Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 372 The King of Wingmen Excited by His Cheap Son-in-law

Chapter 372 The King of Wingmen Excited by His Cheap Son-in-law

"You... you... who the hell are you!!!"

Hao Yang Liang Guang trembled and said, looking at the huge existence in front of him, at this moment he only felt his whole body go limp, his scalp was numb, and all his anger and passion had been thrown away.In the face of this desperate power gap, how many people can still have the courage to resist?

The coercion from the beasts of the Nine Palaces, which has been cultivated for thousands of years, is something that a wingman with a cultivation base of [-] can resist! ?
Not to mention him, even the current Winged King is no match!Even all the winged people present can't fight against it!

The Winged King at the side also showed deep fear, and in an instant he smelled the danger of catastrophe!He can be sure that the giant dragon in front of him is enough to wipe out all the Winged Men present!

"Ha, Fang Ce, the unparalleled son of Xiaosheng, the Divine Kingdom of the Middle-earth Continent. Alright, your Excellency, please make a move, or should Xiaosheng make the move first?"

Fang Ce responded calmly.

"you you……"

Hao Yang Liangguang was still trembling all over, and the courage to fight at this moment was naturally gone.But, let him shrink back and beg for mercy like this, it is absolutely impossible to open his mouth!Because this challenge was opened by him!Under the eyes of everyone, and in front of You Dai, he...

"Husband! Don't be angry! Brother Haoyang, he just cares about me, he doesn't mean anything malicious. Don't try to make things better!"

You Dai hurriedly flew to Fang Ce's side, with a pleading look on her face.

"Hey, well, since Dai'er opened her mouth, then this battle should be regarded as a tie."

Fang Ce shook his head, and put away the Azure Dragon Sword directly. In fact, he didn't intend to embarrass the guy in front of him.You Dai begged for mercy, that would just be a favor.Moreover, he also saw that You Dai didn't seem to know that guy's feelings, alas, I can only say that she is a poor person...

With the disappearance of the green dragon shadow, Hao Yang Liangguang's tense nerves suddenly relaxed, but at this moment he had already collapsed, and his face was ashen.Where is this opponent that he is qualified to challenge...

All the winged people looked at each other in blank dismay, dead silent.They never expected that such a person would be ushered in today, and they were even a little worried, whether they would be exterminated today!

"Wing King, this is a small gift from Xiaosheng. It is not a respect, but a smile."

Fang Ce came to the King of the Wings, flipped through it, and three golden-red oval fruits overflowing with aura appeared.

Spiritual fruit!One can increase one's cultivation base by a hundred years!

"Spiritual Origin Fruit!?"

The Winged King suddenly opened his eyes wide, with a look of shock on his face.Three spiritual origin fruits, that is, 300 years of cultivation, say more or less.Because he has cultivated for more than 6000 years, the benefits these three spiritual fruits can bring are not great.However, the resources of the Winged Human Race are scarce now, so getting three Spiritual Origin Fruits is considered a great gift!

And even if it's not a lack of resources, Lingyuan fruit is still a scarce thing, and it's still a very heavy gift!
At this time, the Yi people around were all stunned and envious.

You Dai on the side has a strange expression, even a little surprised, she has long known that her master is staggeringly rich, and the spiritual fruits are just given away casually.I'm afraid that these three spiritual origin fruits are really small gifts in his mouth, and he is not saying it modestly.

After all, she had never heard anyone say that someone would just use spiritual fruit to improve the cultivation level of the female slave, and it had raised her cultivation level for 200 years!

"This... this... this Mr. Wushuang, I will give you this big gift when we meet for the first time, I'm afraid..."

"Father! Just accept it! Don't be polite to your husband!"

You Dai hastily took the three spiritual origin fruits and stuffed them into the hands of King Yi Ren, she knew that these spiritual fruits were nothing to the master, so don't let them go for nothing!
"This...well...you really have a heart..."

Yiren Wang stared blankly at You Dai, then looked at Fang Ce who had a gentle and modest face in front of him, this... is this really his son-in-law?It's also the beast of the Nine Palaces, Qinglong, and the fruit of Lingyuan, what is the origin of this?How did he recruit this precious daughter?
Fang Ce just smiled and didn't say much.

"Three distinguished guests, follow me to the mansion first."

The Winged King spoke immediately.

"Respect is worse than obedience."

Fang Ce nodded with a smile, and then followed the Yiren King to a cave with the three daughters Xin Yu.

When I came to the cave, I saw that the inside was very spacious and clean, but apart from being spacious and clean, there was almost nothing else.Just a big stone bench made of animal skin, and a few simple wooden chairs.

"The place is a bit shabby, so don't take offense."

Yirenwang was a bit reserved and embarrassed, after all, he was a majestic Yirenwang, and this was the place where he greeted guests.And the other party obviously has an extraordinary background and a prominent background.

"Haha, for idlers like Xiaosheng, it's the same everywhere. There's something special here too."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"I don't know why the three distinguished guests came to this Eastern Continent? And how did they get to know the little girl?"

Winged King asked.

"Oh, the reason why we came to this Eastern Continent is because the people from the God of Power came to visit our Middle-earth Continent, and then they took a fancy to the Feng Shui formation of our Middle-earth Continent, so they traded with us..."

Fang Ce started to narrate slowly, of course, the part about Yuantu and the part where he asked You Dai to fight beasts were all vaguely skipped...

"What? You destroyed the monarch of the Kingdom of God!?"

The Winged King suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Well, these guys are the ones I hate the most in my life because they keep going back and forth."

Fang Ce nodded.

The Yiren King couldn't help but change his face. To be honest, if he didn't see that Fang Ce was not malicious, and that he was brought back by his daughter, he might have wanted to stay away.Because this is too risky for today's Winged Human Race, as long as the other party is slightly malicious...

"Father, in fact, the daughter brought her husband back this time because she wants him to help our Yi Human Race restore the country!"

You Dai directly opened the topic.


The Winged King opened his eyes wide and looked at Fang Ce with some suspicion.

"Oh... yes, Dai'er said she wanted to restore the country, so Xiaosheng came to help."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Come... come and help..."

Yiren Wang was stunned, the tone of his words was really relaxed, and he didn't know whether he thought it was easy for them to restore the country of Yiren, or because he spoiled his daughter too much, he felt that helping him was a matter of course...

"Father, haven't you been talking about restoring the country? Now that your husband is here to help, our winged human race definitely has hope!"

You Dai spoke again.

"Yes... I don't want to return to the country all the time, but you came here too suddenly. And how do the distinguished guests plan to help?"

Winged King frowned.

"King Yiren, you can call Xiaosheng Fangce, and you don't need to look outside like a distinguished guest. As for how to help, you should ask King Yiren, what plans do you have for restoring the country? Otherwise, Xiaosheng doesn't know how to help what."

Fang policy responded.

"Okay, Fang... Ce, right? As for the plan... my original plan was to wait until I had reached ten thousand years of cultivation, and then cultivate enough combat power, and then walk out of the Tianfeng Mountain Range to restore us step by step. The Kingdom of Winged People..."

Winged King replied.

"Hmm... In other words, are you going to lie dormant for a long time?"

Fang Ce pondered.

"This... yes... because of the lack of resources and lack of strength... I have nothing to do except think about the restoration of the country..."

The Winged Human King showed a bit of embarrassment, and now their Winged Human Race is really shabby...

"Wing King, how many people do you have now?"

"Only... only a few thousand..."

Winged King hesitated a little embarrassedly.

"Hiss...only a few thousand..."

Fang Ce suddenly felt a headache, what can such a small group of people do?I don't know if the infrastructure can be busy...

You Dai couldn't help biting her jade lips lightly, her small face was tense, she also knew the embarrassment of the winged humans.I'm really worried that Fang Ce won't be able to help...

"I have only a few thousand people under my command, but if I can call back the lost people, there should still be tens or hundreds of thousands."

The Winged King spoke again.

"That's it...that's easier to handle... Xiaosheng will help you directly..."

"Fang Ce, I know your kindness. But, there is one thing, I must first make it clear that what the Winged Humans lack is not external power to help, but their own power."

Yiren Wang interrupted Fang Ce's words.


Fang Ce couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

"Do you know, in fact, the biggest reason for the decline of our winged people is that we relied too much on the ancestors, which led to the lack of strength of the entire race.

At the beginning, the ancestor king was really too strong, and one person was enough to deter the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God and Tiger.Under the protection of this glory, the whole country of Yiren seems to have no need to work hard.

As a result, after the accidental fall of the ancestor king, the entire Yiren Kingdom had almost no ability to resist, and quickly collapsed and disintegrated...

So, if you really want to help our Winged Human Race to restore the country, you should not rely on your own strength to fight for our Winged Human Race.It is to help our winged human race grow, so that our winged human race can have the capital to restore the country. "

Winged King said slowly.

Hearing this, You Dai couldn't help being stunned, this was a question she hadn't thought about, she was only thinking about using Fang Ce's power to restore the country...

"Well, it can be seen that the Winged King is a great king."

Fang Ce nodded with a smile. It seems that the Winged King is not as useless as he imagined, but he is really trapped in the shallows...

"Is it great... I really can't bear it..."

The Winged King shook his head and smiled wryly. Thinking about the Winged Clan he is leading now, he only felt the irony of the word great...

"Frankly speaking, the current situation of this winged human race is to grow up. Under normal circumstances, it really takes a long time, and they may even die in the middle."

Fang Ce spoke again.

The Winged King froze, and nodded: "I also know, but... there is no other way..."

There was bitterness in his heart, and he was still suffering endlessly.Thinking of the countless people who have been displaced because of him, he can do nothing but feel ashamed and blame himself.And he must continue to do so, otherwise, even the last hope will be cut off.And bear the burden of humiliation, and maybe endure it and really never get up again...

"Well, for Dai'er's sake, I can make an exception and let the Winged Human Race take a shortcut to become stronger quickly."

Fang Ce considered it.

"Huh? A shortcut to quickly become stronger? What shortcut?"

Winged King was surprised.

You Dai is also curious.

"We in Middle-earth have mastered a method of warfare called the Ancient Battle Formation..."

"What!? Ancient Battle Formation!?"

Before Fang Ce finished speaking, Yiren Wang was the first to be shocked!

"Huh? You also know about the Ancient Battle Formation here? Could it be used here too?"

Fang Ce was stunned, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. If there were also some here, then he didn't seem to have many means to do it.Unless he personally takes action to directly destroy the Lishen Kingdom and the Shenhu Kingdom...

"No, no one here has mastered the ancient battle formation. I know it from the records. It is said that it is a very powerful combat ability. In addition, according to the records, it seems that this side once had it, but it has been lost."

"Oh? Are there any relevant records of the Ancient Battle Formation here?"

Fang Ce couldn't help being curious, but at the same time breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that there was also an ancient battle formation here, which really scared the baby.

"Well, I only know that there are a total of 36 formations in the ancient battle formation in the records, which are divided into 72 Tiangang formations and 36 Earth evil formations. Among them, the 72 Tiangang formations are the most difficult to master, and their abilities are generally stronger than the [-] Disha formations. Little. Unexpectedly, the Middle-earth Continent still has the ancient battle formation..."

The Winged King had an expression of disbelief, curiosity and longing.

"Oh, so there are records here..."

Fang Ce nodded flatly, with a look of understanding.However, at this moment, he was shocked in his heart, there were a total of one hundred and eight formations! ? 36 Tiangang? 72 Earth evil?It seems that the desolate ancient battle formations they have now mastered are just two of the Earth Sha battle formations!Dinu and Dijie!What about the remaining one hundred and six battle formations?Especially 36 Tiangang...

Xin Yu's eyes flickered on the side, and she was very surprised. She didn't expect that there would be relevant information about the ancient battle formation here.

"Fang... Fang Ce... What did you mean just now, that you intend to teach us the Ancient Battle Formation of the Winged Human Race?"

The Winged Human King couldn't help asking. According to the records, the ancient battle array can give ordinary cultivators the power to fight against the ancient monster. If the current Winged Human Clan can really get it, they can really become stronger in a short period of time!
"Well... yes, but not everyone can practice and master this ancient battle formation. It requires talent in this area."

Fang Ce nodded in response. Although the ancient battle formation is a very powerful ability, the two battle formations currently mastered are still much inferior to the Fengshui formation in his hands.Whether it is cultivation conditions or practicality, it cannot be compared with the Fengshui formation, and the Fengshui formation and the ancient battle formation can complement each other and exert a greater effect.

Therefore, he only needs to grasp the feng shui formation, and he will not suffer a loss if he only teaches the ancient battle formation to the Yi people to conclude the deal as soon as possible.After all, there is only one piece of source water now, and after the Nine Artifacts are repaired, the future Sky City will be the real horror!A second-class Feng Shui magnificent city that can fly everywhere!What an incredible creation that is!

"This...then how do you know if you have talent in this area?"

The Yiren King was surprised, but at the same time excited and excited, because his cheap son-in-law had agreed to teach the ancient battle formation of the Yiren Clan!

"Oh, let the fairies tell the difference."

Fang Ce smiled and looked at Xin Yu.


Winged King also looked at Xin Yu in doubt.


Xin Yu tapped his head to Fang Ce, and then said: "Come here, among the Yimen I have seen, there are several who have the talent to master the ancient battle formation. And in this cave, there are two."

"There are two of them in this cave?"

The Winged King was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help looking at You Dai who was snuggling beside Fang Ce.

"Huh? Me!? Then there is another one?"

You Dai looked around, her eyes finally fell on King Yiren, here, there are only two Yiren, her and her father!
"Well, yes, the Winged King and His Highness the Princess both have this talent."

Xin Yu smiled and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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