Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 377 Shocked and grateful old general who was defeated by the princess

Chapter 377 Shocked and grateful old general who was defeated by the princess

"Grandpa Wang Ye, don't be nervous. This is the protection method of our Wangcheng Star City today, the Fengshui array."

You Dai hurriedly opened her mouth to explain.

"Feng Shui formation?"

Silk Lan Wangye still had a look of surprise, if not for the fact that there are many Yiren clansmen active in the city, he couldn't help but wonder if this is a trap, You Dai tricked them to come here, so as to catch them all at once.

And those Yiren old generals who returned with Silan Wangye also had the same suspicion and guard.

"Yeah, this is the feng shui formation that my husband and fairy sister helped us arrange. This feng shui formation can greatly improve the strength of creatures that have integrated into the local feng shui, while strangers from outside will be repelled and suppressed.

However, it only takes half a month to one month to be accepted by the Feng Shui formation, and then it will not be affected.In the same way, if you leave this Star City for more than half a month, you will completely lose compatibility with the Feng Shui in the city, and you will need to resettle for a certain period of time. "

You Dai explained.

"This... there is such a wonderful Feng Shui array? Is this the husband of Her Highness the Princess?"

Si Lan Wang Ye looked at Fang Ce and Xin Yu with disbelief.

"Xiaosheng Middle-earth Continent God's Kingdom Strategy."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

"Junior Wei Yu, Feng Shui Chancellor of the Kingdom of God."

"Shang Wu, the servant of Lord Hua Snake, who is the deity of the younger generation"

Xin Yu's two daughters also saluted.

"It really is from the Middle-earth Continent...the servant of the god Snake Lord..."

Si Lan Wang Ye's expression changed. Originally, he was skeptical about the identities of Fang Ce and the other three, but now he had to believe it. After all, this feng shui formation was obviously not something that belonged to the Eastern Continent.Anyway, before this, it was unheard of him to live for so many years!

"Okay, Grandpa Wang Ye, let's hurry back to Star City. Father and the others will be very happy to see you."

You Dai said.


Si Lan Wang Ye nodded, and continued to go back to Xingcheng with You Dai and the others with a group of subordinates still on guard.

However, just when Fang came to the outside of Star City, he saw King Yiren coming up with a large group of people from his tribe!

"Uncle Wang Ye!! It's you!! Are you still willing to come back and help!? Huangli is grateful for this!!"

Winged King was the first to salute excitedly with red eyes.

"King! Don't do this! How can we, as ministers, receive such a great gift!"

Si Lan Wang Ye immediately returned the salute more respectfully.

Those veteran generals also returned their salutes one after another.

At this moment, some of the grievances they still had in their hearts disappeared.

"Clan elders, please come in quickly! This Star City is the new home of our Yi Human Race! The starting point for our Yi Human Race to restore the country!"

Yiren Wang quickly and excitedly dragged Silan Wangye into Star City.

Come to the city.

"Fellow clan elders, although this Star City is still a bit shabby and shabby, the terrain is quite good. If it is well managed, it will soon prosper. At least it will not be a problem to live and work in peace and contentment."

Winged King introduced all the way.

"Hmm... Our Winged Human Race can finally have our own city again..."

Silk Lan Wangye couldn't help but burst into tears. Over the years, the Yi people have lived in caves and wandered around. To put it bluntly, they are no different from wild beasts in the mountains.Seeing this city now, although it is far inferior to any city in Yiren Kingdom back then, it was enough to make them excited.

Gradually, came to the hall.

"My lord, what's the situation of our winged human race now? Are you... already confident of returning to the country?"

Silk Lan Wang Ye looked at Yiren Wang hesitantly and then at Fang Ce and the other three. He vaguely guessed that Yiren Wang's sudden confidence must have something to do with the three guests who came from the distant Middle-Earth Continent. !After all, the feng shui formation alone is obviously something very extraordinary!

"Well! Because of the arrival of the son-in-law, our winged people already have the capital to restore the country!"

Yiren Wang said without hesitation, after all, this is not his credit, how could he have the face to be greedy for credit?
"That is to say, can these three distinguished guests help our Yi Human Race to restore the country?"

Si Lan Wang Ye was surprised, hesitant and uneasy in his eyes, is it really reliable to rely on the power of outsiders to restore the country?
"No, no, Yiren Wang Xiong is a great talent, and it will be a matter of time before he leads his people back to the country."

Fang Ce smiled and waved his hand. He was not a compliment. This Yiren King really has the ability to restore the country. What he lacks is the timing.

"Hey, our good son-in-law, you don't have to be humble. If it weren't for your arrival, I'm really not sure if I would be able to restore the country. Now you have taught us the ancient battle formation to our winged people, and helped us set up a Fengshui formation , so that our Wing Human Race can be regarded as having a real foothold capital, this kind of great kindness, the Wing Human Race can be said to be nothing to repay!"

The Winged King had a respectful expression on his face.

"What!? Desolate Ancient Battle Formation!? King! You just said Desolate Ancient Battle Formation!? Those long-lost Desolate Ancient Battle Formation!?"

Si Lan Wang Ye was suddenly startled!

"Well, it is the long-lost Desolate Ancient Battle Formation. Although it is only one of the Desolate Ancient Land Slave Formation, it has been confirmed and is enough for us to compete with the Lishen Kingdom and the Shenhu Kingdom. Otherwise, how dare I say that I can regain my strength?" What about the country? How dare you call everyone back?"

The Winged King responded.

"It's really an ancient battlefield!? How is this possible!?"

Silk Lan Wang Ye was even more baffled. He looked at Yiren Wang and Fang Ce in disbelief. He really couldn't believe it. If it was a real ancient battle, how could the other party easily teach it to the Yiren?

"Grandpa Wang Ye, don't you believe in the ancient battle array taught by your husband and sister Fairy? How about Dai'er show it to you?"

You Dai couldn't help showing a bit of complacency, she wanted to let the clan elders know more about it, so as to boost their morale, so that they can stay with more peace of mind.

"This... Her Royal Highness, have you mastered it?"

Si Lan Wang Ye was surprised again.

"Yeah! Grandpa Wang Ye, let's go outside to show."

You Dai got up immediately.

"This... good..."

Si Lan Wang Ye responded, and left the hall with the crowd with a fluctuating expression.

Come outside.

A famous winged warrior from the ancient battle formation was quickly summoned.

"Grandpa Wang Ye, you should be optimistic. All the troops obey the order and form a formation!"

You Dai let out a soft drink.


Thousands of Winged Warriors responded in unison!In an instant, under the pull of You Dai's power, the power of resonance in everyone was also formed!
Immediately, thousands of Winged Warriors flew up in an orderly manner, and quickly surrounded You Dai to form a ball formation!The powerful and unparalleled power spread out! !
"Really...really the Ancient Battle Formation!?"

Si Lan Wangye and the elders of the clan were all shocked when they saw this!Because they can feel the strong pressure from the battle formation!

"Grandpa Wang Ye, do you want to try the power of this ancient battle formation for yourself?"

You Dai smiled sweetly.

"This... good! I will experience this legendary powerful battle formation today!"

Si Lan Wangye let out a low cry, also rose into the air, and immediately held a sharp sword in his hand.

"Come on, Grandpa Wang Ye, attack casually, my ancient battle formation is very strong."

You Dai smiled.

"Okay, old man, let's see how far Her Royal Highness has grown!"

Silk Lan Wang Ye nodded, and with a movement of his figure, he quickly penetrated through a gap in the spherical battle formation at an extremely fast speed, and attacked You Dai first with his sword at will.

Seeing this, You Dai hugged her hands with a smile, as if she didn't intend to evade or resist.


Si Lan Wang Ye couldn't help showing surprise, but he didn't think too much, he quickly approached and stabbed You Dai with a sword!
A bang!

A mysterious force appeared around You Dai, easily blocking the sharp sword!

Si Lan Wang Ye was startled immediately, and then let out a low shout, increasing the strength in his hand, but still unable to break through the defense at all!He couldn't help but tried his best, but his face was a little flushed, and he still couldn't break through!

Seeing this, the Winged King couldn't help smiling.

The three of Fang Ce also watched casually. Once the ancient battle formation is formed, the leader will be the most difficult to hurt. This move by Lan Wangye is exaggerated to say that hitting a rock with an egg is just a joke. .

"Hmph, Grandpa Wang Ye, you should use all your strength. With this little strength, you can't even touch a single hair of Dai'er."

You Dai couldn't help showing a look of complacency.

"Well, you little girl! You're really good at it!?"

Si Lan Wang Ye suddenly blew his beard and stared. Although the other party was Her Royal Highness, in his eyes, he was still just a bratty girl, and now he dared to underestimate him! ?
Even if the terrifying power erupted from his body, he cast a dazzling golden aura at will!In an instant, a layer of sharp golden fronts formed on the sharp sword in his hand, and the sharpness was overwhelming!But it is the golden edge of the technique!
"Break it for me!"

Si Lan Wang Ye let out a low cry, and slashed at You Dai with a sharp sword!Originally, he was worried about hurting You Dai, so he didn't dare to attack with all his strength, but now it seems that if you don't show this yellow-haired girl a little bit of skill, you don't know what it means to be ginger or old spicy!
Clang and tremble!

Silk Lan Wangye's eyes widened immediately, and he saw that he had used the sharp sword that opened mountains, but he still couldn't break through the defense force of You Dai's body, but he was a little closer to You Dai than before!
"Hmph, Grandpa Wang Ye, this power is still not enough."

You Dai said proudly again.

"The old man really shot with all his strength!!"

Si Lan Wang Ye already looked serious.

"Come on, just come, now Dai'er is invincible."

You Dai is still hugged by a pair of jade hands, her stunningly beautiful face is full of high spirits, as if she is really invincible in the world: the feeling of having great power is really wonderful.

Seeing this, Fang Ce couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"You stinky girl, don't beg for mercy later!"

Si Lan Wangye's body was instantly swayed by a huge water element!There was also an explosion of strong murderous air!

"Huh? True energy of water spirit? Evil energy of the four realms?"

Fang Shiji was surprised, it seems that this silk Lan Wangye seems to be a fellow practitioner of magic arts?

"Break it for me!!"

A loud shout!
Silk Lan Wangye slashed straight down with an astonishing sword strike!This time, he really shot with all his strength without reservation!


Clang and tremble!
Silk Lan Wangye's eyes widened again, with a look of disbelief on his face, he could only see that his sharp sword edge was barely close to You Dai's forehead, no matter how hard it was to advance!
"Hmm... no, Grandpa Wang Ye, your strength is still not enough."

You Dai shakes her head leisurely, at the same time she raises her jade hand, her jade finger lightly flicks the edge of the sword in front of her.

A bang!

Silk Lan Wangye was instantly thrown backwards!

"You! You! You! What a stinky girl!!"

Si Lan Wang Ye looked angry and shocked, at this moment he was completely shocked by the power of the ancient battle formation!
"Grandpa Wang Ye, is there another way?"

You Dai smiled confidently.

Silk Lan Wangye began to observe the entire ancient battle formation with a fluctuating expression, and gradually sensed a subtlety of the ancient battle formation.

"I know! This is going to be peeled off and disintegrated from the outside!"

Silk Lan Wangye's eyes flashed, he quickly retreated, and then tentatively attacked the soldiers outside with a sword.

A bang!

Si Lan Wang Ye's powerful sword was actually blocked!

Silk Lan Wang Ye once again showed an inconceivable look. Although he just used a sword casually, it was very powerful. This guy with only 300 years of cultivation in front of him could easily block it! ?What the hell!
He couldn't help gradually increasing his strength, but the opponent was still able to resist it!
When Si Lan Wangye exerted his strength to the maximum, Fang saw the soldier in front of him and several fighters around him bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and obviously began to be a little unbearable!

I see! ?
Silk Lan Wang Ye suddenly showed his comprehension, but he was still very shocked, because these guys in front of him were obviously just ordinary Winged Warriors with a cultivation base of less than 300 years, since he was able to block the full-strength attack of an old guy who was close to the second-floor catastrophe! !This really shocked him!It seems that this legendary ancient battle formation is indeed extremely powerful!
"Okay, Grandpa Wang Ye, it's time for Dai'er to make a move, otherwise it's not good for you to keep bullying Dai'er's subordinates like this."

You Dai's voice sounded, and then a terrifying thunder came crashing down!

"Girl you!?"

Si Lan Wang Ye was startled, and quickly swung his sword to block it!Boom!Seeing that he was blown back directly, he felt his scalp go numb!
You Dai waved her hand, and another thunderbolt was released!

Si Lan Wang Ye retreated again and again, but he had no strength to fight back!To be precise, he could hardly shake this ancient battle formation, and if he tried his best, he might only be able to defeat less than ten ordinary fighters!He is majestically close to the existence of the second level of heavenly tribulation, but he can only fight off less than ten ordinary cultivators! ?Isn't this infuriating! ?
"Okay! Your Royal Highness! You have won!!"

Si Lan Wang Ye couldn't help but screamed angrily, this stinky girl doesn't talk about martial arts at all, and even gathered the strength of more than a thousand people to bully him, a bad old man!He can be sure that the sky thunder that You Dai alone casts will not have such power!It must be blessed by the power of the ancient battle formation!

"oh oh."

You Dai responded, and when the ancient battle formation dispersed, she came to the front and asked, "How? Grandpa Wang Ye, do you now believe in the ancient battle formation taught to us by my husband and elder sister Fairy?"

Si Lan Wang Ye was taken aback for a moment, looking at Fang Ce and the other three, his complexion changed again and again, he was still a little unbelievably shocked, but then he respectfully and solemnly bowed to Fang Ce and the three: "Thank you three benefactors! Give us the Winged Human Race such power!!!"

The so-called teaching a man to fish is not as good as giving a man to fish. The fish you give will be gone after eating, but giving you fishing skills can make you get the fish yourself. This is a world of difference!
Now the opponent has obviously directly given them the power of the Winged Human Race to restore the country. This is the power that allows their Winged Human Race to truly stand up, instead of letting them stand falsely by supporting other people's arms!Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the other party is the benefactor of their winged human race!

(End of this chapter)

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