Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 359 Ten Thousand Gold Coins, The Stunning Female Slave of the Winged Man!

Chapter 359 [-] Gold Coins, Winged Slaves!
"No! Stop it! Stop it!! Help me! Someone save me! Master save me!"

The beauty Karin suddenly screamed in horror and begged and struggled, her face full of fear and fear.

However, seeing such a situation, all the audience screamed excitedly.

"Okay! Go! Go! Go! Go!"

"Go! Go!"

"Hahahaha! This bastard seems to have held back for a long time!"

"By the way, it's been more than ten days since I saw this wonderful scene! Up and down!"

Amid the applause and cheers, the crowd showed no intention of helping to stop it, and some were just looking forward to what would happen next!

Seeing such a situation, the beauty Karin's heart suddenly became cold, and she was completely desperate. She could already foresee how miserable she would die.

At this moment, in the private room.

"Haha, it's a coincidence that these distinguished guests come to meet such a wonderful program. It doesn't happen very often."

The gangster also showed a look of excitement, and there was an intention of asking for credit and flattery on his face.

Just when everyone was completely insane, and they were about to see the 'good show' they wanted to see!
Suddenly a gust of cold air swept down the iron net!Ka Ka Ka!In an instant, the ape demon who was about to plot evil was directly frozen into an ice sculpture!
Immediately, everyone seemed to empathize with them, and they all became excited, and their enthusiasm was instantly cooled down, and then they all looked over to the private room.

Because everyone can see that the cold air is coming from here!

"Thank you, sir, for saving my life! Thank you, sir, for saving my life!"

And Karin had already broken free from the clutches of the ape demon, hugged the broken clothes and armor tightly, knelt down and kowtowed.

At this time, in the private room, except for Fang Ce, everyone's eyes fell on Xin Yu.

I saw Xin Yu Zhengyu stretching out her finger, pointing at the beast arena below, and there was still a icy cold light on the fingertips, obviously it was her who made the move.Because of this kind of thing, she really can't stand it anymore!
Fang Ce had a casual look on his face. Naturally, he would not be surprised that the fairy would make a move.

The gangster on the side stared blankly at Xin Yu, then at Ban Du, but for a moment he didn't know how to react, it was so sudden, and the woman in front of him was obviously not the owner of the Colosseum like him. If you can afford to provoke, only the Martial God Bandu has the right to decide!
"I'm sorry, this is too cruel and inhuman, and I shouldn't be so laissez-faire. If there is any offence, I hope you can forgive me."

Xin Yu lightly clasped her fist at Ban Du.

"Haha, what the distinguished guest said is not bad. There are indeed a lot of absurd things happening here, which made the distinguished guest laugh."

Ban Du looked apologetic.

"Continue to the next game! Don't let this kind of scandal happen again, let the adults see a joke!!"

Gang Tudang even lowered his head and scolded.

"Next match, Black Tiger vs. Dire Wolf!"

The boss of Fighting Beast also understood quickly, knowing that the adults in the private room didn't want to see this scene, so naturally he couldn't be disobedient.

And the crowd of spectators began to discuss, guessing who is in the private room. If other people disturb their interest, it will definitely arouse public outrage, but they all know that this private room is not simple.It was almost empty all the time, but the Colosseum has always been taken care of by someone, which shows that it has an unusual background.

Go back to the private room.

"Ban Zunren, although the little girl can improve Fengshui for your country, it can be seen that people are actually a part of Fengshui. It is generally recognized in the world that Fengshui is a matter of terrain and environment. In fact, building a perfect Fengshui is a matter of the right time and place. Human harmony. If one of these points is corrupted, Feng Shui will also be ruined.

If the way of heaven wants to destroy a country, the first thing is to make it crazy.In many cases, natural disasters often cannot shake a country, and even make it more united and stronger.In history, the downfall of a country or a place basically started with the collapse of its rituals and music and the corruption of people's hearts. "

Xin Yu said softly.

"What Master Wei said is very true, and I have benefited a lot. Please rest assured that this Colosseum is also a place of punishment for criminals. Everyone will enjoy watching here and will not harm ordinary people."

Ban Du clasped his fists together.


Xin Yu tapped her head lightly, she naturally didn't believe that Ban Duzhen was easily persuaded to change by her.One can imagine the arrogance and arrogance in the heart of such a top powerhouse who holds the power of life and death and surpasses thousands of creatures. He even thinks that he can dominate everything and change the way of heaven. How can it be easily swayed by a few words?
The so-called ignorant is fearless, and the conceited is not self-aware.Only when a real catastrophe strikes, when there is despair and powerlessness, may one think of these words.

"Just now the owner, who will win this game?"

At this moment, Fang Ce asked with a smile.

"My lord, it's the mad wolf."

Gangtu responded immediately.

"Okay, then bet another [-] gold coins on Mad Wolf."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Okay! Ok!"

Gangtu nodded quickly.

Then a black tiger and a ferocious giant wolf were brought to the Colosseum to fight, and as Gangtu said, the wolf killed the black tiger.

Immediately after the next game, Gangtu helped Fang Ce win another [-] gold coins, so he had [-] gold coins.

Then there was a game, because there were new participants on both sides, and the gangster didn't know the result, so he didn't dare to give random suggestions and let Fang Ce make his own bet.Fang Ce randomly bet [-] gold coins, but won again...

Then came the last beast fight tonight. After getting the judgment of Gangtu, Fang Ce directly bet [-] gold coins on hand, and won another [-] gold coins.As a result, I got [-] gold coins in one night...

The gangster couldn't help but show a look of flesh pain, but he still hid it well...

Out of the Colosseum.

"Hahaha, Master Wushuang, you're really lucky tonight."

Ban Du laughed out loud. He also understood the hobbies of noble sons. He usually loves to gamble and fight when he has nothing to do. It seems that this guy in front of him is similar.

"No, no, it's still Tuoban Venerable Hong Fu."

Fang Ce waved his hands happily.

At this time, the surrounding slave auction tables became more lively, obviously because the entertainment in the Colosseum ended and people flocked outside to join in the fun.

Fang Ce and the others were walking.

"Stunning beauty and winged person! A hundred years of cultivation! I just got it back, and it's a new product that I haven't touched! The lowest price is [-] gold coins! Do you want it!?"

A yell sounded.

"Hey! This little girl is really stunning! A hundred years of cultivation, and it's still a new product?! Twenty thousand gold coins, you can definitely have it! I want it!"

"I'll offer [-]! I want it!"

"I pay twenty-three thousand!"

A sound of bidding followed.

"Stunning beauty? And is she a winged person? This is interesting! Let's go! Let's go and see!"

Fang Ce immediately looked interested, and even went in the direction of the sound.

Both Ban Du and Xin Yu were taken aback, then followed.

When they came to a brightly lit stage, there were excited discussions all around, and even frivolous whistles.

On that platform, there was a big iron cage next to a man dressed in black.

And inside the iron cage was a winged girl wearing handshakes, fetters and a slave collar, wrapped in white wings and curled up in the middle of the iron cage, with a pretty face full of panic, humiliation, helplessness and a hint of anger.

The winged girl was wearing a white gauze dress, with blond hair hanging loose, and a golden ponytail. Her skin was as white as pink jade, and her figure was graceful and plump, and there was a faint hollow on her body. The noble temperament of Orchid.

"Hiss! What a cute little beauty."

Fang Ce looked at the beauty in the cage and nodded involuntarily.

"Well, a winged beauty of this quality is indeed rare. This beauty alone is worth tens of thousands of gold coins. Mr. Wushuang, did you fall in love?"

Ban Du couldn't help but nodded in praise.

"That's for sure. This is the first time Xiaosheng has seen such a stunning beauty of a different race. The key is novelty. My son will give you [-] gold coins!!"

After Fang Ce finished speaking, he directly bid, because the price had already been called to [-] gold coins.

As soon as it fell, many people looked towards Fang Ce one after another, but they fell silent.

In Lishen Country, the average monthly income of ordinary people is only two to three thousand copper coins.And one gold coin is equivalent to one hundred copper coins, and 400 gold coins are [-] million copper coins, which is not a small amount.So Fang Ce raised the price by [-] gold coins as soon as he opened his mouth, which is naturally a bit scary.

"I... [-] gold coins!"

There was a voice of gritted teeth.

"Fifty thousand gold coins."

Fang Ce replied immediately.


There was a small gasp all around.

Because at this price, you can already buy 300-year-old slaves or monsters with good strength, and most of the people who will gather here are also rushing to go to the Colosseum to play.The appearance of such a stunning winged person is more of a surprise to them, and they will pay a lot of money to buy it, but it will not be too outrageous.

"You... you... fifty-five thousand!!"

The voice before seemed a little unconvinced and a little angry.

"One hundred thousand gold coins, if someone bids again, then I will not accompany you."

Fang Ce said casually, anyway, it was the gold coin just given by the owner of the Colosseum, so he wouldn't feel bad.If the other party really wants to make another offer, he really doesn't want it.Anyway, just play.

"Hiss! Crazy! Who the hell is this guy!?"

"One hundred thousand gold coins to buy such a little girl!? This can buy a top-quality monster with 300 years of cultivation!"

"Hmph, this bid, if it's not entrusted, it's being taken advantage of!"

Suddenly there was a commotion all around.

The previous competition voice was also dumb...

After all, this is really too outrageous, and it's not that no one present can afford it, but it's not worth it.Because this is purely equivalent to buying a female slave, no matter how beautiful it is, it will be boring to play for a while.She's not a famous lady, and her status as a slave is not worth the price.

"Ten... one hundred thousand gold coins! But there are still people who want it!?"

The excited and trembling voice of the man in black rang out. He really didn't expect to be able to sell it at such a price. It was originally estimated to be only [-] to [-] yuan. This is simply a surprise.

Naturally, no one bid anymore.

"Okay! One hundred thousand gold coins have been sold! My son, this winged slave is yours!"

The man in black hastily extended his hand to greet him, fearing that Fang Ce would repent.


Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

Xin Yu frowned slightly, a little puzzled as to what the plan was going to do, why would she buy a Yiren female slave?

Come to the table.

Fang Ce looked at the Winged Girl in the cage, only to see that her eyes became even more panicked.

At this time, the man in black opened the iron cage and shouted: "Come out!!"

The winged girl became even more frightened, with a look of resistance in her eyes, as if the cage used to imprison her had now become a shelter for her to escape from reality...

"I called you out, did you hear me!"

The man in black yelled angrily, pulled up the iron chain tied to the slave collar around the winged girl's neck, pulled it hard, dragged the winged girl out, and made her let out a low cry of fear.

The winged girl came outside, holding her body with her hands, lowering her head slightly, looking at Fang Ce with some fear and retreat.

"Young Master, this Yiren female slave is yours now. However, this female slave has a century-old cultivation base. Although her strength has been sealed, she is still a little dangerous. You must be careful..."

The man in black looked at Fang Ce for a while, and found that Fang Ce didn't seem to have much strength, and worried that Fang Ce would not be able to grasp the winged girl.

"Oh, it's okay. Shangwu girl, please help me watch first."

Fang Ce gave Shang Wu a glance, and took out ten spirit stones and handed them to the man in black suit. Because the amount of [-] gold coins is still a bit large, the Colosseum will still be converted into spirit stones.

Shang Wu nodded knowingly, and took the chain.

"Haha, congratulations to Mr. Wushuang on his beautiful return. It seems that he will be blessed again tonight."

Ban Du smiled.

When the winged girl heard the words, she couldn't help but cast a glance at Ban Du, but just this one glance made her beautiful eyes widen slightly, her delicate body trembled, and then she quickly lowered her head.

Fang Shizuo was surprised. Although it was only for a short moment, he still caught the strange appearance of the winged girl, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"No, no, Venerable Ban is really joking. Xiaosheng is just out of curiosity, not what Venerable Ban thinks."

Fang Ce immediately waved to Ban Du, as if you misunderstood.

"Hahaha, okay. By the way, Mr. Wushuang still wants to buy another slave to play in the Colosseum in the future?"

"Isn't this all right?"

Fang Ce casually pointed to the winged girl.

The winged girl suddenly trembled again, her pretty face turned pale, she also knew what was going on in the Colosseum in the Kingdom of God.But for those who lose in the Colosseum, nine out of ten will not survive, and the remaining one will basically end up crippled, and the days to come will be extremely miserable, especially the female slaves...

"This... This little beauty is naturally okay, but she only has a hundred years of cultivation. Mr. Wushuang spent [-] gold coins to buy it back. If you go to the Colosseum to play, it is very likely that you will disappear immediately."

Ban Du was slightly stunned, he naturally knew what was going on in the Colosseum.And Fang Ce spent [-] gold coins to buy such a female slave and throw it in, it would be almost free.After all, with a century of cultivation, it is impossible to win back one hundred thousand gold coins...

"Hey, it's just for fun, what's the matter?"

Fang Ce shook his head amusedly, acting like a dandy.

"That's right, with the status of Master Wushuang, a mere hundred thousand gold coins is really not enough."

Ben nodded.

At this moment, the Yiren girl's complexion was even paler, her heart felt cold, she thought she had fallen into the magic cave, and she was also afraid of Fang Ce's identity, because she knew that Ban Du was a martial god!And what is the origin of the person who can make Ban Du treat him so courteously! ?

(End of this chapter)

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