Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 367 The Winged Princess Who Was Exposed and Amazed Her Master

Chapter 367 The Winged Princess Who Was Exposed and Amazed Her Master
"Bet, why not bet? Continue to bet all on my son's beauty."

Fang Ce responded with a smile. Anyway, he was just playing casually. The thousands of gold coins in his hand originally came from the Colosseum.

"Good! Good!"

Gangtu hurriedly retreated happily.

After a while.

"The next match, Youdai, the stunning beauty, will face Moros, the top ten beast kings!"

The voice of the boss of the fighting beast sounded.

"Ten Beastmasters! Really challenge the Ten Beastmasters!! Goddess Youdai is too strong! Can you even defeat the Ten Beastmasters!?"

"Moros, I remember that this is also a winged man! A winged man with 500 years of cultivation! There is no racial advantage!"

"As expected of our Goddess Youdai! Goddess Youdai is mighty! Goddess Youdai is mighty!"

Everyone is in an uproar!And they have already tacitly agreed that You Dai will win...

Seeing this, the gangster couldn't help curling his lips, but he didn't dare to let go of his bet now, the so-called fear of well ropes after being bitten by a snake for ten years.Now he is really frightened by You Dai's repeated counterattacks.Even though she thinks that You Dai will lose in this match, but thinking about the previous arrangements, which time did she not think that You Dai is bound to lose.So think about it, forget it, just to be on the safe side...

A moment later, a tall, muscular man with scars all over his body and a numb complexion came to the arena.

"You... Wing... Wingman..."

Seeing the opponent this time, You Dai was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that the last beast fight would be against the people of Yiren Kingdom, she couldn't help feeling complicated.

"I can't keep my hands. Be careful yourself."

Moros said calmly. As one of the top ten beast kings here, he basically cannot lose. Even if he knew that even if he lost this match, he could avoid being killed, he couldn't hold back at all.Because his wife and children are still controlled here in the Colosseum, he has no choice at all...

"Yes, got it……"

You Dai is even more complicated, she can hear the involuntary difficulties in the other party's words.Being able to speak out to remind me is already thinking of my compatriots...

Moros spread his wings and flew up slowly.

Seeing this, You Dai quickly flew up, ready to fight.

Moros's numb expression also became serious, he raised his hands, a terrifying power was brewing, and a scorching aura lingered in the void!
Immediately, the terrifying flames fell through the air, rumbling towards You Dai!

Jiuxiao is really hot!

If this blow hits, it is enough to annihilate You Dai!

Moros had already seen You Dai's battle, knew You Dai's strength, so he didn't try much, and prepared to directly decide the outcome.

You Dai's complexion changed slightly immediately, the other party had a 200-year cultivation advantage, so it was impossible for her to avoid it.It had no choice but to use all the strength in his body to mobilize the sky thunder, directly blocking the incoming terrifying flames.

A groan!
Blood was bleeding from the corner of You Dai's lips, and she retreated, but she was injured instantly!The opponent's 500-year cultivation base, even if she has the blessing of Lei Yuan physique, she is still invincible!
"Hiss! How will Goddess Youdai win this match!?"

"The gap in cultivation is too great! What kind of back-up does Goddess Youdai have!?"

Everyone was suspicious, subconsciously still thought that You Dai could win, but they were just curious about what method they would use to win!

The gangsters couldn't help showing a bit of disdain: What a bunch of ignorant people!Without a racial advantage, in the face of an absolute power gap, is there still a chance of winning?It's a dream, isn't it?
He didn't believe that You Dai could have a method even more powerful than Tianlei level.After all, this can be said to be the ultimate strength of a thousand-year cultivation base!
At this time, Moros had already shot again, and it was still Jiuxiao True Fire!

You Dai gritted her teeth, now she can only fight!Even if it's not to please the master, but just for her own life, she has to use all her strength!After all, this Jiuxiao Zhenhuo can directly kill her!

She made seals with her hands, her eyes narrowed, and she let out a soft drink!In an instant, three purple round crystal blocks with lightning-like runes inside circled out in front of him!A mysterious force spread rapidly!
"What!? Juyuan Talisman!? You are!?"

Moros was taken aback!
"Huh? This is?"

Fang Ce, who was looking down at the battle in the private room, was also surprised. This was the first time he had seen this method.

"This is? Talisman?"

Xin Yu also showed a hint of surprise, and in her true knowledge ability, this is something similar to a talisman, but it is obviously different from a talisman, and it seems to be more pure in power. There is an extremely close relationship between the performers!
"Original Talisman!"

Ban Du's eyes flickered.

"Third-order thunderstorm original talisman!"

Zhao Bu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You actually mastered the original talisman!?"

The gangster was stunned.

At this moment, the three crystal blocks in front of Youdai on the arena shattered instantly, and then turned into a terrifying and dense thunderstorm and blasted out!

Moros's Nine Heavens True Fire was instantly canceled out!At the same time, a muffled groan!Moros was also injured by the aftermath of the terrifying thunderstorm!
And You Dai didn't hesitate at all, and three more original talismans of Thunderstorm Art condensed out, and then they were shattered and deployed!The extremely fast casting speed is no different from that of a talisman!

Moros's pupils shrank, and it was too late to react!

The terrifying thunderstorm instantly engulfed Moros!A miserable howl sounded immediately!
Immediately afterwards, Moros's tall and strong body was blown out, hit the huge iron net, and then fell to the ground, seriously injured.

"Are you OK……"

You Dai pursed her lips and landed on the ground, knowing that the winner was already divided.

"Even you have become a slave..."

Moros struggled to get up, stared at You Dai, and asked in a low voice.


You Dai's complexion froze immediately, knowing that the other party had recognized her identity, because the Artifact Talisman is extremely difficult to master, and only a very small number of powerful bloodlines have the talent in this area.Therefore, those who mastered the original talisman were basically regarded as high-ranking bloodlines by default.With rare exceptions...

"Haha... It seems that our winged humans are really doomed to be slaves forever..."

Moros let out a miserable smile.

"No! We still have hope!"

"Hope? Even you..."

"You don't have to worry, I'm actually fine now. Anyway, don't worry, always... One day, I will let everyone be free again!"

You Dai gritted her silver teeth tightly.

Moros opened his mouth, wanting to say something more, but at this moment, the head of the fighting beast had come to the fighting beast stage, and he could only remain silent if he wanted to announce the winner...

You Dai didn't say much, and even though she had just made a bold statement, she felt more worried at the moment, because her identity has most likely been seen by the Martial God Class alone, and even if she didn't see it, she would definitely Be heavily suspected!I don't know if the master can keep her!
In the private room at the moment.

Gangtu looked at Fang Ce with a stiff face: "Congratulations... congratulations... my lord's beautiful slave successfully challenged the top ten beast kings... big... my lord, you beautiful slave..."

"Hahaha! Master Wushuang, I'm so happy! It's my first time playing Beast Fighting, and I successfully challenged the top ten beast kings!"

Ban Du didn't wait for Gangtu to finish speaking, he laughed and interrupted.

Gangtu couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, glanced at Ban Dui, and then fell silent.

"Hey... tsk... This completes the challenge... It feels a little too easy..."

Fang Ce expressed regret and emotion, but there was a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, which made one want to beat him up...

"Haha... After all, he is Mr. Wushuang..."

Ben Du gave a dry laugh.

"Oh, that's all, tomorrow, the feng shui formation of this royal city should also be completed. At that time, I will go to other cities to arrange the feng shui formation. Today I completed the ultimate challenge of the Colosseum, which is just right, so don't worry about it Come back and play."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Yes, yes, my lord is really amazing..."

Gangtu had a flattering smile on his face, but his heart was going cold at the moment, and he wished that Fang Ce would never appear in his Colosseum in the future, otherwise the Colosseum would have to be destroyed by Fang Ce alone.Because Fang Ce has won a total of 730 gold coins in the Colosseum in the past few days! ! !If he stays for a few more days, his Colosseum can directly declare bankruptcy!
At this time You Dai also returned to the private room, she lowered her head and said quietly: "Master... I'm back..."

Now she didn't dare to look at anyone, she was very nervous, for fear that her identity would be revealed and it would lead to catastrophe.On the beast arena just now, if she had no other choice, she didn't want to use the original talisman of thunderstorm at all.

"Hahaha! Come here! My beautiful slave, come here and let the master give you a good hug!"

Fang Ce laughed and opened his hands wide.


You Dai nodded heavily, and obediently came to Fang Ce, and was directly embraced into a warm embrace.At this moment, this embrace actually made her feel so at ease!Because she can already be sure that as long as the master is there, the Martial God Bandu will not dare to touch her!For a moment, she was even more amazed, what a powerful ability her master possessed, to be able to subdue the entire Lishen Kingdom!

After all, her identity as the Winged Princess, once discovered, there is no reason for Lishen Kingdom to let her go!This is not the only thing in the martial arts class!But now the martial arts class, including the people here, has not moved at all!She didn't believe that the Martial God Class alone would not be able to guess her identity, even if she couldn't be sure, at least there were enough reasons for suspicion!

Therefore, what kind of energy is needed to suppress the people of Wushen Bandu in Lishen's country! ?God!She simply can't imagine it!Maybe... she can really use the power of her master to restore the country! ?
"Let's go, it's almost time for us to go back."

Fang Ce let go of You Dai, with a happy expression on his face.


You Dai lightly tapped her head, she was completely relieved at this moment.

The Colosseum also settled Fang Ce's winnings as 870 three spirit stones, five small spirit stones, and [-] gold coins to Fang Ce's hands.

In the beginning, the spirit stone that Fang Ce bet on in the Colosseum was a small piece of spirit stone, which can be regarded as a relatively large amount of currency that is commonly used.A small piece of [-] gold coins is worth [-] gold coins.

When he came to the Eastern Continent, Fang Ce himself brought a hundred pieces of spirit stones, and some small pieces of spirit stones for emergencies.

In the middle of the night, return to the palace room.

You Dai serves Fang Ce wholeheartedly.

"I won't reward you tonight, just use it as a bargaining chip for you to leave at any time."

Fang Ce spoke quietly.

You Dai froze, and quickly said: "Master! I don't want to leave you!"

After all, her soft and charming body stuck to Fang Ce's back and hugged her tightly.

"Uh...you don't need to get excited, I didn't mean to drive you away, I just told you that you have the freedom to leave. Because of this beast, I have had enough."

Fang Ce responded that he was just trying to test this little girl, but he didn't expect this little girl to be addicted to beauty tricks.

"Oh! That's good, as long as the master lets the slave stay by his side, that's enough. Otherwise, the slave doesn't want too much..."

You Dai's pretty face lightly rubbed against Fang Ce's back.

"Well... go ahead and give me a massage, don't be lazy."

Fang Ce replied, now it seems that this girl is obsessed with staying by his side, maybe she really has other plans?
"Yeah, I'm not lazy!"

You Dai got up quickly and continued to serve Fang Ce.

The next day, at the center of Wangcheng.

A Liangyi high platform with a height of tens of feet has been carved!

At this time, the monarch You Ke and a group of important ministers are here, and they all want to witness Xin Yu's official arrangement of Feng Shui formation.

Xin Yu came to the Liangyi high platform, closed her eyes and concentrated, brewing momentum.

Ban Du and all the masters of Lishen Kingdom paid full attention, for fear of missing a detail.

Xin Yu opened her eyes, her body released a vast aura, her hands quickly formed seals, and a mysterious aura spread!

Fall down!
Xin Yu shot out a ray of light from each of his hands, and it landed directly on the red and sapphire on the Liangyi platform!


Under the Liangyi high platform, the five elements and eight trigrams appear!
The roar of dragons and tigers sounded immediately!I saw the aura of nine dragons and tigers surrounding them!

In an instant, a mysterious aura arose in the entire royal city, and a mysterious force formed, spreading and covering every corner, every person!

Everyone couldn't help but feel refreshed, they only felt that the strength in their bodies increased dramatically!

"This!? What's going on here!? My power! This is amazing!"

"How is it possible!? There is such a thing!?"

"Is this the Feng Shui formation from Middle Earth!? It's incredible!!"

Everyone is in an uproar!

The monarch, You Ke, also had a look of shock.

Ban Du frowned, because he still didn't see the key!He looked at the feng shui masters of Lishen Kingdom, all of them looked shocked and puzzled, obviously they couldn't see the clue!
"This... this... what's going on here? Master... what the hell is this thing?"

You Dai also had a look of shock and disbelief. Up until now, she didn't know what Fang Ce and the others did when they came to the Kingdom of Power. She only knew that it seemed to be related to the arrangement of Feng Shui, but Feng Shui is just like that, so nothing surprising .

Feeling the powerful power exerted on him now, the improvement of nearly 500 years of cultivation power, is simply shocking, and he doesn't know what's going on.I only know that it must be related to the Liangyi Gaotai in front of me!

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just a feng shui formation, don't make a fuss."

Fang Ce lay leisurely on the chair, motioning to the stunned You Dai to continue massaging.

"Oh! Yes!"

You Dai quickly responded, and continued to serve Fang Ce, feeling that the master was getting more and more mysterious, more and more unpredictable...

(End of this chapter)

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