Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 368 The Winged Princess Who Wants To Trade With The Master To Restore The Country

Chapter 368 The Winged Princess Who Wants To Trade With The Master To Restore The Country
Inside the palace castle, a banquet was held.

"Hahaha! Three distinguished guests, the feng shui formation in your country is really miraculous. It would be unbelievable if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes. Now you have learned a lot!"

You Ke raised his glasses to Fang Ce and the three of them, secretly thinking in his heart that he must master the method of arranging Feng Shui formations!
"Haha, it's just a few small tricks, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

Fang Ce shook his head in response.

You Dai, who was following beside her, was still in a daze, and also keenly sensed the huge crisis!If the entire Lishen Kingdom had this feng shui formation, they would be invincible!For the Winged Human Race, which was already in a desperate situation, it is even more hopeless to restore the country!

"The next step is to arrange Feng Shui formations for all the cities and towns in our entire Lishen Kingdom, right?"

You Ke asked openly, but he was really ecstatic in his heart. As long as the entire Lishen Kingdom has arranged a feng shui formation, it will be the general trend.Then try to find out the arrangement method, and there will be plenty of time then!
"Well, according to the agreement, this is a must."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

"Then next, I really have to thank you for your honor. Don't worry, I will let all parts of the country fully cooperate without any hindrance. Moreover, our Valkyrie will also escort you all to safety."

Yu Ke smiled.

Ban Du also nodded with a smile.

"Well, be polite, be polite."

Fang Ce smiled and cupped his fists in response.

You Dai who was at the side was shocked when she heard the words, "Escort the safety of you all the way"! ?She keenly discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with it!Could it be that the master's strength is not strong enough to suppress the Martial God Bandu, but because the Lishen Kingdom needs several masters to arrange a feng shui formation, it's a temporary compliment! ?
For a moment, she couldn't help feeling anxious and uneasy, feeling faintly that something was going to happen!

The cheerful banquet continued.

At night, go back to the room.

Fang Ce once again enjoyed the gentle service of the beautiful slaves around him.

At this moment, You Dai, who was holding Fang Ce's shoulders, looked worried.


Fang Ce let out a comfortable hum.


You Dai couldn't help but speak.

"Huh? What's the matter, my beautiful slave."

Fang Ce said casually.

"My family... My family has something I want to ask the master, I don't know if it will offend me..."

"Just ask, Master, I am very open-minded."

"You...can you defeat the Martial God Bandu?"

"Huh? Why do you think Master and I can defeat Venerable Ban?"

Fang Shizuo was surprised, he didn't expect this girl to ask this question, could it be that his eyes are so vicious, and he can see his strength?This is a bit exaggerated, right?You must know that even the class alone can't see the depth of his strength.

"The slave family can see that your master's strength is definitely not simple, and you will definitely not be weaker than the slave family. Therefore, the slave family wants to know if you can beat the martial arts class."

"oh, I see……"

Fang Ce couldn't help but wonder, could this girl be so attached to him because she saw his strength?The purpose is to use his strength to avenge the Yiren Kingdom?

Seeing that Fang Ce didn't respond positively, You Dai couldn't help asking again, in her heart she hoped that the master would be able to deal with the Martial God Ban Du, if so, then she wouldn't have to worry.

"You tell the master first, why do you ask this?"

Fang Ce asked with a smile.

"Because my family saw that the martial arts class seemed to be in awe of you, the master, so I thought that the master's strength was higher than that of the martial arts class. However, today I discovered... I found out... that the martial arts class's respect for you, the master, may just be based on something. beg……"

You Dai pursed her lips and replied.


Fang Ce couldn't help pondering, this girl is quite quick-witted, observant, and her aptitude is indeed not simple...


"Ban Zun did ask for something, but I am so in awe, maybe because your master is very charming, I have convinced him..."

Fang Ce responded thoughtfully.


You Dai's beautiful eyes widened immediately, she just felt that this master seemed really abnormal, no!
She quickly shook her head again, not to be fooled by appearances, her master will definitely not be simple!

"Master... I don't know what to say, but I have something to say, I must remind you, Master! This power god country, this martial arts class can't believe it alone! They are greedy for your Feng Shui formation, Master, in all likelihood! Treat your Feng Shui formation After the arrangement is completed, you will definitely turn your face and deny anyone! Unless you, Master, can really hold back the Kingdom of Power God!"

"How is it possible? Our Kingdom of God has three gods. How dare the Kingdom of Power God offend us? My beautiful girl, you are thinking too much."

Fang Ce said disapprovingly.

"The kingdom of God? Three gods? I heard that you are from the distant middle-earth continent, and you came through the fog? Master, can you make sure that you can take care of this place? It's so far away, and it's still separated by the fog. Although I don’t know how you got here, but it must be not easy, right?”

You Dai looked worried.

"Don't worry, your master and I are very safe, and nothing will happen."

Fang Ce waved his hand.

"This... since the master is so confident, it's hard for the slave family to say anything... Then... the slave family has another question..."

You Dai hesitated again.

"What question? My beauty?"

Fang Ce asked with a smile, and felt that the little girl was getting more and more interesting now.

"Master, why do you want to help this Lishen Kingdom arrange a feng shui formation?"

You Dai bit her jade lips lightly, she was really unwilling to let this incomparably despicable Kingdom of God of Power become stronger and stronger!But the Yiren Kingdom, which advocated peace and friendship at the beginning, was shattered, and its people became slaves!
"Oh, that's because there's a deal."

"Deal? What deal?"

"Lishen Kingdom promised to use their source land as a bargaining chip in exchange for the layout of our Divine Kingdom's Feng Shui formation."

"What!? Origin soil!? This is impossible!!! It is absolutely impossible for Lishen Kingdom to use this as a bargaining chip. They are lying to you, master, in all likelihood!"


Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Because the treasures of the source soil can nourish powerful creatures. Where there are these treasures, all creatures within a certain range will be nourished, especially for the aptitude of newborn offspring. And there is only such a piece of source soil in the Lishen Kingdom How could they be willing to trade it? With their style, this is probably just a cover!"

You Dai replied.

"Is that so? But I think they are very sincere. Moreover, it is impossible to allow violation of the deal made with our Kingdom of God."

"This... I don't know what kind of existence your master's kingdom of God is, but the only thing that is certain is that this power kingdom is a country that cannot be trusted. If... if... master, you are really not absolutely sure that you can suppress it now. Living in the Kingdom of God... I suggest that Master, you should quickly find a chance to escape back to the Kingdom of God..."

"This is impossible. We came here to make a deal. Before the deal is concluded, it is impossible to go back."

Fang Ce shook his head.


"By the way, it's my beautiful girl, how do you know so much? Have you come into contact with the source soil?"

"This one……"

"Huh? It seems that you have hidden a lot of things from me, Master?"

"No, no! That's how it is. At the beginning, our Yiren country had a source of water, and my family was fortunate to have seen it... And not only our Yiren country, but also the Shenhu country also has a source of soil. So although this treasure is extremely rare, the three kingdoms people, more or less can know something..."

"Huh? What did you say? Yiren Country has a source of water? Shenhu Country also has a source of soil?"

Fang Ce was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised. It really didn't take much effort. Now not only the Emperor Dragon Cauldron can be repaired, but other artifacts can also be repaired!Gather these three pieces of materials together, then you will have five complete artifacts on hand, leaving only four pieces!

"Yes... yes... master... are you collecting these treasures in the Kingdom of God..."

You Dai replied hesitantly, and became a little worried, worried that the master would put his ideas on the current Winged Human Race, you must know that the current Winged Human Race is so weak that they can't stand any trouble at all!
"Yes. Where is the source of water in Yiren Country now?"

Fang policy responded.

You Dai's face froze, she didn't expect the master to ask directly.

"Don't worry, our Kingdom of God is a state of etiquette, we emphasize fair trade, and we will not buy or sell by force. If we really want to rob by force, this Kingdom of God has already been robbed by our Kingdom of God. We still need more toss?"

Fang Ce said proudly.

"This...Master, how strong is your kingdom of God? How much stronger than the kingdom of God?"

"Tsk... How do you say this...Let's put it this way, didn't you say before that our Kingdom of God is guarded by three gods? The strength of our three gods, only one of them can directly wipe out the entire Kingdom of God of Strength.

Well, before that group of venerables went to our Kingdom of God to challenge Lord Jiuying, one of the three gods, and almost lost their lives.At that time, he was so frightened that he lost his soul, and he didn't dare to mention this matter at all. "

Fang Ce shrugged.

"Only one... can..."

You Dai was suddenly startled, her complexion fluctuated.

"Okay, can you tell me, the master, where is the source water of Yiren Kingdom? I'll see if I can find time to talk to you after the transaction here is over."

Fang Ce asked with a smile.

"God... What conditions can the Kingdom of God promise..."

You Dai couldn't help asking, yes, she knew where the source water was!
"Oh...it's hard to say, after all, the value of such a treasure is hard to measure. Your master, I can only tell you that it is impossible to make a promise as a condition for the layout of the Fengshui formation of the Kingdom of God. In general, arrange a feng shui formation for Yiren Kingdom."

"Yi... Yiren Kingdom... Our Yiren Kingdom has been destroyed..."

You Dai sadly replied.

"Oh... oh... By the way, I forgot about this... How about this, your Winged Kingdom is gone. Then... what if the Kingdom of God can help your Winged Kingdom to restore it? May you use that source water as a source of water? trade?"

Fang Ce asked carefully.

When You Dai heard the words, she was shocked all over, and her beautiful eyes opened wide. Isn't this exactly what she and all the clansmen dared not dream of! ?

"Huh? How?"

"Master...Master...you didn't lie to my servant..."

You Dai replied tremblingly, she really wanted to agree immediately, but she was worried that this was just a game!Because she felt more and more that this master was not simple, and everything she saw now might just be an appearance!Perhaps from the beginning to the end, everyone is under her master's control!
"Ha, of course there is no need to lie to you. The Kingdom of God can help you restore the Kingdom of the Winged People first, and then ask for the source of water. Our Kingdom of God keeps its promise, so we don't know that the Kingdom of the Winged People..."

"No! Master! Our Yiren Kingdom will definitely keep our promise!"

You Dai hurriedly replied.

"Oh? In other words, my beautiful slave, you agree?"

"No... not..."

"Huh? No promise?"

"No, no, no! No! The slave family wants to agree, but the decision-making power is not in the hands of the slave family..."

"Oh... so what do you mean?"

"This... this... master, I promise to tell you where the source of water is, but not now. Because this situation is a bit complicated, I have to think carefully about how to ensure the smooth completion of this transaction..."

"Is that so... that's fine, anyway, there's no rush."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

"Well... thank you, master..."

You Dai responded lightly, she is now completely sure that her master is terrifyingly deep!Everything is under its control!
"Well... So, it's still necessary to go to the Shenhu Kingdom? I just don't know what you want there..."

Fang Ce murmured.


The next day, Fang Ce and the others had already left the royal city, and began to set up Fengshui formations in other cities of Lishen Kingdom.

Along the way, the Feng Shui formations of the cities were set up, and everything went very smoothly.It's just that the territory of the Lishen Kingdom is not small, and there are many cities, so it takes a lot of time.

Along the way, Fang Ce also met many Yiren residents living in Lishen Kingdom.After asking about You Dai's situation, I learned that these are not the orthodox Yiren people, but Yiren with the blood of the Lishen Kingdom.The main difference lies in the color of the wings. Those with severe variegation and grayish color are all of mixed blood.

Moreover, these Yiren would not regard themselves as Yiren at all, and even despise the Yiren very much, and feel ashamed that they have the blood of the Yiren! !
After almost a year, Fang Ce and his team completed the feng shui formations for all towns in Lishen Kingdom.During this period, he also learned a lot about the topography of Lishen Kingdom.In addition, I also learned that the ancestor king of the second-floor Heavenly Tribulation of the Lishen Kingdom is guarding the town in the south to guard against the Shenhu Kingdom.

"Hmm... finally it's finished... Venerable Ban, can we go back to your Lishen King City and take away that piece of source soil?"

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

When You Dai heard the words, she couldn't help but sneak a look at Ban Du.

"Of course it's possible. Distinguished guests, let's go back to the royal city with you first."

There was a mysterious smile on the corner of Ban Du's mouth.

Zhao Bu showed a sneer: Humph!Jumping clown!Next, let's see how we deal with you!

"OK, all right."

Fang Ce nodded with a smile, looking completely unguarded.

Soon after, return to the royal palace in the royal city.

"What? A few distinguished guests, want to obtain the source land? It's just that this transaction seems to have not been completed yet."

You Ke looked at Fang Ce and the others with a playful smile.

You Dai's complexion sank, these bastards really have no good intentions!

"This... I don't know what your Majesty means? We have already laid out Fengshui formations for all the cities of the Lishen Kingdom. What we promised here has been completed. The only thing left is for you, the Lishen Kingdom, to bring the source soil."

Fang Ce was puzzled, but a smile appeared in his heart. It seemed that he was going to swallow more treasures with tears in his eyes...

"No, no, you haven't handed over the method of arranging the Feng Shui formation, how can this transaction be considered complete?"

Yu Ke smiled.

Ban Du and Chao Bu also smiled at Fang Ce and the others, their smiles were a bit chilling!

(End of this chapter)

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