Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 373 The Cheap Son-in-Law Who Shocked the Wing Man Wang Zhi in Cold Sweat

Chapter 373 The Cheap Son-in-Law Who Shocked the Wing Man Wang Zhi in Cold Sweat
"So, can you teach us the Ancient Battle Formation?"

Winged King asked excitedly.

"Well, this is the cultivation method of the slave formation in the ancient battle formation, which is suitable for the two cultivation."

Xin Yu casually took out a scroll.

"Okay... okay... thank you! Thank you, this fairy!"

The Winged King immediately took the scroll with trembling excitement.

"By the way, I forgot to ask, what is the strength of the Winged King under your command that has been cultivated for more than [-] years? There are cultivation requirements for the formation of this ancient battle formation."

Fang Ce opened his mouth.

"Hundred years of cultivation? There are more than 2000 people."

"2000 people? That's just enough to form two ancient battle formations, and..."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded, and at the same time he thought of a problem, these winged people are born to fly!Once formed into the ancient battle formation, compared to ordinary people, it is definitely even more powerful!

You must know that in the middle-earth continent, the biggest limitation of the ancient battle formation was the inability to fly and limited movement!And if these wingmen are formed, there will be no such problem, and the rest is the limitation of flying speed.


Fang Ce couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Thinking about it now, he found that this winged man seemed to be very suitable for the sky city he was about to build. After all, ordinary cultivators basically couldn't fly freely until they crossed the catastrophe.

Although there are flying spells and magic weapons, but these are not very practical.Flying spells are not so easy to master. Unless they have the talent in this area, ordinary cultivators don't have so much time and energy to spend on it. It's a bit impractical to spend time here even after crossing the tribulation.

As for the magic weapon that can be used for flying, it is expensive, and the quantity is not large, and it cannot be popularized.Moreover, when flying with a magic weapon, the cultivator himself is basically unable to fight, let alone form an ancient battle formation...

After all, this winged race is really a dominant race.It made Fang Ce want to recruit Yi Ren...

"And what?"

The Winged King was puzzled.

"Oh, nothing."

Fang Ce immediately shook his head, not planning to discuss these advantages with the other party for the time being.

"Oh... By the way, I don't know what is the relationship between Fang Ce, this fairy, and this girl...?"

Yiren Wang then asked curiously. He felt that the relationship between Fang Ce and Xin Yu was not simple. Originally, he didn't need to ask more about these personal matters, but the problem is that now that his precious daughter and Fang Ce are in love, this is his responsibility. The son-in-law, naturally couldn't help but want to find out, to confirm the status of his precious daughter next to this cheap son-in-law.

You Dai also couldn't help being curious, she could see that the master was very obedient to the fairy, which made her very envious...

"Oh... the fairy is Xiaosheng's mentor, and the Shangwu girl is a colleague."

Fang policy responded.

"Mentor? I see, this fairy, I am really disrespectful!"

Winged King couldn't help but clasped his fists in surprise and saluted.

"No, the Yiren King doesn't need to be so polite. Fang Ce and I are more like teachers and friends, and our status is not that high."

Xin Yu quickly waved her hand.

"Fairy is really humble."

"King Yiren, Xiaosheng looks pretty much the same, and there won't be any major changes until you have mastered the ancient battle formation. Now, Xiaosheng will help Dai'er overcome the catastrophe, after all, she is an ancient battle formation It’s not good to be the right candidate, and it’s not good if one’s own strength is too low.”

Fang Ce opened his mouth.

"Ah? Help Dai'er cross the catastrophe?"

Winged King was taken aback.

"Ah? Crossing the Tribulation? Me?"

You Dai was also taken aback, wondering if she heard it wrong, she only has 300 years of cultivation now, hasn't even thought about crossing the robbery yet?When she cultivates to the point where she can overcome the catastrophe, she won't even know that the year of the monkey will be over.

Yiren Wang naturally also knows the situation of his precious daughter. This young man has not practiced for many years. When did he get along with Du Jie?
"Yes, Xiaosheng still has a little bit of spiritual fruit here. Dai'er can take it and eat it, and then he can start to cross the tribulation."

Fang Ce flew a bunch of Earth Spirit Fruits in front of You Dai.


Both Yiren Wang and You Dai's eyes were wide open, and their faces were stunned.

"Oh my God!! So many spiritual fruits!? Lord... no, my husband gave these to me!?"

You Dai trembled excitedly.

The Winged King swallowed even more, the earth spirit fruit!These are all Earth Spirit Fruits! ?One is ten years of cultivation and ten years of longevity!This is more valuable than the spiritual fruit that simply improves the cultivation level!After all, if you only have a long cultivation base, but not a long life element, you will have to finish playing sooner or later.

"Well, it's for you, eat it. After eating, you will pass through the catastrophe immediately. Then it will be fine to raise your cultivation to be close to the second level of catastrophe. First master the ancient battle formation, and then slowly think about how to live." The second level of catastrophe."

Fang policy responded.

"This... this... but I'm not sure about crossing the tribulation... and I'm not prepared..."

You Dai is in a daze at the moment, isn't crossing the catastrophe risky?Even the first floor is not easy, right?Why do you hear the master say this, as if you can live casually?
"Oh, it's already prepared for you, this one will work."

Fang Ce flipped through it casually, and took out a large stack of talismans.


You Dai was taken aback.

"Golden House Talisman, this amount is enough for you to go through ninety-nine calamities."



At this moment, the Yiren King has a numb face, even full of envy, and casually poured a 3000-year cultivation base with the earth spirit fruit?This means that his precious daughter will have a lifespan of nearly 3000 years in a short time!

What does 3000 years of longevity represent! ?On behalf of his precious daughter, he will have 3000 years to slowly prepare for the second cataclysm!You must know that the vast majority of cultivators, after successfully surviving the first level of catastrophe, only have a lifespan of about a hundred years.

Although you can rely on cultivation and spiritual objects to prolong your lifespan later, there are limits to them, and in the process of cultivation, there is also consumption. Generally, if you practice hard and diligently for nearly 3000 years, if nothing else, your lifespan will also be reduced. But there are about 200 years left, and within these 200 years, if you can't survive the second level of catastrophe, it will basically be over...

It can be said that even if the Yiren Kingdom still exists, as the King of the Yiren, he may not be able to directly cultivate a cultivator with a 3000-year cultivation base and a 3000-year lifespan!And even if there is this resource, it is impossible to take it out casually like Fang Ce, like throwing a Chinese cabbage, "Oh, you eat this, and you will be able to pass the catastrophe", without hesitation at all...

This kind of situation can only show that his son-in-law is already rich enough to make one's scalp tingle, even the king's scalp is tingling. After all, this is not gold and silver, but a lot of earth spirit fruits!
What kind of fairy son-in-law is this?He had to wonder if his cheap son-in-law was a fairy who ran down from the Nine Heavens...

"Thank you... thank you husband... thank you husband!"

A choked voice sounded.

I saw that You Dai was already eating with tears of happiness in her face, although she knew that what the master is doing now is only for the source water deal, but if the master is really her husband, then it would be great...

Fang Ce just watched with a smile and didn't say much.

Xin Yu and Shang Wu also watched very calmly and habitually, they had seen this scene countless times, and it was far from exaggerated, so naturally there was no mood swing.

Yiren Wang looked at Fang Ce quietly, and suddenly couldn't help but shudder again. He suddenly discovered a terrible thing, he failed to see through the cultivation of this cheap son-in-law! ?Now he senses that the breath of this cheap son-in-law is very weak, less than a hundred years old!
But if you think about it carefully, this is obviously not right!After all, if this cheap son-in-law can directly cross the catastrophe and reach 3000 years of cultivation for his precious daughter, will he not be able to cultivate himself?Obviously impossible!And being able to achieve this kind of situation can only show that this cheap son-in-law himself, like him, is also a second-tier existence!And you have to be far superior to him in order to do this!
Thinking about it, the Yiren King couldn't help swallowing, and a trace of cold sweat rolled down his forehead. In his impression, he could vaguely perceive the unfathomable depth of the ancestor king before he stepped into the second level of heavenly calamity.That was when the ancestor king hid his cultivation, he could be sure that the ancestor king was very strong!But the cheap son-in-law in front of him looks like an ordinary cultivator, he can't feel the strength at all, and he doesn't even feel any threat at all!

Doesn't this mean that this cheap son-in-law is likely to be far superior to his ancestors! ?Otherwise, how could it be possible to do this! ?
After a while.

"Hi... Husband, I can already overcome the tribulation..."

You Dai couldn't help hiccupping, and looked at Fang Ce with embarrassment and embarrassment.

"Well, okay, let's go out and cross the catastrophe."

Fang Ce smiled.


You Dai nodded hastily.

Then, come outside.

The thunderclouds quickly gathered, and a depressive atmosphere enveloped them!

"what happened!?"

"Someone crosses the catastrophe!? Your Royal Highness!?"

"It's Her Royal Highness who has crossed the catastrophe!?"

"How is it possible!? Her Royal Highness can overcome the tribulation!? So fast!?"

All the winged people were shocked.

"Crossing the catastrophe...His Royal Highness, crossing the catastrophe... How is this possible?"

Hao Yang Liangguang was even more stunned. He couldn't be more aware of You Dai's situation. Before she disappeared a year ago, she had only been cultivated for about a hundred years. Now that she has returned, she has passed the tribulation! ?how can that be! ?But in the open space in the distance outside, that beautiful figure who is preparing to meet the catastrophe is who it is if it's not You Dai! ?

Suddenly, he turned his gaze to Fang Ce. The source of all these variables is only the man in front of him!And this man does have this strength!Thinking of this, he felt even more depressed, with all kinds of feelings in his heart...


Thunder exploded!

You Dai's catastrophe has already begun.

A series of tribulation thunders fell, about a dozen or so, and then stopped.

You Dai passed the tribulation smoothly.

All the winged people cheered excitedly.

At this moment, You Dai closed her eyes and crossed her knees on the ground, entering a state of epiphany.

Fang Ce took the two daughters Xin Yu to the side to protect the law, no matter what, You Dai is now his wife in name, and she has to act like she loves her...

And on the cliff, Hao Yang Liangguang sat in a daze, looking at the man who had successfully overcome the catastrophe and his husband in the distance, now his heart is ashamed, he has no more thoughts, this is simply not an opponent he can win... …


A sigh sounded.

I saw the Winged King coming to the side.


Hao Yang Liang Guang was taken aback for a moment, and wanted to get up to salute.

"Sit down."

The Winged King patted Hao Yang Liangguang on the shoulder, and sat down with him.

Hao Yang Liang Guang was silent, his eyes still blank.He knew that King Yiren must have accepted Fang Ce, his son-in-law, let alone King Yiren, even he would definitely choose to accept him.After all, this son-in-law is really too strong, too capable...

"Liang Guang, don't think too much about it. You are a very good child, and you don't have to worry about finding a good partner. It won't be long before our Yiren Kingdom will be revived, and by then, there will be a lot of good people The girl is waiting for you."

Winged King said slowly.

"Revival of the Yiren Kingdom? King? What do you mean?"

Hao Yang and Liang Guang were stunned for a moment.

"That kid Fang Ce is now helping us restore the country."

"This!? He wants to help our winged human race restore the country?"

"It's not about helping, it's about helping us restore our country. You'll know soon. Our Winged Human Race is about to rise again, and I will lead you to take back everything that belongs to our Winged Human Race!"

The Winged King's gaze gradually became sharper.

Hao Yang Liangguang couldn't help but his complexion changed, and when he looked at Fang Ce again, his eyes became a little different. If this man can really restore their Winged Human Race to the country, then he is not unacceptable...

Seven days later, You Dai had already woken up from her epiphany, and her strength had soared.Afterwards, he began to seriously cultivate the ancient battle formation.

The Yiren King has already mastered the ancient battle formation, and began to train the soldiers of the ancient battle formation, that is, more than 2000 wingmen with a century-old cultivation base.

Hao Yang Liangguang and the rest of the Yiren were all looking forward to it curiously, because the King of the Yiren had announced that he was about to walk out of the Tianfeng Mountains and rebuild the country, which ignited hope in the hearts of the Yiren who had been depressed for a long time.Of course, this is mainly due to the arrival of Fang Ce. As the husband of His Royal Highness Princess Yiren, this powerful son-in-law of the Yiren Kingdom easily gave confidence to all the Yiren!
Otherwise, if the Yiren King suddenly said, 'I want to lead everyone out of the mountains and rebuild the country', who would dare to rest assured to follow this footsteps when there is nothing?
At this moment, in another remote open space in the canyon.

"Fairy, you are sure to fix it now, aren't you?"

Fang Ce casually released the huge Emperor Dragon Cauldron in the open space, and took out the source soil.He knew that Xin Yu had the ability of true knowledge and could learn how to restore the Emperor Dragon Cauldron.

Taking advantage of his free time, he impatiently took Xin Yu to repair the Emperor Dragon Cauldron.As long as the Emperor Dragon Cauldron is repaired, planning for the construction of the Sky City can begin.During this period of time, while helping the Yi Human Race to restore the country, he can also let the Yi Human Race contribute to help build the city.

After all, he and Xin Yu couldn't be the only two daughters, three people in total, right?This is building a city, and it is an unprecedented city in the sky.It's not like pinching mud, only three people can do it?

"Well, another 300 yuan of spirit stones."

Xin Yu nodded lightly.


With a wave of Fang Ce's hand, the 300 yuan spirit stones flew out directly. Fortunately, he got a lot of spirit stones from playing beasts in the Kingdom of Lishen before, otherwise it might not be enough.

"Get out of the way first."

Xin Yu said softly.

Fang Ce and Shang Wu retreated immediately.

A light drink.

Xin Yu casually controlled the source soil and the 300 yuan spirit stone in the void, and then summoned the real fire of Jiuxiao to refine it.

Under the scorching flames, the source soil and the 300 yuan spirit stone gradually melted away, turning into wisps of orange-yellow energy lingering around the Emperor Dragon Cauldron.

Under Xin Yu's delicate manipulation, the energy slowly seeped into the Emperor Dragon Cauldron, and the cracks on the Emperor Dragon Cauldron gradually healed and disappeared!
"Is it going to be done!?"

Fang Ce couldn't help showing excitement and joy.

In an instant, the cracks on the Emperor Dragon Cauldron disappeared, and then the light burst out, and a colossal force exploded!
A high-pitched dragon chant soared into the sky!

The earth is shaking!

I saw a thick orange dragon breaking out of the ground and surrounding it!Pang Ran's body was seventy feet long, his eyes gleaming red, looking down at the three of Fang Ce, his mighty aura enveloped the world!

The Emperor Dragon is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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