Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 363 The Winged Girl Fallen Because of Her Master Giving Too Much

Chapter 363 The Winged Girl Fallen Because of Her Master Giving Too Much

A tiger roared!
Catwoman's petite figure landed on all fours, and quickly ran towards You Dai. At the same time, the golden light of the claws in both hands shone, becoming sharper!

You Dai's expression was dull, she stretched out her jade palm, and a bolt of lightning blasted out first, but Catwoman deftly avoided it.

Catwoman dodged the attack, and continued to approach You Dai quickly through a detour.

Youdai frowned slightly, spread her wings, and when Catwoman attacked, she quickly flew up and dodged it.

At this time, Catwoman's attack failed, but immediately she climbed onto the huge iron net with all four limbs, staring at You Dai covetously.

"Good! Good! Good!"

The audience applauded.

I don't know if it's because the battle is exciting, or because Catwoman is wearing a short animal skin skirt, but the posture she is climbing on the iron net at this moment is really beautiful...

You Dai flew in the iron net, guarding against Catwoman's movements. The iron net limited her flying range, and Catwoman's movements were very dexterous, which was a bit threatening to her.

Catwoman's eyes turned, and when her figure moved, she quickly climbed and walked around the iron net, that extremely fast and dexterous speed was like walking on flat ground!
Seeing this, You Dai had to adjust her position again and again, fully alert.


Another roar of the tiger!
Catwoman came to the blind corner beside You Dai, jumped with all her strength, and quickly rushed towards You Dai!
You Dai's heart trembled, sensing the danger, she hurriedly backed away, and immediately passed by Catwoman, narrowly dodging the attack!
Catwoman flew into the air again, and landed on the iron net again, without stopping at all, she moved quickly again, looking for the next opportunity to make a move!
"The cat catches the bird, Goddess You Dai will not be defeated, right?"

Seeing this situation, the audience couldn't help but feel a little worried, of course it wasn't You Dai herself who was worried, but the chips they bet...

for a moment.


Catwoman let out another roar, but launched an offensive from a blind spot again!

"Hmph, I expected it a long time ago! Do you dare to use the same trick again?"

With a wave of You Dai's hand, a thunderstorm has been brewing!

"not good!!"

Catwoman's pupils shrank, and lightning was coming quickly in her eyes!


Catwoman let out a cry of pain, and was directly blasted to the ground!She endured the pain and got up quickly, wanting to fight again, but when Fang raised her head, she saw another thunderbolt coming!


You Dai's soft voice sounded.


Catwoman was blown away again, hit the iron net, and then fell to the ground, her limbs twitched, and she had already lost her fighting power.

"Goddess Youdai! Goddess Youdai!"

The audience cheered again.

You Dai calmly fell back to the ground, watching the catwoman being carried out by two big men, waiting for the third beast fight to come.

"The next match, the stunning beauty You Dai will face the lone wolf!"

The head of the fighting beast came to the fighting beast platform and announced loudly.

"Hiss! It turned out to be a lone wolf!? This guy is a bit ruthless!"

"Don't worry, Goddess You Dai is a winged person. Lone Wolf may not be as good as Catwoman in front of her."

A burst of discussion sounded.

Soon, a giant wolf with a height of one person was led to the arena, staring at You Dai covetously!Lone wolf!He was also the guy Fang Cefang met when he came to the Colosseum!
Seeing this, You Dai didn't hesitate at all, she flapped her wings first and flew into the low sky.

Roar! !

The Lone Wolf let out a roar, stared at You Dai, but showed a restless look, because he had no way to deal with the air...

"Hahahaha! I'll just say it! These guys are all given away! The grandson of the gangster, he doesn't dare to let Goddess Youdai lose!"

"Hahaha! This time I have to kill him hard!? I'm afraid he won't let me bet."

A burst of ridicule sounded immediately.

At this moment You Dai also saw the clues, knowing that the lone wolf couldn't do anything to her at all!She didn't waste much time, stretched out her jade hand, and cast thunder and lightning!
Roar! !

The lone wolf roared, his body surged with strength, but he quickly cast a large wall of earth to resist it!


A bang!
However, seeing that the earthen wall was quickly destroyed, and the aftermath of thunder and lightning continued to fall on the lone wolf, it made him grunt, and the injury was obviously not serious.

However, You Dai's offensive didn't stop, and thunder and lightning were launched one after another.

The lone wolf had no choice but to continue to use the earthen wall to resist, but he only resisted seven or eight times before falling to the ground and losing his fighting power.

Because You Dai is a Lei Yuan body, plus her cultivation base is higher than that of Lone Wolf, and Lone Wolf can only defend passively, it can be said that it is no different from a target, so naturally it will only end in a disastrous defeat.Fortunately, You Dai did not intend to kill, and the Colosseum also tacitly allowed You Dai to spare the opponent's life, otherwise the lone wolf, including the catwoman and the husband in front, would all die!

"Goddess Youdai! Goddess Youdai!"

The crowd cheered again.

Inside the room.

"Congratulations to your lord for winning three consecutive victories!"

Just now he congratulated Fang Ce, these three beast fights were still the victories he bestowed upon Fang Ce, and he also tested Tan Youdai's strength by the way.If he comes again next time, he will arrange a defeat for You Dai. Of course, he can't let You Dai lose too badly, so as not to embarrass Fang Ce.Although Fang Ce said that no special care is needed, but who knows if he really loses, will he hold grudges in his heart?

Therefore, the exit he arranges for You Dai later must be wonderful, and try to achieve the effect of the show as a loss.In this way, the discomfort of the other party can be alleviated as much as possible.

"Well, not bad, not bad."

Fang Ce showed satisfaction in cooperating, but he couldn't see that the difficulty of these three beast fights was not high, and the opponents in the first two rounds were obviously not as good as You Dai.Although the Lone Wolf in the third round is close to You Dai in cultivation, he has no anti-air ability. What is the difference between this and a waste?Isn't this purely free?
In addition, after these few beast fights, he has already won [-] gold coins. Although it is not much, after a few more rounds, he can reach a considerable amount.

Then Gangtu announced the end of today's beast fight.

All the gamblers outside became dissatisfied, expressing that they just couldn't afford to lose, and they didn't dare to let You Dai fight a few more times...

Late at night, in the palace.

"Oh...comfortable...Little beauty, this gesture is becoming more and more familiar..."

Back in the room, Fang Ce was still enjoying You Dai's massage.

"Thank you... Thank you, Master, for your compliment..."

You Dai replied in a daze, she was in a daze at this moment, this beast fight seemed too easy for her, did she not have special care as agreed?After a few games, the Colosseum seemed to be full of kindness towards her.Could it be that the master secretly took care of her?

"By the way, here you are, these are your rewards for tonight."

Fang Ce casually threw back one fruit after another.

You Dai was taken aback for a moment, and quickly reacted, she quickly stretched out her hands to catch them, and in an instant, five fruits fell into her arms.She took a closer look, her beautiful eyes widened instantly, full of shock: "They are all earth spirit fruits!?"

The five fruits in her bosom are all earth spirit fruits! !

"From now on, as long as you behave well and satisfy the master, there are plenty of these fruits, so you don't need to make a fuss, ha... keep pressing, don't stop..."

Fang Ce yawned lazily.

"Oh! Yes... yes! Master!!"

You Dai suddenly stuttered, and hurriedly continued to massage Fang Ce vigorously. At this time, she was full of shock in her heart!God!Is this earth spirit really just given away without money? ?What is the origin of her master! ?

For a moment, a thought arose in her mind, maybe there is nothing wrong with being a female slave?With such an unfathomable and generous master, her strength is guaranteed. As long as her strength rises, there will be hope for everything!As long as she serves her master well, maybe she can still find a chance for revenge, not necessarily...

Thinking about it, tears fell from the corners of You Dai's eyes for some reason. Is she finally going to compromise with fate?Let go of all self-esteem... let go of the pride you once had...

The next day, in the private room of the Colosseum.

"My lord, what are you going to do today?"

He just had a flattering smile on his face.

"Today... let's challenge the five-game winning streak."

Fang Zhizhi looked at You Dai behind him.This little girl is already very well-behaved, but she seems to have become a little melancholy?
At this time You Dai heard the words, and her emotions did not fluctuate as before, because she already knew that the fighting in the Colosseum was an opportunity for her now, and whether she could grasp it was up to her.As long as she can keep winning for the master, she can continue to get the spiritual fruit, and her strength can be continuously improved!Only in this way can she have a future, and only with a future can she revive the Yiren Kingdom...

"Hiss...five consecutive victories, Miss Youdai has already defeated a not weak opponent yesterday, today's opponent will be even stronger. This is not a small challenge."

Just had a look of surprise on his face.

"Okay, okay, just make arrangements."

Fang Ce waved his hand impatiently.

"Yes Yes!"

Gangtu hurriedly nodded and left.

After a while, the beast fight has already begun.

Next, a battle of beasts passed.

"The next match, the stunning beauty Youdai will fight the butcher!!"

The voice of the boss of the fighting beast sounded.

"Goddess Youdai! It's Goddess Youdai!"

"Hahaha! Now I can rest assured to win money again!"

"Hiss... this time the opponent is a butcher? This guy is not weak..."

"Hmph, it's just a butcher, what threat can it pose to Goddess You Dai?"

"That's right, this guy doesn't seem to be very good at fighting against air. Hahaha, let's bet with confidence, why worry? The goddess Youdai belongs to that big shot, how dare that bastard offend him?"

The excited voice of the crowd sounded.

The gangster in the private room looked at the situation outside and sneered. Today he has to teach these stupid things a lesson!
A moment later, You Dai had already arrived on the arena, and her opponent, the butcher this time, was a tall, burly guy with a huge kitchen knife in his hand, with various scars all over his body that made him look hideous!
Looking at the opponent in front of her, You Dai frowned slightly. This guy's cultivation base has reached 110 years, and his strength is obviously not simple. This is only the first match. I really can't predict what will happen in the next five matches.It seems that the Colosseum really didn't intend to take special care of her...

"Hmph, it's enviable for a girl with a good skin to be caught by such a big man. Just lie down on the bed, and you can live a good life."

The butcher could not help but let out a cold snort of disdain. He is also a slave. His experience can only be described as tragic. He has to endure inhuman torture every day. Looking at the girl in front of him who is quite high-spirited and like a star-studded moon, he feels very much in his heart. Unbalanced, he couldn't help but sneered.


How could You Dai fail to understand the meaning of the butcher's words, and a sense of shame suddenly surged in her heart, after all, she has indeed served her master very obediently now, and even slept in the same bed, although nothing happened, but thinking of It is also unspeakable.And she had that idea last night... Now that the butcher ridiculed her face to face, it was really embarrassing and she didn't know how to refute it.

"Suffer to death!!!"

A roar sounded!
The butcher suddenly charged at You Dai aggressively, his body was surrounded by water-blue true energy, and he slashed down with his giant knife!The torture he usually suffers from his master can only be vented in this colosseum. If it is an opponent in the past, he will definitely be tortured into a shapeless figure by him!But this stinky bitch in front of him has extraordinary strength, and with the backing of a big man behind her, he can only win!
You Dai's heart trembled, she quickly raised her jade hand, and a bolt of lightning blasted out.


Pain sounded!

The butcher was thrown backwards.


The butcher opened his eyes angrily, he didn't care about the injury and killed You Dai again!
You Dai frowned, another thunderbolt blasted out.

Blood overflowed from the corner of the butcher's mouth immediately, but this time he held on forcefully and continued to kill You Dai!
You Dai showed a trace of surprise, she flapped her wings and flew up quickly.

"Come down for me!!!"

The butcher roared angrily, and threw out the giant knife in his hand, slashing fiercely at You Dai who was flying up!


An inexplicable anger rose in You Dai's heart, and thunder and lightning came out again.

The giant knife was instantly blasted away.

The butcher couldn't help showing a look of shock.

At this moment, You Dai cast another bolt of lightning, and then blasted towards the butcher.Originally, she was only affected by the words of the butcher, and her mood was unstable, so she held back.Seeing that the other party is so aggressive, the shame in my heart has turned into anger!

A miserable howl!
The butcher was directly blown to the ground, unable to afford serious injuries!
"Goddess Youdai! Goddess Youdai!"

There was a burst of cheers immediately.

You Dai just frowned and looked at the butcher who fell on the ground, not having the joy of victory.


The butcher suddenly let out a miserable laugh, which gradually overwhelmed the cheers of everyone present.

Everyone couldn't help being taken aback, and looked at the butcher with some displeasure.


You Dai frowned, feeling a little harsh.

"Kill me! Kill me!"

The butcher struggled to get up, staring at You Dai with blood red eyes.

"I don't want to kill you."

You Dai frowned and shook her head.

"Hmph! You don't need to be hypocritical!! Don't kill me! I'll kill you!"

The butcher roared angrily, and actually supported his seriously injured body to kill You Dai again!If he is defeated in this battle, even if he does not die, there will be no good end for him when he goes back, and he must endure even more cruel torture!He has had enough!How about having fun today!

At this moment, You Dai couldn't help panicking, she couldn't understand why the other party was so hostile to her, they were obviously just slaves...

Suddenly, a terrifying flame swept down and engulfed the butcher directly!The butcher only had time to let out a miserable howl, and was burned to ashes in an instant!
You Dai was stunned for a moment, she didn't know who made the move, anyway, it wasn't from her master's side.

In the private room at the moment.

"My lord, that lowly slave really doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. He's gone crazy there even though he's saved his life. Just now, the steward who maintains order in the Colosseum made a move. Didn't it ruin your sense of humor?"

Gang just looked at Fang Ce with a flattering expression.

"Well...it's okay, let's continue."

Fang Ce smiled, he was no stranger to this kind of thing.As for the matter of the Power God Kingdom, he is not clear now, and has no reason to intervene.As long as you don't offend him, he naturally won't bother too much.

On the arena, You Dai's winning streak continued. Although You Dai's mood seemed to have dropped a lot, she won two more games quite easily.

Gangtu's complexion couldn't help but become a little weird, because originally according to his expectation, You Dai should end up losing in the third round, why did the situation seem to be wrong?

"Huh? What's going on? Mr. Wushuang, your slave girl's cultivation level is higher than before?"

Ban Du couldn't help showing doubts, he didn't pay much attention at first, but suddenly found that You Dai's cultivation seemed to be dozens of times higher than before, could it be that he remembered it wrong?To him, decades of cultivation was nothing at all, so he never paid too much attention to it.But I vaguely remember that the cultivation base of this female slave should be in the early 100s, but now she has a cultivation base of more than 160 years, which is obviously much higher!

"That's right! My lord! Didn't Miss Youdai only have the strength of a hundred years of cultivation!?"

The gangster also had a look of astonishment on his face, he had been investigated clearly before, and You Dai only had a cultivation base of a little over a hundred years!Why is it so much higher in cultivation now all of a sudden! ?

(End of this chapter)

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