Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 364 The Winged Girl Who Dedicated Everything Afraid of Being Abandoned

Chapter 364 The Winged Girl Who Gives Everything for Fear of Being Abandoned
"Ah? There is such a thing? I didn't pay attention?"

Fang Ce looked puzzled, he was not surprised that You Dai's change in cultivation would be discovered, but he was not worried, or it didn't matter!They have already set foot on this land, confirmed the existence of the source land, and made a deal.He no longer cares whether his strength will be discovered, anyway, it can't change the fact that he alone is enough to sweep the Kingdom of Power God.

Anyway, after the fairy has finished arranging the feng shui formation here, the source of earth power and divine kingdom will be handed over, or if not handed over.If you want to breach the contract, you have to weigh whether you can afford the consequences.Of course, as long as the opponent abides by the rules, he will still be polite, after all, he doesn't like to bully others with martial arts.

"Don't Master Wushuang also know? It's a bit weird..."

Ban Du frowned slightly, and he couldn't figure it out for a while, and he didn't suspect Fang Ce himself. Fang Ce's image in his heart had been completely fixed, just a straw bag, so it wasn't surprising that he didn't pay any attention to it.But his situation is completely opposite, because his own strength is strong enough, so that he doesn't pay much attention to these weak existences.

Thinking of this, Ban Du didn't intend to pay too much attention to it. What's so strange about the change in the strength of a mere hundred-year-old female slave?

And the slightly frowned brows of the gangster on the side also loosened: Forget it, 160 years of cultivation, just win a few more games, anyway, I can't pass the last test...

Just in case, he arranged a ruthless character in the last scene.I didn't expect it to come in handy...

A moment later, You Dai had already won the fourth match, and was greeted with cheers and applause.

Then came the fifth game.

"The next match, the stunning beauty Youdai will fight against the ape demon!!"

The resounding voice of the head of the fighting beast sounded.

"What!? Ape Demon!? Did I hear correctly!?"

"Hiss!? Isn't it, fighting the ape demon!?"

"The strength of the ape demon is not simple! And it has been cultivated for 200 years! Why did you arrange it like this? Could it be that the dog just wanted to make Goddess You Dai fail?"

"Hiss... something is wrong with this situation... I think it's better to accept it as soon as it's good..."

"Hmph, I don't believe it anymore, the gangster must not dare to let that big man lose, the ape demon is definitely not the opponent of Goddess You Dai!"

"Hey, do you still remember the last battle of the ape demon, who almost killed the beautiful warrior Karin on the spot? This time, they arranged for Goddess Youdai to be their opponent? Could it be..."

"What are you thinking? Last time, the ape demon was frozen into an ice sculpture by the big man in the private room and failed to succeed. This goddess Youdai belongs to the big man in the private room, and can she let this beast succeed?"

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, and many of them hesitated to make the bet this time, because it seemed that the odds of winning the ape demon were much higher!
In the private room at the moment.

"Ape Demon?"

Xin Yu frowned slightly, she didn't have a good impression of this beast.

"My lord, please don't worry, there will never be such a scandal as last time, and someone will stop it."

Gangtu hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

Xin Yu glanced at Gang Tu briefly, but didn't say much.


A roar came!
Immediately there was a sound of thump, thump, thump.

On the arena of beasts, the ape demon has arrived, beating his chest violently!

"200 years of cultivation!? And this momentum is so strong!"

You Dai's eyes were surprised, based on the strength she showed now, it is very likely that she is not this guy's opponent!It seems that the Colosseum did not take special care of her!This match is obviously going to make her lose!

At this time, the ape demon also stopped moving, staring at You Dai with red eyes, and at the same time let out heavy breathing sounds!

Seeing this, You Dai couldn't help frowning slightly, she just felt that the ape demon's eyes made her very uncomfortable and uncomfortable, as if she was going to strip her naked!
"Hey, this bastard is still holding back? Did his master do it on purpose? It's a pity that he is destined not to watch that extra good show. Otherwise, Goddess You Dai is so stunning..."

"Hmph, it must have been intentional. What's so strange? Even if it wasn't for the extra show. As long as you keep holding back the fire, this beast will always be in a violent state, and its strength is much more ferocious than usual."

The audience is still talking about it.

"Battle begins!"

At this moment, the boss of the fighting beast fell down with a bang!

The ape demon roared again, his huge fists instantly blazed, attacking You Dai ferociously!

You Dai's heart trembled, she didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly flew into the air.

However, the ape demon quickly punched out, a mass of terrifying flames, closely chasing You Dai!

You Dai hastily stretched out her hands, and thunder and lightning came out!


A groan!
You Dai was actually defeated, she couldn't help being blown backwards!

"No way! The ape demon is really stronger than the goddess Youdai!?"

"Hmph, needless to say? With your ass, you know that the strength of the ape demon is higher than that of the goddess Youdai."

"How is this possible? That bastard, dare to let Goddess You Dai lose? Aren't you afraid of offending that big shot in the private room?"

"Oh, maybe this is what the big man told me. Don't be too naive in everything. Fortunately, I have the foresight to bet on the ape demon this time, hahahaha! It's a pity that I was conservative and bet less!"

"Damn it! I was tricked by that dog Gangtu!"

There was commotion all around.

And in the private room.

"If nothing else happens, Master Wushuang, you stunning female slave, will lose this round. However, I still bet on you, peerless female slave, to win."

Ban Du smiled and said that he still supports Fang Ce.

"My lord, at this point, if you continue to win without any strong opponents, it will inevitably be almost dramatic, so..."

Gangtu looked at Fang Ce's expression carefully, and thought in his heart: We have already fought here, even if we lose, this one shouldn't be angry, right?
Fang Ce just watched the battle below calmly, he could naturally see that with You Dai's current performance, she couldn't pass the current level.Now he is rather curious about how You Dai will deal with this predicament.

Boom boom boom!
Amidst the repeated explosions, You Dai kept dodging on the beast arena, and at the same time cast lightning to resist the attack of the ape demon.But under the crazy flame attack of the ape demon, You Dai was injured one after another in the confrontation, and was obviously lost, and the defeat was only a matter of time!

"It's gone...Damn it! I'm really going to lose this time! Fortunately, I didn't bet much!"

"Hahaha, I'm still smart, so I bet the ape demon directly!"

Everyone also saw the situation clearly.

This guy is really powerful, if he continues like this, he will definitely lose...

In a hurry, You Dai couldn't help but look up at the private room, only to see that the owner just looked at her with a flat face, showing no emotion at all.

She couldn't help but gritted her teeth a little, and then let out a coquettish shout, and a more powerful force exploded from her body!
"Huh? This is?"

Ban Du couldn't help being surprised.


Fang Jue raised his eyebrows, did this little girl hide something?
In an instant, boom!I saw the terrifying thunderstorm unleashed in You Dai's hands!Directly disintegrate the flame attack of the ape demon, and continue to bombard the ape demon like a cripple!
The ape demon suddenly showed horror, and then let out a miserable howl, and was seriously injured by the bombardment and fell to the ground!
"What!? Thunderstorms!? Goddess Youdai can still have thunderstorms!?"

"Hahaha! As expected of Goddess Youdai! She even hid her hand! I was frightened! I just said, how could Goddess Youdai lose! Wahahaha!"

"No way! Can you still play like this? I was tricked by that dog Gangtu again!"

The nest exploded all around.

And in the private room.

"Thunderstorm...it's a bit of a surprise...Master Wushuang, it seems that you spent a hundred thousand gold coins really well..."

Ban Du smiled.


The corner of Gangtu's mouth twitched slightly, does this winged female slave still have this strength?He thought it was just an ordinary hundred-year-old winged man...

"Hey, what a surprise."

Fang Ce nodded with a smile, and clapped his hands happily.

"Haha! My lord, what a joy to congratulate! Five consecutive victories have been achieved! And this time I won another [-] gold coins!"

Gangtu hurriedly congratulated Fang Ce.

Fang Ce had already won 4 gold coins before, and tonight it was You Dai who was all-in. After five games, the gold coins on hand had turned over [-] gold coins, plus You Dai's bonus of [-] gold coins for five consecutive victories, There are a total of [-] gold coins.

"Well... If that's the case, let's go straight to the ten-game winning streak challenge tomorrow."

Fang Ce said to himself.

"Ten... ten consecutive victories... good... good..."

Gangtu nodded, that's fine, tonight because of You Dai's extraordinary performance, he didn't get his money back, and tomorrow's ten-game winning streak challenge will be able to get his money back.And after going through tonight's situation, tomorrow those idiots outside will definitely bet on You Dai without thinking, and he will be able to pay back his capital!

Afterwards, You Dai returned to the private room with an obedient appearance, came to Fang Ce, pursed her lips lightly and said, "Master... I'm back."

"Hahahaha! Not bad! Not bad! Come! Let the master hug you!"

Fang Ce laughed loudly, and directly took You Dai into his arms.

You Dai was stunned, at this time there was no sense of resistance, instead, there was an inexplicable joy in her heart as if she felt the same as her master.She was shocked again, could it be that she has really degenerated to the point of being a slave willingly?
"Okay, let's go, let's go back. Today, my son is very happy."

Fang Ce let go of You Dai, and led everyone away with a happy face.

You Dai silently followed behind, feeling very complicated.


Late at night, in the palace room.

"Here, tonight's reward. My Meijiao, you performed very well tonight, your master, I am very happy."

Fang Ce lay sideways on the bed, throwing out spirit fruits one after another.

"Thank you master!"

You Dai hastily caught the Earth Spirit Fruit and thanked her.

"I will continue to work hard tomorrow night, and I hope to give my master more surprises."

Fang Ce got up on his stomach and motioned for You Dai to give her a massage.

"Yes Master……"

You Dai obediently came to the side, and skillfully rubbed and pressed Fang Ce.Originally, she was a little worried that hiding her strength would cause displeasure to her master, but she didn't expect her master to be very happy. It seems that as long as she can win, this master doesn't care how much she hides or what she thinks.Thinking about it, her master's strength is unfathomable, how could she care about a mere female slave with a hundred years of cultivation...

Thinking of this, You Dai was completely at ease, but at the same time felt a bit of sadness, it was the sadness of being an ant...

"Master...Master...tomorrow, what is the challenge of this servant..."

You Dai asked cautiously, tonight the master directly rewarded her with fourteen Earth Spirit Fruits, enough for her to reach 300 years of cultivation!And the master plans to let her continue fighting beasts tomorrow...

"Ten consecutive victories challenge, let's pick the top ten beast kings by the way."

Fang Ce responded casually.

"Ten... ten consecutive victories to challenge... the top ten beast kings!?"

You Dai's beautiful eyes are wide open, this is to let her sweep the Colosseum! ?The problem is, she has no idea how many strong people there are in the Colosseum, and she has no idea what level the top ten beast masters are!
"What? Are you afraid?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"No no!"

You Dai quickly responded.

"Oh? Not afraid? So confident?"

"No! No!"

You Dai shook her head hastily again, she has no bottom at all, how can she not be afraid?It's just that if she is afraid of responding, she is afraid of making her master unhappy, but if she is not afraid of responding, if she loses tomorrow...

"Are you afraid or not?"

"I, I... slaves don't dare to be afraid..."

"Haha, forget it."

Fang Ce shook his head, and stopped bullying the little girl, how could he fail to see the little girl's psychology at this time?

"Master, tomorrow, what if the servants also win? Will we continue to fight beasts from now on..."

You Dai couldn't help asking again, she couldn't help but not understand these things, because even if she really could win this beast all the time, the master would get tired of it sooner or later.Especially if she can defeat the top ten beast kings tomorrow, then this fighting beast will have no more challenges.The existence of the master will definitely get boring soon, and the mood of the master determines her fate...

"Oh, that's not necessary."

"No need? Then... what will the servants do in the future?"

You Dai was taken aback, if she didn't have to fight beasts anymore, what else could she do?Staying by this master's side, she must be worthless, otherwise she will be abandoned sooner or later!

"Oh, do whatever you want."

Fang Ce said casually.

"Huh? Do whatever you want?"

You Dai suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, with a look of astonishment on her face, what kind of answer is this?She can't understand.

"If you can win the top ten beast kings tomorrow, you will be free. What you want to do is naturally your own business, there is no need to ask the master."

"Freedom? Lord...master...what do you mean?"

You Dai was taken aback for a moment, but then inexplicably trembled all over her body.

"Tomorrow, as long as you can win ten consecutive victories and defeat the top ten beast kings, you can win back [-] gold coins for my master. Let it be considered as offsetting the money for buying you. And this beast fighting game, your master, I have also cleared the level. Naturally, I have no intention of continuing to play. So, do you understand?"

Fang Ce responded with a smile, he had never planned to keep You Dai as a slave forever.It's just that the female slave bought back with [-] gold coins was released directly, which is not in compliance with the rules.You Dai spent him [-] gold coins, so there must be something to pay.If he can really defeat the top ten beast kings, help him earn back [-] gold coins.Then, he can release You Dai logically.

"This... this... lord... master... please, don't abandon your servants..."

At this moment, You Dai choked up with fear.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Fang Ce couldn't help but turned around to look at You Dai in doubt, at this moment, he was really puzzled, he was doing a good deed.Give him this little slave girl freedom, why is this little slave girl still crying?Could it be that his little slave girl misunderstood the meaning?
"Master... please... please... don't abandon this slave... slave... slave is willing to dedicate everything to you..."

You Dai was crying and crying, but she undressed directly and got up.

"No... wait..."

Fang Ce was even more stunned, but he didn't wait for him to finish.

There was a soft bang, and the gauze slipped down.

Under the dim moonlight, Yi Ren's hair is pouring like a golden waterfall, her white wings are slightly folded, her pretty face is crying with tears, and her perfect body is blurred by the dim light of the moon, but this hazy appearance creates a unique sense of beauty For a moment, that beautiful person was frozen in Fang Ce's consciousness like a beautiful portrait...

(End of this chapter)

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