Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 365 The Winged Girl Who Was Accepted by the Master and Was Happy

Chapter 365 The Winged Girl Who Was Accepted by the Master and Was Happy
"Uh...you...don't be like this..."

Fang Ce was stunned, picked up the gauze and wanted to put it on for You Dai.

However, You Dai threw herself directly into Fang Ce's arms, still crying and begging: "Master, please don't abandon this servant, this servant will definitely serve you with all my heart... Please... Please..."

The reason why she was so afraid of being abandoned by Fang Ce was not because she really wanted to be Fang Ce's slave, but because she had no choice!Because once she leaves Fang Ce, outside here, she will be captured by hunters again soon and continue to be sold as a slave!

Even though she has 300 years of cultivation now, the person who captured her before had nearly a thousand years of cultivation, so she couldn't resist at all.And even if you don't meet a hunter with a thousand-year cultivation base, you will still be hunted by countless other practitioners!What is the use of a mere 300 years of cultivation?

Today's Yiren is a walking bag of gold outside, and everyone wants to grab it.This is what happens when a race loses its country and becomes a subjugated slave...

Now she can be sure that she will never meet such a good master again. Although the master has a eccentric temper, he is not difficult to get along with.If it were another master, her end would definitely be miserable.It was a blessing in misfortune for her to meet her current master.

So when she suddenly heard that the master wanted to set her free, her first reaction was naturally fear, but she still clings to her identity as a slave girl, and even sacrifices everything. Although it sounds ridiculous, it is not a kind of despair. sorrow……

"Why...why? Don't you want to be free? Master, I really let you go, there are no other conditions, you don't have to worry about other things..."

Fang Ce, who didn't go too deep into the reason, was a little speechless. Could it be that what he said was wrong?Is it that hard to understand?Or do you really think him so evil?
You Dai was startled, she remained silent for a while, and then said with some hesitation: "Slave... I don't want to leave my master... I want to stay by my master's side..."

At this time, she also came to her senses. Her master didn't seem to understand her current situation... That's right, how could her master, who is so high and high, understand her embarrassment as a subjugated slave and a slave?
"This? Why?"

And Fang Ce also looked weird, could it be because of the spirit fruit he gave?For the sake of power, this little girl directly degenerated, willing to be a slave?

"Because...because...the servant girl likes the master..."

You Dai pursed her lips and replied, within a short period of time, she thought about it, but she couldn't think of a better reason than this, because she really didn't have any value or reason left behind, throwing herself into her arms is the only thing she can do now. out of cards.Of course, she can also express her own situation to gain sympathy, but if this approach does not work, she will have no room for tact.And if throwing oneself in the arms fails, then the next best thing is to sell miserably...

"Hi... like... my little slave girl, are you sure?"

Fang Ce is even more sure that this little girl is greedy for his spiritual fruit. Although he is indeed full of charm, he is not so narcissistic. After only a few days of contact, he didn't get along very well, and let a stunning little beauty be so obsessed with it that he was willing to The slave stays by his side.Forget it, after the beast fighting game was over, he would no longer give the little girl the spirit fruit, so she would leave in a sensible way.

"Yeah! The servant girl likes the master! I hope to stay by the master's side all the time!"

You Dai replied firmly, and hugged Fang Ce tightly.

"Eh? Don't, don't, don't! Don't do this first, or I will really lose control, Master."

Fang Ce hurriedly said, is this little girl really going to spend her money?

"It's okay, the master doesn't need to hold back, the slaves belong to the master. The slaves only want to stay by the master's side all the time..."

At this moment, You Dai really went all out.

"Okay, okay, if you want to stay, just stay. Let go first, and just talk if you have something to say, there is no need to do this."

Fang Ce said in his heart that he couldn't bear it, he didn't dare to accept this little girl, otherwise the fairy wouldn't know what to think of him.After all, this little girl's situation is special, she was bought back by him as a slave girl.And this little girl is obviously greedy for his spiritual fruit, he doesn't want to have any entangled relationship with such a woman.

"Really!? Thank you master! Thank you master!"

When You Dai heard the words, she was overjoyed immediately, she immediately left Fang Ce's embrace and thanked her.Immediately, thinking of her own situation, she couldn't help but blushed, and quickly picked up the gauze clothes beside her to get ready.


Fang Ce couldn't help staring at You Dai in a daze, is this reaction so outrageous?Sure enough, he came from greedy for money. He really didn't have any affection or tenderness at all. It was really fake, too fake!He couldn't help but start to feel a little regretful, why didn't he just eat it and forget it, anyway, it's just a deal, what's the burden for what you like and what I want?
"Huh? Master, what's the matter?"

You Dai pursed her lips, with a cute and pitiful look, she felt something was wrong with the way the master looked at her, did she see what she was thinking?

"Oh...it's nothing, I'm going to rest."

Fang Ce lay down, not bothering to pay attention to this greedy little girl.

"Hmm! The slave is massaging the master!"

You Dai hurriedly came up to him, and began to massage Fang Ce's acupuncture points.


Fang Ce couldn't help but let out a comfortable voice, although this little girl's mind is not pure, but this craft has indeed been mastered, and she is also working hard...

At this moment, a long-lost smile appeared on the corners of You Dai's lips. She found that this master was really not difficult to get along with, and she seemed to have vaguely touched some of his temper...


The next day, at the central square of Wangcheng.

beep... beep... beep...

There was a carving sound.

I saw dozens of craftsmen building a ladder frame on a jade mine tens of feet high, and carving carefully.

In the surrounding area, there are many royal city soldiers guarding it, and no idlers are allowed to enter.

And under the huge variegated jade mine, Xin Yu led Shang Wu to supervise the work.

Ban Du and Chao Bu were curiously studying the blueprints.

This is the jade material that Xin Yu instructed to use to arrange the feng shui formation has arrived, and the work will start immediately today.

As for Fang Ce, it is naturally here at the moment.

I saw him at the side, someone brought a reclining chair, a table, and a big umbrella, lying comfortably, drinking the special juice here, enjoying You Dai's obedient and gentle service...

"Well... I really can't see anything from these blueprints alone, no wonder I'm so relieved..."

Ban Du frowned slightly and looked at Xin Yu who was supervising the work.

"Well, let's see how Lord Wei arranges it later, I hope I can see some tricks..."

Zhao Bu nodded.

Ban Du looked at Fang Ce, who was enjoying himself chicly, and he couldn't help frowning slightly: This idiot really knows how to enjoy...

"War God, I'm afraid there is something wrong with that winged female slave..."

Chao Bu also looked towards Fang Ce, and his eyes fell on You Dai. He had lost sight of Fang Ce's absurdity.On the contrary, this stunning female slave of Yiren made him a little envious, but also very surprised, because...

"300 years of cultivation? How is it possible? This is only one day... Could it be that you have been hiding your cultivation before? But, can you hide it under my nose?"

Ban Du was surprised immediately, he also discovered the abnormality of You Dai today!

"It's really weird... I'm humbled to suspect that the origin of this female slave is not simple. It may be from the Yiren emperor's lineage. Regardless of this temperament or ability, it is obviously not something that ordinary Yiren can achieve..."

Chao Bu frowned.

"It's true... um... By the way, I remember that when I met the monarch in the Yiren Kingdom, he had a princess and a little girl by his side. How similar is it to this female slave in my impression? Could it be..."

Ban Du frowned and thought about it, time had passed for a while, and he didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but he didn't remember clearly, now that he thought about it carefully, he just vaguely felt a little familiar, and he wasn't sure.

"It's really Princess Yiren!? If it's true, can we use this to find..."

Chao Bu couldn't help showing surprise, but Ban Du raised his hand to stop his words.

"Don't startle the snake, wait until the matter of Feng Shui formation is over. At that time, we will deal with it together."

Ban Du stares at You Dai and whispers.


Nod to Bu.

At this moment, You Dai, who was concentrating on serving Fang Ce with a happy expression on her face, seemed to have sensed something. She raised her eyes and met Ban Du's gaze. , I was even more nervous: I was discovered! ?
Fang Ce instantly noticed that You Dai's mood was not right, he couldn't help but look up, and saw Ban Du and the others looking at her.

Seeing this, Ban Du smiled and nodded.

Fang Ce also nodded, and looked suspiciously at the beautiful and charming slave beside him, thinking of You Dai's anomaly when she met Ban Du before, now it seems that there may be some secrets in it?
Sensing Fang Ce's gaze, You Dai couldn't help lowering her head, and called softly, "Master...Master?"

"Haha, Mr. Wushuang, you really enjoy it."

Hearty laughter sounded, but only a few people from Ban Du came over.

You Dai's body suddenly trembled slightly, and the movements of Fang Ce's kneading became a little unnatural.

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay. Juice, my lovely Megliano."

Fang Ce also laughed out loud, and gestured to You Dai again.

"Ah? Oh! Oh! Yes, master!"

You Dai quickly reacted, picked up the glass of juice on the table and gently fed it to Fang Ce's mouth. At this moment, she suddenly felt relieved. If the master is willing to protect her, maybe she doesn't have to worry about anything!After all, the master is unfathomable, and so far, it seems that the Martial God Squad of the Lishen Kingdom has always treated the master very politely, not daring to offend the master!
Although she still doesn't know the background of the master until now, it is enough to know that the master is not simple. What she should do now is to try to please the master as much as possible to obtain asylum!
"Hey, seeing Mr. Wushuang like this every day, I can't help being a little envious."

Ban Du responded with a smile.

"What is there to be envious of? As a class venerable, isn't this something you can get at your fingertips?"

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled.

"The mentality is different, and if you enjoy it like this, you are afraid that your heart will be shaken. I can't be as free and easy as someone like Mr. Wushuang."

Ban Du shook his head.

"Oh... is that right... It seems that Venerable Ban has too many things on his mind."

Fang Ce nodded.

Hearing this, You Dai felt Fang Ce's mystery even more, what kind of terrifying existence is her master?She was idle all day long, and looked so chic, if she hadn't discovered a clue by chance, she would have been kept in the dark until now, and she has always regarded him as a swinger!Now even the Martial God Ban Du bluntly said that his xinxing is far inferior to her master, which is evident. You must know that the stronger an existence is, the more attention it pays to the cultivation of xinxing.

At this moment, You Dai was thinking wildly about Ban Du's words of praising Fang Ce, but she didn't know that there was irony in Ban Du's words, in essence, she was contemptuous of Fang Ce...

"Hey, there are indeed too many distracting thoughts. I have time to meditate and meditate."

Ban Du sighed lightly, what he said was true.

Fang Ce smiled, didn't say much, looked at the stunning beauty beside him, but wondered if this little beauty begged to stay by his side last night, was there any other purpose?Like revenge or something?

And Xin Yu, who was among the supervisors, took a look at Fang Ce, and couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. Now she was really worried that Fang Ce would be too indulged in pleasure. If this is really depraved, it would be bad...

As the day passed, the craftsmen had already called it a day and rested.

Colosseum, inside the private room.

"My lord, Miss You Dai's beast fight has been arranged tonight, it must be more exciting than yesterday's."

Just said with a flattering face.


Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

And the beast fighting below has already begun.

Everyone was yelling, and at the same time, they were all waiting, waiting for You Dai's fighting beast!
The beast fights gradually passed by.

"Next match, the stunning beauty You Dai will fight the fire python!"

The voice of the boss of the fighting beast sounded.

"Come! Come! Goddess Youdai!"

"Hahaha! This time the opponent is Fire Python, and he is also a ruthless character. He is not inferior to the ape demon at all. But he is definitely not the opponent of Goddess Youdai! Betting on Goddess Youdai, you can make a profit without losing money, hahaha!"

"If Goddess Youdai makes a full attack, is it possible to kill the fire python with one move? I want to bet on this, if I win this one, I will lose ten!"

"It's hard to say, and it's still uncertain whether Goddess You Dai will attack with all her strength as soon as she comes out."

There was a burst of cheers, it can be seen that You Dai's status in the hearts of everyone has reached a terrifying height...

And the gangster in the private room sneered in his heart: Huh, let me make you happy, you will lose tonight!
After a while, You Dai had arrived on the arena, and her opponent, the fire python, had also arrived, but it was a huge fiery red python with a body length of seven feet and the thickness of a bucket, full of momentum.


The beast master fell down with a sound.

A loud and piercing hiss suddenly sounded!

The fire python opened its mouth wide, and it spit out terrifying flames first!Because it knows that You Dai's strength is not easy!
At this moment, You Dai's eyes were dull, she raised a pair of jade hands, and a more terrifying power erupted from her body, and immediately a terrifying thunderstorm was unleashed!

Rumble boom!

There was a series of loud noises, and under the stunned gazes of the crowd, the huge body of the fire python was thrown directly into the air, scorched black in many places!It was a face-to-face decision to decide the winner! !
"What!? 300 years of cultivation!? Goddess You Dai's 300 years of cultivation!?"

"This!? 300 years of cultivation!? Goddess Youdai hides so deeply!"

"Damn! It really killed him with one move!? If I knew it, I would have bet a few hundred gold coins! It's a big loss!"

There was an uproar all of a sudden, everyone discovered the change in You Dai's cultivation base!

"Three... 300 years of cultivation!?"

The gangster in the private room looked at Fang Ce with wide-eyed eyes, with a wonderful and puzzled expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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