Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 379 The Winged King Who Wants to Entrust the Winged Clan to Fang Ce

Chapter 379 The Winged King Who Wants to Entrust the Winged Clan to Fang Ce
'Nine days, above three thousand miles, 3000 years of cultivation can cross the peak of the sky, and you can enter the realm of nine days.However, those who crossed the boundary with less than ten thousand years of cultivation would be in danger of life. '

This is the record of the ancient history of the Yi Human Race!

"After 3000 years of cultivation, you can enter the realm of the nine heavens from a height of three thousand miles!?"

Fang Ce's face was stunned. Judging from the meaning in this record, that's the case.As for the danger to his life if his cultivation base is less than [-] years, he doesn't take it seriously.On the contrary, the altitude of three thousand miles surprised him even more.

But after crossing the catastrophe, you can fly.

When he had not crossed the catastrophe, he was able to fly when he obtained the wind control technique from the snake beauty. It was the first time he was able to fly, and he had already explored this sky out of curiosity.But at that time, he only flew to the altitude of [-] miles, and he couldn't fly up, because after reaching the altitude of [-] miles, the pressure in the high altitude increased sharply.
It wasn't until he crossed the catastrophe for nearly 3000 years that he explored the high altitude again. At that time, he had successfully entered the [-]-mile altitude, but he had only ascended to the [-]-mile altitude, and it was difficult for him to ascend any more.

After stepping into the second floor of Heavenly Tribulation and reaching the ten-thousand-year cultivation base, he explored the sky again, but with all his strength, he only flew to a height of [-] miles!

It is now recorded in this ancient book that after 3000 years of cultivation, one can enter the nine heavens by leaping three thousand miles into the sky?It's completely different from his situation.Is there something wrong with the way he flies?And not only him, other cultivators are in almost the same situation as him!

Anyway, when he was in Middle-earth, he had never heard of anyone who had entered a height of two thousand miles!
Fang Ce frowned slightly and continued to read, already somewhat disbelieving in the authenticity of this Yiren ancient book history.However, when he saw the back, he was taken aback for a moment.

It was mentioned in the book that in order to completely seal the evil abyss, the six ancient gods set up a large array of heaven and earth, which caused the high-altitude coercion to skyrocket, and no one would be able to enter the realm of the nine heavens through the three-thousand-mile altitude...

"This...seal...it turns out that the reason for the sudden increase in high-altitude pressure after two hundred miles came from the seal?"

Fang Ce couldn't help frowning. Doesn't that mean that there is no way to enter Nine Heavens now?That's all...

He shook his head, anyway, he is now at ease in this spiritual world, it doesn't really matter whether he goes to the Nine Heavens or not...

He continued to read the ancient books.

Gradually, I saw something interesting again, which was about the planning and coordination of the practice routes of practitioners of various departments.

The first one is the practice route of a metal-type magic practitioner, mastering gold art before 30 years of cultivation... 300 years of cultivation before mastering breath restraint... [-] years of cultivation and mastering golden wall and fire protection... [-] years of cultivation In order to master the Golden House technique before, it is based on whether or not one has innate ability, and what is the innate ability to choose whether to cultivate evil spirit or transform soil, anyway, there are a lot of explanations...

Later, there will be a detailed explanation of this practice route, why it is necessary to practice this way, what is the use, and so on.

Mastering alchemy before ten years of cultivation, this is a necessary basic entry-level technique, so there is no need to say more.Before 30 years of cultivation, you need to master the breath-holding method to save your life. Although the breath-holding technique does not have much effect in battle, it is a technique to hide and save your life when you are walking in the rivers and lakes.If you can't even save your life, what's the point of training in the future?

Fang Ce couldn't help but nodded, the content in this book is quite practical.But he doesn't seem to need it now.His cultivation back then was not conventional cultivation, but the ability he mastered directly with Feng Shui painting scrolls, a lot of messy abilities, almost everyone who came...

In this book, the explanation for the reason for mastering fire protection in the next hundred years is because the gold system is restrained by fire, and it is necessary to specialize in the metal system to master this ability.

Regarding this, Fang Ce couldn't help but nodded. In Middle-earth, it seems that practitioners who specialize in the gold system are directly trained by the body of a diamond...It can be said that there is basically no special induction in the middle-earth. Cultivate whatever is powerful.In this regard, it does seem to be lagging a lot behind.

However, Fang Ce thought about it carefully and found that this is not a problem with the cultivators of the Middle-earth Continent, but a historical problem, because the cultivation method summarized in the ancient books of the Winged People he has seen now is recorded in a time longer than that of the Middle-earth Continent now. The history books are much older!It should have survived from ancient times!
However, the history of Middle-earth Continent obviously has serious faults, especially during the period when the great monsters were raging, the survival of humans in Middle-earth Continent would be a problem. If it wasn’t for the Saint Celestial Immortal Master who turned things around back then, I’m afraid there would be no humans in Middle-earth Continent now. The country and what history books...

Fang Ce continued to look at the planned training routes of various schools of techniques and magical arts, and already figured out the rules.

Basically, no matter whether you are practicing spells or magical skills, you must practice your breath after 30 years of cultivation in order to catch up with the progress later.A hundred years of cultivation is to remedy the biggest weakness, to cultivate the ability to prevent fire, water, and wood...

After crossing the catastrophe, it is almost always recommended to practice the second co-existence system's spells or magical skills.For example, practitioners of gold-type spells are recommended to practice water-type spells, or water-type magical skills.Because gold produces water, and if you practice gold-type spells to a certain level, it will be much easier to practice water-type spells, not to mention being able to catch up with the specialized gold-type spells, even if you are one level behind.

The reason for cultivating in this way is to avoid that when encountering the body of a vajra, the gold-type spells cultivated will be directly abolished.

In addition, there is also training about abilities after the second-floor catastrophe, and all of them are unified recommendations for plastic rebirth!
The reason is very simple, living is the last word...

Plastic rebirth is mainly used to prolong life, and to fight against the third layer of catastrophe...

Moreover, here are some warnings that he once heard from master good and evil Taoists.

That is, the ability that each living being can master is limited. Each living being itself is like a box, the size is only that big, you can put six or seven stones in it, and you can also hold six or seven pieces of gold, iron, or silver. , or gems.Anyway, there are so many.

The difference with this box is that once things are put in, it is difficult to take them out and replace them, so what to put in at each stage must be cautious and careful...


Fang Ce couldn't help pondering. It seems that these contents should have been planned by the top ancient beings. After all, it has already involved the third-level catastrophe and the upper limit of spiritual abilities, so it is definitely not an ordinary generation.Now these contents are useless to him, but they can be brought back to the Middle-earth Continent to learn from the cultivators of the Kingdom of God and Taigan.

He continued to read these ancient books, and gradually saw the records about the ancient battle formation!

36 Desolate Ancient Tiangang Formation and Qierhuang Ancient Earth Demon Formation!

Fang Ce immediately read it intently, only to see that it only recorded the origin and ability ranking of the ancient battle formation.

The first place is the Ancient Heaven Sin Formation.

According to the records, this desolate ancient heavenly sin formation is the most terrifying desolate ancient battle formation, possessing extremely terrifying coercion and explosive power of the battle formation!Anyone who masters it is almost invincible!All the other desolate ancient battle formations will almost be defeated by one blow when facing the desolate ancient heavenly sin formation!
One blow and smashed! ?

Fang Ce couldn't help but shrink his pupils, what kind of concept is this! ?He naturally knows how powerful the ancient battle formation is, and the two ancient land formations they know now are extremely difficult to crack.And this Desolate Ancient Heavenly Sin Formation was able to defeat the other Desolate Ancient Battle Formations in one blow! ?Really invincible!
He continued to look at the introduction about the Ancient Heavenly Sin Formation, and saw that it was mentioned in the book that if the master of the Ancient Ancient Heavenly Sin Formation had any evil thoughts, it would inevitably lead to the loss of life, and it was a sin of heaven for this formation to appear in the world , is named after the sin of heaven.

Ancient Heavenly Sin Formation...

Fang Ce couldn't help his eyes flickering. He was naturally interested in the ancient battle formation, but because the current two ancient land formations were a bit tasteless to him, he didn't want to waste his ability position on them, so there was no master plan.But now, he decided to master the ancient battle formation, and this ancient battle formation is naturally the number one ancient heavenly sin formation!
Although in the records, the 36 Desolate Ancient Heavenly Gang Formation is extremely difficult to master, but there is a fairy who is truly knowledgeable by his side!As long as you see this desolate ancient heavenly crime formation, you must still be able to take it down.Or, bring these contents to the fairy later to see if it can be deduced?
Fang Ce looked down while thinking.

I saw that the second place is the Huanggu Tiankui Formation. This formation has strong resistance and power to counterattack, and its power is also very powerful. It is almost the only battle formation that can barely restrain the Huanggutian Sin Formation. It will appear a little weak when fighting against the ancients with strong control ability, and it belongs to gold and will be restrained by fire, so it ranks second.

"Desolate Ancient Heavenly Kui Formation..."

Fang Ce nodded, keeping this battle formation firmly in mind. After all, he planned to master the Ancient Sin Formation, so he naturally paid special attention to this restraint battle formation.

The third is the Desolate Ancient Heavenly Gang Formation, an extremely powerful defensive formation, very good at defending, able to barely resist the Desolate Ancient Heavenly Sin Formation, and completely resist all other battle formations. The only disadvantage is that it lacks offensiveness.The owner of this formation basically only exists as a guardian. He is extremely gentle and can be accepted and convinced by the world. He is known as the leader of the ancient battle formation and is named after Tiangang.


fifth place...


Fang Ce looked all the way, and soon saw the 72 ground evil formation.

I saw that the first place in the 72 earth evil formation is the barren ancient earth evil formation.This formation has a similar ability to the Desolate Ancient Heavenly Sin Formation, but its explosive power is much weaker than that of the Desolate Ancient Tiangang Formation. Under the same conditions, it will still be defeated by the Desolate Ancient Heavenly Sin Formation, but in the 72 terrain formation, it is also invincible, even many Tiangang Formation is not its opponent!It is also an extremely terrifying ancient battle formation, so it ranks first among the 72 earth demons.

"Ancient Fiend Formation..."

Fang Ce nodded in surprise. He originally thought that the 72 Disha Formation must be inferior to the 36 Tiangang, but it doesn't seem to be the case.I just don't know how to obtain these powerful ancient battle formations.The two desolate ancient battle formations they have now are handed down by the ancient gods of the Great Desolation, so it is certain that there are these desolate ancient battle formations in the heavens or the Nine Heavens. The problem is...he can't enter the Nine Heavens now...

Half a month later, Fang Ce searched almost all the classics in the Yiren clan, which can be said to be a rich harvest.

During this period of time, the construction progress of Star City has reached 2000/[-], which is enough for more than [-] people to live in.

It's just that in the past half a month, only a hundred Yiren people migrated back, bringing the population to [-].There are two more people who have been cultivated for a hundred years...

There are quite a lot of various wood, stone ore, and iron ore collected during this period, but they are not used much at present.


Fang Ce came outside Zangshu Pavilion, stretched his waist, and was in a good mood.

This Library Pavilion is a newly built place for the Yiren tribe to store important books in the clan. Currently, only a very small number of people can freely enter and exit this Library Pavilion.

"The good son-in-law of our Yiren country."

The voice of a smile sounded.

Fang Ce felt a big hand on his shoulders, he knew who it was without looking, and responded with a smile, "Wing King, what's the happy event?"

"Not at all, I just couldn't help being happy seeing the thriving growth of this Star City and the joyous smiles of the clansmen."

The Winged King came to stand beside Fang Ce.

"Haha, it's true, Xiaosheng is also happy to see it."

Fang Ce smiled.

"All of this is due to your arrival..."

Winged King sighed.

"No, the Winged King is too famous."

"I only have Dai'er's bloodline now. In the future, the throne of Yiren King will definitely be passed on to Dai'er. At that time, the entire Yiren Kingdom will belong to Daier, and our good son-in-law, you are the prince, and you will be the prince." Even this Yiren country can be considered your son-in-law."

Winged King smiled.

"Ha, Yiren Wang was joking, Yiren Wang, you are young and promising now, talking about these..."

Fang Ce couldn't help being amused, he didn't know when the Yiren Wang would pass on the throne, and what the Yiren Wang said was purely to win people's hearts.

"No, it won't take too long. As long as the Yiren Kingdom is completely stabilized, I can immediately abdicate and hand over the throne to Dai'er. At that time, the entire Yiren clan will be taken care of by Dai'er and the son-in-law."

The Winged King looked at Fang Ce steadfastly.


Fang Ce's eyes widened suddenly, do you want to fight like this?This is to let him stay in the Winged Human Race with complete peace of mind, and entrust the entire Winged Human Race to him?
"Our good son-in-law, although the Wing Human Race is still weak today, you should be able to see the potential of our Wing Human Race. Under the leadership of you and Dai'er, we will definitely become the most powerful country in the future.

Son-in-law, you love Dai'er so much, why not do it when you have all the beauties in the world?And when you go back to Middle-earth, there seems to be nothing better than this, right?At least there, you can't control a kingdom, can you? "

Winged King spoke again.

At this time, Fang Ce was even more stunned. Is this a big joke?Is the King of the Winged People really going to entrust the Winged Human Race to him?He was thinking about completing the deal, so he ran away immediately. After doing this, how can he have fun?

(End of this chapter)

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