Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 361 The Winged Girl Who Was Forced to Fight Beasts to Make Money for the Master

Chapter 361 The Winged Girl Who Was Forced to Fight Beasts to Make Money for the Master
The next morning.

"My lord... my lord..."

There was a whisper and a soft knock on the door.

You Dai woke up suddenly, seeing Fang Ce who seemed to be still asleep, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then she quietly crawled to Fang Ce's side and knelt down, stretched out her hand and gently pushed Fang Ce: "Master, it's dawn... ..."

"Hmm... is it dawn?"

Fang Ce stood up and stretched, "It's really comfortable..."

"Is your lord awake?"

There was another soft call from outside, it was the voice of the head maid who served Fang Ce and the others in the palace.

"Well, come in. The little beauty is changing clothes for the master."

Fang Ce responded casually, then got up and asked You Dai to help him change his clothes.

The door of the room was also opened, and several maids walked in lightly with washbasins in their hands, and they began to serve Fang Ce to wash up together.

Afterwards Fang Ce and Xin Yu were taken to a garden where they had dinner with the King You Ke and Ban Du.

The breakfast was fresh cheese, a cup of refreshing drink, and an omelet made of unknown origin. Anyway, Fang Ce was sure it wasn’t an egg, because the portion alone was the size of two omelets.

"Three honored guests, this is a special cheese made from beauty's fresh milk. It tastes extremely mellow. You should try it carefully."

You Ke picked up a piece of cheese and smiled at Fang Ce and the others.

"Huh? Beauty Fresh Milk?"

Fang Ce was stunned.

Xin Yu and Shang Wu looked at the cheese on the plate with strange expressions.

"Yes, this is a unique breakfast in the royal palace. It is provided by all kinds of beauties who specially offer it. Don't be too polite."

You Ke said and raised the drink next to him: "This is the morning dew condensed from the wisteria Tianxiang flower, the heavenly fragrance morning dew. Drinking it all year round can wash the scriptures and cut the marrow, and it is also very beneficial for cultivation."

"Oh... as expected, it's the breakfast in King Lishen's Palace..."

Fang Ce nodded, picked up a piece of special cheese, tasted it, and felt a mellow and comfortable taste overflowing, but he didn't expect the taste to be quite genuine, but he felt a little awkward...

Xin Yu and Shang Wu also took a bite of the cheese with strange expressions on their faces. After all, they didn't want to lose their etiquette, saying they couldn't get used to it...

Fang Ce took another sip of Tianxiang Morning Dew, feeling refreshed and refreshed. It was considered normal food. He ordered the fried egg with a fork again: "Your Majesty, what is this?"

"Oh, this is an egg laid by a hundred-year-old Golden Feather Chicken."

You Ke replied.

"Hmm...it's really a good thing..."

Fang Ce nodded, secretly thinking in his heart that the royal family of the God of Power is really extravagant...

"Three honored guests, we are going to start arranging a feng shui formation for our Lishen Kingdom today, aren't we?"

Yu Ke asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty. After a while, I will go to the surrounding area of ​​the royal city to check the terrain, and then I can start to arrange the Fengshui formation. According to my current estimation, this royal city is basically a sixth-class terrain. Your Majesty can start." First let people prepare a 20-jin ordinary jade mine."

Xin Yu responded.

"A 20-jin jade mine? Well, it's not a big problem. It may take several days."

Yu Ke nodded.



After breakfast, Fang Ce and the others walked out of the palace with You Dai, and began to investigate the terrain of the royal city outside.Ban Du was accompanied by Chaobu and others, and at the same time protected the safety of Fang Ce and the others. In fact, they just wanted to master Xin Yu's steps in arranging the Feng Shui formation.

Along the way, You Dai followed silently with her head bowed. Ban Du is one of the biggest enemies of Yiren Kingdom. She is right in front of her at this moment. Although she hates it immensely, she sadly has no courage to take revenge at all, and even has only fear in her heart. and fear.Her strength is in front of Ban Du, she can't even be called an ant, so how can she talk about revenge...

After walking around the mountains outside the royal city, Xin Yu also fully confirmed the topography of the royal city, which is indeed a sixth-class terrain, and only waited for the sculpture materials to be prepared.

At this moment, it is almost dusk.

"Okay, let's go to the Colosseum to play."

Fang Ce smiled.

You Dai's expression froze at the back, and she suddenly remembered that the master said last night that she would be used to fight beasts...

"Follow your honored guests."

Ben Du smiled and nodded.

Chaobu and the other three looked at You Dai behind with strange expressions. They also knew that Fang Ce spent [-] gold coins to buy this Yiren female slave yesterday.It's just that what they didn't expect was that Fang Ce played so crazy that he spent [-] gold coins for a night as a slave girl, and just threw it to the Colosseum to play?
Xin Yu on the side couldn't help frowning slightly.

When Fang Ce's people returned to Wangcheng and came to the Colosseum, the show had already started. Amidst the shouts and shouts, bloody fights were taking place on the Colosseum.

Inside the room.

"Owner, make arrangements for me, my son, this female slave, is going to participate in the beast fight."

Fang Ce casually pointed to You Dai behind him.

You Dai's delicate body trembled suddenly, her complexion turned pale instantly, her heart felt cold, she finally realized the reality thoroughly, why the master didn't force her last night, he really just wanted to use her to fight beasts for fun, the last hope in my heart After all, there is only a disillusioned ending...

"This... honored guest, you female slave, I heard that you bought it back with a hundred thousand gold coins. Is this fighting beast sure to win..."

Gangtu asked hesitantly. In his opinion, Fang Ce just wanted to win and have fun. It was impossible for such a stunning female slave who spent a lot of money to end up like this.

When You Dai heard the words, she couldn't help feeling a glimmer of hope. It seems that maybe her value as a slave can still be of some use...

"Oh, no special care is needed. Just follow the rules of the Colosseum, otherwise wouldn't it be boring?"

Fang Ce waved his hand.

You Dai's body froze, and Fang's glimmer of hope was shattered in an instant. After all, she was thinking too much. To the devil in front of her, maybe one hundred thousand gold coins is not worth mentioning at all, it's just for fun... …

"Oh... ok... ok... little one, let's make arrangements..."

Just nodded, glanced at the extremely pale You Dai, secretly thinking in his heart that the strategy is not to take money seriously, or maybe this stunning female slave did not serve well last night and angered the master...

"Haha, Mr. Wushuang really has a sense of elegance."

Ban Du laughed out loud, and chatted with Fang Ce while watching the beast fight.

You Dai is stiff at the back, feeling cold all over, standing here, she is nothing at all, everything is so out of place...

After a good moment.

"My dear guest, I have already arranged the beast fight for your female slave, and put it in the last one. Do you need to adjust it?"

I just came back to report that the beast fighting show was originally arranged in advance. For the effect of the show, every beast fighting must be carefully arranged to arouse the emotions of the viewers.Under the premise of ensuring that the Colosseum cannot lose money, the show must be kept exciting and there must be no signs of deliberately manipulating the outcome.Otherwise, how could these great nobles buy it, how could they be satisfied?

"Oh, is the finale a good show? Yes, yes."

Fang Ce nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, as long as the guest is satisfied. By the way, I don't know if the guest wants to make a bet, but I will do it for you right away."

Gangtu opened his mouth again, although according to last night's situation, this guy in front of him would probably cause him to bleed again, but this is something he can't help, he doesn't want to annoy the distinguished guests personally entertained by the Martial God Ban Dudu.

"Oh, no, I don't have any gold coins on hand right now. I spent all my money buying this slave girl last night. Now I can only wait for my slave girl to win the gold coins before I bet."

Fang Ce waved his hand.

"No... no gold coins? This... this... the small one can do it for you, and help the distinguished guests to pay first..."

Gangtu couldn't help but look weird, who the hell is this guy?Isn't this behavior too weird?Spend [-] gold coins to buy a female slave, and win money by fighting beasts?Not to mention that winning a game is only a hundred gold coins. He also understands the strength of this female slave. It is only a hundred years of cultivation. If she doesn't make it right, she may not win a game, and she will be useless...

As the owner of the Colosseum, he is very well-informed about the slave and monster trade in the surrounding area.Especially the female slaves bought by people like Fang Ce, didn't they investigate clearly in the first place?

"That's not necessary. The fun of gambling is to win big with a little bit, and you will have a sense of accomplishment. Does the owner really think that I am short of your gold coins?"

Fang Ce shook his head and said.

"Oh... no! No! That's the way it is, that's the way it is. It's a little ignorance, and it doesn't understand the high-level tastes of people like honored guests."

Gangtu waved his hand quickly, thinking in his heart: It seems that this guy really has no fun, he just came here for excitement...

"Haha, as expected of Mr. Wushuang, he has taste."

Ban Du couldn't help smiling.

Chaobu on the side is disdainful in his heart: Huh, you are just a clown, let me make you proud, and when you have no use value, let's see if you still have taste?
And You Dai was already in a daze, she couldn't hear what happened at all, and she didn't want to know what happened...

Gradually, one after another, the beast fights passed, and came to the last one.

"The last match, Berserk Lizard vs. You Dai!"

The resounding voice of the head of the fighting beast sounded.

"Brazy Lizard? You Dai? It seems that the last scene is a newcomer?"

"This crazy lizard appeared a few days ago and won a game. It's a little bit stronger."

"Let's bet on the mad lizard, that You Dai has no impression, maybe it was given for nothing."

A burst of discussion sounded.

A lizard man covered in scales has already arrived in the arena, his eyes are full of coldness. When he comes to this place, he will either kill the opponent or be killed. Without this awareness, he will not live long!

"It's this guy. I saw it a few days ago. His strength is average, but he's more vicious."

"Then bet on this."

"What about You Dai? Why didn't she appear? The name should be human, right? A female warrior again?"

"Why do I feel something is wrong, it seems that I made a wrong bet..."


At this time, in the private room, You Dai was stiff all over, and it was finally her turn to play... She was deeply afraid of the Colosseum because she had heard too many cruel descriptions related to it.

"My lord, it's time for your slave girl..."

Gangtu looked at Fang Ce, then at You Dai, with a questioning look on his face.

"Huh? Little beauty, why don't you go down? For the first round, don't embarrass me, Master. You know the end."

Fang Ce looked at You Dai.

You Dai trembled and tapped her head lightly: "Yes... yes... master... but my strength..."


Fang Ce suddenly realized, and looked at Shang Wu.

Shang Wu nodded in understanding, came to You Dai's side, put her jade hand on her shoulder, and quickly penetrated her spiritual power, unblocking the power in her body.

Feeling the recovery of her strength, You Dai felt relieved and clenched her fists, which gave her a sense of security. Then she gritted her teeth and walked slowly outside the private room, but her slightly trembling footsteps showed that she was still a little nervous and afraid.

Fang Ce showed a smile, he was not worried about You Dai's life at all.Because the owner of the Colosseum is a smart person, it is impossible for his female slave to lose in the first match like this.Taking a step back, it's impossible for his lord fairy to just sit back and let such a poor little girl have an accident.It can be said that even if he really wanted to cheat this little winged girl, he couldn't.

As for him letting You Dai participate in the beast fight, one is to put on a show, and the other is to be curious about the secrets of his winged female slave, and if he wants to delve deeper, the test of strength is naturally a starting point.Anyway, it's all right now, and it's not a problem to train a winged female slave for fun.

"What's going on!? That Yiren female slave!? She came out of that private room!? She is You Dai who participated in the beast fight!?"

"No way! I was tricked! A winged female slave with a hundred years of cultivation!? The mad lizard was clearly arranged!!"

"Gangtu, that damned bastard! This means trying to curry favor with that big shot!"

"Hahaha! It turned out to be her! The one who bought this slave girl last night turned out to be a big shot in the private room! Well, I've earned it now! Hahaha!"

"Haha! I also bet on You Dai! I guessed that the mad lizard might be used as a sacrifice."

There were bursts of cursing and laughter outside.

At this moment, on the arena, You Dai has come in front of the lizardman Kuangli.

Wild Lizard couldn't help clenching his fists, and looked at You Dai solemnly, Yiren was born with the ability to fly, which was already quite tricky, and he had only 63 years of cultivation, so he had no advantage at all.However, even so, he had to fight to the death!Because on this beast arena, regardless of life or death, it is basically impossible to leave!

And when she came to the arena, You Dai, who saw her opponent up close, was secretly relieved, she could see that her opponent was not very strong, and her chances of winning were not small!This is the scene, her life is safe!

"The battle begins!!"

The low voice of the head of the fighting beast sounded.


The Wild Lizard let out a roar, and quickly rushed towards You Dai. He couldn't let You Dai have a chance to fly, as long as he fought close to him, with his own strong physical advantage, it was entirely possible to win!
However, You Dai's heart trembled, she flapped her white wings lightly, and flew up quickly, not giving the mad lizard any chance at all.

The mad lizard that had jumped into the air roared again, its power exploded, and instantly a powerful water column blasted towards You Dai, but it was the most basic water technique.

You Dai frowned lightly, flipped her jade hand lightly, there was a flash of thunder in her palm, and then a thunderbolt crashed down!


The Wild Lizard was shocked immediately, sensing a dangerous aura!But he didn't have time to react!

I saw that Youdai's powerful thunder and lightning power easily disintegrated the water spell of the mad lizard, and landed on the mad lizard with a bang!

A scream!
The Wild Lizard was severely injured in an instant, and was thrown flying and fell to the ground!Immediately, his whole body twitched, obviously losing his fighting power!
Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that the winner would be decided after a face-to-face meeting!
"Lei Yuanti? Master Wushuang, you are a female slave who spent [-] gold coins, and you may not lose money..."

Ban Du smiled.

"Ha, there is such a good thing?"

Fang Ce also smiled.

Immediately there was a burst of applause and cheers outside.

Generally speaking, the fighting beasts here are all evenly matched, fighting to the death, and the winner is finally determined.Occasionally there will be one or two crushing battles, which is pleasantly surprised.

On the arena, feeling the cheers and praises from the crowd, and the recovery of her own strength, You Dai couldn't help but feel a bit of pride and joy, but soon became complicated, because she knew that these were purely for her status as a plaything. admiration rather than real admiration for a person...

Thinking of this, You Dai's mood lightened, and she was about to turn around and leave, but...

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

A shout sounded immediately!

You Dai was stunned, her face froze, as long as she won the battle, it would be fine if she could keep herself, she didn't intend to kill people...

The mad lizard who had lost its combat power became terrified. In order for the slaves and monsters to actively fight in this Colosseum, the rule set was to fight to the death, and the outcome was life and death!
(End of this chapter)

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