Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 378 Fang Ce Read the Ancient Books of the Yi Human Race and Learned the Location of the Nine

Chapter 378 Fang Ce learned the location of Jiutian

"This...no need, this is what juniors should..."

Fang Ce quickly waved his hand. This was a deal. When he took the source water away, these guys didn't know how they would react.Although, compared to the current Winged Human Race, the value of that piece of source water is not as good as what they gave.

However, the measurement of this value is from his cognitive point of view. As for how this big ticket wingman will estimate, who knows?After all, what Yuanshui knows so far is only this one...

At this time, all the Yi people looked at Fang Ce and the other three with gratitude and respect.

"Okay, elders, our son-in-law is very capable. To the three of them, this is probably nothing. Don't be too outsider here, let's go back and talk about it."

Yiren Wang smiled and said that his move was only to save Fang Ce, and his heart was full of gratitude.

"good good good good!"

Si Lan Wangye said hello several times, and then returned to the hall with everyone.

in the hall.

"My lord, now we have this powerful desolate ancient battle formation, that is to say, the restoration of our winged human race has been stabilized, and we are only short of manpower and time?"

Silk Lan Wang Ye asked.

"Well... so to speak..."

The Winged King nodded.

"Ah... I finally see hope..."

Si Lan Wang Ye sighed softly, and couldn't help crying.

"Well, hope is close at hand, close at hand..."

Winged King nodded again and again.

You Dai and all the important members of the Yi people couldn't help but look happy after all the hard work.

"By the way, the three benefactors are so powerful, why did they come to our Eastern Continent? I don't mean anything else, but I'm just too curious about the three."

Si Lan Wang Ye looked at Fang Ce curiously.

"Oh...it's nothing, I was just tricked by those guys from Lishen Kingdom."

Fang Ce replied.

"What? You were tricked by Lishen Kingdom? What's going on here??"

Si Lan Wang Ye was even more surprised.

"Before the Kingdom of God, envoys came to Middle-earth and discovered the geomantic formations of our divine kingdom. They traded treasures with our divine kingdom and asked us to help arrange the geomantic formations, and then they tricked us. Wait for Xiaosheng and Fairy, and Master Shang Wu, after helping the Kingdom of God to set up the Fengshui formation, the Kingdom of Power God turned back on what it said, and wanted to detain us and force us to ask us how to arrange the Fengshui formation, it is really shameful."

Fang Ce sighed lightly.

"This... this... unexpectedly such a thing! This Lishen Kingdom is really full of treacherous people! Benedict, you are too easy to trust people!"

Si Lan Wangye said bitterly immediately, and then sighed softly: "Oh, our ancestor king was also like this...otherwise it wouldn't be..."

"Indeed, the world is dangerous, so we still need to be extra vigilant."

Fang Ce nodded.

"So... Gong Gong, how did you escape after being detained by the God of Power? And how did you get to our winged human race?"

Si Lan Wangye was puzzled again.

"Oh, that's more Dai'er. At that time, we happened to meet Dai'er who was captured in Lishen Kingdom. Xiaosheng was attracted by Dai'er's beauty and redeemed her. Dai'er told us about the power of God's kingdom. Character, Xiaosheng and the others were wary. When they were detained, they broke out."

Fang Ce smiled.

"This... is such a coincidence? Dai'er was captured and sent to Lishen Kingdom? In this way, it really is fate..."

Si Lan Wang Ye was stunned, and at the same time felt scared for You Dai, he knew how miserable Yi Ren would end up being caught now.

"No! No! Husband and the others can break through, it has nothing to do with Dai'er. Although Dai'er did warn the three husbands, but the strength of the three husbands is extremely powerful, even without Dai'er, they can break through smoothly. Dai'er You can’t take the credit.”

You Dai hastily waved her hands.

"Haha, Dai'er, don't be humble. Your warning made me more vigilant, which is also very important."

Fang Ce smiled.

"How can..."

You Dai pursed her moist little mouth, her cheap husband is obviously in control of everything, with her or without her, it doesn't matter at all!She could see clearly what the situation was at that time!However, the cheap husband complimented her like this, which made her feel very happy and sweet...

"I don't know the strength of the three benefactors?"

Silk Lan Wang Ye couldn't help being puzzled again. After all, he knew that the power of the God of God is also extremely powerful. With the God of War Bandu and the ancestor of the God of God, You Hong, these two are the existence of the second-tier heavenly tribulation, even if there is no Meeting these two, there are still a lot of robbers in Lishen's country. It is not easy to escape without any skills!

"Ha, it's just a little skill to protect yourself, it's nothing to worry about."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Is this a petty trick? Grandpa Wangye, don't listen to my husband's nonsense. Both he and Sister Fairy have the Nine Divine Artifacts, which can summon the Nine Palace Gods and Beasts Emperor Dragon, Qinglong, and Xunfeng. Ban Du ran away, and then directly destroyed the monarch of Lishen Kingdom, and then brought Dai'er back to the Tianfeng Mountain Range to find his father!"

You Dai hurriedly said.

"What!? Nine artifacts!? Nine palace beasts!?"

Si Lan Wang Ye was shocked.

"Yeah, Husband and the others are very capable, and they feel like they can walk sideways in our Eastern Continent."

You Dai nodded.

"That... that... Nine Artifacts... Nine Palace Divine Beasts... really..."

Si Lan Wang Ye couldn't help looking at Fang Ce with shortness of breath. He was extremely curious about the Nine Supreme Treasure Artifacts in the records.Not to mention him, it can be said that there is no one who is not curious!
"Ahem, Uncle Wang Ye, how could such a treasure be shown to others at will?"

Yiren Wang coughed lightly, fearing that the overly excited Si Lan Wang Ye would be rude to Fang Ce.

"Oh! That's right! It's the old man who is being rude! The old man is being rude! Don't take offense to the three benefactors!"

Si Lan Wangye also quickly came to his senses.

"Ha, it's okay."

Fang Ce smiled and shook his head.

"So... so... our current strength is already..."

Silk Lan Wangye swallowed slightly, his complexion changed. The Nine Artifacts, the Ancient Battle Formation, and the Feng Shui Formation, all of these together mean that there is no one in Star City who can shake it?Just declare the founding of the Winged Human Race right here, right?That is to say, there are fewer people.and……

Star City has such a strong strength here, it doesn't seem to matter whether old guys like him, Silk Lan, Wang Ye, come back, or not?It can be said that they have nothing to do here. After all, no matter whether it is the Nine Artifacts, the Desolate Ancient Battle Formation, or the Feng Shui Formation, they can't shake any of them!
In this way, the king's call is really because of his responsibility, and because he still has the Winged Human Race in his heart, rather than thinking about their insignificant power...

"Well, our strength has been able to protect ourselves, but now there are too few people. We need to gather people from the clan and slowly re-strengthen the entire winged human clan."

The Winged King nodded.

"Well! With the king and the three benefactors here, the Winged Human Race will definitely be able to shine again!"

Si Lan Wang Ye nodded solemnly.

Not long after, Si Lan Wang Ye settled down and joined the construction of Star City.But the Yiren King still continued to send people to the Tianfeng Mountains to call on his tribe.Although the effect is minimal, it is as much as it can be recalled.

Now the construction progress of Star City is about 9000/[-], which is enough to accommodate more than [-] people.Because the population is still small, there is no rush to rush to work, but chose to reserve resources, such as collecting a large amount of timber, stone ore, iron ore and other basic materials in the Tianfeng Mountains, in order to prepare for the expansion and construction of Star City in the future.

Although there is a large circle of mountains near Star City, there are many resources.But Xin Yu suggested not to move the nearby resources lightly, rather work harder and go outside to collect.

And the Yiling people are busy with the construction of their homes.The boring Fang Ce began to study the books preserved here by Qiyi Terran.

In these books, he also has a relatively in-depth understanding of the three major races in the Eastern Continent.

The people of this Lishen Kingdom have the blood of Lishen, and most people are born with brute strength or savage body characteristics. Brute force people are born with much stronger strength than ordinary people, and savage people are born with stronger physique than ordinary people. powerful.

Specifically, the brute force is born with the strength to wrestle with an ox, while the brute body is as strong as an ox.

Some of the stronger bloodlines may possess brute force and brute body at the same time, that is to say, even if they do not practice cultivation, they can directly confront a cow head-on!

The descendants of Lishen who are more talented can even acquire higher abilities such as giant strength, divine power, mad body, and divine body.

Juli is also called Tiger Power, and it is born to wrestle with fierce tigers!The mad body has a bear-like physique!As for the divine power and divine body, it is far superior to ordinary creatures, and only a very, very small number of descendants of Lishen with strong blood can master it.

In addition, according to the records, a long time ago, there were giant spirits and people with giant god abilities in the kingdom of Lishen, and their strength was even more terrifying!Previously, Jiaolong obtained the giant spirit ability after crossing the catastrophe, which shows that this ability is powerful.And the giant god ability is currently owned by the evil ape!

Generally speaking, these humans who are descendants of the God of Power do have a lot of advantages over the humans in Middle-earth.At least, in the initial stage, they generally have a considerable advantage...

Then, there is the Shenhu Kingdom. The people of the Shenhu Kingdom have the blood of the Shenhu, and most of them are born with brute force or swiftness.The swift ones are extremely fast, able to subdue their prey as quickly as a tiger.Those with strong bloodlines will naturally be able to obtain higher-level characteristics such as giant strength, divine power, swiftness, and divine speed.

In addition, some special geniuses in the Shenhu Kingdom may be born with the ability to transform into two-winged tigers, like the Winged Human Race, they are born with the ability to fly.Compared with Lishen Kingdom, this bloodline advantage is obviously stronger.Unless Lishen Kingdom can produce giant spirits or giant gods.

Finally, there is the Winged Human Race, the descendants of the Tianfeng bloodline. The Winged Human Race is born with the ability to fly, and those with better bloodlines talent may also have additional high-level flying characteristics such as speed and grazing.

Bloodline talents are particularly powerful, and can even have such powerful characteristics as shuttle, extreme speed, and super speed.Generally speaking, the advantages of the winged humans lie in their flight and speed.Especially after crossing the catastrophe, the speed with the natural ability to fly will be further improved.At that time, the speed was extremely terrifying.

It can be said that as long as they practice hard, at the same level, the people of the Lishen Kingdom and the Shenhu Kingdom are no match for the Yiren Clan, at least they can't do anything about it.

Moreover, among the Winged Human Race, there is still a very small probability that there will be an existence that can transform into a powerful Thunder Phoenix.Once transformed into a thunder phoenix, within a very short period of time, one can obtain extremely terrifying power of lightning, almost invincible!

"Leiyuan Phoenix...could it be the true face of the legendary Tianfeng..."

Fang Ce couldn't help being surprised. Judging from these records, it can be seen that the Winged Human Race is indeed a very powerful race, and it is really embarrassing to be able to make it into what it is now...

He continued to read the ancient books, and soon he discovered that there were records of other powerful races in this spiritual world, but these races seemed to be in other continents, anyway, the Eastern Continent and the Middle-Earth Continent did not appear.

Moreover, the two races in this record seem to be far more powerful races than the winged humans.These two races are the Beast Taming Clan and the Beast Transformation Clan. It is mentioned in this ancient book that these two races are the descendants of the ancient times from the Heavenly Outer World. The Heavenly Outer World is the world beyond the Nine Heavens!

"The world outside the sky...the world beyond nine days?"

Fang Ce was even more stunned, he didn't know anything about Jiutian yet, and there is actually a world outside?With curiosity, he continued to look down.

According to the book, the beast tamers have a very special ability, they can contract monsters into pets and directly take them into their bodies, and they also have powerful beast taming methods, which can easily make these monsters stronger.Many powerful beast tamers can own five or six powerful monsters, and they can directly defeat the crowd with one.People of other races, in the same class, almost no one can compare with the people of the beast tamer race.

However, people who transform into beasts are born with the ability to awaken and transform into powerful beasts. It's like a different type of creature.Like general transmutation abilities, those who are good at water are still good at water.

However, people who are good at water and turn into beasts can directly turn into good fire, or good soil, or good wood, etc. after being transformed into beasts.The power of this ability can be imagined!A simple example, when a person who is good at water meets a person who is good at land, he must be completely restrained.However, once this person who is good at water can directly transform into one who is good at wood, he can instantly counter it!
"Outside the sky... Beast Taming Clan... Beast Transformation Clan... Change Divine Beast?"

Fang Ce looked surprised. If he hadn't repeatedly confirmed that he was reading the official history books recorded by the Yiren tribe, he couldn't help but wonder if he was reading the legendary Yizhi.I didn't expect such a powerful race to exist. Since the Middle-earth Continent and the Eastern Continent do not exist, it is very likely that they are on the other continents separated by the fog on the sea...

He continued to read, but then he saw where Jiu Tian was!

(End of this chapter)

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