Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 369 The palace and castle lifted the source land for you

Chapter 369 The palace and castle lifted the source land for you

"You...you...what do you mean!?"

Fang Ce suddenly showed a look of 'shock and anger'.

"It doesn't mean anything, just the literal meaning."

You Ke smiled like a cat playing with a mouse.

"You... you... Venerable Ban? Didn't you say, as a witness? This majesty is going to violate the transaction agreement now!? You have to say something fair!"

Fang Ce looked at Ban Du with a look of 'asking for help but angry'.

"Oh, Mr. Wushuang, I am indeed a witness, but after thinking about it carefully, the terms of the transaction are really a bit unfair. Don't you think it's a bit excessive to ask us to exchange the source land just for the arrangement of Feng Shui formation? "

Ban Duo looked helpless and embarrassed. The reason why he did this was naturally just to deceive Fang Ce and the others, to see if he could use it to successfully figure out the arrangement method of the Fengshui formation.

"Ban Zun!? In other words, you have to go back on your word!? Aren't you afraid of the wrath of our kingdom of God!"

Fang Ce was 'furious'.

"Hahahaha! The anger of the kingdom of God? Hahahahaha!"

Ban Du couldn't help but raised his head and laughed, but he was too lazy to pretend.This place is so far away from the Middle-earth Continent, and the Middle-earth Continent has not even mastered the method of passing through the fog. Would he be afraid?
At this time, Chaobu and the others also showed mocking expressions like looking at a clown. During this time, they have had enough of this ignorant young man!This time, I feel refreshed and extremely happy.

"Oh, I thought it was a bit sincere, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this... That's all, since you broke your promise first, don't blame Xiaosheng for not showing face."

Fang Ce sighed lightly.

"Huh? Don't give face? It's up to you? Jumping beam clown, do you really take yourself seriously? If you didn't have a little use value, you would have died hundreds of times? You don't give face? Do you want to Are you laughing your teeth out? Hahahahaha!"

Chao Bu couldn't help laughing and mocking, and now this clown actually takes himself seriously?Still not giving face?What kind of idiot does it take to say that?
"Hey, Meijiaonu is here, you have to stand firm."

Fang Ce sighed softly, and casually grabbed You Dai's comfortable and soft waist, and in his astonishment, the other hand was called out by the Qinglong Sword!

In an instant, before everyone could react, terror surged out!

A high-pitched dragon chant soared straight to the sky!
The terrifying dragon Tengyun appeared out of thin air, and its sixty-foot body directly burst through the castle hall!The sky is revealed to everyone!

"What!? Nine Palaces Divine Beast Azure Dragon!? How is it possible!?"

Everyone in You Ke was shocked, unbelievable!
"Nine... Nine palace beasts... Qinglong!?"

You Dai, who was standing on top of Qinglong with Fang Ce's Qianqian Liu waist, also looked shocked and unbelievable. At this moment, she seemed to be dreaming. No matter how she thought about it, she could never imagine that the master was able to summon the Qinglong, the beast of the Nine Palaces! ! !

"No! This is not the real Azure Dragon! It's the Nine Divine Artifact! This guy has the Nine Divine Artifact Azure Dragon Sword in his hand!!!"

Ban Du quickly reacted and stared at the Qinglong Sword in Fang Ce's hand.

"Haha, Venerable Ban is Venerable Ban after all, he really has a lot of experience."

Fang Ce laughed loudly, and then a thought came out.

Immediately, the dragon chant soared into the sky!
The terrifying power erupted from Qinglongying's body!
"Be careful!!!"

Ban Du's heart shuddered, and his figure flashed quickly.

Boom boom boom!Hush!
In an instant, towering ancient trees were seen rising from the ground!

The entire castle was quickly destroyed, except for Ban Du, everyone was bound tightly by huge branches and vines!Those with a slightly lower cultivation base were directly strangled to death!

In addition to the countless soldiers and servants who were hit by the castle boulder, it can be said that the palace suffered heavy casualties in an instant!

Moreover, the spirit-guiding thunder cannons outside the palace were restrained for the first time, making it impossible to adjust and lock the target, and even unable to call at all for a while!

"You! Master Wushuang!!!"

Ban Du was suddenly startled and inexplicable. He never expected that Fang Ce would hide such a trick, and he turned out to be the owner of the Nine Artifacts!It seems that this guy is not as ignorant as he imagined!

"Hey, Venerable Ban, for the sake of friendship between you and me, let's hand over the source land first. Next, how you Lishen Kingdom should compensate us, the Kingdom of God, can still be discussed."

Fang Ce shrugged helplessly.

"You!! Hmph! Do you really think that you can compete with me with the Nine Divine Artifacts!? If you think so, I can only say that you are still too naive! Today, the Nine Divine Artifacts, the Azure Dragon Sword, must belong to our Power God Kingdom!"

Ban Du let out a low growl, and his figure quickly rushed towards Fang Ce!He can be sure that the power of this Azure Dragon Shadow is not enough to threaten him, and as long as the artifact master's strategy is taken down, this Azure Dragon Shadow will be useless!
At this moment, huge ancient trees rose from the ground again, quickly blocking Ban Du!
At the same time, thunder rumbled!Qinglong unleashes the Thunder of Hundred Tribulations, which also blasts at Ban Du!

However, Ban Du's terrifying saber intent erupted, easily disintegrating Qing Longying's offensive!After all, Qinglongying is not a real Qinglong after all, its abilities are greatly limited, and the four holy beasts in the Nine Palaces are better at dealing with evil things, so they are naturally much less threatening to ordinary creatures like Ban Du.

"Fairy, this group of venerables is a bit tricky, how about a little help?"

Fang Ce smiled, but hinted at Xin Yu's help.If he did it himself, the only meeting in the class would be over.The reason why he didn't do it himself was because there was still a deal ready to open, which was to help Meijiaonu's Yirenguo restore the country in exchange for Yuanshui!
If the Lishen Kingdom is destroyed so casually, how will the value of the bargaining chip in his hand be reflected?


Xin Yu was stunned, although she was a little puzzled, she still summoned the Xunfengqin knowingly, and reminded her!
A loud and clear phoenix cry sounded!
Another terrifying force is spreading!
A cyan phoenix entangled in wind and fire descends!Xunfeng, the Divine Beast of the Nine Palaces! !

"What! The Divine Beast of Nine Palaces Xunfeng!?"

Everyone in Ban Du was shocked again.

When Xunfeng's wings rolled up, a terrifying wind and fire tornado swept out!Cooperate with Qinglong's Tiandaomu to attack Bandu together!

A cry of pain!
Ban Du was instantly blown backwards!

Under the attack of the terrifying wind and fire tornado and the huge branches and vines, Ban Du was repeatedly injured, and at the same time, his actions were hindered!
The attacks of Qinglong and Xunfeng are all biased towards control effects, especially Xunfeng, because they are not specifically aimed at evil things, and their control ability and destructive power are very terrifying to ordinary creatures!

Although Ban Du's strength is considered top-notch, he is not a big monster after all. How can he fight against two Nine Palaces and Beast Shadows with one enemy and two?
"Ah! Damn it! Master Wushuang! When I find the ancestor king to come, it will be the time of your death!"

Ban Du roared, but broke out with all his strength and broke through.

"Oh? Venerable Ban, you actually escaped?"

Fang Ce looked at Ban Duyuan with a look of surprise, and he did this on purpose. If he really wanted to stop him, Ban Du's life would be lost in an instant, let alone escape.

"Wu... Lord Wushen..."

The bound monarch You Ke suddenly trembled all over, with a look of panic on his face.Even the Valkyrie squad has run away, so what should they do?
The divination people were also trembling all over, they didn't expect Fang Ce to have such a hand, it was really unexpected!If you let them know that Fang Ce is just playing with them casually now, he has never taken it seriously, and he doesn't know what expression he will have...

"Hmm... how about it, the respected king of Lishen Kingdom, are you going to hand over the source soil obediently?"

Fang Ce smiled and looked at You Ke.

"You...you...huh! Want the source land? Don't even think about it! I advise you to leave immediately! If you dare to touch me, you will surely die when the Martial God brings our ancestor king back!"

You Ke immediately calmed down, the target of the opponent was Yuantu, as long as he gritted his teeth and held out until the return of the Martial God and the Patriarch King, he would be able to save his life!
"Tsk...you know that what Xiaosheng hates the most in his life is the people who go back on their promises?"

Fang Ce looked at You Ke leisurely.

"Hmph, so what if you hate it? That's your business, anyway, I won't hand over the source land to you!"

You Ke sneered, and he was even more sure that Fang Ce would not touch him easily as long as he could not find the source soil!

However, right now!

"My lord! Found it!"

A pleasant voice sounded.

I saw a beautiful figure flying out from the ruins below, it was Shang Wu, and he was holding a treasure full of aura in his hand!

"Original soil!? How come!? How do you know!?"

You Ke's eyes widened suddenly, with a startled look on his face, this source soil is hidden in a very strong and hidden basement, and there are many security agencies, only he and the private female officer around the whole palace know how to get in!How could it be found so easily! ?
"Hahaha! Master Shangwu, this is a great achievement."

Fang Ce laughed heartily. He had asked Shang Wu to use his invisibility ability to find out the location of the source soil at night, so it would not be difficult for him to find it.

"My lord, you are welcome, this is what I should do."

Shang Wu came to Fang Ce and handed over the source soil to Fang Ce.

Fang Ce weighed the treasure casually, and looked at You Ke with a smile: "Your Majesty, what do you think next, how should Xiaosheng punish you, a person who broke his promise?"

"You...you...you dare to touch me!?"

You Ke trembled all over, and his face became serious.


Fang Ce shook his head lightly, but there was a terrifying force surging out from the green dragon under his feet!

"You! You! What are you going to do!?"

You Ke was terrified immediately, already aware of the fatal crisis!
In an instant, rumble rumble!
A terrifying amount of thunder crashed down!Swallow You Ke directly!


A mournful howl sounded!
You Ke has been wiped out!

"His Majesty!?!"

Everyone in the divination was shocked!


Fang Ce's indifferent gaze was already on the court divinations.


Chao Bu trembled all of a sudden, and was so frightened that he was about to kneel down and beg for mercy. If he hadn't been bound by the Lord at this moment, he would have been unable to stand still.You must know that what they are facing now are two Nine Palace Divine Beast Shadows with a cultivation base of ten thousand years!Even the Martial God Bandu was beaten away, what are they going to fight against! ?
"Well, I want to get along along the way, and there is still some friendship. Xiaosheng will not care about a few of you. You help Xiaosheng to convey a word to Venerable Ban. If you break your promise like this, the Kingdom of God will not let it go. Prepare Let’s accept the liquidation. Fairy, let’s go.”

After Fang Ce finished speaking, he and Xin Yu drove Qinglongying and Xunfengying respectively, and drove away with Youdai and Shang Wu.

He has already decided to confiscate all the spirit guide cannons of Lishen Kingdom as punishment.Now it is planned to build the city of the sky as soon as possible during the period of helping the winged human race to restore the country, and then come to harvest all the spirit-guide thunder cannons of the Kingdom of God, and use it to arm the city of the sky.Oh, by the way, there are also all the spirit stones stored in the Lishen Kingdom, and none of them can be kept.

As for the rest of the additional punishment, he will add it when he thinks about it...

When the Chaobu people heard the words, they were so scared that they pissed their pants immediately. If the Kingdom of God really came to liquidate, wouldn't the entire Power God Council be wiped out in an instant!After all, they have seen with their own eyes the horror of the power of the gods in the Kingdom of God!

After a while.

The effect of Qinglong's Heaven-Supporting Dao Tree has disappeared, and everyone in the divination has recovered their freedom. At this moment, they are all dazed and absent-minded, not knowing what to do...

And the entire royal city was already in chaos.After all, their palaces and castles have been overturned, and there are also two Nine Palace Divine Beasts with ten thousand years of cultivation!In addition, the monarch was annihilated, and there was no leader among the dragons.Can this situation not be messed up?
"What's going on!? People!?"

An angry voice sounded.

It was Ban Du who returned, and with him was an old man in gray with loose gray hair and torching eyes!
This gray-clothed old man is You Hong, the ancestor of Lishen Kingdom!
"Ancestor King! Lord Martial God! Your Majesty was wiped out by that damn guy! The source soil was also taken away!!"

The Chaobu members all knelt down and wailed loudly, and they finally got a little peace in their hearts. After all, the presence of the two pillars of the second-floor catastrophe is still very reassuring.

"What! That damned dog!! How dare he do it!?"

Ban Du was even more frightened and furious. Fang Ce had always given him the impression that he was a foolish ant, but now he has directly moved on the head of Lishen Kingdom, which is really hard for him to accept!
"The source land was also taken away!? How did you do things!? Didn't you say that everything is under control!? This means that everything of yours is under control!?"

A deep and angry voice sounded.

It was the patriarch You Hong who opened his mouth furiously. At this moment, the turbulent aura spread on his body, which made the Chaobu people tremble in fright.

"Patriarch, please calm down! This time we are indeed careless! I didn't expect that bastard to possess the Nine Artifacts Azure Dragon Sword! However, please rest assured, Patriarch! Together with you and me, we will definitely be able to take down those two guys! At that time, the source land will also be taken back, and the two Nine Divine Artifacts will also belong to our Lishen Kingdom!"

Ban Du hurriedly said.

"What about them!?"

"People...people...where did they go! Tell me!"

Ban Du glared at the divination officers.

"The subordinates don't even know! They took away the source soil, wiped out His Majesty, and then left. And... and... that damn guy also said... and said..."

"say what!?"

"Say, let us bring a sentence to you, Lord Valkyrie, that sentence is 'you break your promise like this, the Kingdom of God will not let it go, be ready to accept the liquidation.' That's the sentence..."

Zhao Bu hesitated and replied.

When Ban Du heard the words, his pupils shrank slightly, his whole body trembled, and his heart was terrified!But he instantly remembered the horror of the god Jiuying from before!

Ban Du quickly shook his head: "Middle-earth hasn't mastered the way to pass through the fog. If those two guys want to go back, they must rely on our Lishen battleship! Yes! Battleship! Hurry back to the battleship immediately, we can't let They took the ship! They may have known bearings within our ships!"

"By the way! Lishen battleship! Hurry up! There should be time! After all, they don't know where our Lishen battleship is! And it's impossible for them to drive the Lishen battleship! As long as they are trapped in the Eastern Continent , we still don’t need to worry! With Lord Martial God and the ancestor king joining forces, we will definitely be able to take them down!”

Zhao Bu said fiercely.

After all, Ban Du and his group have already headed towards the western sea area...


The southeast of Lishen Kingdom, high in the sky.

"My Meijiao, the Tianfeng Mountain Range, is this direction? Have you figured out the deal between us?"

Fang Ce smiled and shook the beauty who was still in his arms, she seemed to have not recovered from the situation just now...

(End of this chapter)

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