Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 374 The Beautiful Girl Who Is Resentful To Keep Her Husband

Chapter 374 The Beautiful Girl Who Is Resentful To Keep Her Husband

"The head of the beasts of the Nine Palaces! Emperor Dragon!!! Hahahahahaha!"

Fang Ce suddenly burst into laughter with excitement and surprise!The appearance of Emperor Longying also means that his idea of ​​the city in the sky is about to come true!

"This is the Emperor Dragon!? This momentum is worthy of being the leader of the Nine Palaces Divine Beast!"

Shock appeared on Shang Wu's bright and demure jade face, the impact of the Dilong's momentum on her was too strong.

The Emperor Dragon Cauldron has also been lifted into the void, surrounded and protected by the huge body of the Emperor Dragon.On the other hand, there are huge boulders or huge land around Dilong's body, which have a very strong sense of thickness!

Yes, she only felt the weight of these flying things, not the lightness of flying.It's completely different from the feeling of flying, these boulders and earth seem to be directly lifted by an unparalleled force!
"What happened... this! This! This is the emperor dragon, the head of the beasts of the Nine Palaces!?"

A shocked voice sounded, and the Winged King arrived.

At the same time, the fair-haired Winged Princess with a beautiful face and a graceful and plump figure also arrived, and the girl also had a look of shock on her face.

Afterwards, Hao Yang Liangguang and a group of wingmen arrived one after another, and they were all shocked when they saw Dilong.

Everyone was obviously shocked by the huge movement here.

Fang Ce glanced at the Yiren King and the beautiful Yiren Princess, and then flew directly to Dilongying, to be precise, to the Dilongcauld.

Under Dilongying's majestic red eyes, Fang Ce came to Dilongding, touched it with his big hand, and softly shouted: "Take it!"

Suddenly, the light converges.

Di Longying quickly entered the Dilong Cauldron, and was immediately entered into the consciousness space by Fang Ce.

Fang Ce couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, this Dilong didn't reject him, otherwise, it might be a little embarrassing.At the same time, my heart became even more joyful, the city in the sky is stable!
"Nine Artifacts!?"

The Yiren King has already seen the clues, knowing that the previous Qinglong and this Emperor Dragon were both summoned by the Nine Divine Artifacts!After all, there are also records related to the Nine Divine Artifacts here!

Youdai's stunning face showed surprise, she faintly felt that the master's coming to trade the source soil might have something to do with the Nine Divine Artifacts!
"Haha! Winged King, and everyone, I'm really sorry for disturbing you. Because I haven't summoned this Emperor Dragon for a long time, I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar."

Fang Ce came to the crowd of King Yiren, smiling and clasping his fists.

"No, no, I thought it was a powerful enemy attacking. I didn't expect it to be Fang Ce and you, so it's fine."

Winged King quickly responded with clasped fists, and he was full of curiosity and suspicion about the origin of his cheap son-in-law.

Afterwards, everyone returned to their place of residence and continued to practice, preparing for the restoration of the country after walking out of the Tianfeng Mountain Range.

After about a month, the formal training of the ancient battle formation between King Yiren and You Dai was completed!

In the void of the canyon, two mighty ball formations flew up!
This ball battle formation is composed of a thousand Wingmen each, with the Wingman King and Wingren Princess at the center, arranged in an orderly manner. Each direction has a wide line of sight at the center where you can see the outside situation. People are closely connected with resonance power and converge at the central point.

"Is this the Ancient Battle Formation!?"

"It's so powerful! I don't know how powerful it is!"

All the winged people were surprised.

Looking at the two desolate ancient battle formations flying in the air, Fang Ce fell into deep thought. This Yiren is really a very powerful unit. Should he think of a way to recruit some?It's just that it doesn't seem suitable, after all, this is not my own...

Then King Yiren asked several Dujie subordinates in the clan to try to attack the ancient battle formation, but it turned out that even a pawn in the ancient battle formation was hard to shake!All the Yiren were even more shocked and excited!
Now Yiren Wang still has six fighters with a 900-year cultivation base and a 700-year cultivation base under his command. The rest, including Hao Yang Liangguang, are all below 2000-year cultivation base.

After the power test of the ancient battle formation is completed.

"Three nobles! Please be honored by Emperor Si Lan!"

The King of the Winged People excitedly bowed down to the three of Fang Ce, because the mastery of the ancient battle formation meant that the Winged Human Race now had the hope of rising, and had the confidence to fight against the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God and Tiger!How can I not be excited! ?


You Dai and the rest of the Yiren were shocked.

"No, no, no! King Yiren, please get up quickly! How can an old man give such a big gift to his son-in-law!"

Fang Ce quickly helped King Yiren up. After all, it was just a deal for him. After getting the source water, he patted his ass and left. How can there be any gratitude?

"Hahahaha! Well, well! It's really great! From now on, with your good son-in-law around, why don't we worry about prosperity!"

The Winged King laughed and patted Fang Ce's arm.

"Uh...it's absurd...it's absurd..."

Fang Ce smiled awkwardly, and couldn't help but glance at the beautiful Princess Yiren.However, she saw that her beautiful and delicate face was blushing, but there seemed to be a faint sense of loneliness...

"Good son-in-law, I'm going to go out of the Tianfeng Mountain Range and start to restore the country. Let's go to the hall to discuss first."

Winged King said again.

"OK, all right……"

Fang Ce nodded, and followed Yiren Wang and others to the meeting hall, which was the spacious and shabby cave before.

"Now, we barely have the basic strength to restore the country. During this period of time, I have been planning the restoration of the country. I have two steps now. One is to gather the lost people in the current Tianfeng Mountain Range. The second is to find a foothold outside and build a starting city."

Winged people are king.

"King, don't you just take down a city? Build one yourself?"

An old man in gray clothes said doubtfully, this person is Hao Yang Menhu, a subordinate of Du Jie who had a cultivation base of 900 years in King Yiren.

In his opinion, there is a powerful son-in-law, and he has trained an extremely powerful ancient battle formation, and it is definitely not a big problem to directly capture a city.

"I've thought about this too, but after thinking about it a lot, I'm afraid it's not right. Our winged humans have been closed in this deep mountain and old forest for too long, and the outside world is already unfamiliar, and it will take a while to get used to it. It would be hasty if we start the war too early. If there is any unexpected situation, I'm afraid it will be too late to adjust.

Our Wing Terran can't stand defeat now, even if it's just one, so we must fight steadily and steadily to restore our country.What do you think, my good son-in-law. "

Winged King said, his eyes fell on Fang Ce.

"Well, the Winged King is thoughtful, and I agree."

Fang Ce nodded with a smile. He was still thinking about building the Sky City. Maybe this is a good time...

"Okay, it seems that everyone agrees?"

The Winged King nodded.

Hao Yangmenhu and the other several important officials couldn't help but glanced at each other. This father-in-law and son-in-law are singing together, how dare they object?After all, these two are heavyweight core figures, especially the son-in-law Fang Ce...

"Then let's start with the recall of the clansmen first, and at the same time send people outside to investigate suitable places to live. The thing about the clansmen's summoning is better, but the matter of exploring the terrain outside is a bit troublesome, because the search for a suitable place to live needs to be rich enough. experience, but you need to have considerable self-protection ability to go outside..."

The Winged King couldn't help getting into trouble.

"Wing King, leave this to Xiaosheng and Fairy."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Huh? You? Wouldn't this be too..."

"No, it's just a few trivial matters. Xiaosheng and Xianzi are both Fengshui masters, and they are very good at this aspect, especially Xianzi, who is the best among them. Finding a place to live is really easy to do. It is perfect for this matter. King Yiren you are welcome."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists. Xin Yu was already top-notch in feng shui, and also possessed the ability of real knowledge. Isn't it easy to find a piece of land?Of course, the main reason why he should do this is that he also has plans and goals...

"This...then I'll have to thank you son-in-law, the three of you!"

The Winged King couldn't help but solemnly clasped his fists, and Fang Ce would go out in person. He couldn't be more relieved about this matter, after all, he knew that Fang Ce's strength had reached the point of terror!

If he didn't want the entire Yiren clan to rely too much on his good son-in-law, he believed that this good son-in-law alone would be enough for him to easily return to the country!
"Father, I want to go out with my husband!"

You Dai opened her mouth quickly.

"Huh? Dai'er, don't mess around?"

Winged King couldn't help frowning.

"Wing King, it's okay, just let Dai'er come together, Xiaosheng will definitely protect her well."

Fang Ce smiled and said, looking pampered.

"Uh, this...well, since you've opened your mouth..."

The Winged King's tone froze.


You Dai's delicate face showed a look of pride, and her heart was even sweeter, but she quickly realized that the master is not really her husband after all, and now it's probably just a joke...

After everyone finalized the details, the meeting broke up.

At night, in a cave, on a simple big bed.

"Husband... tomorrow we will go outside to check the terrain, shall we?"

You Dai's graceful and plump body pressed lightly on Fang Ce's body, and asked in a low voice, exhaling like blue.

"Uh... yes..."

Fang Ce replied very unnaturally, with such a graceful and beautiful princess in his arms, it is a great skill for him to be able to calm his mind.Originally, he had told this beautiful woman that he didn't need to act so realistically, but he refused because "if the maid finds out that the relationship between the two of them is not as close as it appears, that would be bad"...

This immediately put him in a dilemma. After all, he was only here for a deal. After the deal was completed, he slapped his ass and left. If he really wanted this winged princess, he would have to be entangled...

"It would be great if husband and wife could really stay..."

With a faint sound from You Dai, her jade fingers gently circled Fang Ce's chest in circles until Fang Ce's heart itched unbearably.

"Hey, Your Royal Highness, let's rest."

Fang Ce hastily held You Dai's soft little hand to prevent her from teasing whether it was intentional or unintentional, at the same time gently wrapped her arms around her soft waist, closed her eyes to express that she wanted to rest, and avoided this beautiful woman's grievous request.

You Dai pursed her delicate lips, her beautiful face pressed against Fang Ce's chest and fell asleep.

The next day.

At the western edge of the Tianfeng Mountain Range, I saw four figures walking out slowly, one young man and three beauties.

Brother Young Master is suave and handsome, but he looks lazy and carefree.

The three beauties each have their own beauty.

One has hair hanging down to her waist, a pretty face like pink jade, and a skin as creamy as cream. She wears a white Taoist robe with a red background, which can hardly conceal her graceful demeanor, and her demeanor is as cool and demure as a fairy.

The one with loose blond hair and a ponytail, has a beautiful and charming face, with fair skin like pink jade, a long white gauze dress wrapping her graceful and plump figure, behind her a pair of beautiful white wings fluttering gracefully like flowing water, revealing her whole body. The noble temperament of the orchid in the empty valley.

The last one is wearing a bun in a bun, with a beautiful and demure face, pink skin, wearing a moon-white long gauze skirt, and has the beautiful figure of Xiaojiabiyu.

These four people are naturally Fang Ce and the three daughters Xin Yu who came here to find a suitable place to live.

"Fairy, Dai'er... There is one thing I want to discuss with you..."

Fang Ce murmured and opened his mouth.


Both women are puzzled.

"I am going to build a city in the sky."

"Castle in the Sky?"

At this time, the three women were all taken aback.

"Emperor Dragon Cauldron?"

Xin Yu reacted quickly, and she naturally remembered that Fang Ce had mentioned this matter when he first saw the Emperor Dragon Cauldron.

"Well, I plan to take this opportunity to build the base of this city. And this base is the foothold that will be built for the Winged Human Race. I hope you, Fairy, can help with the planning."

Fang Ce replied.

"This... the problem is this winged human race... what do you mean?"

Xin Yu frowned.

On the side, You Dai's delicate face was a little dazed.

"So, I'm discussing with you. I'm thinking that sooner or later the Winged Human Race will restore their country. After they complete their restoration, this city must not be too bad. At that time, I'm going to take it away directly. Your Royal Highness, it should be no problem. Bar?"

Fang Ce smiled and looked at You Dai.

"This... this... I still don't quite understand, Sky City? Just take it away? Or... Master, do you plan to have your own territory here?"

You Dai responded with a dazed expression, she naturally couldn't think of the city in the sky that Fang Ce mentioned.

"Oh, the city in the sky that Xiaosheng mentioned is a city that can fly in the sky, go to various places, and cross oceans and seas."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"This...how is this possible!? How can there be such a city? Master, are you kidding? Are you sure it has something to do with the foothold we are looking for?"

You Dai was even more confused, and at the same time she couldn't believe it.

"Hey... still don't understand? Let's put it this way, I'm going to find a piece of land first. This piece of land is not only used to build the city of the sky, but also used as a foothold for the Winged Human Race. Then, build The city where the Chengyi people live.

After you Wing Human Race completes the restoration of the country, the territory will be taken back.I will rebuild this foothold into a flying sky city and take it away, understand? "

Fang Ce explained with a smile.

"I... I seem to understand a little bit... But... But... Master, you can build a sky city that can fly? How... how is it possible?"

You Dai was stunned.

"You don't have to worry about this, just say that I do this, can you?"

Fang Ce lightly knocked on You Dai's small forehead.

"Oh...if the country is restored... such a piece of land... Father and King will naturally not care about it..."

You Dai blushed, she felt that Fang Ce's gesture was very intimate...

"That's good, then I'll have to thank you, Fairy."

Fang Ce smiled and looked at Xin Yu.

"Hmm... well, I'll try my best. After all, I haven't touched any Sky City. You guys have a lot of thoughts."

Xin Yu shook his head helplessly.

"Hey, fairy, how can this be called a ghost? You are the ones who benefit from the creation of this sky city."

Fang Ce was immediately unhappy.

"Okay, okay, please allow me to think about it."

"Ha, Xiaosheng believes in the ability of fairies."

Fang Ce smiled.

Seven days passed.

Xin Yu combined Fang Ce's idea of ​​the sky city, and finally found an eighth-class terrain surrounded by mountains.

Although the terrain is suitable for living, it is quite remote and isolated from the outside world. Anyway, the transportation with the outside world must be inconvenient.However, this is only from the point of view of ordinary people, but for wingmen who are born with the ability to fly, it has little impact, but has a natural barrier advantage.

As for the sky city that Fang Ce is about to build, Xin Yu has considered many aspects and found that this place is also an excellent location!

(End of this chapter)

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