Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 370 The Wingren Princess Who Recovers The Country Calls Her Master Her Husband

Chapter 370 The Wingren Princess Who Recovers The Country Calls Her Master Her Husband
"Ah!? What's the matter! Master!?"

You Dai let out a coquettish cry, and responded hastily, but aftertaste came over.Seeing the green dragon under her feet, and the towns, forests and mountains flying past quickly in the distance, her heart was pounding, it was an indescribable excitement.

"I said, have you figured out the deal between us?"

Fang Ce asked with a smile.

"Pay... deal..."

"Cough cough."

There was a light cough.

But he saw Xin Yu put away the Xunfengqin at the side, and it also came to Qinglongying's head.

"Huh? Fairy?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"This place is very wide, so you don't have to worry about Miss You Dai falling down. And she can fly by herself."

Xin Yu gently pulled You Dai out of Fang Ce's arms, and at the same time untied the slave collar around her neck.

This green dragon shadow is huge, with a width of two feet, and there are several people standing in the same row, and it is not crowded at all.


Fang Ce rubbed his nose in embarrassment. He was just because the girl was not cultivated enough, and he forgot that the winged man was born able to fly, so he made such a carefree gesture. He really had no other ideas. He was mistaken for taking advantage by the fairy up...


You Dai stared at Xin Yu in a daze, with tears welling up in the corners of her eyes inexplicably, Xin Yu's seemingly careless action was a huge shock to her.

"You're welcome, just call me Xin Yu. You are free now, and from now on, you are no longer a slave."

Xin Yu responded lightly.

"Thank you...thank you, sir! But...but... the slave family is now willing to follow the master!"

You Dai responded gratefully, but then she threw herself into Fang Ce's arms again, holding her close.

Seeing this, Xin Yu's beautiful eyes widened immediately, with an incredulous look, and then looked at Fang Ce with disdainful eyes: "You...you...what did you do to her?"

"Hey! Wait! Fairy, this is wronged! It's really not my fault! Miss You Dai, you don't have to be so enthusiastic, it will be misunderstood..."

Fang Ce's face suddenly turned dark. Couldn't it be that he couldn't wash himself off by jumping into the Yellow River!

Xin Yu pursed her lips and didn't say much. Her true knowledge can tell that You Dai is still a virgin. transgressive things.As for whether Fang Ce oppressed the little slave girl in other ways, she didn't know.After all, the current situation doesn't look right...

"Forget it, let's talk about business. Girl Youdai, what do you think about our deal?"

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly, and didn't bother to bother with those details.

"Master...Master...Please forgive me, I want to confirm again...You...Can you promise to help our Yiren restore the country..."

You Dai pursed her lips in response.

"Of course, do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you? Didn't we keep our promise for the deal of the Lishen Kingdom, and spent more than a year arranging a feng shui formation for them? In the end, they violated their promise first, so we can't blame us what."

Fang Ce replied.

"Well... well... since the master promises... then the slave family can rest assured... as long as the master and you can help our winged human race restore the country, the slave family is willing to hand over the source water to the master."

"Oh? That's good. I don't know where the source water is now? I want to take a look first."

Fang Ce was overjoyed.

"This... the source water is now in the hands of the royal father... the slave family can't let the master see it now..."


"Well, let me re-introduce, the slave's name is Silk Lan Youdai, and it belongs to the imperial line of Yiren..."

"Oh, it's Princess Yiren, right? No wonder she is so outstanding, it seems that I have found a treasure."

Fang Ce smiled.

"No...the country is destroyed, so where is the princess..."

"Let's not talk about this for now. Do you want to take us to find your father now?"

"Well, that's my plan, but after leaving for so long, I'm afraid it will take some time to find the father and the others. Because for the sake of safety, the father will lead the people to move to the residence every once in a while. Especially when there are major situations, such as Someone's missing or something..."

"Like someone missing?"

"Well, because I was worried about the people who were taken away, I leaked the news..."

"That is to say, someone is missing, and they hardly bother to find it?"

Fang Ce couldn't help but look weird.

"Well, even... even the slave family is no exception... because the current Yiren clan is too weak. If you encounter someone at the level of the warrior class, even the last hope will be completely extinguished. Father, he can't do anything..."

You Dai pursed her lips in response.


Fang Ce nodded.

"Master, when we get to the Tianfeng Mountain Range, don't continue to drive this... this beast... Otherwise, we will definitely not find anyone..."

"Okay. When I get outside, I'll land."

Fang Ce responded that when they arranged the feng shui formation for the Lishen Kingdom, they already knew the location of the Tianfeng Mountain Range. It was located in a large mountain range in the southeast of the Lishen Kingdom.

"Also... in order to successfully complete the transaction between the slave family and the master, the slave family has a plan that requires you, the master, to cooperate with the slave family..."

You Dai said shyly.

"Huh? What kind of plan, but it doesn't matter, as long as it can facilitate the transaction. Xiaosheng will fully cooperate."

"This plan...the plan...is...that is, the master and the slave family will return to the clan as husband and wife..."

"Huh? Husband and wife status?"

Fang Ce was stunned.

Xin Yu and Shang Wu on the side also showed astonishment and weirdness.

"Well. Because today's Yi people are extremely wary of outsiders, it is basically difficult for you to get in touch with the slave family and the father like this. Let alone gain trust...

However, if you and I go back as husband and wife, it will be smoother.Then, the slave family tried to deal with it again.Let the father and the king cooperate with the master to help us restore the country, then the following things will be logical.

And during this period, the master has to show that he came here for the slave family, to help our winged human race restore the country, so that the center of gravity of everything will be tilted towards the slave family.At that time, the slave family will be able to negotiate with the father about the custody of the source water.The following things... Master must be able to understand, right? "

You Dai said in detail with some embarrassment.

"That's it, you're pretending to be a couple, right?"

Fang Ce nodded, saying so, he can understand.

"Well, when the time comes, I will say that Master, you are the savior of the slave family, and then we came together..."

"Okay, let's do this, from now on, I'll call you Dai'er..."

"Okay... Husband... Husband..."


Not long after, everyone had come to a boundless mountain range.

"Well, it's finally here, let's go in."

Fang Ce smiled, and led the three girls into the mountains.

In the mountains, jungles are everywhere, and the mountains are complex and undulating, and they are boundless at a glance...

"Finally... finally back..."

You Dai wept with joy.

"Uh... this... Dai'er, the Tianfeng Mountain Range is so vast, how are you going to find traces of your people? I feel that with this terrain, I'm afraid that if you search for it for a year or so, you may not be able to make much progress."

Fang Ce couldn't help but look weird. After all, towns have clear routes, and they can travel all over a country along the way.But to find someone in such a mountain range, the difficulty and time are several levels higher!

"Oh, the places where our Yiren hide are mainly in a large area of ​​tiankeng, canyons, cliffs, cliffs and other steep terrain. Because those places have no ability to fly, it is difficult for ordinary creatures to pass. For us Yiren, it is Natural security."

You Dai replied.


Fang Ce replied blankly, why does he feel that this is more difficult?

"Well... let's fly over directly, so that we can hurry up. There will be some clues in the places where our winged people live. It's not easy to find the slave's house."

You Dai spoke again.

"it is good……"

Fang Ce responded, and the group of people flew directly into the depths of the mountains.

After about half a day, we came to a precipitous area.

I saw huge tiankengs, steep cliffs, and bottomless abyss canyons in front of me, which were dangerous and spectacular.

"Husband, this is the area in front of you. It is said that this area is specially created by our god Ming Feng to protect our winged people."

You Dai said.


Fang Ce responded casually. He was not interested in knowing how this place was built. He just wanted to know when he could find the Winged Human Race and start trading.

"Let's go, husband, let's look for it one by one. Sooner or later we will find it."

You Dai quickly flew towards a huge sinkhole.

"sooner or later……"

Fang Ce suddenly felt a little headache, forget it, he is idle anyway...

When I came to the tiankeng, I saw a vast space inside, expanding downward in an irregular conical shape. Some protruding cliffs can be used as footholds, but when looking towards the bottom, it becomes dark and bottomless, and it is also in the upper part. Circles, places where light can barely be seen, and some vegetation...

"Dai'er, all of you winged humans live in this kind of place now..."

If You Dai hadn't brought him here, he wouldn't have dared to imagine that people could still live in this place...

"Well... After the destruction of the Yiren Kingdom, in order to avoid the enemy's siege and hunting, we can only linger in these dangerous places..."

You Dai returned lightly.

Fang Ce couldn't help being silent, and didn't ask any more questions.As You Dai walked around the tiankeng, they really found dozens of hidden caves that could live in people, but it's a pity that there are only traces of living in these caves, and there are no people left.

"Well, it seems that they have really migrated, we can only find places one by one..."

You Dai sighed lightly.

Leaving the tiankeng here, You Dai took Fang Ce and the three of them to other tiankengs, cliffs, canyons and abysses to search one by one.

After searching for more than a dozen places, they came to a cliff.

"Huh? There is a breath of existence here."

Fang Ce glanced away, looking at a depression at the bottom of the cliff.

"Go, go and see!"

You Dai immediately flew to that place.

Fang Ce and Xin Yu also followed quickly.

Arriving at the destination, Dang even saw a big cave.

"Who are you!?"

I saw a Yiren with a cultivation base of about 200 years blocking the entrance of the cave, with a hostile and guarded expression on his face.And in the cave behind him, there are still many figures vaguely, but they seem to dare not come out because of fear.

"found it?"

Fang Ce was puzzled, but felt that something was not quite right.

"Let's go, not the father and the others."

With a quiet sound, You Dai turned around and left.


Fang Ce was even more puzzled, so he just left?Do not ask a few words, a few words of pleasantries?After all, they are also clansmen, right?
Leaving that cave.

"Daier, what happened just now?"

Fang Policy could not help asking.

"It's nothing, our winged human race has already been disintegrated and turned into many small tribes. Basically, we have no communication with each other, and we even guard against each other..."

You Dai responded lightly.


"If you want to say, it can only be said that it was caused by our imperial veins... These people were abandoned by our imperial veins on the way to escape... because we have no ability to resist, in order to preserve our core strength, in order to make a comeback, we encountered danger At this time, I can only keep abandoning my tribe all the way...continuously...continuously..."

After You Dai spoke, her voice became lower and lower, and she could no longer hear it, obviously she was a little embarrassed.


Fang Ce nodded.

"Husband... do you think we are shameful..."

"No, since self-protection is not enough, how can we take care of others. If you are poor, you will take care of yourself alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world. There is nothing shameful or shameful in this."

"Hmm! Father is now constantly accumulating strength in order to revive the Yiren Kingdom and give shelter to all the Yiren! It's just that Father's current strength is still too short... The main difference is time and resources..."

You Dai gritted her teeth and responded.

"Well, what is your father's current level?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"The second level of heavenly tribulation... More than 6000 years of cultivation... If the father can reach the ten-thousand-year cultivation base, maybe he can once again protect our entire Yiren clan and restore the Yiren kingdom like the ancestor king did. No matter how bad it is, at least the It can give us Yiren some breathing space."

You Dai said firmly.

"Oh... I see... In this case, it's much easier to handle."

Fang Ce nodded. The Winged Human Race still has a second level of catastrophe. It will be much easier to gain a firm foothold again.Just as You Dai said, what the current Yiren King lacks is time or resources.

You Dai didn't say anything more, and led Fang Ce and the three of them to continue searching.

After three days, Fang Ce and his group met several small Yiren tribes, but they couldn't find any trace of the current Yiren King's forces, and gradually came to a remote canyon.

"His Royal Highness!? Also, who are you!?"

A surprised voice sounded.

I saw dozens of Yiren appearing in front of Fang Ce and the others. The leading Yiren was a handsome young man in yellow clothes with a ponytail, and he had the aura of 800 years of cultivation.

"Brother Haoyang! I finally found you! Father and the others are alright!!"

You Dai suddenly showed surprise and excitement.

"Your Highness, what's going on here? Where have you been this year? These people again!?"

Hao Yang Liangguang still had a look of surprise on his face, and at the same time stared at Fang Ce and the other three warily, because Fang Ce and the other three were obviously not Yiren.Either a person from the Lishen Kingdom, or a person from the Shenhu Kingdom!They are enemies anyway!
"Oh! I forgot to introduce, these three are honored guests from the kingdom of God in the distant middle-earth continent. They are all my saviors. This Mr. Wushuang is now my husband, and these two are Lord Wei Yuwei and Master Shang Wu Shang."

You Dai hugged Fang Ce's arm shyly.

"What!? Your Royal Highness, what are you talking about!? Husband!?"

Hao Yang Liangguang's eyes widened suddenly, with a look of astonishment on his face.

The rest of the Yiren were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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