Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 360 The Winged Princess, the Rise and Fall of the Winged Kingdom

Chapter 360 The Winged Princess, the Rise and Fall of the Winged Kingdom

After buying the Yiren girl, Ban Du took Fang Ce and the other three to tour the rest of the royal city.

Along the way, Ban Du kept introducing Fang Ce and the other three.

The winged girl followed quietly and hesitantly. From the conversation between Fang Ce and Ban Du, she also gradually knew that the three of Fang Ce came from the distant Middle-Earth Continent.It's just that she is not in the mood to explore these things curiously. After all, she is in prison, and what she wants most is naturally how to get out and return to her home...

Gradually, the night was dark, and Ban Du took a few people back to the palace and castle.

Fang Ce asked the servant girl in the castle to wash her body before sending it to the room.

When the winged girl was sent back, she was wearing a sexy, explicit and seductive exotic purple gauze dress, coupled with the embarrassed and at a loss look on her pretty face, it was even more exciting.

"Hiss, little beauty, come over to Master."

Fang Ce sat on the soft red stool with a look of excitement.

Xin Yu, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, couldn't help frowning slightly when she heard the words.

The winged girl showed a trace of panic, and wanted to turn around and flee, but she knew that this was the palace of King Lishen, and it was impossible for her to escape, and if she failed to escape, her fate would be miserable. Thinking of this, she felt even more afraid endlessly.

"Huh? Little beauty, are you going to disobey the master's order? Come here."

Fang Ce took the time to rest, with an air of calm and prestige.

The winged girl was startled again, and couldn't help walking towards Fang Ce step by step with trembling steps, feeling desperate and sad in her heart, she really didn't expect that she would end up like this after coming out to practice this time, the future is already dark, I'm afraid I won't see it again glimmer of hope...

Waiting to come to Fang Ce.


A big laugh.

At the same time, a shriek sounded.

I saw Fang Ce embraced the winged girl with a big hand, and hugged the winged girl directly. The moist and soft body was really wonderful to the touch, and the winged girl still had the fragrance of flowers left after bathing, which was very pleasant to smell.

"No... Please... let me go..."

The winged girl couldn't help resisting and struggling, with tears streaming down the corners of her eyes. Although she had already imagined her upcoming encounter, she still couldn't face it and accept it when she actually encountered it...

"Mmm... that's awesome..."

Fang Ce comfortably followed the soft feathers of the Winged Girl's wings with his big hands, and sniffed gently with his nose.

The winged girl was even more sad and desperate, her tears kept falling, she was destined to fall into the endless abyss tonight...

"Master Fang...Master Fang!"

Xin Yu's voice sounded immediately, she couldn't stand it anymore, what is this guy doing?
"Ahem, the little beauty is so attractive, Xiaosheng can't help himself for a while. Okay, let's talk about business."

Fang Ce stopped threatening the winged girl immediately, and looked as if he had recovered, but still held the girl in his arms with both hands.

The winged girl was also startled, and turned her head to look at Xin Yu with some puzzlement. There was still panic on Li Hua's pretty face with rain, and she looked very pitiful.

"Well...Little beauty, if you want to keep tonight, just cooperate obediently, master, I can answer whatever I ask you."

Fang Ce caressed the girl's soft white wings with a smile, the feeling was so comfortable...

"You...you...what do you want to ask..."

The winged girl was startled, and Fang Ce's words gave her a glimmer of hope.Although the other party may just lie to her, it is still a glimmer of hope, no matter how slim she is, she still has to struggle...

However, Fang Ce's actions at this moment still made her very embarrassed.

"Huh? I want to call the master."

Fang Ce raised his eyebrows, looking a little unhappy.

"Yes... yes... lord... master... what do you want to ask..."

The Winged Girl was afraid of the mumbled response.

"Fang Ce!"

At this time, Xin Yu, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, couldn't help but raise her waist upside down, what's wrong with this guy?Came here and got into a bad habit?

"Uh... Fairy, this was bought for a hundred thousand gold coins. Even a slave has to serve his master well? Isn't that too much?"

Fang Ce looked innocent.

"You... hurry up and get down to business!"

When Xin Yu heard the words, she felt powerless to refute, she felt sullen in her heart, and couldn't help but look annoyed.

"Okay, little beauty, what's your name?"

Fang Ce asked the winged girl.

"You...You Dai..."

"You Dai? But the real name?"

"Yes, it is……"

A trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the winged girl, which was naturally caught by Fang Ce.

"Okay, do you know who we are?"

Fang Ce nodded, he didn't intend to keep asking the girl's identity, because that wasn't the point.

"Know...know...you are from the distant Middle-Earth Continent..."

"It's good to know, master, I bought you back, but it's really nothing. I just got curious about you Yiren, so I just bought you back. I heard that you Yiren used to have a country, right?"

"Yes, it is……"

"How did it die?"

Fang Ce asked, although Ban Du mentioned before that Yiren Kingdom was destroyed because of being too cruel, but he is not sure how true or false this statement is.


There was a trace of sadness in You Dai's eyes: "Our Yiren Kingdom was wiped out by the joint efforts of the Power God Kingdom and the Shenhu Kingdom..."

"Oh? Shenhu Kingdom? Because your Yiren Kingdom is too brutal and invades everywhere?"

"No! No! There is no such thing!"

You Dai immediately shook her head to retort, anger and resentment appeared on her pretty face, but there was a trace of anger.

"No? What's the matter? It's all right, why did the two countries join forces to destroy you?"

Fang Ce looked skeptical.

"At the beginning, it was the Lishen Kingdom and the Shenhu Kingdom who were aggressive, especially the Lishen Kingdom. They all invaded our Yiren Kingdom, but they were all suppressed by our Yiren ancestor king. At that time, our ancestor king was unmatched , directly beat the two countries honestly.

For a long time after that, because of the existence of our ancestors, the peaceful development of the Three Kingdoms was maintained.Back then...if our patriarch had been a little bit more ambitious, the Kingdom of Power God and the Kingdom of God Tiger would have been gone long ago.How can...how can..."

Speaking of the latter part, You Dai already bit her lip and couldn't continue, with a look of unwillingness and sorrow on her face, it was obvious that she wanted to say that the Yiren Kingdom would not be reduced to ruin, nor would she be reduced to the point of being a slave.

"Is that so? Then how did your Yiren Kingdom be wiped out, how was it defeated? Isn't the ancestor king you said invincible? Who was it defeated by?"

"The reason for the demise of the Yiren Kingdom is... because the ancestor king was too confident in his own strength, and was deceived by the ancestor king of the Lishen Kingdom to this country. Then the ancestor of the Lishen Kingdom teamed up with the Martial God Bandu and the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom, and then used strength The Guiling Thunder Cannon invented by the Kingdom of God in recent years cooperated with the sneak attack and led to its fall. The ancestor king fell, and our Yiren Kingdom could not resist the joint efforts of the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Shenhu, and was eventually wiped out..."

You Dai had a dejected look on her face.

"Oh...how did you get caught and auctioned off, little beauty?"

Fang Ce nodded.

"I... I came out to practice, accidentally..."

"Come out to practice? Does your Yiren Kingdom still have any remaining strength?"

"Well... After the Yiren Kingdom was destroyed, almost all of its people were enslaved. But some of them fled to the Tianfeng Mountain Range, because the terrain in the Tianfeng Mountain Range is complicated, and for our Yiren who are born to fly Said, it has a considerable advantage. So we can barely survive in it. But... Every year, many people from the Lishen Kingdom and the Shenhu Kingdom come to hunt in the Tianfeng Mountain Range to capture us Yiren... "

"This...it sounds pitiful. I don't know if it's true or not. What I heard from Venerable Ban is not the same thing."

Fang Ce looked skeptical.

"I didn't lie to you! That Martial God Bandu is not a good thing! You don't have to believe it, I don't need to let you believe it!"

You Dai suddenly looked stubborn.

"Huh? Is that how you talk to Master?"

Fang Ce frowned.

"No...no...I didn't mean to offend, please forgive me, master! Please forgive me, master!"

You Dai hurriedly apologized and begged for mercy, suddenly remembered her own situation, and was held in the arms of the other party and did whatever she wanted, unable to resist, she couldn't help feeling sad again.

Xin Yu on the side had a look of sympathy, she could naturally see that You Dai was not lying.

"Hmph, if there is another time, don't blame the master for being ruthless."

Fang Ce snorted lightly.

"Yes... yes... Master, You Dai will never dare again..."

You Dai responded obediently.

Xin Yu was even more angry. Although she knew that Fang Ce was probably trying to scare people, but bullying a helpless and innocent little girl like this was too bad.

"Okay, it's getting late. Little beauty, let's go back to bed."

Fang Ce hugged You Dai by the waist and stood up.

"Master!? Didn't you say, let me go tonight!?"

You Dai's beautiful eyes widened immediately, her hands resisted and wanted to break free, her pretty face was full of panic, and there was a trace of anger that she didn't dare to express.

"Don't worry, as long as you cooperate obediently and obey me, Master, I will keep my word. Let's go back to the room and sleep."

Fang Ce put You Dai down with a smile, put his arms around her small waist, and walked towards the door.

"You...you...master, you...don't lie to me?"

You Dai followed Fang Ce stiffly.

"What? You want the master to lie to you?"

"No... not..."

You Dai hastily shook her head.

As he said that, Fang Ce had already opened the door, closed the door with the little beauty in his arms and left, leaving a cool sentence: "See you two beauties tomorrow morning."

"This guy……"

Xin Yu couldn't help but feel angry, but she also believed that Fang Ce would not act recklessly, and his behavior must have intentions.After spending at least [-] gold coins to buy such a stunning female slave, it would be a bit suspicious if she still played with sleeping in separate rooms.

In addition, she also saw that You Dai's identity should not be simple, she must have a considerable status among Yiren, maybe this is one of the reasons why Fang Ce bought her back?

"My lord, I'm going back to my room too, and you should go to bed earlier."

Shang Wu stood up and saluted.

"OK, good night."

Xin Yu stood up and returned the gift.


Fang Ce took You Dai back to the room, and he waved his hand, "Come, wait for Master to undress."


You Dai suddenly opened her beautiful eyes.


"Yes, it is……"

You Dai hurriedly undressed Fang Ce cautiously, her little hands trembling slightly, she could only hope that Fang Ce would not break his promise...

After You Dai took off Fang Ce's clothes, Fang Ce asked him to wait for him to change into his pajamas, and then lay down lazily on the bed.

Seeing this, You Dai couldn't help but startled, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief, the master really didn't intend to have her tonight?
"Come up, give master a good massage, if you can make me sleep comfortably, you will be fine tonight, ha..."

Fang Ce yawned.

You Dai froze immediately, it seemed that things were not so easy, but she had no choice but to grit her silver teeth, climb onto the bed carefully, and massage Fang Ce.

"Hmm...a little bit harder, haven't you eaten yet?"

"Yes... yes, master..."

You Dai quickly responded and continued to serve Fang Ce cautiously.

As time passed, there was a slight snoring sound, but Fang Ce 'sleeped'.

"Master... Master?"

You Dai couldn't help calling softly cautiously, seeing that Fang Ce didn't respond, the tension in her heart suddenly relaxed, and then her eye sockets turned red quickly, her nose soured, and her eyes were already foggy.

She couldn't help but quickly covered her small mouth and nose, which was about to sob, for fear of waking Fang Ce who was sleeping soundly.

You Dai's petite body was trembling but she didn't dare to make any movement, she carefully moved to the corner of the bed, wrapped her wings tightly around her body, still covered her small mouth, let the tears fall uncontrollably, and sobbed silently.During the days when she was caught, helpless, she was in fear all the time. Only at this moment did she get a sliver of peace, but she didn't know how long it could last...

She raised her eyes, and looked at the sleeping figure on the bed with tears in her eyes through the moonlight.She really wanted to escape, but she didn't dare because she was too weak.In the capital of the Lishen Kingdom, where the strong are like clouds, and it is still in the palace.She has no possibility of escaping at all, and once she is caught escaping, what awaits her will be doomed...

Even if she was lucky enough to escape from the palace and the Lishen King City, she would not know how to return to the Tianfeng Mountain Range.For the current Winged Human Race, the world outside the Tianfeng Mountain Range is a forbidden land full of dangers.But almost none of the Yiren who left the Tianfeng Mountain Range could return.

So, now a very ironic fact is in front of her, meeting a slightly better master may be her only way out.No, not the way out, but the only luck...

At this moment, with his back to You Dai, Fang Ce, who had fallen into a 'sleep', slowly opened his eyes, and naturally knew You Dai's every move like the palm of his hand.But he didn't want to say anything more, it wasn't necessary for him.In addition, if he guessed correctly, this winged girl is most likely from the winged royal family.

Because You Dai's temperament is obviously not simple, the most important thing is that she knows the Martial God Bandu!You must know that many nobles in Lishen Kingdom may not know Martial God Bandu.And such a weak and obviously young Yiren girl can recognize the Martial God Ban Du at a glance.There is no other possibility except that when Yi Renguo was still there, he had seen the god of war, Ban Du.

And the Yiren who can see the Martial God Bandu is definitely not an ordinary Yiren, and at such a young age, he can basically be a member of the royal family.

Originally, he bought this winged girl out of curiosity and a little bit of sympathy, just to inquire about news by the way.Of course, it is undeniable that the stunning beauty of this winged girl is also one of the reasons that aroused his interest...

Then Fang Ce closed his eyes and continued to rest his mind.

You Dai cried and cried and gradually fell asleep. This sleep was the most peaceful sleep she had these days, even though she fell asleep sitting up...

(End of this chapter)

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