layers of ring-shaped ladder seats.

And in the middle of the Colosseum, there is a high platform covering an area of ​​several acres, completely covered by a huge iron net!Inside the iron net, I saw a big man wearing a collar wrestling with a giant wolf as tall as a man!

The big man was crushed to the ground by the giant wolf, and his body was covered in blood, struggling desperately to resist.

Seeing this scene, both Xin Yu and Shang Wu frowned slightly, it was the first time they had seen such a crazy scene.

"Come on, honored guests, I will take you to the most comfortable place to watch."

Ban Du smiled, and signaled Fang Ce and the others to follow him to the side stairs.


Fang Ce nodded with a smile and followed.

Everyone walked up the stairs, only to see that the topmost position of the ring-shaped ladder seat of the Colosseum is a circle of private rooms.

When they came to the top, a tall and strong guy who looked like a guard cast his eyes on Fang Ce and the others.

At this moment, Ban Du took out a token to signal, and the guard hurriedly saluted respectfully and turned sideways to invite him.

"Let's go, I seldom come here, these guys only recognize VIP cards."

Ban Du smiled at Fang Ce and the others again, and walked towards the prominent luxury private room.

When I came to the private room, I saw two beautiful girl attendants standing at the door.

Ban Du took out the token again to signal.

The two beautiful girl attendants immediately saluted respectfully, and opened the door: "Masters, please come inside!"

Ban Du didn't pay much attention to the beautiful girl's attendants, and walked into the private room with Fang Ce and the three of them.

I saw that the private room was decorated magnificently, with red carpets, tables and chairs, wine racks, and all kinds of furniture, and they were brand new as if they were bought by the party.

"This is a dedicated viewing platform for you. It is quite convenient to watch the fighting beasts here."

Ban Du took Fang Ce and the others to the window, looked down, and happened to see the top of the iron net on the high platform.

At this moment, inside the iron net, the big man and the giant wolf are still fighting.It seemed that the big man was obviously exhausted.

"Haha, the status of Venerable Ban, can this be inconvenient?"

Fang Ce smiled and looked at the ferocious fight on the iron net below, and saw that the big man had been bitten through the neck by the giant wolf and died completely.

"Son of a son of a bitch! It's bad luck!"

"Hahahaha! Lone wolf! It really is my god!"

"Hahaha! This time I got my money back!"

"Damn it! I lost again!"

There was an endless mix of cursing and cheering.

This situation made Xin Yu and Shang Wu Liu frowned again, it was the first time for them to see such crazy and cruel entertainment.

Then the iron net was opened, and the giant wolf was led out by a middle-aged man wearing silver jewelry with a greasy face, while the body of the big man was directly dragged away by several strong men.

"Next time, the beautiful warrior Karin will fight the ape demon!"

A man who looked like a manager spoke loudly.

"Hiss! The beautiful warrior Karin and the ape demon!?"

"This game is worth seeing!"

"Who will win this game? Bet on the beautiful warrior Karin!"

The crowd became noisy, and at the same time, many people quickly gathered in some private rooms around.

At this moment, in the private room.

"My lord! Greeting my lord! This viewing platform, the small one has been taken care of by my lord! My lord, is there anything wrong with it? The small one will definitely be perfected!"

A plump man in gorgeous clothes kowtowed to Ban Du excitedly and respectfully!

"Okay, okay, there is no need to be too polite. Three distinguished guests, this person is the owner of the Colosseum, and the only one here who knows my identity."

Ban Du waved his hand and looked at Fang Ce and the others.


Fang Ce nodded.

"Thank you, my lord! Are these three lords distinguished guests from Middle-earth? Sure enough, they have an extraordinary temperament! I have just met a few adults!"

The fat man saluted Fang Ce and the other three again.

"Three honored guests, this beast fight hasn't started yet, but you want to play two hands here to your heart's content? Just let Gangtu help you place bets."

Ban Du smiled.

"Are the two beauties interested?"

Fang Ce smiled and looked at Xin Yu and Shang Wu. He naturally knew what Ban Du was talking about, which was to win or lose by buying the beast.

I saw that both women frowned and shook their heads.

"Okay, let's play two games for Xiaosheng. Master Ban, how is this betting method?"

Fang Ce looked at Ban Du.

"Gangtu, explain to the distinguished guests."

Ban Du looked at Gangtu.

"Yes! My lord! My dear guest, there are many ways to bet, but the more conventional ones are, betting on one hit kills, and you pay ten for one. Betting on one hourglass time wins, and you pay five for one. Pay three. Bet on three hourglass time wins, one pays two. Simply betting on the outcome, one pays one.

In addition, every time you win a gold coin, you need to give the Colosseum a copper coin as a handling fee.However, for adults and three distinguished guests, this handling fee is naturally waived. "

He responded with a flattering face, and the Martial God Class can decide whether his Colosseum can continue to operate with a single sentence, and he is too late to give gifts, so how dare he charge a handling fee?

"Hmm...it's interesting..."

Fang Ce nodded: "The little student bet... bet..."

"Guest, I suggest that you bet on the ape demon. It will be more stable. This guy's comprehensive strength is much stronger than that of Karin. The outsiders outside don't know. But the guest is here for the first time, and he bets directly. It's a gamble on luck. Of course, if the distinguished guests want to pursue excitement and win in danger, they can also try to bet on Karin. But, the odds of winning are really not high."

Gangtu responded cautiously.

"Well, I will follow your suggestion and bet on Yuan Mosheng, a spirit stone."

Fang Ce nodded in response.

"Eh!? Okay, okay, one piece of spirit stone is [-] gold coins, and [-] gold coins bet on Yuanmo wins, right? Your honored guest."

Gangtu's face was a little stiff, but he recovered in an instant.

"Well, I'm here for the first time, and I don't have any coins here."

Fang Ce nodded with a smile, and took out a Lingshi casually.He had chatted with Ban Du before, and he already knew about the currency here, such as gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins.One gold coin is equal to ten silver coins, and one silver coin is equal to ten copper coins.

"It's okay, it's okay, I won't accept this spirit stone if it's small. The distinguished guests can just wait for the money later."

Gangtu quickly waved his hand.

"Oh...that's good, good, good."

Fang Ce nodded with joy.

"Then I will also buy a thousand gold coins for the ape demon to win."

Ban Du smiled and said, he was simply joining in the fun with Fang Ce.

"Okay! Ok!"

Gangtu hastily nodded again.

After waiting for a while, excited and noisy voices came from outside.

"I'm coming!"

"The battle is about to begin!!"

"Hahaha! This beautiful warrior Karin is really in great shape, but it's a pity that Han Qi won't change hands, otherwise, hehe..."


Fang Ce and the others looked down into the arena.

I saw a tall and hot female slave with a collar, a silver armor, and a ponytail with a pretty face coming to the arena.

On the other side is a gray giant ape nearly two people tall!
A roar!
The gray giant ape raised its strong chest and made a loud bang bang bang!
Karin suddenly showed a dignified look, clenched her fists, and there was still a look of unwillingness in her eyes.It's a pity that she is powerless to resist this cruel fate...

Another growl.

The flames of the ape demon's fists rose, and it attacked Karin first.

Karin's heart shuddered, golden qi erupted from her body, her figure flashed, she quickly avoided the attack, and punched the ape demon's head with a backhand punch!

The ape demon just tilted his head slightly, and his meridians popped up abruptly!


Karin's complexion changed, but she could already see the flaming fist of the ape demon calling over again.


A groan!
Blood was bleeding from the corner of Karin's mouth, and she was blown away!

Immediately, the audience screamed and screamed.

The ape demon roared and continued to attack Karin fiercely.

Karin's heart sank, she quickly avoided, and started fighting with the ape moyou.

"Hmm... It seems that this ape demon is really winning..."

Fang Ce nodded. The ape demon was very strong, and he had the ability to repair fire, restraining Karin's gold-type true energy.If Karin doesn't have any absolute backup, there is no chance of winning at all.

"Honored guest, most of the slave monsters who participated in this beast battle know the strength of their hands. There are only a few who participated for the first time, and their strength is not fully understood. But the powerful ones are only those ones, and they can be seen at a glance."

Gangtu opened his mouth cautiously.

"Well, what are the rules of your beast fighting? Are these slave monsters brought by the slave owners themselves?"

Fang Ce was curious.

"Oh, the rules are like this. Anyone who has a slave monster can bring it to sign up for this beast fight, but it must be under 300 years of cultivation, otherwise it will be too exaggerated, and the impact will be bad. Then, as long as anyone in the Those who win the battle can win one hundred gold coins.

In addition, after winning, you can choose a winning streak challenge, that is, you can continue to meet the next opponent without getting off the arena. If you win two games in a row, you can get a total of [-] gold coins, three games a total of [-] gold coins, and four games [-] gold coins , [-] gold coins for five games, and [-] gold coins for [-] games.

If you lose in the winning streak challenge, you will lose all bonuses directly.So whether you want to continue to challenge, you have to think carefully.Under normal circumstances, there are not many consecutive challenges, unless you are very confident in your slaves or monsters.

In the end, those who won ten games in a row can also be qualified to challenge the top ten beast kings. As long as they win one of the top ten beast kings, they can get an additional [-] gold coins. "

Just respond.

"This sounds quite interesting, and the bonus is also very generous..."

Fang Ce couldn't help but nodded. Leaving aside the inhuman part of slavery, the rules of the Colosseum here are really interesting. No wonder the people here are so crazy...

"Haha, if the distinguished guests are interested, they can also buy a couple of slaves to play around with. As distinguished guests, these slaves are not worth a lot of money."

Just responded with a smile.

"Well...you can consider..."

Fang Ce nodded.

Xin Yu who was at the side frowned slightly when she heard the words, but she believed that Fang Ce should just agree with each other and not take it seriously.

After chatting for a while.

A scream sounded, followed by exclamations and cheers!

On the arena, Karin was seriously injured by the fierce ape demon's punch, and collapsed to the ground!
"Hahahaha! I said that the ape demon can win! It is simply an overwhelming advantage!"

"Damn! Lost again!!"

There was another commotion.

"Congratulations to your lord and distinguished guests for winning rewards!"

Gangtu quickly congratulated.

"Well, not bad."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded, still looking at the arena.

At this moment, the atmosphere on the arena became a little more subtle.

The ape demon stared fixedly at the beauty Karin, who had collapsed on the ground with red eyes and was already struggling to move. There was something strange in his eyes gradually.

Just when everyone was a little suspicious.

The ape demon suddenly strode towards the beauty Karin with big strides, and then quickly held her down, tearing off her tattered silver armor that couldn't cover too much!The panting appearance of the ape demon actually wanted to commit violence on the spot!
(End of this chapter)

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