Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 381 The 3 Generals and 5 Armies of Shenhu Kingdom Attack Again

Chapter 381 The Three Great Generals of the Shenhu Kingdom and the Five Thousand Army Strikes Again
In the conference hall.

Burdo and Impressively, with bruised nose and swollen face, were tied up and knelt on the ground.

"Hahahaha! Unexpectedly, our princess girl is already so powerful. With one against two, she captured two enemy generals with the same cultivation level. She really has the demeanor of the ancestor king back then."

Si Lan Wang Ye laughed heartily. In the previous contest, You Dai defeated him with the power of the ancient battle formation. He still doesn't know You Dai's strength, and he doesn't take it seriously.Now she has truly recognized You Dai's own strength.

"No, no. I just took advantage of the Feng Shui formation to do this."

You Dai quickly waved her hand, she knew that the feng shui formation directly opened up the strength of the two sides with 600 years of cultivation, the gap was not small, otherwise, she would still be sure to win if she fought alone, and she would say that she would win if she fought alone. Not sure, but she still had a look of joy on her face.

At the same time, she secretly took a look at Fang Ce beside her. If she hadn't had such a cheap husband like her, she wouldn't be able to reach this strength now...

"His Royal Highness?! You really are the emperor of the Winged Human Race! Damn it!"

Bulduo glared at You Dai, and then glanced at the crowd around him. When he saw Fang Ce and Xin Yu, he couldn't help but be puzzled. After all, Fang Ce and Xin Yu were obviously not Yiren.What's more, You Dai was still snuggling beside Fang Ce, and seeing the relationship status made him even more confused.

"Wang, how do we deal with these two guys now?"

Si Lan Wang Ye spoke.

"King!? Are you really the Winged King!?"

The two of Buduo looked at the Winged King in shock. Originally, they were just suspicious, but they really guessed right!This is the Yiren King in front of him, so what does it mean for these Yiren to build a city here, it is very intriguing!
"Well... tell me, what is the situation between your Shenhu Kingdom and Lishen Kingdom now? What is your empress planning now?"

Winged King Shenyin asked, how to deal with these two guys for a while, he didn't have any idea, so he first checked the information.


Buldo snorted coldly, turned his head away, and looked dismissive.

"Bold! Our king asks you, can't you hear me!"

Silk Lan Wangye was furious.

Winged King also frowned slightly, and then said softly: "Go and drag in the previous detail."

"Yes! King!"

As soon as the guard took the order, he left quickly, brought the person in quickly, and threw him on the ground.At this time, this guy had a lot of wounds on his body, obviously he had been well greeted and questioned.

"General!? You!?"

When Xi Zuo saw Brdo and the two of them, he was shocked.

"Is this the general you're talking about? That's all it takes?"

Winged King said lightly.

"you you……"

Xi Zuo was speechless for a moment, his face was ugly.

"Hmph! You bastard winged king! Don't be complacent here! Our Shenhu Kingdom has already discovered this place, and if we are captured, our entire Shenhu Kingdom will definitely be alarmed! By then, your wretched place will be wiped out! Bar!"

Burdo couldn't help sneering.

"Oh...how is our battle this time?"

Winged King asked everyone.

"Reporting to the king, this time Her Royal Highness led the army to capture two enemy generals, captured a thousand enemy soldiers, and beheaded nearly 2000 people. The number of escaped...should be around tens or hundreds?"

Hao Yang Menhu opened his mouth and said.

"Oh... so there are still some who escaped. The girl is so ruthless, and she is worried that she will be cleaned up. That's good, that's good."

The Winged King nodded.

"What, it's none of my business, they are obviously too weak, and they will be defeated in an instant."

You Dai suddenly pouted, she understood why King Yi Ren asked these things, because she was worried that all these guys would be wiped out at once, and no news would be revealed, which might cause Shenhu Kingdom to pay too much attention to Xingcheng.

"You! You! Don't you get complacent here!!!"

When the two of Buduo heard the words, their faces turned green with anger. Didn't this mean they were showing off their achievements in person and ridiculing them! ?
"How much did we lose?"

Winged King asked again.

"Only some soldiers suffered minor injuries, basically zero casualties."

Hao Yangmenhu replied indifferently, and glanced at the two of Burdo at the same time.

"You... you... poof!!"

Burdo was so angry that he vomited blood immediately, which was really a humiliation for Chi Guoguo!
Impressively Long was also trembling with anger.

And the secret agent was so frightened that his whole body trembled, their three thousand army was defeated by the opponent with zero casualties! ?And both generals were captured!Almost annihilated situation! !

"Hahahahaha! Our wing-human warriors, with [-] troops and zero casualties, defeated your Shenhu Kingdom's [-] troops. This king is waiting for your Shenhu Kingdom to send troops to come again! Detain them and interrogate them severely!"

Winged King raised his head and laughed loudly, feeling elated at the moment.

All the Yiren present also looked proud and excited.Originally, everyone only knew that they had won a complete victory, but they didn't know the specific situation of the battle. Now that the result of the battle came out, it was really exciting!Let everyone's years of depression be swept away!


Several guards responded imposingly, and dragged Buldo away with their heads held high...

"Our good son-in-law, our Yiren Kingdom can still achieve today's results, thanks to your help!"

The Winged King couldn't help but solemnly clasped his fist at Fang Ce.

"It's all thanks to the help of my son-in-law!"

Si Lan Wang Ye and the others clasped their fists together.

"No, you don't have to be so polite. You should thank Dai'er."

Fang Ce suddenly looked helpless.


You Dai shyly and embarrassingly hugged Fang Ce's arms...

After experiencing the battle of the Shenhu Kingdom, Star City quickly returned to its former peace.In addition to sending people to step up patrols, the Yiren King continued to send people to the Tianfeng Mountain Range to continue to gather the tribe, and brought the battle results back along the way to stabilize people's hearts.

In addition, King Yiren didn't let the one thousand soldiers of the Shenhu Kingdom who were captured be idle, and directly let these guys do coolies to build the Star City.Because as a coolie, you can exploit as much as you want, and the work efficiency has soared...

About half a month later, five hundred winged people migrated from the Tianfeng Mountain Range and joined Star City. Among them, 20 people have a cultivation base of 900 years or more, and one has a cultivation base of [-] years.Although the number of people is not too many, it is obviously much more effective than before.

And the construction progress of Star City has reached 8000/100, which can accommodate more than [-] people!Of course, the population in the city is still much lower, and now there are only more than [-] people...

"Report! There are [-] soldiers from the Shenhu Kingdom coming outside!!"

In the hall, the spies hurriedly reported.

"Oh? Five thousand troops? It seems that our son-in-law's strategy is working. The Shenhu Kingdom thinks that we only have Dai'er, a robber, and one thousand troops here."

The Yiren King nodded, feeling even more determined. Previously, You Dai led 1000 men and was able to defeat the opponent's two generals with [-] troops with zero casualties.Based on this record, according to his estimate, even if the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom personally led a hundred thousand elite soldiers, they would not be able to win this Star City.There are only [-] troops outside, so naturally it is no problem.

"Father, should Dai'er take care of it this time?"

You Dai opened her mouth.

"Well, but the opponent's combat power this time should be much stronger than before. This time, let Uncle Wang Ye see the situation and lead his troops to help."

Winged people are king.


You Dai nodded quickly.

Fang Ce looked at it leisurely. For him now, these are just like games. Naturally, it is difficult for him to take it seriously. It is just fun to watch.

Soon after, the battle horn sounded.

When I came outside, I saw a large army coming over the mountains.

And in the air are more than 400 two-winged tigers, led by three generals.

The leading general, wearing a golden tiger helmet and a golden tiger armor, has a stern face, a tall and straight figure, and a powerful momentum.This person is the main general Gouli this time.

The general on the left is wearing a white battle armor, with a handsome face, a moderate body, and not weak momentum.This person is the deputy general Kuang Huangdu.

The general on the right is wearing a black tiger-striped battle armor, has a pair of thick eyebrows, has a burly figure, and his breath is not weak.This person is the lieutenant general Zhu Dog.

The cultivation bases of these three generals are obviously close to 3000 years!

"Father, husband. Dai'er go meet them!"

You Dai immediately led a thousand main forces to fly out.

"Uncle Wang Ye, you should also lead your troops to help Dai'er. This time the enemy's strength is not simple. It should be specially arranged for our winged people."

The Winged King spoke.

"it is good."

Si Lan Wang Ye responded, and directly led the three hundred veteran generals to fly out.These veteran generals are all over 500 years old, compared to You Dai's [-] main force, they are much more elite.Coupled with the blessing of Feng Shui formation, the strength is naturally quite terrifying.

"Oh, there is no chance for Xiaosheng to make a move."

Fang Ce shrugged helplessly.

"Haha, son-in-law, I'm afraid these small shrimps are not enough to fit your teeth, and if you take a shot, it's as if you didn't take a shot."

The Winged King laughed out loud.

In the air at the moment.

The two armies have met.

You Dai and Silk Lan Wangye led the thousand main forces to block Gouli's three-member army and its four hundred two-winged tiger subordinates.

And the three hundred veteran generals of Si Lan Wangye directly blocked the thousands of troops on the ground!

The reason for this arrangement is because You Dai's thousand main forces are all soldiers of the ancient battle formation, and if the situation is not good, they can directly form the ancient battle formation!

And the [-] veteran generals of Silan Wangye are all elites, and with the blessing of Feng Shui formation, it is no problem to fight ten against one!
"Two robbers?"

Looking at You Dai and Si Lan Wangye, Gou Li, the general of the Shenhu Kingdom army, couldn't help but raise his brows slightly, which didn't match the information sent back!

"Hmph! With grandpa and this girl here, you still dare to come? Are you really tired of work?"

You Dai embraced her hands, and proudly raised her stunning and delicate face.

"I heard that you captured two generals from our Shenhu Kingdom and many prisoners, and let them go. We will leave immediately."

Gou Li said in a low voice, now that the situation has changed, he intends to see if he can lure him back first, and then it will not be too late to attack this place.When the time comes, the troops will be stronger, and the battle will naturally be easier, which will reduce many casualties.

"Hmph, you came to us to act wildly, and we captured you. You want us to release him after a word or two? Didn't you wake up?"

You Dai disdains, does she look so easy to fool?Or is it true that the current Winged Human Race is the same as before, will they be afraid?

"Oh? It seems that I can't be kind anymore?"

Gouli narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What do you think? Don't talk about those two dogs, we won't let them go. Today, you have to stay too."

You Dai raised her eyebrows.

The two sides stared at each other for a moment.


Two low shouts sounded!Both sides have shot!Quickly engage!
The three generals of Gouli turned into two-winged tigers one after another!
I saw that Naimu Lingzheng, who majored in Gouli, has the characteristic of swiftness, and his attack speed is extremely fast!And the wood spirit zhenqi itself has the characteristic of quickly overpowering the enemy, with the blessing of the two phases, coupled with the lethality of the evil spirit of the four realms, it can already threaten You Dai!

If it weren't for the blessing of Feng Shui formation here, You Dai might only be tied with Gou Li!

The general Kuang Huangdu cultivates the true energy of the earth spirit, but even in his two-winged tiger state, he has the ability to fly!Fortunately, Silk Lan Wang Ye is also very strong, and with the blessing of Feng Shui, he can suppress the Kuang Huangdu.

In the end, the general Zhugou cultivated the water spirit zhenqi, which also has the ability to fly, and the water spirit zhenqi itself is also flexible and fast, so that the Zhugou dog is not inferior to You Dai in terms of speed!That is to say, the offensive ability is weaker, but with the evil spirit of the four realms, it can also cause no small threat.

For a while, the two sides were fighting inextricably, but the strength of the fighters under both sides showed a one-sided trend.

I saw that whether it was You Dai's thousand main force in the high sky, or the three hundred winged veteran generals who faced the enemy at low altitude, they all showed a crushing advantage and beheaded the fighters of Shenhu Kingdom!
After all, there is the blessing of the eighth-class feng shui formation here, and the strength of the two sides directly opened up the 600-year cultivation base!It's okay for the three generals of Gouli who are close to 3000 years of cultivation, the gap will not be too far.

But for those ordinary fighters who have not crossed the catastrophe and have less than 1000 years of cultivation, especially those below 600 years of cultivation, this is simply a devastating blow!The gap in strength is not just as simple as the number of 600 years of cultivation, but the difference in strength by more than double the cultivation! Can 300 years of cultivation be compared to 900 years of cultivation, and 700 years of cultivation be compared to 300 years of cultivation? Can this be the same?What a world of difference!
Seeing this situation, the three generals of Gouli were naturally anxious, and they couldn't help but shot with all their strength, using all their magic skills to decide the victory or defeat in one fell swoop!
Fang Ce had also read this explosive spirit formula in the history books of the Yiren tribe before. It is a magical skill that is commonly practiced in the Shenhu Kingdom. It is characterized by strong destructive power and explosive power, which is in line with the characteristics of the people of the Shenhu Kingdom.

And when Gou Li casts this Explosive Spirit Art, as long as it is within the range, even if there is a gap of 600 years in cultivation, You Dai is already hard to avoid!And that Zhu dog also shot with all its strength, blocking You Dai's evasion route!

However, our smart princess is not a vegetarian either, so she directly chose to take the hook force forcefully, and cast the third-order original talisman to blast the Zhugou with the sky thunder technique. The terrifying power instantly crushed the Zhugou Severely injured and fell to the ground in a coma!
You must know that Youdai possesses the Thunder Element Body, combined with the Heavenly Thunder Art of the third-order original talisman, it is almost enough to kill a 3000-year-old existence with one blow!As for You Dai, who was hit by Gou Li's Explosive Spirit Art, she was only seriously injured, but she still has considerable fighting power!
Because although the hook force is fast in terms of attacking, but there is no special strong blessing in terms of strength, the power of Explosive Spirit Art can only be considered not weak, not enough to defeat You Dai with one blow, not to mention there is still a gap of 600 years in strength!However, if You Dai suffers from the Gou Li one or two more Spirit Explosion Art, she will basically be unable to support it.It's a pity that Gouli no longer has this chance!

(End of this chapter)

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