Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 384 The Empress of the God Tiger Kingdom

Chapter 384 The Empress of the God Tiger Kingdom

In the Tianfeng Mountain Range, a group of Yiren spies who were sent back from Star City went around the mountain range to show off their achievements and keep calling the clansmen.

However, these propagandists basically boasted about the merits of King Yiren, and did not mention Fang Ce and others.The reason for this is that this is what the Yiren King and Fang Ce agreed. They both know that the Yiren people are extremely wary of outsiders.Only by highlighting the current strength of the Winged Human Race, can the clansmen feel relieved to defect.

At this time, in a remote tiankeng group, one of the tiankengs.

"What did you say? With hundreds of casualties, Xingcheng repelled the Shenhu Kingdom's [-] elite soldiers!? And took down the Shenhu Kingdom's four heavenly generals!? That useless king has reached ten thousand years of cultivation!?"

Anubipo looked at a clansman in front of him with a startled expression.

During this period of time, the affairs of Star City have been raging among the Yiren tribe in the Tianfeng Mountain Range. Although the seven leaders of Anubipo disdain the Yiren King very much and do not want to see them at all, they will inevitably inquire about the situation of Star City .

"Yes, leader, I think our winged human race is really hopeful for the restoration of the country, do we want to..."

"Impossible! In such a short period of time, how could that cowardly king reach ten thousand years of cultivation! This information is false! It must have deceived the people of the tribe to seek refuge! Don't be fooled!"

Anubipo said in a deep voice.

"This... But that Star City has indeed been established for a long time, and it has not been breached..."

"Hmph! It must be that the Shenhu Kingdom didn't pay attention! I don't believe that Star City can still defend the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom. What's more, there is still a forceful God Kingdom in the north watching over it!"

Anubipo snorted coldly, he was still not optimistic about what the current Winged King could do.In fact, the remaining six tribal leaders basically had the same idea.Because they are the leaders, they are quite conceited, and they think they have seen through the situation...

However, no matter how persistent the seven tribal leaders were, it was difficult to influence the thoughts of the rest of the scattered Yiren clansmen. This time, more clansmen couldn't help but flee to Star City.Because they are vulnerable and need a sense of security and belonging...

This time, in just one month, Star City recalled more than 2 clansmen!Among them, 150 people have been cultivated for more than 900 years, and 15 people have been cultivated for 3000 years.In this way, the hundred-year cultivation base of Star City has reached more than [-] points, and three complete ancient battle formations can be formed!

And the construction progress of Star City has reached 17.00%, enough to accommodate 50 people!

At the moment when everyone is still busy with the construction and development of Star City.

"Report! The army of the Shenhu Kingdom is attacking! There should be a hundred thousand people this time! They are camping five miles away from the mountains in the southwest!"

A spy rushed to the hall to report!

"A [-] army! It seems that the empress of Shenhu Kingdom should be here! Get ready to fight!"

The Winged King's eyes were fixed, and his body was full of momentum!Now that he has cultivated for ten thousand years, he dares to fight the empress of Shenhu Kingdom head-on!
"The empress of Shenhu Kingdom..."

Fang Ce showed a hint of curiosity.

At this moment, outside the mountains, the mighty army camped on the spot, and the commander's camp was outside.

"Is it in that mountain?"

I saw the empress standing with one hand behind her back in a glamorous and haughty figure, looking at the mountains in the distance.

"Yes, Empress. I don't know what secrets are hidden in that mountain. Once our people approach, their strength will be suppressed for about 300 years.

Soldiers with a cultivation base of less than 300 years entered it, basically no different from ordinary people.Oddly enough, those wingmen don't seem to be affected..."

Qiu Li responded cautiously.

"It's so weird? Well... Later, the emperor will directly lead [-] elites to attack, and the rest will stay outside for the time being."

The empress said softly, when she thought about coming, she was afraid that she alone would be enough to level the place, and she came here with a large army just in case.

After all, there is still the Kingdom of God in the north, and she can't take it lightly.In addition, her eagerness to come here is not because she is afraid of the recovery of the winged human race.The real goal is for the source water of the Winged Human Race!
That's why she had such a big reaction when she heard that King Yiren was here, because the presence of King Yiren basically meant that Yuanshui was there!

Qiuli nodded.

And far to the northwest, on a high peak, several figures stood.But they are some of the top powerhouses in the Kingdom of Lishen!Youhong, Bandu, and Chaobu, the ancestors of Lishen Kingdom!
"Ancestral King! Lord Martial God! It seems that the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom is leading the army in person!"

Chao Bu said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, is it really here? It seems that they are eager to get that piece of source water."

Ban Du said lightly.

"Let's see if there is a chance to catch them all this time."

You Hong spoke flatly.

"It depends on whether our distinguished guests can perform well. That woman is not easy to deal with. If we can both lose..."

Ban Du's tone is thought-provoking.

"Lord Martial God, I heard that the Winged King has reached the ten-thousand-year cultivation base, and if he joins forces with that damned guy. I'm afraid the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom may not be able to please..."

Chaobu hesitated.

"That Winged King has been cultivated for ten thousand years? Do you think it is possible? How many years have passed? Do you think he has so many resources?"

"Also... Maybe it's just a bluff..."

Zhao Bu nodded.

some time passed.

The empress of the Shenhu Kingdom led [-] flying elites to the Star City!The terrifying and oppressive atmosphere instantly enveloped it!

In Star City, the people of the Wing Human Race suddenly trembled and became nervous. After all, this was the coercion from the strong man with ten thousand years of cultivation and the [-] elite army!

"It's finally here! Follow me to meet the enemy!"

The turbulent aura of the Winged King erupted, and he directly led the army to fly out!

Fang Ce and Xin Yu watched curiously, and gradually saw the cold and arrogant figure coming.

The Winged King has also led his army to meet him.

At this time, compared with the [-] elites of the Shenhu Kingdom, the [-] people in Star City seemed a bit weak.

"The empress of Shenhu Kingdom, I have admired you for a long time."

Winged King spoke proudly.

"Huh? Ten thousand years of cultivation? How is it possible?"

The empress of the Shenhu Kingdom suddenly showed a look of shock, her cold and beautiful face was full of puzzlement.After all, the Yiren Kingdom has already been destroyed, how could the Yiren King have so many resources to improve his cultivation?Even if the Yiren Kingdom still exists, it may not be able to support the Yiren King to reach this level of cultivation so quickly!
"Nothing is impossible, we can only say that the sky is immortal, our Winged Human Race."

The Winged King responded calmly.

At this time, the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom just stared at the Yiren King coldly. Originally, she was planning to coerce the opponent, but now it seems that it is obviously impossible!
The Yiren King instantly sensed the fighting spirit of the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom, slowly clenched his fists, and became fully alert.

In an instant!
A cold scold!
The figure of the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom changed instantly, and directly transformed into a beautiful and mighty snow-silver double-winged tiger surrounded by terrifying ice, and quickly rushed out!
The Winged King also moved his figure, his body was surrounded by lightning, and he rushed out very quickly!
The terrifying thunder quickly enveloped the battle situation!

One person and one tiger fought fiercely, and gusts of cold air and thunder came out ragingly, causing the armies of both sides to retreat involuntarily!
The female emperor of the Shenhu Kingdom has a physique of ice essence, she has cultivated the true essence of ice spirit, and possesses the ability of great strength, swiftness, and flying, her strength can be described as balanced and powerful!

The Winged King is the Lei Yuan body, with the ability to fly and speed, the speed can be said to be extremely fast, and the strength is enough.But compared with the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom, she is still a little inferior.

However, under the influence of Feng Shui, the two sides fought evenly.

Seeing such a situation, the army of the Shenhu Kingdom couldn't help becoming a little dignified.

As for the Yiren people, they were all excited, after all, their king really got up!I can compete against the empress of Shenhu Kingdom alone!


A cold hum sounded.

The empress of the Shenhu Kingdom knew that it would be difficult to tell the winner if this kind of fight continued, and suddenly a surge of power erupted from her body, and her figure flashed out in an instant!That terrifying speed actually left behind a streamer-like afterimage!

"Extreme Yuan Jue!?"

The Winged King's face was startled, and then the same turbulent power erupted from his body, and he flashed out at a high speed in an instant, leaving behind a streamer-like afterimage!It also displayed the ultimate formula!

Back then, the Patriarch King of the Winged Human Race was able to frighten the Shenhu Kingdom and the Lishen Kingdom with his own power, which had a lot to do with this extreme formula.This Jiyuan Jue is a magical skill of extreme speed of shooting, which can explode to nine times the speed of shooting!It can be described as extremely terrifying!
But the defect of this magical skill is also quite obvious, that is, the lack of strength.If one does not have enough strength to enhance one's ability, one's strength will be greatly reduced if one uses this magical skill.

At the beginning, the ancestor king of the Winged Human Race was also a Lei Yuan body, and he cultivated the Lei Ling True Yuan. On this basis, he used the Extreme Yuan Jue, and almost only needed two moves with all his strength to defeat an opponent with the same cultivation level!And with this terrifying attack speed, it can be said that the opponent has already been defeated before he can make a move!

The ancestor king of the Winged Human Clan practiced this magical skill, which was specially used to suppress the two second-level Heavenly Tribulations in the Kingdom of Li Shen!And the current Yiren King will practice this magical skill, which is also the footsteps of the ancestor king, and wants to reproduce the glory of the Yiren race!
It's just that Yiren Wang didn't expect that the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom would also master this magical skill.This Extreme Yuan Jue can be used to suppress the existence of the two second-tier Heavenly Tribulations in the Power God Kingdom, and it actually has a considerable restraint effect on their Winged Human Race!

Because the Winged Human Race has the advantage of extremely fast speed, they are weaker in terms of strength and defense, and the extreme shooting speed of this Jiyuan Jue can easily erase the advantage of the Winged Human Race in speed!As a result, the Winged Human Race fell directly into a disadvantage!
Therefore, seeing that the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom used the Ji Yuan Jue, he had no choice but to use the Ji Yuan Jue to confront him!
Fortunately, there is also the blessing of Fengshui formation here, and the empress of Shenhu Kingdom also failed to gain an advantage, and she still fought with King Yiren evenly, so it can only be said that she has a slight upper hand.

"My god tiger country's elite obey orders! Destroy their crops, and then withdraw immediately!"

The cold voice of the Empress of Shenhu Kingdom sounded.


The [-] elites of the Shenhu Kingdom moved quickly and went straight to the cultivated land near the Star City where the crops had been planted!

Yiren Wang was taken aback for a moment, and then his face changed: "Not good! Stop it!"

You Dai and a group of winged human generals also reacted one after another, and rushed to stop them.

However, the opponent had a large number of people, some of them blocked, some of them destroyed, and soon destroyed the food and crops that Star City had worked so hard to grow.


The empress of Shenhu Kingdom snorted coldly, and led the army to retreat quickly.

The Winged King's face was livid, and he didn't dare to rush after him.

At this moment, it is on a hill in the northwest.

"How...how is it possible...the Winged King has really reached ten thousand years of cultivation!?"

Ban Du and the others looked surprised and unbelievable.

"Where did the Yiren King get so many resources? Could it be that they were accumulated in the past and were taken away when he fled?"

Chao Bu frowned.

"It's possible... Otherwise, it really doesn't make sense..."

Ban Du replied uncertainly.

"In this way, the empress of Shenhu Kingdom can't deal with these winged humans?"

Zhao Bu's face turned serious.

"This is weird... Those two haven't shown up yet... If those two summoned the Nine Divine Beast just now, the woman must have been taken down!"

Ban Du frowned.

"Aren't those people here? Otherwise, it doesn't make sense..."

You Hong, the patriarch of the Lishen Kingdom, looked puzzled.

"Isn't there? Hiss...it's impossible...a feng shui formation has been arranged here. Besides those three, who else can arrange it here? Could it be...that Princess Yiren?"

Ban Du suddenly became surprised and uncertain.

"Princess Yiren? That little slave girl? You mean, Princess Yiren has learned the method of arranging Fengshui formations? How is this possible? During that time, a large group of you were unable to master it. Did the girl steal her lessons?"

You Hong straight felt funny.

"It's not surprising, Patriarch, you have to know that she was the slave girl next to that guy at that time! We get along day and night, and at night, we can blow some pillow wind and get some information. After a long time, it's not surprising that she has mastered her."

Ban Du's complexion was a bit ugly, why didn't he think of using a beauty trick?Arrange a few stunning people by that guy's side, maybe there won't be so much trouble...

"It's just...isn't Princess Yiren already that guy's slave girl? If Princess Yiren is here, who are those guys?"

"Hiss... I don't know, there is too little information right now... Damn... just continue to wait and see what happens."

Ban Du frowned.

"Well, those guys didn't show up for a day, so we'd better not act rashly. I'm a little worried that those guys are still plotting against us!"

You Hong could not help but narrow his eyes slightly.

When Ban Du and the others heard this, they couldn't help but feel a shivers down their spines, after all, they had been tricked by Fang Ce before!
At this time, in the meeting hall of Star City.

"Damn! Why is this **** empress so insidious!!"

You Dai has a bad face.

"It seems that the empress of the Shenhu Kingdom is planning to besiege the city and cut off food, and wait for work with ease..."

Si Lan Wangye frowned.

"Hmph, do you really think we can handle it well? I decided to sneak attack directly with the ancient battle formation tonight, killing Shenhu Kingdom by surprise, you all prepare well."

The Winged King spoke softly.

"Okay! They are insidious, so don't blame us for being cunning!"

You Dai suddenly nodded excitedly.

"Hmm... Please forgive Xiaosheng for asking, how much grain does Star City have left?"

"Oh, enough for two or three months."

Hao Yangmenhu replied.

"Two or three months..."

Fang Ce nodded silently.

"What's the matter? Son-in-law? But what do you think?"

The Winged King couldn't help being puzzled.

"It's nothing, I just think we don't need to rush to retreat tonight."

Fang Ce smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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