Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 371 The Winged King and the Challenge from the Winged Genius

Chapter 371 The Winged King and the Challenge from the Winged Genius
"Well, my husband. What about my father and the others, hurry up and take me to see my father. I have good news to tell my father."

You Dai responded that she didn't want to get entangled in this issue.

"No...no...how can this be...Her Royal Highness's husband...no...wrong..."

Hao Yang Liangguang shook his head with a blank expression, not responding to You Dai's request at all.

"Brother Haoyang? What's wrong with you? Take me to see my father!"

You Dai became a little anxious, although she found people like Hao Yang Liangguang, she basically didn't worry about not seeing her father.However, now she can rush to bring the three masters to get acquainted with their father.

"No... how can this be possible! Your Royal Highness! You are the emperor of our Yiren! How can... how can... combine with this outsider... outsider!?"

Hao Yang Liangguang immediately stared at Fang Ce with resentful eyes.


Fang Ce couldn't help being stunned. It seems that these Yiren are really hostile to foreign tribesmen now, or is it because they are afraid that he will 'taint' the Yiren's imperial line?

"Brother Hao Yang! My husband is my savior! If it weren't for my husband, I'm afraid I'd never come back alive. And he treats me very well, I...I like it very much...

well!In short, don't worry about my business, take me to see the father and then talk about these things. "

"Your Royal Highness!"

Hao Yang Liang Guang stared at You Dai for a moment, and finally gave Fang Ce a cannibalistic angry look, then turned and left coldly.

Fang Ce was even more stunned. There seemed to be something wrong with the hatred and anger of the other party. Why did it feel like... like... being robbed of love?

"Okay. Husband, two adults, let's keep up. I will see my father in a while, and my father will definitely treat you well."

You Dai suddenly became joyful and excited.

"Oh... yes... Del..."

Fang Ce responded, and at the same time, he was keenly aware that the body of the winged youth in front seemed to tremble slightly...

Afterwards, several people followed Haoyang Liangguang and dozens of winged men to move forward in the canyon.

"Brother Haoyang, are you out hunting?"

You Dai asked.


Hao Yang Liangguang responded without emotion.

"How is everyone doing now? Are you okay?"

"It's all the same, hiding and hiding, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Father, he...does he miss me..."

"The king...of course he has thoughts, and he has sent people everywhere to look for you, Your Royal Highness..."


You Dai couldn't help but her eye sockets became moist.

"Your Highness, what happened to you this past year?"

"I... At the beginning, when I was training in the outer zone, I accidentally met the hunters of the God of Power, and I was caught by them immediately. Then...

Then he was taken to the Colosseum of Lishen King City by them and sold as a slave.Thanks to God's blessing, at that time, I met my husband and the others who came to trade from the Middle-earth Continent.

After my husband rescued me, he has been taking care of me.Then, during the transaction with Lishen Kingdom this year, my husband had conflicts with Lishen Kingdom, so he left from Lishen Kingdom and came back with me.Mainly to send me back to see my father. "

You Dai replied, she naturally didn't dare to say anything about Fang Ce's trade of source soil with Lishen Kingdom. After all, this is a very sensitive topic, and it will inevitably be associated with Fang Ce's coming for the source water of the Winged Human Race.

"Middle-earth? Are these people from Middle-earth? How did they get here?"


You Dai looks at Fang Ce in doubt.

"Oh, it's okay, we have already mastered the method of passing through the fog. This is no longer a problem. If you want to know, you can also teach it to you."

"What kind of deal do you guys come here with Lishen Kingdom?"

"Arranging Fengshui, because our Kingdom of God has mastered a more advanced method of Fengshui arrangement. The Kingdom of Power God asked us to help arrange it, and promised a generous return. It's just that these guys would turn back on what they said."

Fang Ce replied.

At this time, Hao Yang Liangguang was silent, and he never looked back at Fang Ce from the beginning to the end, and kept leading the way.

Gradually, everyone came to a hidden corner of the canyon hidden by majestic cliffs.


Hao Yang Liangguang stopped and looked into the corner.

At this moment, when I looked around, I saw that there were caves arranged scatteredly on the cliff!At the same time, there are still winged figures at the entrances of many caves. There are winged women chatting in twos and threes, winged children sitting on the cliff dangling their calves, and teenagers wrestling with each other.

Just looking at this vitality, Fang Ce can be sure that it is much larger than the small tribe of Yiren he encountered before!
"Brother Hao Yang, you are back!! Princess sister!? Really princess sister!? Princess princess is back too!? And... have you caught Xi Zuo!?"

Xiao Tong was the first to discover the arrival of Hao Yang, Liang Guang and Fang Ce.

Immediately, all the Yiren looked over.

"your Highness!?"

"Careful work!?"

Immediately, the entire angled area boiled up, and a famous winged man flew out!

Whoa whoa whoa!
The sound of a large flap of wings instantly covered the sky and the sun, and there were thousands of people on a huge scale!
In an instant, a large group of Winged Men had quickly surrounded them!It can be described as turbulent!

"Everyone! I'm back!!"

You Dai called out excitedly with red eyes.

"Your...His Royal Highness!?"

"Your Highness! I thought you would never come back!"

"What's going on with these three people? Are they the secret agents who were caught!?"

All the winged people also became excited, chattering in unison.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! The king is here!"

A loud shout sounded.

The Winged People were startled, and quickly made way for a passage.

Immediately thereafter, an astonishingly imposing blond winged man flew in, his stern face with a bit of vicissitudes of life concealed an unconcealable excitement.


You Daidang couldn't help but burst into tears and threw herself into the arms of the winged man.

"Dai...Dai'er...you're back...I'm not dreaming, am I!?"

The Winged King hugged You Dai gently tremblingly, and couldn't help the redness and moistness of his eyes at this moment.

"Well! Father is not dreaming! Dai'er is back! She is back well! Let father worry you!"

You Dai replied excitedly.

"Just come back! Just come back!"

The Winged King gently patted You Dai's back with a look of relief.

At this moment, the surrounding people are also full of joy.

The three of Fang Ce watched calmly.

After a good moment.

"Huh? Who are these people?"

Yiren Wang's puzzled and alert eyes fell on Fang Ce and the other three.

"My lord! These three people are the secret agents of the enemy! They want to use Her Royal Highness to break into our interior! Please give me an order to let the servants take them down immediately!"

Hao Yang Liang Guang was the first to salute with his hands clasped together!
The three of Fang Ce were taken aback for a moment.

"Careful work!?"

The Winged King's face darkened.

All the Winged People around also showed guarded and hostile eyes!
"Brother Haoyang!? No! Father! They are not secret workers! They are all my saviors! Father, I can come back alive because of my husband and them!"

You Dai quickly explained.


Winged King was even more taken aback.

"My lord! These three people are definitely meticulous work. Her highness is still inexperienced, so she can't see their tricks and was deceived by them. Please give the order quickly to take these three people down and interrogate them!"

Hao Yang Liangguang spoke again.


Yiren Wang narrowed his eyes and was about to give an order, but he couldn't trust Fang Ce and the others.For today's winged humans, no one is trustworthy except their compatriots!Even sometimes, compatriots may not be trustworthy, let alone outsiders! ?
"Father! Don't do anything! They are really my saviors! And they are not from the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of God, but from the Middle-Earth Continent! They are not our enemies at all!"

You Dai hastily stopped Yi Renwang.


Winged King was taken aback.

"Yes, Xiaosheng Middle-earth Continent Divine Country Fang Ce, known as Prince Wushuang. I have seen King Yiren here."

Fang Ce smiled and saluted.

Xin Yu's two daughters also clasped their fists together to salute.

"You say you are from Middle-earth? What proof do you have?"

Yiren Wang frowned, but he was not in a hurry for Fang Ce and the other three to make a move.

"King! Don't listen to them! From Middle-earth, how is this possible!?"

Hao Yang Liang Guang said anxiously.

But the Winged King waved his hand to be calm.

Hao Yang and Liang Guang frowned, and had no choice but to calm down.

"Hiss... Evidence... How about this, King Yiren, Xiaosheng will tell you about the things and things about our Middle-earth Continent, and then I will show you the special products of our Middle-earth Continent, how about it?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"Okay, you say."

The Winged King nodded.

"Well... let's talk about the national power of our Middle-earth Continent first..."

Fang Ce nodded, and began to talk slowly, focusing on things that were not available in the Eastern Continent.

King Yiren and the rest of the tribe were immediately amazed. Hearing what Fang Ce said was true, they couldn't help but gradually became less wary.

"Then, this is the blood essence of the five auspicious beast Qilin in the Middle-earth Continent. This is the essence blood of the existence of the second-level catastrophe. It is very precious. King Yiren, you can identify it. In addition, we also brought Drawings of five auspicious beast statues for Feng Shui arrangement."

Fang Ce casually took out a jade bottle and handed it out, while looking at Xin Yu.

Xin Yu lightly tapped the head, and then took out a stack of blueprints.


Yiren Wang took the jade bottle and felt a little bit, and suddenly showed surprise, and then looked at the blueprints Xin Yu gave.

A group of Yiren also whispered, and basically believed what Fang Ce said.After all, if it is really the essence of the existence of the second-level catastrophe, then it is the best way to identify it, because the existence of the second-level catastrophe is very rare!There are only a few on the Eastern Continent!

"Well... Indeed, these are not things that our Eastern Continent has... I basically believe in your identities..."

Yiren Wang looked at Fang Ce and the other three in surprise. The most important thing was that he recognized that the unicorn's blood essence was definitely not something that people from Lishen Kingdom and Shenhu Kingdom could have.And there is no such auspicious beast as Qilin in the Eastern Continent!
"Thank you, Winged King, for your trust."

Fang Ce smiled and cupped his fists, and put away the bottle of unicorn blood.

"King!? You trust them so much!?"

Hao Yang Liangguang couldn't help but look unacceptable.

"Brother Haoyang, what's wrong with you? Could the father be wrong?"

You Dai frowned, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Okay, Liang Guang, I will never make a mistake. These people are not from the Lishen Kingdom, nor are they from the Shenhu Kingdom."

Winged King also waved his hand.

"But... Even if they are not from these two countries, they can't be taken lightly! Who knows if they will have any collusion with these two countries!? And! This person has also deceived Her Royal Highness's feelings!"

Hao Yang Liangguang stared at Fang Ce.

"Brother Haoyang! My husband didn't lie to me! We are in love with each other!"

You Dai hurriedly said.

"your Highness!!"

Hao Yang Liangguang was even more unacceptable.

Yiren Wang couldn't help being silent, he knew that Hao Yang Liangguang liked You Dai, and he might promise to find a suitable opportunity in the future to betroth You Dai to her, because Hao Yang Liangguang has outstanding talent, he values ​​it very much, and has been cultivating it a lot, so naturally he wants to marry her win over.

Fang Ce is also completely sure at this moment, the guy in front of him likes You Dai, that's why he hates him so much...

"Your name is Fang Ce, right?"

Hao Yang Liangguang suddenly stared at Fang Ce with red eyes.

"Uh... yes, if you can, it's better for you to call Xiaosheng Mr. Wushuang."

Fang Ce responded casually.

"Don't tell me that there is nothing! I, Yang Liangguang, want to challenge you here!"

"Huh? Challenge?"

Fang Ce suddenly looked strange.

"Brother Haoyang! What are you doing!? Stop messing around!"

You Dai was even more anxious and embarrassed, Hao Yang Liangguang had always taken good care of her, he was as kind as a brother, she naturally didn't want him to conflict with his master.

"That's right! Challenge! If I win, you will leave Her Royal Highness right away! Our Highness Princess is of royal blood, and we must never combine with outsiders! Do you understand!!"

Hao Yang Liang Guang spoke in a deep voice.

"Brother Haoyang! I know you care about me! But this is my business! Don't do this again, okay?"

You Dai was so anxious that she was about to cry.


Fang Ce looked at the Yiren King, who was still silent and didn't make a sound at all. It seemed that he had acquiesced in Hao Yang Liangguang's trouble.

"If you are a man! Just accept the challenge openly! As long as you beat me, I will admit that you are worthy of the royal blood! You are qualified to marry the princess!"

Hao Yang Liangguang gritted his teeth and stared at Fang Ce. This is the only card he can play now, and it is also the most convincing card!

"Good! Support!"


"Support Brother Hao Yang's challenge! If it's a man's, let's use fighting to speak!"

All the winged people around joined in one after another, this Hao Yang Liangguang seemed to be very popular with everyone.

"Oh... well... then come on..."

Seeing this, Fang Ce just nodded amusedly, and with a quick call, the Azure Dragon Sword was in his hand!
Immediately, the terrifying aura spread violently!
"What's going on!? Be careful!!"

The Winged King was shocked.

However, in an instant, a high-pitched dragon chant soared into the sky!

A giant dragon rises out of the clouds!

The blue dragon is coming!

"The Azure Dragon, the Divine Beast of the Nine Palaces!?"

All the winged people present were shocked and horrified!
"The Azure Dragon, the Divine Beast of the Nine Palaces!?"

Yiren Wang's pupils shrank sharply, and he also had a look of shock and disbelief!
"Nine... Nine... Nine Palace Divine Beast Azure Dragon!? How... how... how is it possible!?"

Hao Yang Liangguang, who was facing Qinglongying, was even more frightened and trembled all over.

"Your Excellency, please give me a trick."

A leisurely voice sounded.

I saw Fang Ce casually sitting cross-legged on top of Qinglong's head, propping his chin with one hand, with the Qinglong sword across his thigh, looking down at Hao Yang Liangguang, without taking it seriously at all.

(End of this chapter)

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