Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 383 The defeat of tens of thousands of elite soldiers alarmed the empress of the God Tiger K

Chapter 383 The defeat of tens of thousands of elite soldiers alarmed the empress of the God Tiger Kingdom
In the conference hall.

"My lord! Now there are more than 7000 people in Star City! We have taken another big step towards the revival of our Yiren Kingdom!"

Hao Yangmenhu looked excited.

"If there are hundreds of thousands, I can almost feel completely at ease. The problem now is the threat of the Shenhu Kingdom. And...the Lishen Kingdom..."

King Yiren frowned slightly. He didn't know what the relationship between Shenhu Kingdom and Lishen Kingdom is now. What he was most worried about was that the two countries would join forces to deal with the fragile Yiren people!
"Ha, don't worry too much about the Yiren King. Xiaosheng learned from his travels in the Lishen Kingdom that there are many guards against the Shenhu Kingdom. The Yiren Kingdom has been destroyed for many years, and there should be a lot of competition between the two great powers.

As long as the Winged Human Race is not enough to directly threaten the two countries, it must be difficult for the two countries to reach a joint consensus in a short period of time. "

Fang Ce smiled.

"It would be nice if that was the case."

The Winged King nodded.

"Report! There is a situation outside! It is estimated that more than 3 elite soldiers from the Shenhu Kingdom are approaching Star City!!"

The spies rushed to report.

"Finally here again! [-] elite soldiers? It seems that we haven't really taken our Star City seriously, but after this battle, it must be time to wake up!"

The Winged King stood up, and the majesty of a king surged out!At this time, he is no longer the king of wimps who needs to hide!
A group of people came outside and quickly summoned soldiers to prepare for the battle.

In just a few moments, a mighty army has already crossed mountains and ridges, surging forward!Tens of thousands of people on the ground!Thousands of people in the sky are still a lineup of variegated winged men and double-winged tigers!

And this time the leader of the army is still Xing Wuwei, but not just the previous five generals, but ten generals!All 900 years of cultivation! !

"Children of the Yiren, come out and surrender quickly, otherwise today, this general will wash this place with blood!!"

A low voice sounded.

Xing Wuwei looked down at Xingcheng coldly, he didn't believe that this small broken city could withstand their attack this time!Judging from the situation last time, this small broken city has obviously shown its strength, and this time he also brought a general who can see through the invisibility ability!
"Hmph, clown, do you really take yourself seriously? This time, let's see if this girl will beat you idiots all over the floor to find Big Tooth!"

A delicate and cold snort sounded.

I saw You Dai leading a group of generals and thousands of Yiren warriors into the air, facing Xing Wu fear's tens of thousands of elites!
"Hahahaha! Hahahahaha! Little girl, what a big tone! Don't you really think that the sneaky guy from last time can still play a role?"

Xing Wuhou couldn't help laughing. The person he was talking about was naturally Shang Wu who used his invisibility ability to directly turn the tide of the battle.He still thinks that Shang Wu is Star City's trump card...

"Stealing? Just like you, a clown who bullies more and less, has the face to mock Sister Shang Wu? If you are capable, one-on-one, do you have the guts?"

You Dai mocked with a look of contempt.

"Hmph, this general is too lazy to talk nonsense with an ignorant girl like you. Since you choose to die, then don't blame this general for being ruthless, kill!"

Xing Wuwei gave a cold voice, and directly issued the order to attack!


Shouts of killing sounded out one after another!
I saw that Xing Wuju led the army to quickly surround and kill You Dai and the others!

You Dai raised her brows slightly. Facing such an enemy army, they naturally have no advantage. After all, ten generals with a cultivation base of nearly 3000 years already have an absolute advantage!There are only three of them who have reached this level!

However, this time, no matter how aggressive the other party is, she is not afraid or panic at all, because...

"Hahahahaha! You cats and puppies from Shenhu Kingdom dare to come to my Star City to play wild?"

A wild laugh rose into the sky!

At the moment when the two sides completely entered the battle, a mighty momentum erupted and shrouded it!I saw that it was the Winged King himself who came forward!
At this level of battle, without using the ancient battle formation, it is already impossible to deal with it with the strength of the clansmen in Star City, and the Winged King can't do it either.

And once the Winged King makes a move, he will definitely be exposed, so he will definitely lure these guys into the game completely, and severely injure them!
"You are!? Winged King!? Not good!! Withdraw!!!"

Xing Wuju was shocked immediately, knowing that the situation was not good.

"Hmph, still want to leave now? It's too late! Get it for me!"

Winged King raised his hands, and the oppressive breath enveloped him!Rumble!A large piece of thunder came straight down! !
Thunder of a Hundred Tribulations!

In an instant, a large number of soldiers of the Shenhu Kingdom were annihilated!Xing Wuji, who was targeted by the Winged Man King, was directly and severely injured!

After all, the Winged King is a second-level Heavenly Tribulation existence. Even if his cultivation base is not yet perfect, the power of the high-ranking spell Hundred Tribulations Heavenly Thunder is beyond the reach of ordinary practitioners!What's more, the Winged King is also a Lei Yuan body!If all the power is concentrated on Xing Wuju, Xing Wuju will also end in ashes!

At this time, the King of the Winged Man made successive attacks, and the army of the Shenhu Kingdom fled in all directions. After a short time, the battle was over.

Xing Wuji and four of the generals of the Shenhu Kingdom were taken down. More than 6000 soldiers of the Shenhu Army were killed and more than 5000 were captured.

After all, the army of the Shenhu Kingdom is large in number, even if King Yiren took action himself, there would be no way to keep too many people behind.Because there are only more than 2000 troops on the Yiren clan's side now, isn't it a joke to form an encirclement of [-] enemy troops fleeing in all directions?

In the conference hall.

Xing Wuwei was tied up in embarrassment and knelt on the ground.

"Hmph, are we still bloodbathing our Star City now?"

You Dai said slowly.

Xing Wuji just knelt down indifferently, completely ignoring You Dai's provocation.Because he knew that the empress would come in person soon!After all, the Winged King is here, and the Empress cannot let it go!
"Have you nothing to say?"

The Winged King spoke softly.

"It's an honor to be planted in the hands of the Yiren King."

Xing Wuwei responded coldly.

"Really? But I seem to hear the disdain in your tone."

Winged people are king.

At this time, Xing Wuji just looked at Yiren Wang indifferently, and didn't say much.

"This king remembers you. You should be one of the Four Heavenly Generals of the Shenhu Kingdom. You also chased and killed this king back then."

The Winged King showed a hint of memory.

Xing Wuhou was still indifferent.

The Winged King couldn't help but frowned slightly, and waved his hand lightly: "Go ahead."

Xing Wuwei was quickly escorted away by several guards.

"This man is so arrogant. He still doesn't know what he is now? A prisoner dares to show us face. We must have someone greet him later!"

You Dai suddenly showed annoyed expression, she could feel the other party's deep contempt for the winged human race, as if she couldn't see them getting up!
"Don't get angry, he does still have the capital to be arrogant. After all, Shenhu Kingdom has a large number of troops, and there should be dozens of people in Dujie, and we have less than ten left. Their empress is also stronger than me.

With a population of more than [-] in our Star City, even a tenth of a city in the Shenhu Kingdom is far less than that, so how can he think highly of us? "

The Winged King sighed softly.

Hearing this, everyone in You Dai suddenly looked a little sad, indeed, the current winged humans are still too fragile...

"Okay, don't think too much. Take this opportunity and continue to send people back to the Tianfeng Mountain Range to gather the tribe. This time I will definitely be able to recall a lot of people, hoping to bring back some stronger combat power.

In the next battle, if there are no accidents, it must be the empress of Shenhu Kingdom leading the army in person.When the time comes...we will definitely exert our full strength and use the ancient battle formation..."

The Winged King lightly clenched his fist. With his current cultivation, even with the blessing of Feng Shui, he would certainly not be able to contend head-on with the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom alone.The empress of the Shenhu Kingdom has been cultivated for thousands of years, and her current strength is probably even more advanced!

The next battle will depend on how much advantage the ancient battle formation can bring them, and whether they can withstand the full attack of the empress of Shenhu Kingdom!
"Yeah, we have the Ancient Battle Formation, so there must be no problem."

You Dai held her pink fist and tapped the gnat's head lightly, with a self-motivated appearance.

"Oh, is the Empress of Shenhu Kingdom coming? Well...Xiaosheng still has some spiritual fruits here, you can share them. You shouldn't have to be too aggrieved by then."

With a wave of Fang Ce's hand, a large number of spiritual fruits fell into the middle of the hall.

Immediately, a strong aura and fragrance permeated the entire hall.

Everyone in Winged King was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

a while.

"This, this, this, this! Spiritual fruit!? So many spiritual fruits! Guoguoguoguoguoguo... Guoshou you! You! You you...no oh me..."

Si Lan Wang Ye was so startled that his tongue was tied up and he couldn't speak clearly.

Hao Yang Liangguang on the side was also dumbfounded, as if he had seen a ghost, this large piece of fruit thrown out like weeds was all spiritual fruit! ?
"Guo...Guo son-in-law...you...you are...this is..."

As the Yiren King who had seen the big world, he was a little calmer and able to speak clearly.

"Oh, it's nothing, just to improve everyone's strength. Don't be too polite, I don't need these fruits now."

Fang Ce shook his head. Although he is not interested in making a move now, he is quite interested in watching the excitement.Help the guys like Yirenwang to improve their strength, and they are more evenly matched, so they will naturally be more interesting.

"This... this... just..."

The Winged King didn't have the nerve to accept this great gift at all.

"If you're embarrassed, then wait until the Yiren Kingdom is restored, and then pay it back. Let's borrow it from you as a young student. Dai'er, let's go for a walk."

Fang Ce helped You Dai who was also in a daze, and left directly outside the hall.

"Oh oh oh...um..."

You Dai came back to her senses, and responded lightly and foolishly.

"Wang... Wang... this... we..."

Hao Yang Liangguang couldn't help but looked at Yirenwang.

"Eat... eat... just eat..."

The Winged Man King responded, and didn't care about that much, and drove several tribulation passers in the hall to grow into big flowers.It is important to improve their strength now, these spiritual fruits are enough for them to eat Dzogchen.When the time comes, the empress of Shenhu Kingdom will come in person, and they will have a lot more chances of winning!

At this time, in the Lishen King's Capital, the palace castle is being rebuilt.

"What!? You said that the Winged Man walked out of the Tianfeng Mountains to build a city, and he also has the power of Fengshui array!?"

Ban Du tilted his head and raised his eyebrows to look at a messenger officer in front of him.

The Chaobu people on the side all had expressions of surprise.

"Yes... yes... Valkyrie... and... and... they seem to have clashed with the Shenhu Kingdom, and our hunters inadvertently got the news in the Tianfeng Mountain Range.

Now that city is called Star City, it seems that there are Winged Human Emperors there, they keep sending people to the Tianfeng Mountains to show off their achievements in defeating the army of the Shenhu Kingdom, and call on those Winged Humans to go to Star City to meet up. "

The messenger said cautiously.

"Fengshui formation... Star City... Wing Ren Emperor Vein... Could it be..."

Ban Du's complexion changed even more, and he had already guessed something.

"Master Valkyrie?"

The messenger officer couldn't help opening his mouth again, wanting to ask for instructions.

"Investigate! Send me someone to investigate right away! Remember, don't startle the snake! Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

Ban Du narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice.

"Yes! This subordinate will do it!"

The messenger officer was terrified, and quickly took the order to retreat.

"Valkyrie! Looks like it should be that damn guy! They must not be able to find a way to return to Middle-earth, so they went to the winged human race!"

Chao Bu gritted his teeth and said, naturally he had already guessed Fang Ce.It's just that what he didn't guess was that it wasn't that Fang Ce couldn't find a way to return to Middle-earth, but that he ran to the Winged Human Race for the source of water...

"Hmph! It must be them, otherwise who else here can arrange a Feng Shui formation?"

Ban Du slowly clenched his fist, with a cold expression on his face.

"Since that's the case, should we immediately notify the Patriarch and summon all the experts in our Lishen Kingdom to go?

With Lord Martial God, you will join forces with the ancestor king, and you will definitely be able to take down that damned guy.At that time, those two Nine Artifacts will belong to us!Maybe I can summon that guy well and ask him about the arrangement method of the Feng Shui formation! "

Chao Bu showed a stern look on his face.

"Don't worry, aren't they in conflict with the Shenhu Kingdom? Let's wait and see from the other side. Then, maybe we can kill two birds with one stone and kill that guy and the Shenhu Kingdom!"


When Chaobu heard the words, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, showing excitement!
At this moment, hundreds of kilometers away from Star City, there is a magnificent city in the west.This city was originally an important city of Yiren Kingdom, but now it has been occupied by Shenhu Kingdom.

And in a magnificent palace in the city, a graceful figure in a white velvet battle robe lowered his head and knelt on the ground tremblingly.This woman is Qiuli, the female general of the Shenhu Kingdom who returned from a major defeat!
At this moment, the cold and arrogant aura on Qiu Li's body has faded away, leaving only a deep sense of fear!Never dare to look up.

"What... what did you say? Xing Wuwei led nine of your generals, 2000 elite soldiers, and was defeated by... an army of more than [-] Yiren? Xing Wuwei was also captured?"

A cold, seemingly careless voice sounded slowly from in front of Qiu Li.

"Yes... yes... my lord empress... in that city seems to be the Yiren King and the most elite fighters of the Yiren clan..."

Qiu Li slowly raised her head tremblingly, and the first thing that caught her eyes was a pair of exquisite snow-silver combat boots, with the white Shengxue's skin exposed on the top of the boots.Immediately after that was a pair of snow-white slender jade legs sitting upright under the cover of a silver and soft gauze skirt.

From the jade legs up is the silver waistband that clings tightly to the small waist, which is tightly grasped. On the waist, the smooth silver gauze wraps tightly the curves and undulations, showing a plump and graceful figure.Going up further, a silver hair shawl, and a cold and proud appearance that is beyond all manner of things gradually appeared.

What I saw was a cold, glamorous and arrogant silver-haired empress with her white right cheek casually propped up on her jade hand, sitting obliquely on the throne, wearing a domineering golden ribbon crown on her head!This woman is the empress of Shenhu Kingdom!
"What did you say!? Winged King!?"

The arrogant and lazy empress suddenly focused her eyes, and a turbulent and domineering aura spread out!Suddenly the whole hall trembled!
(End of this chapter)

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