Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 366 Can't afford to choose a shameless colosseum owner

Chapter 366 Can't afford to choose a shameless colosseum owner

"Huh? 300 years of cultivation? How powerful is my lovely little slave girl?"

Fang Ce suddenly had a look of surprise and surprise on his face.

"Hahaha, Mr. Wushuang really has a unique vision, I feel ashamed of myself."

Ban Du smiled and clasped his fists, he naturally spoke in a polite manner, thinking that the only way to deal with it is to make a blind cat meet a dead mouse.After all, Fang Ce is a standard idiot in his eyes...

That Zhao Bu even secretly scolded Fang Ce for his bad luck, he was quite envious and jealous in his heart, after all now he knew that You Dai was most likely Princess Yi Ren, such a female slave was quite valuable in itself, if nothing else, It's okay to circle around for a walk, it's all about saving face!

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, don't tell me, when Xiaosheng saw this beautiful girl, he felt that it was not easy, so he made up his mind to take it down."

Fang Ce cooperated with a proud face.

"I admire you."

Ban Du had a look of admiration on his face, but his heart twitched: Did you really take it seriously?
Chao Bu also cursed secretly in his heart, but he clearly remembered that Fang Ce said before that if it exceeds [-] gold coins, he would not want it, and at that time, it seemed that he was purely joining in the fun, and now he has made up his mind to win it?Shameless?
On the other hand, Xin Yu also had a strange expression on her face. She also remembered Fang Ce's words before saying that if someone snatched a hundred thousand gold coins, she would not want it. She was sure that it was the truth, and she didn't make up her mind to say it...

"A few...a few adults, the little...the little ones still have something to do... Excuse me, I'll be right back..."

Gangtu did speak in a trembling panic.

"Oh, okay, go ahead, remember to continue to help me put all my money on my son's beauty."

Fang Ce waved his hand casually.

Gangtu's expression froze, and he nodded hastily: "Yes! Yes! My lords, I will take my leave!"

After all, he hurried away.

Fang Ce smiled, he can be sure that this guy must have dealt with the issue of betting on the Colosseum, otherwise tonight, there is a high probability that the Colosseum will collapse...

Not to mention the group of lunatics waiting to be fed outside, just for his first game alone, the amount has been turned up to 17 gold coins, and the next game will be [-] gold coins, which is enough to buy You Dai before Pay back.If it keeps rolling like this, after the ten-game winning streak tonight, plus the challenge of the top ten beast kings in the last game, the amount will already be tens of millions, and this unit is gold coins, not copper coins!

One gold coin is equal to one hundred copper coins, and the copper coin here is equivalent to one yuan, and there are small pieces of copper coins below the copper coin, which are equivalent to a dime.In other words, gold coins worth tens of millions are equivalent to billions of dollars!And this is the amount earned in one night...

In a short time, the gangster outside announced a message on behalf of the Colosseum. Tonight's beast fight is a special entertainment event. The amount of bets per person is limited to one gold coin, and the maximum number of bettors is [-]. First come, first served... …

When the news came out, there was an uproar and scolding.

"Dog! Who are you looking down on! The maximum betting limit is one gold coin? The number of people to return is one thousand, first come, first served? I'm giving you a face, right!!"

"You son of a bitch! If you can't afford it, don't play it! One gold coin is for beggars, isn't it? I sent you this little money?"

"That's right! How dare this bastard open the Colosseum? Believe it or not, you'll have all the ashes thrown away tomorrow!"

Bouts of cursing and cursing can be described as one after another.

However, Gangtu bit the bullet and pretended not to hear, and returned to the private room.

In fact, although these people scolded fiercely, they still understood it in their hearts. After all, in the eyes of these people, the gangster obviously did not dare to offend the big shots in the private room, so it is impossible for You Dai to lose.If they really want to keep betting like this, the Colosseum will be finished tonight.Of course, understanding is understanding, and it is still necessary to scold gangsters for such shit.You can only win one gold coin per game, who do you look down on?Who is present here who doesn't have a head and a face?And there are only 1000 people's shares!
Having said that, if these people know, it's not that Gangtu cannot let You Dai lose, but because You Dai's strength is too unexpected, Gangtu is completely uncertain, and is afraid of getting rid of it, so there will be this move.These people are afraid that they will be able to hang gangsters from the sky tonight...

In the private room at the moment.

Fang Ce looked at Gangtu with a half-smile, this guy is really shameless, after all he said that he doesn't need to take special care of You Dai.So this guy must have arranged a defeat for You Dai, just like the ape demon last night, if his Meijiaonu hadn't hidden a thunderstorm, last night basically ended in defeat.In the current situation, it is obvious that the gangster is afraid of accidents, so he made an emergency avoidance move.

The rest of the people also looked at Gangtu with weird eyes.

"My... my lord... please rest assured that your bet with Lord Valkyrie is not subject to this restriction."

Gangtu hurriedly apologized and said with a smile, those teeny nobles outside would be offended if offended, but he really couldn't offend these two in front of him, otherwise the Colosseum might not be able to continue.And only the two bets in front of me, the problem shouldn't be too big, You Dai probably won't be able to pass the last hurdle.And Lord Valkyrie is obviously just playing casually, unlike the guy from Middle-earth Continent in front of him, just playing casually, doubling his chips all the time...

And the decision to make a limit bet was not because he was sure that You Dai could really win to the end, it was simply that he didn't dare to take the risk, because now there are all brainless crazy bets on You Dai, and many of them have already lost their money. The net worth is being adjusted to the death, for fear that his Colosseum will not be finished.With this situation, if the situation last night really happened again, even if he sold himself as a slave tonight and worked for tens of millions of years, it might not be enough to pay for it!Can this be unlimited?


Fang Ce smiled and nodded, expressing that he didn't care about the Gangster anymore.

And on the beast arena, You Dai's second beast fight has already begun. The opponent is a tall werewolf with more than 200 years of cultivation, and his strength is quite good, but he was still easily defeated by You Dai face to face.After the third, fourth, and fifth rounds, You Dai still easily won.

Although each of these opponents is stronger than the other, but in the face of You Dai's 300-year cultivation base, thunderstorm plus thunder element body, and natural flying ability, the difference is only a matter of two-stroke defeat or three-stroke defeat.

And inside the room.

"My lord...can you bet...can you..."

The gangster looked at Fang Ce a little bit without tears, with a very pitiful look on his face, because Fang Ce had won 130 gold coins by betting on doubling his chips all the time!Going on like this, if You Dai really wins ten games, Fang Ce alone will be enough to make his Colosseum hurt and his vitality will be greatly damaged!


Fang Ce suddenly looked at the gangster with a puzzled look. He could naturally understand what the gangster meant, and he just hoped that he wouldn't bet so hard.However, how could he care about it?The opponent was arranged by this guy, and he also gave him a promise that he would not need special attention.It is not an exaggeration to say that this condition is a disadvantage for him.If he loses the bet, he has to admit it, so the other party can't lose?In the world, is there such a reason?Anyway, he doesn't care now, he just wants to play.

"My lord, if you bet like this, the small Colosseum may... I'm afraid it won't be able to bear it..."

Gangtu really did as Fang Ce expected, hoping that Fang Ce would restrain himself.

"Gangtu, don't embarrass us for Lishen Kingdom. Do you play like this? How decent is this!"

At this moment, before Fang Ce could open his mouth to express his opinion, Ban Du spoke first.

"This!? My lord! It's the little one who made a mistake! The little one should be beaten! The little one should be beaten!"

The gangster was shocked immediately, and immediately slapped himself.Lord Valkyrie spoke directly, how dare he say more?Don't want to live?


Ban Du snorted coldly, and didn't bother to pay more attention to the gangster.

"Haha, as expected of Venerable Ban, he is really just and strict."

Fang Ce couldn't help showing admiration.

"Heh, shouldn't this be the way it should be? Otherwise, if it gets out, doesn't it mean that our Lishen Kingdom can't afford to lose?"

Ban Du smiled and said, the reason why he said it was naturally not to really help Fang Ce.The main reason is that Fang Ce is just something in his pocket now, so what about the money from winning the Colosseum?In the end, he had to return to the hands of the Lishen Kingdom.It was just transferred out of the Colosseum and contributed back to the entire Lishen Kingdom.

Then the sixth beast fight started, this time the opponent has reached 300 years of cultivation, but for You Dai, it is still quite easy to win.

Immediately after the seventh, eighth, and ninth games, these games are all 300-year cultivation bases, and one is stronger than the other.Although You Dai still passed the level smoothly, she was struggling a bit, and her strength was obviously exhausted.

"The next match, the stunning beauty You Dai will face off against the Monkey King!"

The voice of the boss of the fighting beast sounded.

"Monkey King! Is Goddess Youdai's strength still higher than the Monkey King!? The Monkey King can be said to be the gatekeeper to challenge the top ten beast kings. He has already ended dozens of games and ten consecutive victories!"

"In this way, does it mean that no matter whether that bastard Gangtu dares to offend that big shot in the private room, Goddess You Dai will not lose?"

"This...how is this situation, I don't understand it a bit?"

Everyone was talking.

Soon a gray-haired old monkey with one eye and half a person's height came to the arena, and he looked at You Dai calmly with his old eye that had experienced many vicissitudes.

Looking at the Monkey King, You Dai inexplicably felt a bit uncomfortable, and also had a bit of pity and sympathy...

"Beast fighting begins!"

The voice of the boss of the fighting beast sounded again.

At this time, there was a slight change in the Monkey King's eyes, as if signaling to You Dai that he was going to make a move.

You Dai understood it instantly, and quickly flapped her wings, flying up first, because she could sense that the monkey king's strength is not simple.

And at the moment You Dai Fang flew up, the Monkey King raised his hands, and the mighty power was released, and suddenly a large vine on the ground sprang up crazily, and quickly swept away towards You Dai.


You Dai thought in her heart that this ability was at the same level as her thunderstorm, she dared not be careless in the slightest, she quickly used it with thunderstorm.

The two powerful spells cancel each other out!

You Dai recognized in an instant that the Monkey King obviously possesses Muyuan physique!And under the cover of this iron net, she couldn't fly too high, so she was doomed that the ability of thunderstorm could only be tied with the Monkey King!But with her current state, she has consumed a lot of power, and it is impossible to fight the Monkey King for a long time!And the top ten beast kings will be challenged later!

At this moment, the Monkey King ignored what You Dai was thinking, waved his hands again, Qian Teng's ability continued to display, he himself was a slave belonging to the Colosseum, and his task was to end the ten-game winning streak.

Seeing this, You Dai's eyes froze, and she let out a yell, terrifying power surged out of her body!That is a power level higher than that of a thunderstorm!

Suddenly everyone was shocked!
Fang Ce raised his brows: What a little bitch, you still have a hole card?
Ban Du also frowned.

Gang Tu's mouth twitched slightly, secretly glad that he had the foresight to bet on the Colosseum to the limit.Otherwise, he's really going to be done tonight!


A thunderbolt broke through the air and fell!

It was easy to disintegrate countless vines of the Monkey King, and then fell on the Monkey King!

Sky Thunder Technique!
A groan!
The Monkey King was blown to his knees on the ground, his hair was scorched black, and he was severely injured by the blow!
This day, the thunder itself can directly kill monks with a cultivation level of less than 300 years. If the monkey king's thousand vines had not offset part of the power, it would have fallen in one blow!

"Good! As expected of Goddess You Dai! Hahahaha!"

"Goddess You Dai is mighty!"

"Goddess You Dai is mighty!"

Everyone cheered one after another, although their bets were limited, but it doesn't hinder their pursuit of You Dai now.After all, a stunning beauty who has won them a lot of money is enough for them to support.

In the private room at the moment.

"Haha... Congratulations to my lord for winning ten consecutive victories! You are indeed a beautiful slave in my lord's eyes! You really are extraordinary!"

Gangtu congratulated Fang Ce with a wonderful expression, and was very puzzled and puzzled. How could such a strong and beautiful winged female slave not be found out by the Colosseum?This is no longer something that can be bought with [-] gold coins!He actually missed it! ?What the hell did the previous seller do! ?
"Oh, it's really a surprise. This handsome slave, my son, is actually so capable? Has he really won ten consecutive victories?"

Fang Ce clicked his tongue in amazement.

The divination on the side is even more envious and suspicious, almost certain that You Dai is Princess Yiren!Because the Yiren are the same as their Lishen descendants, the purer the blood of the gods, the higher the talent!

"Okay, since we have won ten consecutive victories, let's pick the top ten beast kings as well."

Fang Ce smiled.

"This... my lord... you want Miss Youdai to challenge the top ten beast kings?"

The gangster looked astonished again.

"Huh? Isn't this the rule of the Colosseum? After completing ten consecutive victories, you can challenge the top ten beast kings."

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Uh... That's true... However, these ten beast kings are quite special, I want to explain clearly first, lest you, my lord,..."

"Oh? Tell me, is there any other way?"

"It's actually like this. As a special challenge, these ten beast kings are all powerful slaves with 500 years of cultivation. So...so..."

"500 years of cultivation? Didn't it mean that only beasts with 300 years of cultivation or less are limited here?"

"My lord, this is a special challenge. If you win, you will get 300 gold coins. It's not difficult, is it? After all, it's not so easy to find ten slaves who have the same [-]-year cultivation and are outstanding enough to sit firmly in the town." ?”

Just smiled wryly.

"That's right, it doesn't matter, you can arrange it. I want to see where the limit of me, a beautiful slave, is."

Fang Ce smiled.

"That's... good... good... Then, my lord, do you want to continue betting..."

Gangtu asked hesitantly, but he was thinking in his heart, this one would really continue to bet on his female slave to win.This is sure to win your money back!After all, the top ten beast kings with 500 years of cultivation, and the slaves with 300 years of cultivation have almost no chance of defeating them!Only those very few existences with strong bloodlines can do it!And such an existence, can it be a slave?

At this time, Fang Ce has already won 360 gold coins!The gangster was almost going crazy, so naturally he wanted to win this huge sum of money back.

(End of this chapter)

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