Chapter 380 The arrogant general of the Shenhu Kingdom attacked with thousands of troops
"Fang Ce? How about it? Stay in Yiren Country with peace of mind, you have everything you want."

The Winged King spoke again.

"This... Yiren King, what you said is just beginning now, and you are talking about abdicating the throne to let the virtuous... it sounds a bit unlucky.

Don't be in a hurry, wait until Yiren Kingdom really recovers and stabilizes, it's not too late to make a decision, at that time, you may have different ideas or uncertainties. "

Fang Ce replied that he could only delay like this.

" makes sense..."

Winged King nodded slightly with a frown, it seems that it is not easy to push too hard, he slowly persuaded and induced...

At night, on the bed in the room.

"Dai'er, today, the Yiren King told me that he is going to abdicate and pass on the throne to you. Has he mentioned this to you?"

Fang Ce asked about the beauty in his arms.

"Ah? My father abdicated the throne for the virtuous, and passed it on to me? How is this possible? It's so good, why pass it on to me. And I'm not prepared at all, and I don't know how to manage it..."

You Dai is astonished.

"Didn't say it...he meant to pass on the throne to you, and then...let me take care of the Yiren Kingdom with you..."

" that's how it is...the king father is to keep you, master...then how do you respond, master..."

You Dai's pretty face flushed slightly, she was a little apprehensive, and there was still a glimmer of hope.

"What can I say, it's just a refusal to delay."


You Dai responded lightly, feeling a little disappointed, but then couldn't help but hugged Fang Ce tightly, bit her lips and said, "Master...Master...can you really not stay...I...I can give you anything..."

Fang Ce couldn't help but froze, and then smiled wryly: "Your Highness, I can't stay here. If I really stay here, I'm afraid Lord Shenming will be angry, and there may be some troubles at that time."

Naturally, he didn't intend to stay and become some kind of prince. On the one hand, he didn't have this interest, and he preferred to be at ease, so why bother himself.If he really wanted to be king, it would only be a matter of one thought for him in Middle-earth.

On the other hand, if he really wants to stay here and not go back, who knows what kind of anger the little lady of the Snake Beauty will be, and there will be no chaos in Middle-earth?
"God...Master God...Master, are you talking about the three gods in Middle-earth?"

You Dai frowned.


"What are the origins of those three gods? Husband, can you even resist? Is the strength so terrible?"

You Dai pursed her lips, a little unwilling.

"Uh... How should I put it... The situation on my side is a bit complicated... In short, I really can't stay here forever, sorry."

Fang Ce was helpless.


You Dai responded lightly, but didn't say much.

Fang Ce sighed softly in his heart, this Princess Yiren is quite nice, such a great beauty, it is impossible to say that she is not tempted.However, he really didn't want to be tied up here...

In the early morning of the next day, in the conference hall.

"Huh? What happened?"

Fang Ce and You Dai three daughters arrived, they were told early that King Yiren invited them to gather here.

At this time, in the hall, there was a man kneeling in the middle of the hall tied up.This person is obviously not from the winged human race, because he has no wings.But it doesn't look like the one from the Kingdom of the Gods of Power, because Fang Ce has never seen him in the Kingdom of Gods because of his attire.

Moreover, this person's body hair and hair are light yellow and light yellow, and he looks a bit tiger-headed. It seems that he is very likely to be a member of the Shenhu Kingdom.

"Do you work carefully?"

Fang strategy doubts.

"Well, I sneaked into our Star City last night and was caught by the night guards. With 400 years of cultivation, it's a bit of a skill, but it's a pity that our Star City has a feng shui formation."

The Winged King spoke softly.

"Why did you sneak into our Star City, who sent you here!"

A deep voice sounded, but it was Si Lan Wangye who asked the question.

"Hmph! You juniors of the winged human race, I advise you to let me go quickly! Otherwise, you will all be slaves when the army of the Shenhu Kingdom overwhelms the border! Let's see how I amuse you!"

The man held his head high and held his chest high, disdainful.

"court death!"

Si Lan Wang Ye was furious and kicked out!
bang!A grunt!
The guy from Shenhu Kingdom directly sprayed blood, knelt down on the ground, moaning in pain.

"Speak! Who sent you here!"

Silk Lan Wang Ye was furious, he was sure that the army of Shenhu Kingdom had come nearby!


The secret agent of the Shenhu Kingdom let out a faint and disdainful hum, and it seemed that he was really disdainful of the human race.


Silk Lan Wangye was even more angry. Now that the Yiren have the confidence to stand up, how can he swallow his anger?

"Report! A mile away from the southwest mountains, the army of the Shenhu Kingdom was found camping! There are about 3000 people!"

A voice sounded.

I saw a wingman soldier coming quickly.

The Shenhu Guoxizuo froze suddenly.

"Hmph! As expected!"

Silk Lan Wangye snorted coldly.

"Hmph, so what if you useless wingmen know? Just wait for our general to come in."

Shenhu Guoxiozuo sneered again.

"Really? Your general? The king is waiting here to see how capable he is. Someone will detain this reckless man and question him thoroughly."

The Winged King spoke softly.

"My king? Are you the Winged King?"

Shenhu Kingdom was startled, and looked up at King Yiren in surprise, but was quickly detained.

"Everyone, what do you think about this?"

The Winged King looked at everyone.

"Since it has been detected, the peace of this Star City will definitely be broken. The Shenhu Kingdom will definitely send troops to attack. It's just... our current scale is still a bit small..."

Si Lan Wangye frowned slightly, feeling a little worried.Even though the Winged Terrans now have strategic helpers and have mastered the ancient battle formation, the number of them is too small after all, only a few thousand.If the other party sends a large army to encircle and suppress, I am afraid that it will not be exhausted.

"Heh, the soldiers will block the water and cover it with soil. They can't break through this Star City, so there is nothing to worry about."

Fang Ce smiled.

"That's right. When the time comes, let them directly experience the power of our ancient battle formation. In addition, there is a Fengshui formation here to protect them. I don't believe they will be able to attack."

You Dai hugged her hands.

"You stinky girl, is it that simple? I'm afraid they will run out of food after besieging the city..."

Winged King frowned.

"Father, we still have my husband and the others..."

You Dai pouted, a little unhappy.

"What King Yiren said is indeed reasonable. It is better not to underestimate the enemy. Judging from the current situation, I suggest that we should show the enemy's weakness first, and don't be too aggressive."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.


You Dai couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"It's just Dai'er, don't use your ancient battle formation lightly first. There are only a few thousand people here now. If they dare to attack, let Her Royal Highness pretend to be the leader of this Star City and lead... um... lead the main force of thousands of people to defeat them." .

With the blessing of Feng Shui formation, coupled with the advantage of the winged people's natural ability to fly, it must not be difficult for a thousand main forces to repel the thousands of Shenhu Kingdom's army, right? "

Fang Ce smiled.

"That's it... there shouldn't be any difficulty..."

You Dai nodded knowingly.

"Okay! As expected of our good son-in-law, this strategy is feasible. If thousands of troops are wiped out at once, and if the ancient battle formation is exposed, Shenhu Kingdom will definitely send heavy troops to encircle and suppress it. But, we point by point Showing a little bit of strength can numb the opponent and slow down the enemy's offensive. This way, the opponent's strength can be easily and gradually consumed."

The Winged King nodded.

"Well, let's do it then."

Si Lan Wang Ye and the rest of the Wing officials nodded in agreement.

At this moment, one mile away from the mountains to the southwest of Xingcheng, I saw an army of thousands of people encamped here!

Outside the camp, two generals in armor looked at the mountains.

One of these two generals was wearing a red armor and the other was wearing a white armor. They were both tall and tall with orange-yellow hair.Among them, the red armor generals are obviously much stronger than the white armor generals.

These two people are the Red Tiger General Buduo and his deputy impressively from the Shenhu Kingdom.

"A winged person came out there just now to inquire about information. It seems that the spies we sent in have been captured."

He suddenly frowned slightly.

"What the hell is going on in this ghost place? Our people will be suppressed when they run in, and those wingmen don't seem to be affected?"

Burdo also frowned.

"The terrain of this place is special, maybe that's the reason? In short, this weird place must be captured and studied carefully."

"The problem is that this place is occupied by the Winged Human Race. Judging from the number, there are thousands of them. I'm afraid it's not easy to attack."

Impressively hesitated.

"Hmph, why worry about these useless wingmen? People who have been hiding in the east of the Tianfeng Mountain Range all year round, do you think that they have a little advantage, so they can do anything?"

"It's just...we sent to investigate before, and the strength of fighters with a cultivation level below 300 years has become no different from that of ordinary people. If we attack rashly, I'm afraid we will lose our troops."

"Okay, don't worry, you and I have nearly 3000 years of cultivation, so it doesn't have much influence on us. These rats, as long as they see us, they will run away, so why not be afraid? Just take it down and talk about it."

As soon as Burdeau fell, he directly issued an attack order.

Immediately, more than 3000 soldiers from the Shenhu Kingdom quickly regrouped and marched with Burdo.

Impressively thinking for a while, he felt that the problem was not too big, so he didn't stop him, and attacked into the mountain together!
In the mountains, Star City.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The alarm sounded immediately.

All the Winged Men became tense and alert.

Although they knew that Star City was not weak now, the fear of fleeing the country had long been engraved in everyone's hearts, and it was naturally impossible to change their mentality so quickly.

Outside the house, You Dai, who was still aggressive before, couldn't help but hugged Fang Ce's arms nervously, her face was tense.

Fang Ce was even more amused when he saw this, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He just watched a strange soldier on the distant mountain jump over and quickly approached.

In the air, there are two generals, with about 200 two-winged tigers, coming in a mighty manner.The two generals are naturally Burdo and Heranlong.

"Our beautiful and brave princess, it's your turn to play. I will watch carefully, my husband."

Fang Ce smiled and urged the beauty beside him.

"Yeah! Husband, I'll go back as soon as I go!"

You Dai reacted and nodded hastily, she still seemed a little nervous, but relatively speaking, she was quite calm, because she had nothing to be afraid of when she thought that there was a way to protect her.

"Warriors, follow me to meet the enemy!"

You Dai yelled coquettishly, leading more than a thousand main forces of the Winged Human Race, soared into the air, and directly faced the incoming enemy.

At this time, the rest of the people in Star City were ordered to hide in the house and not show their heads. This was showing weakness and hiding their strength.

"Huh? Ladies, you are so courageous, you still dare to try to resist?"

Bulduo raised his eyebrows and looked at You Dai, he could see that You Dai was an existence of Transcending Tribulation, but there was only one of them, so he was relieved a lot.

After all, they have two people with a cultivation base of nearly 3000 years. Although their strength is suppressed by the strange power here, if the two join forces, can they still defeat a little winged girl?As long as this little girl who is obviously the leader is taken down, the rest of the Yiren will naturally disperse without attacking!

"Hmph, from Shenhu Kingdom, this is not a place for you to come to. I advise you to get out wisely, or you will bear the consequences!"

You Dai snorted coldly.

"Hahahahaha! Ladies, what a bold tone! Even you, a poor race, dare to shout in front of us? I will advise you to surrender and be captured obediently, so as to avoid the pain of flesh and blood."

Burdeau laughed.

"Hmph! Don't cry if you don't see the coffin, do it!"

You Dai launched the attack first, bang!A ray of thunder came out!


A group of Winged Warriors also rushed out one after another!
"court death!"

Boldo was furious, and then he roared, but turned into a two-winged tiger with a golden light shining on his body, and clawed out with terrifying claws!
boom!He let out a muffled snort, but he saw that Buldo was staggered by the thunder, obviously his strength was no match for You Dai!

"Lei Yuan Body!?"

Burdo couldn't help being startled, and instantly knew that You Dai's strength was not easy!
"Join together! Take it quickly!"

Impressively let out a low cry, with the cyan qi lingering on his body, he quickly held the long sword and charged towards You Dai!
"Hmph, it's too much."

You Dai immediately uttered a disdainful voice, and she had judged that the other party could do nothing to her!With a light flap of her wings, she turned into afterimages in an instant, easily dodging the impressive attack.


His eyes widened in horror.

"Not good! It's the flying and fast abilities, this little girl is not easy!! Shoot with all your strength!!"

Burdo was even more shocked.

"it is good!"

Responding impressively, they and Burduo's respective cyan light and golden light burst forth, and quickly besieged You Dai. At this time, the attack speed of the two has become extremely terrifying!
"Hmph! Bug carving trick!"

You Dai let out a disdainful voice, and quickly avoided Burduo's offensive, and then three purple lightning rune crystal blocks appeared in front of her!

"Spell original talisman!?"

Impressively, Long's face was horrified, but it was too late to change his tactics now!
Three tightly entangled thunderbolts crashed down at an extreme speed!Blast directly to Impressive Long!Impressively only came to resist hastily, and then was directly blasted out, blood was sprayed from the mouth, and he was severely injured!
"I'm afraid this little girl is of royal blood! Withdraw!!!"

Burdo hurriedly grabbed He Ranlong, and wanted to escape with him.

"Can you go? Take them all for me!"

You Dai yelled coquettishly, and rushed towards Burduo aggressively, her terrifying speed easily blocked her retreat!

Burdo looked terrified.

"Get it for me!"

With a movement of You Dai's figure, she attacked Burduo again and again at extremely fast speed!At this moment, the tension in her heart has completely receded, only her incomparable self-confidence...

Those Yiren fighters have already suppressed the fleeing Shenhu fighters one after another to fight!

In just a few moments, our princess has won a complete victory and returned home proudly...

(End of this chapter)

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