Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 375 Star City Builds Safe and Happy Winged People

Chapter 375 Star City Builds Safe and Happy Winged People
"Fairy, are you sure it's here?"

Fang Ce looked around at the surrounding mountains.

"Well, this place is surrounded by mountains, and the mountains are strong. This natural barrier can even avoid the city walls. It is surrounded by lush forests, full of spiritual energy, and there are mountain springs and streams. The land is also considered fertile. In addition to this mountain structure, it can Store water to keep warm, warm in winter and cool in summer. Except for the inconvenience of transportation, there are no other problems. It can also be said to be a paradise.

As for the city in the sky that you will build in the future, this terrain is perfect.Since it is the city of the sky, those without the ability to fly are naturally not allowed to go up and down.And for those who have the ability to fly, what is the obstacle of this mountain?
In addition, the more important point is that after the city in the sky is built, it will be separated from the earth, and the natural feng shui will gradually be lost, and it can only rely on the feng shui specially created by the feng shui formation.And this terrain can slow down the loss of feng shui, so if there is a problem with the specially created feng shui, the city in the sky will not be quickly paralyzed.Of course, if the city of the sky loses the fatal problem of flying ability, there is still no way to deal with it. "

Xin Yu slowly explained.

"Okay! Xiaosheng believes in the judgment of Lord Fairy, so let's choose this place."

Fang Ce immediately clasped his fists to Xin Yu happily and exaggeratedly, and naturally he would not doubt Xin Yu's Feng Shui skills.

Seeing this, Xin Yu couldn't help tapping Fang Ce's forehead angrily.

You Dai at the side suddenly had a look of envy...

After choosing the location, the few people quickly returned to the place where the Yiren tribe lived.

in the hall.

"You came back, but found a place to live?"

Winged King asked, his expression was a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, I found a good location."

Fang Ce responded with a smile, and then showed doubts: "Wing King, have you encountered any difficulties?"

"Oh... there is no difficulty, it's just that something happened in the matter of calling on the clansmen."

The Winged King sighed softly.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

"Hey, the lost clansmen basically have no trust in me, and they are unwilling to respond to the call. After so many days, only about 200 people have been recovered. Now there are only [-] people here... "

The Winged King looked helpless.

"This... how could it be... tell them that they can restore the country, and they don't come back?"

You Dai couldn't help but speak.

"They have lost their trust in being a father, and it's useless to say more..."

The Winged King had a guilty expression on his face.


You Dai pursed her lips, her face was uncomfortable, she naturally knew how much her father had suffered these years, and now she finally had hope, but unexpectedly...

"Haha, as long as you are still there, it's fine. It's okay, trust these things, and you can rebuild them little by little. What you lack now, King Yiren, is your record. Take your time. After all, you are the only existence that the clansmen can rely on. "

Fang Ce smiled in relief.

"Oh, I hope so."

The Winged King sighed again.

"Okay, let's not be in a hurry to gather people. We can take our time. Let's build the city-state first. After we have achieved results, more and more people will naturally respond."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Well, let's discuss how to build this city first. I don't have much experience in this area. I wonder if you have any suggestions?"

Yiren Wang hesitated to speak. After all, the other party was a Feng Shui master, and he seemed to be a Feng Shui master with a strong background. He must be clearer than him in this regard.

"Haha, we need to ask our knowledgeable Master Fairy about this matter."

Fang Ce laughed and looked at Xin Yu.

Xin Yu couldn't help but gouged Fang Ce angrily, and then took out a pen and paper to draw and describe: "King Yiren, the place we chose is a treasure land surrounded by mountains near the westernmost part of the Tianfeng Mountain Range. ...

From my experience, it would be better for this city to be planned in this way. The northeastern direction is built with a granary as the core, and most of the nearby residents are guards and management officials.Due east and southeast, as the core residence, colleges, schools, etc. can be set up, with the focus on people's recuperation.And this north is the seat of the emperor and the place where the water is stored. A temporary palace was built for government affairs, and an inner city river was built to store water for rest.

The location of the central palace is centered on the bazaar, which is used for the exchange of materials throughout the city.Zhengnan focuses on production, such as forging, furniture, papermaking..."

Xin Yu drew out the city construction plan in detail one by one.

"Well, good! Let's build it according to what the fairy said! As for the detailed planning, let the fairy take care of it."

Yiren Wang directly agreed, and he didn't bother to express any opinions. The other party was obviously a feng shui master who couldn't be more professional. If he was right, it was fine, but if he was wrong, it would not only cause jokes, but also cause trouble...

"Well, if the Yiren King and the clansmen have no objections, we can start to move to the new residence now. In addition, we need to prepare a strong enough boulder, weighing about 20 catties, to move to the new residence. It is used to arrange Feng Shui."

Xin Yu said.

"A 20-jin boulder? Oh... ok... ok..."

The Winged King nodded in confusion.

In the following half a month, Yiren Wang led more than 4000 tribesmen to migrate to the new residence one after another, and quickly built a temporary wooden house to start the construction and improvement of the city.

As for this new place of residence, the Yiyi people are also very satisfied and feel very safe.For them who are used to hiding in the east all the year round, this place surrounded by mountains and with inconvenient transportation is naturally the best place to live.

If they are directly given a spacious terrain extending in all directions, they will not get used to it and feel uneasy...

While building and perfecting the city facilities, a group of craftsmen with decent craftsmanship also carved out a high platform of Liangyi at the center point under the command of Xin Yu.

Then, under the curious eyes of everyone, Xin Yu inlaid two red sapphires in the position of Liangyi, and set up a Fengshui formation.

Immediately, the vast and mysterious power directly covered everyone here!Everyone's spirits were revived, and they felt that their strength had increased greatly, and they all exclaimed in commotion!

"My God!? What the hell is going on!? My power!? My power!?"

"This is nearly 300 years of cultivation power improvement!? How is this possible!? What happened!?"

"Could it be related to this high platform? It's this fairy who arranged a powerful formation!?"

All the winged people were shocked.

"Good son-in-law, and Fairy... What the hell is going on!?"

Yiren Wang also looked at the three of Fang Ce in shock and bewilderment, and then at the Liangyi high platform.

"Hmph, this, father, you must be ignorant. This is the feng shui formation arranged by the fairy, the most powerful feng shui technique!"

You Dai raised her delicate chin proudly, as if it was arranged by her.Before that, she had been following Fang Ce and the other three to set up a Fengshui formation in Lishen Kingdom.

"This... this... this is what you call Fengshui arrangement!? I thought... I thought it was the kind...the usual Fengshui arrangement in our place... Oh my god! How powerful is this!?"

The Winged King had a look of disbelief.

"It's just a little trick, not worth mentioning."

Xin Yu said softly.

"Wait...before...you said before...you came here to trade with Lishen Kingdom, and arranged Fengshui for Lishen Kingdom... Could it be...this arrangement of Fengshui refers to this!?"

Winged King couldn't help but his complexion changed slightly, thinking of an extremely serious problem!

"Well, yes, now the entire city of Lishen Kingdom has set up a feng shui array."

Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"This...then does this mean that the strength of the entire Lishen Kingdom has greatly increased!?"

The Winged King suddenly showed a look of worry.

"Well... Let's put it this way... Under the suppression of this feng shui formation, the power of the ancient battle formation will be greatly weakened, and those whose cultivation level is too low will even collapse directly. Therefore, under normal circumstances, if you want to break through the cities of the Lishen Kingdom , has been very difficult.”

Xin Yu responded.

"What!? Then we Yiren... how can we solve this Fengshui formation!?"

Winged King's complexion became even worse.

The beautiful Winged Princess and the surrounding Winged people also showed expressions of concern.

At this moment, all the Winged Terrans deeply felt how amazing and unimaginable the abilities of these three honored guests from distant countries are!The call of the Nine Divine Beasts, the Ancient Battle Formation, and the Feng Shui Formation, any of these are enough to overwhelm their entire Winged Human Race!
"Well...there are currently two ways to crack the Feng Shui formation, breaking the formation with force, or allowing someone who has mastered the Feng Shui formation to crack it.

If we forcefully break the formation, like the eighth-class formation we have here, it will almost take a cultivator close to 3000 years to exhaust all his strength to attack before breaking through.

It will be much easier for someone who has mastered the Fengshui formation to crack it, but it will take a little time, and it must be mastered by the eighth-level Fengshui formation. "

Xin Yu responded carefully.

"This... this... the conditions are so harsh!?"

Yiren Wang stared at Liangyi Gaotai in a daze. The 3000-year-old cultivator exhausted all his strength to attack. This would take a lot of time, enough for the defenders in the city to react and obstruct it!

"Well, you don't have to worry too much about Winged King. At that time, Xiaosheng and Fairy can personally help break the feng shui formation of Lishen Kingdom. After all, it was arranged by Fairy, and Fairy personally cracked it. Isn't that easy?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"This... good... good, then I can rest assured."

The Yiren King breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time secretly rejoiced that his precious daughter had pulled Fang Ce and the others over, otherwise the Yiren Clan would really have no hope of restoring their country and would fall into the abyss forever!
"Well, let's build this new city well now. With the protection of this feng shui formation, it will be very difficult for outsiders to hurt a child here."

Fang Ce smiled and said, this eighth-class feng shui formation directly widened the gap in 600 years of cultivation!In other words, a foreign enemy with 600 years of cultivation came here, and his strength was about the same as that of an ordinary person here.And the number of cultivators with a cultivation base of 600 years or more in a large country will not be too much...

What he and the fairies and three daughters had learned from their travels in the Lishen Kingdom to set up Fengshui arrays, in such a huge Lishen Kingdom, there are only a few thousand people at most with a cultivation base of 600 years or more.There must be a lot hidden in the dark, but not too many. Compared with the tens of millions of people in Lishen Kingdom, this proportion is naturally quite small.


The Winged King nodded solemnly, and asked the clansmen to work hard to build the city.

At this time, the Yi people who knew the situation were even more happy and working hard to build. After all, their safety was absolutely guaranteed, and they no longer needed to be displaced. There was nothing that made them feel more at ease and happy.Naturally, they are full of energy and started to build a new home for survival.

And this city, which had begun to take shape, was named Star City under the discussion of everyone.

In about a month, the infrastructure of the entire city was basically completed, and the cultivated land planned outside the city was also opened up.

Although this city, Xin Yu's plan on the map is to cover an area of ​​more than 1 hectares, and the area of ​​cultivated land outside the city is close to [-] hectares.But now the population here is only [-]. It can be said that there are many people and few places, so at present, they are basically surrounded by Liangyi high platform.After the population increased, it began to expand according to the direction set by Xin Yu, so that it would be orderly and would not cause chaos in the future.

And the 250 hectares of arable land did not open up much wasteland. According to Xin Yu's judgment, the fertility of the land here can reach 300 catties per mu, and the grain needed by one person a year is only 4000 catties. It can feed ten people.The [-] hectares of arable land are enough to feed [-] million people!Now there are only more than [-] Yiren, so how can we use so many.

Now this cultivated land has been reclaimed to 9000 hectares, and this 4000 hectares of land can produce enough grain to feed [-] people a year, more than enough for Yiren with more than [-] people.

In addition, during this month, the Yiren King did not forget to send people to the Tianfeng Mountain Range to continue lobbying and calling for the clansmen, and recalled about [-] people.Now Star City has a population of around [-].

In the conference hall.

"Hey, I thought I still had some prestige, but I didn't expect it to be so unbearable."

The Winged King sighed.These days, the result of the lobbying of the subordinates is basically that the clansmen no longer trust him as the king, do not believe that the Yiren clan can rise again, and are unwilling to follow.

"King Yiren, don't worry too much. In the final analysis, there are still not enough visible benefits. These tribesmen are already content with the status quo. If they don't receive enough impact, it must be difficult to talk about it. When this Star City gradually prospers, they will naturally gradually Returned."

Fang Ce said.

"I also know, but it will take a lot of time, and as a king, I am indeed ashamed..."

"Father! Didn't you say that we have discovered the seven great tribes of our Yiren? I'll invite you to have a look in person. It must be more convincing for Huangmai to come forward in person, right?"

You Dai couldn't help standing up and said solemnly.


Winged King frowned, a little worried.

"Father! You have to stay here to guard. As a princess, I must take this responsibility!"

"That's all, let Dai'er go and try."


"I'll go with Dai'er too."

Fang Ce smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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