Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 376 Her Royal Highness, the Princess Who Works for the Restoration of the Winged Human Race

Chapter 376 Her Royal Highness, the Princess Who Works for the Restoration of the Winged Human Race
In the Tianfeng Mountain Range, in a deep area with continuous cliffs, Fang Ce and the three daughters Xin Yu gradually arrived.

"The front is now discovered that our Yiren tribe is the largest extinct tribe. Their leader is Anubipo, who has a cultivation base of nearly 3000 years and is one of the top combat powers of our Yiren country.

The leaders of the other six major tribes are also strong men from our former Yiren Kingdom.Many of the clansmen who were helplessly abandoned by their father and king took refuge in these seven.

This Anubipo is now leading about a thousand tribesmen, and I hope this time he can win them back smoothly. "

You Dai said quietly.


Fang Ce nodded, but it was casual. For him, it was only a matter of time before the current Winged Human Race would develop.He doesn't care too much about whether these tribesmen can be brought back now.

After a while, I came to the most dangerous position in the cliff area.

"Who are you!?"

"Hunter of the Divine Kingdom!? Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!!"

Several strangers noticed Fang Ce's arrival, especially Fang Ce and Xin Yu's two daughters, and immediately concluded that they were hunters from the Kingdom of Lishen!
"No! No! Several clansmen, we are not enemies!!!"

You Dai hastily defended.

However, in just an instant, a group of winged men flew out from all over the cliff and surrounded them!There are about hundreds of people like this, all of whom have a little cultivation and are very aggressive.

Among them was a handsome short-haired man in green clothes, whose body had been cultivated for more than 900 years. He was obviously the leader, Anu Bipo.

"Uncle Anubipo! It's me! Silk Lan Youdai! I haven't seen you for many years, how are you?"

You Dai hastily saluted.

"Si Lan You Dai...His Royal Highness!?"

Anubipo looked at You Dai in surprise for a moment, then his eyes fell on Fang Ce and the other three, his face darkened: "Who are these people!!! I don't know when Huangmai and the foreign race came together! "

"Uncle Anubipo! The person next to me is... is... my husband. These two sisters are my friends. They are not from the Eastern Continent, but from the distant Middle-Earth Continent. Someone told you that."

You Dai replied.

"From the distant Middle-earth continent? Huh, do you think I will believe it? Stop talking nonsense, you are here to persuade me to lead my people back, right? I advise you not to waste your words, the current Winged King is a waste! No Qualifications let me return! Go away!"

Anu Bipo sneered with a gloomy expression.


You Dai was a little unhappy at once, it is not good for anyone to be insulted by her father like this, but for the revival of the Yi Human Race, she endured it, and still said in a good voice: "Uncle Anubipo, I know you are right The father is biased, but today's father is very different from the past, and has the power to compete with the other two countries!
And we also have the help of my husband, who has the Nine Divine Artifacts and can summon the Nine Divine Beasts!It won't be long before our Winged Human Race will be able to restore their country! "

"Hahahaha! Is the emperor's veins so fatuous and stupid today? He even tried to rely on the power of outsiders to restore the country? It's ridiculous! You are idiots, I don't want to accompany you! I think you want to ruin our entire winged human race! Get out of here ! Get out of here immediately!"

Anu Bipo's complexion was ashen, he didn't trust You Dai at all, or he didn't trust the husband she said!From his point of view, the current Yiren Huanglian must be used to gather all the Yiren, so that they can catch them all!
If he hadn't been sure about the opponent's strength and didn't dare to act rashly, he might have directly taken You Dai and the others right now!Now I can only think about dismissing You Dai and the others as soon as possible, so as to quickly move the residence and avoid risks.

"Uncle Anubipo!?"

"Get out! Did you hear that! No more nonsense, believe it or not, I will do it now!?"

Anu Bipo was even colder.

"Okay, Dai'er, let's leave first."

Fang Ce smiled and stretched out his hand to pull Layoudai. The other party obviously didn't trust them, so it was pointless to continue pestering them.

You Dai remained silent for a while, then left with Fang Ce and the others.

"Hmph! What a bad luck!"

Anubipo snorted coldly, then turned around and ordered the people to move quickly...


After a while.

Depressed, You Dai brought Fang Ce and the others to a series of tiankengs.

"Oh? Your Royal Highness? Did that little girl look so slim back then? She came to persuade me to return, right? Who are these three people?"

Yiren, who looked like a young man in black with long hair, folded his arms and looked at Fang Ce and the others.Behind him there are hundreds of winged warriors.

"This... this is..."

You Dai couldn't help hesitating, because she thought of the previous situation...

"The three of us are travelers from the Middle-earth Continent. We were attacked by the Kingdom of God here, and were accidentally rescued by the Winged King. Now we can be regarded as the guards of Her Highness the Princess."

Fang Ce smiled and said, so he didn't talk about being tall.

"Oh I got it?"

"Yeah! Yes! Uncle Bolan Yafei, come back with me! Now that the winged human race is on the verge of restoring their country, your strength is needed!"

You Dai glanced at Fang Ce gratefully.

"Want to persuade me to take someone back? It's not impossible, it depends on the sincerity of Her Highness the Princess."

Bolan Yafei smiled and said.

"Really!? Uncle Bolan Yafei, what do you want!? I will try my best to satisfy you!"

You Dai quickly responded.

"It's nothing, as long as you sleep with me, Your Highness, I will agree."

Bo Lan Yafei looked at You Dai's curvaceous and plump figure playfully.


You Dai was taken aback, a little puzzled.

"It's not persuasion, it's sleeping clothes."

Bolan Yafei corrected.

"Sleep... pajamas? Uncle Bolan Yafei, you!!!"

You Dai reacted instantly, her pretty face flushed with embarrassment!
"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing this, Bo Lan Yafei couldn't help laughing wantonly, but not for a moment.

A crisp and loud sound!
I saw that Bo Lan Yafei was slapped around and retreated. When he stabilized his figure, his cheeks were already swollen and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. !


All the Winged Warriors around were also shocked, none of them could see what happened just now, when did the other party make a move, and when did they appear in front of Bo Lan Yafei to make a move!

You Dai was also stunned, and she hadn't recovered from her senses at all, seeing that Fang Ce had already stood up for her, she couldn't help feeling sweet in her heart.

"You...you, who are you!?"

Bo Lan Yafei opened his mouth in horror and shock. He didn't react at all, and was slapped in the face by the other party, no!It should be said that he was slapped in the face by the other party before he even saw the other party's movements!And up to now he can't see the slightest aura from the other party, which shows how terrifying and unpredictable the other party's strength is!It is definitely a second-floor catastrophe, an existence close to ten thousand years of cultivation!
"Your Highness, this person is disrespectful to you, do you want me to kill him on the spot?"

Fang Ce spoke quietly.


Bolan Yafei's face was terrified immediately, and he felt terrified. The other party's understatement made him instantly feel an irresistible absolute coercion! !He can be sure that as long as the other party wants to kill him, he will be wiped out instantly!There is no possibility of any resistance at all!It may even be too late to react, and it is already dead!

"This... this... forget it... let's go..."

You Dai pursed her lips. Naturally, she was not in the mood to say anything more after such an unpleasant incident happened. As for not letting Fang Ce kill Bo Lan Yafei, it was only for the sake of her clansmen...

Fang Ce just glanced at Bo Lan Yafei indifferently, then took Xin Yu's two daughters and left with You Dai.For this kind of thing, he would think it was a waste of saliva to say one more word.


Bo Lan Yafei couldn't help gasping for breath, feeling as if his whole body was exhausted!Just being stared at by the other party for a moment just exhausted all his strength to resist!What is the origin of this person! ?Guard of Her Royal Highness! ?Such a character is willing to be the guard of Her Royal Highness! ?Could it be that the Winged King can really restore his country! ?

Thinking about all kinds of things, a wave of regret arose in his heart, he couldn't help regretting that he didn't agree to return, and if he wanted to return now, I'm afraid it would be ugly...

Left the tribe where Bolan Yafei was.

"Master... I really thank you just now..."

You Dai said softly, this feeling of being cared for by others really made her feel at ease.

"Oh, you're welcome. How can you say that you are also Xiaosheng's wife in the face, and the agreement between you and me, I should pamper you in every possible way. How can someone humiliate you in person? Xiaosheng doesn't want to lose face?"

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Well... Anyway, thank you..."

You Dai pursed her lips lightly, if this was not a transaction agreement, it would be great...

Soon after, several people came to a valley deep in the mountains.

"Oh? Are you here to persuade you to return? Hmph, little girl, don't waste your words. The ancestor king has fallen, and today's Yiren are doomed to be unable to get up. As for your royal blood, you are no longer as good as ordinary people, please leave .”

The middle-aged Yiren man with a tough face looked at You Dai indifferently. He is Bolan Kaide, the leader of this Yiren tribe.

"Uncle Blankaide, just trust us once..."

"No need to say much, please leave, the trust given to you at the beginning is enough!"

Blankade said coldly.

You Dai's complexion froze, she gave a salute, and left with Fang Ce and the three of them.

Seeing Fang Ce and the others leaving, Bolan Kaide frowned slightly, turned around and ordered the tribe to evacuate immediately...

On the way to the next tribe.

"Daier, do you want to continue?"

Fang Ce asked with a smile.


You Dai responded lightly, pursing her lips, she also knew that it might be a waste of time, but she still had an obsession in her heart...

Fang Ce shrugged and had no choice but to continue to accompany him.

Soon after, we came to a cliff near the sea.

"Uncle Silk Landu..."

You Dai looked at a purple-clad winged man with half-haired hair.

"Needless to say, Your Royal Highness, I know why you are here. Perhaps there is hope for the recovery of the Winged Human Race. But I am living a good life with my current clansmen, and I don't want to get involved in any disputes anymore. Please come back Bar."

Silk Landu said calmly.

"Okay... okay... Dai'er is leaving..."

You Dai replied in disappointment, and left with Fang Ce and the three of them.

Fang Ce naturally knew that the other party's so-called unwillingness to participate in any disputes was simply a lack of fighting spirit to compete. After all, he still didn't believe that the Winged Human Race could restore the country...

Then, several people came to a dense jungle.

"Grandpa Wang Ye! Now the Restoration of the Winged Human Race is imminent, and we need everyone's strength! I beg you to come back and rebuild the Winged Human Nation together with us!"

You Dai knelt down and begged an old man in gray clothes.

The old man in gray clothes is Silan Wangye, and most of the winged men around him are elderly, the youngest are all middle-aged, and all of them are men.

"Your Highness, you should know that the king abandoned us many times to flee, and we stopped looking for it because we were completely disappointed in the king. Don't you think it's a bit too much to come to us now to go back and serve?"

Si Lan Wangye frowned.

Those winged people around also looked displeased.

"I'm sorry! Grandpa Wang Ye! I know that my father did not do well! But, my father can't do anything about it! Because the enemy's target is our imperial line, my father also has to protect himself in order to revive Yiren Kingdom in the future!

Now our Wing Terrans really have the hope of restoring our country!I beg Grandpa Wang Ye, you and Dai'er go back and rebuild Yiren Country together!Dai'er swears here that her father will never abandon any of her clansmen this time!

Grandpa Wang Ye, please! "

You Dai begged on her knees with red eyes.

"Girl, you..."

Si Lan Wangye frowned.

The rest of the winged men couldn't help but look at each other.

"Grandpa Wang Ye, please!"

"You... oh... that's all, let me trust you one last time..."

Si Lan Wang Ye sighed softly, although he still felt resentment in his heart, but he was finally relented, because he was the old king's confidant and had been guarding the emperor's veins...

You Dai was stunned, and then her pretty face full of tears was overjoyed: "Really!? Thank you Grandpa Wang Ye for your trust! Thank you for your trust!!"

Seeing this, Fang Ce couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. This silly girl's persistent efforts finally paid off...

"Okay, okay, let's take us old guys back to see what the situation of the Winged Human Race is like now."

Si Lan Wang Ye sighed and waved his hands.

"Hmm! But wait, Dai'er is still summoning everyone to return, and there are still two big tribes to go."

You Dai quickly responded.

"Well, let's go for a walk."

Si Lan Wang Ye nodded.

"Thank you, Grandpa Wang Ye!"

You Dai hastily expressed her thanks again.

Then a group of people went to the next winged tribe.

There are only a little over 300 people in the Silk Lan Wangye tribe, but they are all veteran generals, all of whom have more than 500 years of cultivation!Compared with today's Winged Human Race, it is obviously not a small force.

And as veteran generals, these people are naturally very rich in experience, and they can bring a lot of help in the recovery of the winged people.

In the next two tribes, You Dai did not find anyone, because the two places were full of people going to the empty buildings, obviously they have moved...

You Dai can only be disappointed to take Fang Ce and the other clansmen back to Star City first, but this time she brings back these old clansmen, she is always happy in her heart.

After waiting, he gradually returned to the vicinity of Star City, but he was not close to the city yet.

"What's going on!? Your Royal Highness!? This place is weird!?"

Si Lan Wangye's face was shocked, showing a look of vigilance, because he felt that the power in his body was being suppressed!
The rest of the Yiren veteran generals also showed signs of suspicion and alertness!
(End of this chapter)

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