Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 382 Repelling the Great Enemy, Zhaozhang, the Star City of Wanming Tribes

Chapter 382 Repel the enemy and recall the star city of ten thousand people

"Not good! Withdraw!!"

Gou Li saw that the situation was not good, and even ordered the withdrawal of troops, because one of the generals had already been lost, and the remaining Kuang Huang was suppressed by the old guy on the other side.Although You Dai has already been injured by him, but now alone, he is really not sure that he can take You Dai down!
As for the soldiers under his command, they were in such a state of defeat, no matter how you looked at it, it was an unfavorable situation. If you don't run now, when will you wait?

He immediately turned around and ran away desperately.

"Humph! You're running fast!"

Seeing this, You Dai just snorted coldly, and gently wiped the blood from the corner of her lips with a slight frown.Because she is currently injured, it is really not suitable for her to catch up with the hook force who is in good condition, and once she is out of the scope of the Feng Shui formation, the situation will become even more unfavorable!

And now she doesn't have the burden of annihilating the enemy.Anyway, the strategy given by the master is to show the enemy weakness.She should not be too brave.

Afterwards, You Dai quickly joined hands with Si Lan Wang Ye to take down the general Kuang Huangdu, and then dealt with the remnants of the opponent, and they made a triumphant return amidst cheers.


You Dai came to Fang Ce weakly, she completely lost the heroic appearance of the heroic female general when she faced the enemy just now, just like a well-behaved little girl next door.

"It's alright."

Fang Ce gently wiped away the remaining blood from the corner of You Dai's lips, and then hugged her into his arms with a soothing appearance.


You Dai's body froze, and she let out a soft moan.

"Haha, Your Royal Highness, you have made great achievements again this time. Let the son-in-law take you to recuperate first."

Seeing this, Si Lan Wangye couldn't help laughing out loud, with a look of joy on his face.

Hearing this, You Dai felt even more embarrassed, buried her head in Fang Ce's arms, and dared not lift it up.

Seeing this, everyone in Yirenwang also smiled happily.

Afterwards, Hao Yangmenhu quickly counted the results of this battle. This time, two generals were captured, while the enemy soldiers captured two thousand soldiers, beheaded more than 2000, and escaped a few.Most importantly, this time there were almost zero casualties!That means You Dai was injured a little more seriously!
Immediately, all the winged people cheered even more, and their hearts were full of confidence in the restoration of the country!

The Yiren King also continued to send people to the Tianfeng Mountain Range to gather his clansmen. Naturally, the results of this victory were to be publicized.At the same time, let the captured three thousand captives go all out to build Star City...

A month passed, and Xingcheng actually called back 50 clansmen!Among them, there are 900 people who have been cultivated for more than 670 years, and three people have been cultivated for [-] years.As a result, the number of warriors with a century-old cultivation base in Star City has reached [-], and they can almost form three ancient battle formations!

The number of fighters who have cultivated for 900 years is relatively small, only 23.

Then there is the construction progress of the Star City. With the "hard work" of 5 captives, it has reached a progress of 100/1, which is almost enough to accommodate [-] people!And now the total population of Star City is just over [-], including [-] captives, it is only over [-]...

While Yiren Wang and Fang Ce were discussing future development plans.

"Report! [-] troops are attacking from outside! Without stopping, they have already come towards Star City!!"

The spies rushed to report!
"Huh? Come again? The strength has doubled again? I'm afraid it will be a little tricky this time..."

Winged King frowned slightly, and led everyone outside to prepare for the battle.

Soon, the enemy army was seen jumping over the mountains, but this time there were more than 1000 enemy soldiers in the air! !Moreover, not all the people from the God Tiger Kingdom with two wings and fierce tigers, there are many winged people!To be precise, it was the Motley Winged Man!
"This Shenhu Kingdom also trains Winged Warriors?"

Fang Ce rubbed his chin, it seems that the Shenhu Kingdom also values ​​the potential of the Winged Human Race.

"Hmm...Although it's a little hard to say, these mixed-blood winged people are basically captured after the women of our winged race were captured..."

The Winged King looked ashamed.


Fang Ce nodded, and naturally understood the meaning. It is recorded in the history books of the Yiren clan that only the purer Yiren's blood can have a greater chance of awakening the ability to transform into a Thunder Phoenix. Therefore, the purity of the blood is extremely important.

A foreign partner who wants to be recognized by the Wing Terran must be a powerful existence with a bloodline higher than that of the Wing Terran.Otherwise, it is impossible to be accepted.Then the large group of variegated Yiren outside must not be because the other half of the bloodline is stronger than the Yiren. After all, the bloodline of the Shenhu Kingdom is obviously inferior to that of the Yiren...

"It's not easy to come to the enemy this time. Mr. Hu, Liang Guang, all of you who have crossed the catastrophe, prepare to go out! Dai'er and Uncle Wang Ye alone can't deal with it. In addition, let all the Yiren fighters with a cultivation base of more than a hundred years go to the battle !"

The Yiren King looked at the gradually approaching enemy with a slightly solemn gaze.

In front of the large army in the air, there were five figures with extraordinary aura, one of them was the general Gouli who had fled before!And the other four...

At the forefront is a general with a tall and straight figure and a proud air, wearing a silver tiger helmet, fair and handsome face, and a white tiger battle robe.The name of this person is Xing Wuwei, and he is one of the four great generals of the Shenhu Kingdom, with extraordinary strength!
And on the left side with Gou Li is a man wearing a black tiger helmet with a rough face and a black battle robe. He has a burly figure and a domineering aura.His name is Mayang, a brave general of Shenhu Kingdom.

The first one on the right is a high ponytail tied with a golden ribbon, with a beautiful face, wearing a golden fine armor, a hot and proud figure, and a beautiful female general with a haughty aura.The woman's name is Wenjiao.

The second person on the right is a tall and graceful beauty with disheveled snow hair, bright eyes and white teeth, wearing a white velvet shirt, and a cold and arrogant aura.This woman's name is Qiu Li.

At this time, You Dai and the others also led the army to welcome out, a total of eight robbers, it seems that this number is quite superior, but except for You Dai, Hao Yangmenhu, and Silk Lan Wangye, the other five are all different It was cultivated by the year 900.

Among the five, one has a cultivation base of 700 years, one has a cultivation base of 2000 years, Hao Yang Liangguang has a cultivation base of 800 years, and the remaining two have only a cultivation base of 500 years.

In terms of quality, the eight tribulation passers, You Dai, are obviously inferior to each other, and the gap can be said to be not small.In fact, besides the five generals in front, the opponent also has five or six tribulation passers with lower cultivation bases!
"Oh? It seems that this is all the power you have here? What gave you the courage to go out of the Tianfeng Mountain Range and build a city here? What secrets are hidden here?"

Xing Wuji calmly looked at Youdai and the 2000 winged fighters.

"It's none of your business, do you want to ask more?"

You Dai curled her lips in disdain, of course she also expressed disdain, she did not dare to underestimate the enemy in her heart, she could see that this guy in front of her was difficult to deal with!Didn't he have to stand aside in front of this guy before he looked at it?

Hearing this, Xing Wuwei raised his brows, and with a wave of his big hand, he immediately issued an attack order!

And Xing Wuji also turned into two-winged tigers one after another!Among them, the two-winged tiger transformed by Qiuli is a snow-white tiger!

In an instant, the sound of shouting and killing sounded, and the two sides fought quickly!
I saw that Xing Wuju had actually cultivated the true essence of Lei Ling!Moreover, he has the ability of swiftness and swiftness, and at the same time, he has also cultivated the three abilities of preventing fire, preventing water, and dispelling wood, which means that the three elements of water, fire, and wood basically cannot pose any threat to him!

Fang Ce has seen the cultivation route of the lightning cultivator in the ancient books of the Yiren tribe, and there is a more extreme one, which is to directly give the five abilities of the body of the diamond, dissolving wood, dispelling water, dispelling fire, and transforming soil. Cultivated, that is to say, these five elements can do nothing!
And the ability of the thunder system cannot be exempted, so the cultivator who cultivates in this way is almost fighting against the cultivators of the five elements.However, the disadvantage of this kind of practice is that when encountering normal lightning or ice cultivators, basically they can't take advantage of any advantages and have no chance of winning.

Now this Xing Wuji's strength is able to tie with You Dai!You must know that this is under the influence of Feng Shui formation!That is to say, without Feng Shui formation, You Dai is no match for Xing Wuji.

And that Mayang cultivated the true essence of the fire spirit!Possesses the ability to be swift and violent, and his strength is slightly superior to that of Si Lan Wang Ye!
That Wenjiao is a major in Jin Lingzhen Qi, with swiftness and flying ability, but it is on par with the 700-year-old Yiren Clan.

And that Qiuli is quite tricky, the one who cultivates is the true energy of the ice spirit, and has mastered the ability to shuttle, the speed is extremely fast!Just crush Hao Yangmen and fight!
There is no equal opponent for the final hook force, and it is entirely up to Hao Yang Liangguang and the Transcending Tribulation Wings to forcefully contend!
As for the rest of the robbers who were weak in the Shenhu Kingdom, the 23 900-year-old warriors of the Yiren tribe took advantage of the Feng Shui formation to act as robbers to contend!

It can be said that the situation is not optimistic!
Fortunately, the army of more than 2000 winged warriors still had an absolute advantage in terms of Feng Shui formation and their own flying ability, and they firmly suppressed the opponent's army of more than 1 obviously elite soldiers!

"Sister-in-law...if this continues, Dai'er and the others will probably be defeated. Next, do you want me to come forward... or the ancient battle formation?"

The Winged King's face turned solemn, if You Dai's main combat power was no match, then even if the entire Winged army had a sufficient advantage, it would still be difficult to win.After all, the terrifying difference in strength between non-tribulators and 3000-year cultivators cannot be easily bridged!

"Hmmm... the ancient battle formation, try not to expose it too early. As for the Yiren King... don't worry, Mr. Shang Wu, can I trouble you to practice..."

Fang Ce smiled and looked at Shang Wu.

"Huh? Oh, okay."

Shang Wu responded lightly, and flew out invisibly!Killing the battle situation high in the sky!

"This... is really troublesome..."

Winged King couldn't help clasping his fists.

"You're being polite, it's just a small favor. If the Winged King makes a move, he will be able to deal with those guys directly."

Fang Ce smiled.

At this time, Shang Wu's intervention instantly turned the tide of the battle!In the army of the Shenhu Kingdom, it seemed that they didn't see through the existence of the invisibility ability, and they were directly disrupted, and they were all shocked!

"The situation is unfavorable! Withdraw first!!"

Xing Wuwei acted decisively and issued an order to withdraw troops.

The mighty army quickly retreated.

Everyone in You Dai couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Just now You Dai almost couldn't bear to use the ancient battle array.

After the enemy retreated, the Yiren people cheered again.

Go back to the hall.

"Our strength is still too weak, and we just asked the distinguished guests to make a move."

The Yiren King sighed softly, although this side is far from doing its best, but these guys from the Shenhu Kingdom are far from the full strength of the Shenhu Kingdom?Now the Winged Human Race is just testing the gap in strength.Without Fang Ce and the others, he is really not sure whether the current Yiren clan can rely on the ancient battle formation to resist the full attack of the Shenhu Kingdom!

Hearing this, You Dai couldn't help lowering her head in shame, it seemed that her strength was still a bit weak after all.

Everyone in Silk Lan Wangye also showed shame.

"Don't be discouraged. What we are losing now is the numerical advantage. This time we repel the enemy, and we can go back and make a good publicity call. Remember to try to exaggerate this time, so that we can bring back more people. By the way, this How was the result?"

Winged King said again.

"This time more than 4000 enemy soldiers were killed, and more than 2000 were captured. Adding the original 3000 prisoners, there should be [-] prisoners."

Hao Yangmenhu replied.

"What about casualties?"

"More than 30 casualties..."

"Okay! I will send people to the Tianfeng Mountain Range to promote it later, saying that we lost more than 30 people and repelled the [-] elite soldiers of the Shenhu Kingdom!!"

Winged King said.

With a sound, everyone present couldn't help opening their mouths, and looked at King Yi Ren in amazement.

Fang Ce was also a little stunned, amused in his heart, this Winged King really dared to brag...

"What's the matter? Is this okay? If our Star City goes all out to attack, do you think it's impossible to achieve this result?"

The Winged King was puzzled.


Everyone was taken aback, glanced at each other, and nodded again. It would not be an exaggeration to say that.

You Dai and the others especially took a look at Fang Ce, secretly thinking that if Fang Ce made a move, maybe a hundred thousand elite soldiers could be wiped out, right?
Fang Strategy smiled and didn't say much.

Shang Wu glanced at Fang Ce quietly, she knew that if Fang Ce made a move, let alone a hundred thousand elite soldiers, the entire Eastern Continent would be wiped out.After all, this East Continent might not even be able to resist any big monster from the Middle-earth Continent, let alone Fang Ce, whose strength is still far above the big monster!

"Okay, let's hurry up and prepare for the battle. There should be a lot of time to buffer the enemy this time. But the next time the opponent comes back, it will definitely be aggressive! When the time comes, I'm afraid I will also make a move."

The Winged King frowned slightly, he knew very well that the enemies repelled this time were not ordinary people.It is likely that the empress of Shenhu Kingdom has been alarmed.Before long, there will be at most two battles, and the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom will most likely come in person!

At that time, if Fang Ce doesn't make a move, can their winged human race withstand the attack of the empress of Shenhu Kingdom?


Everyone nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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